Mission Statement (October 1999) : Christianity Through Learning, Caring and Serving

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Mission Statement (October 1999) : Christianity Through Learning, Caring and Serving

(Established April 1991) Mission Statement (October 1999) : Christianity through learning, caring and serving. Michele Uren 082 6280617 ; 031 7624962 e-mail : [email protected] Church Office : (031) 7655515 Website : http:// www.stdom.co.za Please take me home to read – not to be read in church.

A PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR (from Holy Family Parish, Ballgrove, Ireland newsletter) May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your cardiologist, your gastro-enterologist, your proctologist, your podiatrist, your psychiatrist, your plumber and the Revenue Commissioners. May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your abs and your stocks not fail; and may your blood pressure, your cholesterol, your white blood count and your mortgage interest not rise. May you gather often with your beloved family and cherished friends. May you find the food better, the environment quieter, the cost much cheaper and the pleasure much more fulfilling than anything else you might ordinarily do. May you wake up each morning, finding that the world has not come to an end, the lights work, there is water in the taps and not on the floor and the sky has not fallen. May you be awestruck by God’s sense of humour as you wrestle with the possibility that science and technology has the answer to everything. May what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you delight them. May someone love you enough to forgive your faults, be blind to your blemishes and tell the world about your virtues. May the telesales people wait to make their sales calls until you finish your dinner. And may your cheque and your budget balance and they include generous amounts for charity. May you not worry too much about what the future holds – for God is already there!

TO: Dennis Anderson, Timothy Anderson, Caterina Antoniotti, Byron Baxendale-Small, Stuart Braidwood, Anne Brennan, Mitchell Brooke, Reece Brooke, Justin Brotherhood, Mike Buckle, Adam Cahill, Michael Cameron, Anna Carlier, Rodney Carr, Remigius Chapanduka, Elaine Cheesman, Tiago Cipriano, Malcolm Cobbledick, Riccardo Colarossi, Michelle Collett, Kevin Collett, Ann Cooke, Lyle Cooke, David Coombe, Hilda Coombe, Sarah Coombe, George de Charmoy, Jessica Ann De Villiers, Banzi Dlamini, Josee Doherty-Bigara, Robert Embleton, Diana Funga, Dario-John Giai-Minietti, Karin Gigante, Barbara Gillings, Douglas Goldblatt, Rebecca Gormley, Estelle Gregory, Robert Gregson, Lynn Halstead, Carolyn Hawkesworth, Jarrod Haynes, Zac Hickman, Leanne Hikins, Mikaela Howard, Shawn Hughes, Joan Hutchinson, Luke Janus, Bryn Jones, Krystyna Kalinowski, Mizpah Kelly, Antony Kerdachi, Franciszek Kiepiel, Whitney Kilfoil, Jonathan Kilmister, Jeremy Kriek, Terry Leeson, Anais Lim, Marie-Louise Lombard, Douglas Loubser-Goldblatt, Laura Luciani, Jean Mackie, Stephen Macquet, Christine Makin, Ashley Malcolm-Smith, Jean Matthews, Christopher McCabe, Robert McConnell (the younger), Ursula McDonald, Connor McIntyre, Pat Meier, Mpilo Mfeka, Brent Minnitt, Wayne Mitchell, Ntombifuthi Motha, Victoria Ntsekhe, Thutuka Nxumalo, Jessica O’Brien, Jessica O’Flaherty, Harry Ogilby, Maryanne Oliver, Caitlyn Oliver, Deon Olivier, Megan Palmer, Lindy Phyfer, Renee Poole, Leon Raymakers, Debbie Rogers, Jessica Rogers, Julie Ronald, Tracey Rooi, Ella Roos, Dieter Schauerte, Bernadette Schauerte, Marcia Schillaci, Troy Schulz, Eileen Sharp, Paul Sims, Carol Smart, Greg Smith, Bradley Sparks, Wilfred Sparks, Hayley Stellenberg, Natalie Stellenberg, Samuel Strachan, Susan Surgeson, Aimee Swart, Jamaine Thompson, Dick Thyssen, Cynthia Tigere, Katherine Trusler, Rob Upton, Michele Uren, Gavin Van Vuuren, Chantelle Velleman, Mandiza Zama and Brad Zietsman. Our special wishes go to our parishioners who are celebrating milestone birthdays : Shaun Coetzee on his 30th, Andrew Glenn and Mark Howard on their half-century, Patricia Gregory who turns 60, Jeremy Townsend who celebrates his 70th, and Beryl van der Merwe and Valerie Willemse on their 80th.

- Anne and Stuart Collett whose grandson, Luke, was Baptised recently, when his parents, Catherine and Dave Whiting were visiting South Africa. - Bruce and Elaine Hutt on their 40th wedding anniversary. - Wayne Redman who won the stunning Catechism Christmas hamper and to Hannah Syers for selling the most raffle tickets, which earned her the mini-hamper. - Linda and Mike Madden on the Baptism of their grandson, Michael James, the son of Michael and Roxanne. - Pat and Robin Meier whose elder granddaughter, Tamlyn, passed her matric with seven distinctions. - John and Moray Thwaites on the engagement of their son, Kieron, to Amy Paul. - Our 2014 matriculants, who take with them our very best wishes as they start off on their new career paths.

A PARENT’S PRAYER WHEN CHILDREN LEAVE HOME : Gracious God, you blessed me with the gift of my children and entrusted me with their care. Now they leave this home and begin a new life apart from me. Surround them with good people and watch over them each day. And let them know that I will always be near whenever they may need me. Heal any hurts we may harbour with one another and forgive our failings as we learn to be in a new kind of relationship with each other. And when the sight of their empty room pierces my heart with sadness, may I find comfort in knowing that my children are your children too, filled with your grace and sheltered by your love. Amen.

WELCOME TO OUR NEW PARISHIONERS Andrew Glenn and Hilary Anderson, George de Charmoy, Anthony Muwonge, Tracey Ellwood and family, Mary Ellwood, Alouis Gotora, Yvonne Moore, Christopher and Pauline Woodburn, Malcolm and Lyn Hopkins and Debbie Gossayn who will, we hope, enjoy being part of our St Doms family

OUR BEST WISHES go to Katia Benedetti, Justin Sciocatti and Luca, and Jenny and Cuan Lott on their move to their respective new homes.

OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY goes to – - The family and friends of Myra Knight who died recently; - The Forbay family on the death of their father and grandfather, Alf. - Rolf and Anke Fagelund-Gjersoe on the death of Rolf’s brother.

- Once again, for supporting the Community Services Committee cake sale which raised the sum of R3 500 which will be put to good use in skills training. - Everyone who supported the Catechism raffle which raised the amazing amount of R17 647!! A large portion of this was spent on toiletry packs for the chidren of Embo and the balance went towards SSVP and the Schools Feeding scheme. - From the members of SSVP to Mychelle Taylor, the Catechism teachers, the children and their parents for the wonderful support and assistance which they received during 2014 when SSVP was Catechism’s “project” for the year. - Carmen van Vuuren who, for some time, has served suppers on Sunday evenings after Mass. Carmen is thinking of retiring from this role and, if she can’t be dissuaded from doing so, we may be on the lookout for someone willing to prepare light suppers for Sunday evenings. If you are interested, please contact Linda in the parish office. - From Peter, Marilyn and Sharon Daly for the love, support and prayers during Peter’s illness. St Doms really is an amazing parish! - Mike Buckle for organising the PPC retreat and to Pauline Rousseau and Mike Hobden for facilitating it. Thanks, too, to all those who participated in our first retreat for the year. - We, the Marais family, wish to say how grateful and touched we were by all the wonderful support, love and prayers that surrounded Mervin and us during the last four weeks of his life. We are truly so blessed to have had a support group like you. We know there were people out there who did not know Mervin but when asked for prayers, prayed for him nevertheless. Thank you. Throughout Mervin’s illness, Fr Brian was always there for us and always mentioned Mervin in the Prayers of the Faithful. During Mervin’s last hour, he was there as well to lead us in prayer and also to share in our sorrow. Thank you Father for your support and being with us – it meant so much to us. We are convinced that Mervin passed from this world in the love and mercy of God. Thank you to all those who were involved in making the requiem Mass so beautiful and deeply spiritual. And finally thank you to the Ladies Guild for the wonderful catering for tea. St Doms would never be the same without you! God bless you all.

THE MEMORIAL WALL; While walking past the original memorial wall recently, I noticed that it is now full, the last name being that of Philip Arthur Smith. I wondered how many parishioners remember that in 1990 Father Ed Kinch, who was at that time, St Doms parish priest, had the inspiration to build a memorial wall close to the church, but at the time, we did not have the spare funds to do so. Father Kinch, however, prevailed on the PPC to go ahead and approve the construction by John Barnes Construction, with complete faith that the funds would be raised – and they were! Father Kinch received a cheque in the post from an old friend in the USA, but the cheque arrived shortly after Fr Kinch had received a call advising him that his friend, Fr John Mullane, had passed away. So his is the first plaque on the wall and we at St Doms, are blessed in having the memorial wall and its new extension so we can pray for our departed family and friends each time we come to Mass. Much of St Dom’s history is tied up in the lives of those whose names are on the wall. Father Brian would like members of the parish to let him have some information about them. This can be sent to me (Michele) or to Linda in the parish office.

LITURGICALLY SPEAKING  The Commissioning of the Catechists will take place at the 08h00 Mass on 1 February and the Life-Teen Core Team will be commissioned during the 17h30 Mass.  We look forward to a large number of parishioners joining us for Holy Mass and Rosary on Saturday 7 February at 08h00.  The first meeting of the parents of the First Reconciliation candidates will take place at 18h00 on Wednesday 4 February and the parents of the First Holy Communion candidates will meet at 18h00 on Thursday 5 February. The candidates for both sacraments and their parents will be presented to the parish during the 08h00 Mass on Sunday 08 February. This will give us the opportunity to see who the children and their parents are, making it that much easier for us to support and pray for them as they prepare for these Sacraments.  A reminder that Power Hour, at 17h30 on Friday evenings, includes Holy Mass and Rosary and, on the first Friday of the month, ends with Benediction. Perhaps those parents whose children are participating in the Edge programme, may wish to avail themselves of this opportunity to attend Mass and spend some quiet time at Adoration.  St Doms’ “Marthas” would like to remind the ladies to be careful with their choice of lipstick when attending Mass! The lipstick wiped off the chalices often stains the purificators really badly resulting in their having to be thrown away.  Choir practice takes place every Monday at 18h00 and the Folk Group practices on Wednesdays at 18h30. New members are always welcome – no experience necessary – just enthusiasm and the ability to sing in tune!  With Christmas behind us, we are rapidly approaching the Lenten season which starts on Ash Wednesday - 18 February. In order to accommodate everyone, Mass will be celebrated at 09h00 and 18h00. Please bring your palms from Palm Sunday and your written resolutions of the changes you would like to make in your life this Lent, and they will be burned in the fire to make up the ashes.  Lenten devotions will start the following Wednesday (25 February) with the meditation on the Stations of the Cross which will take place at 18h00.  Unlike Advent, when unfortunately, most of us are rushing around focusing on worldly matters and the wind- down to the end of the year, Lent gives us a wonderful opportunity to look at ourselves and where we are in our relationship with God. Please avail yourselves of the opportunities offered in our Lenten programme to make this a special time of spiritual growth and renewal for yourselves and your families.

PRAYER FOR A FRUITFUL LENT (Living Faith) Holy Spirit, lead me into the forty days of Lent as you led Jesus into the desert to confront Satan. Be with me as I confront my own temptations and my failures to live out the promises of my Baptism. Give me insight and courage so that I can face the truth about myself and turn back to God in fidelity to the gospel. I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

CATECHISM is now back on track covering all ages: - Junior Church (for children between the ages of 3 and 6 years) is on Sundays at 08h00 and is co-ordinated by Liz Fenner; - Primary School Catechism, co-ordinated by Cathrine Purcell, takes place from 15h30 to 16h30 on Tuesdays; - Edge, the exciting new programme for Grades 5 to 7, co-ordinated by Julie Boyce, is on Fridays from 17h30 to 19h00; - LifeTeen is on Sundays from 19h00 to 20h30 for Grades 8 to 10 and is co-ordinated by Jeffrey Purcell; and - Confirmation, lead by Leo and Hilary Davis is on Sundays from 19h00 to 20h30. The fees, which are now payable are: - Primary School – R200 or R170 for more than one child; - Edge – R250 or R220 for more than one child; - LifeTeen – R450 or R400 for more than one child; and - Confirmation – R550 We are most grateful to all those who have dedicated their time and talents to the education of our young people through the Catechetical programme and we are sure that you will continue to give them your support and encouragement.

PARISH COUNCIL NEWS AND VIEWS - The first CaFE series for the year which starts on 27 and 29 January, is the long-awaited “Priest, Prophet, King” by Father Robert Barron. Join us for this inspiring programme either on Tuesdays at 10h00 or Thursday evenings at 19h00. - The SSVP 100 Club meets on the first Friday of the month at 18h30 in the Meeting Place for a bring ‘n share supper and the draw. This is a wonderful social occasion as well as giving you the opportunity to win some money in the draw whilst benefitting those in need – a truly win/win situation. New members are always welcome. Please call Clive or Nina on 031 7644754 or 082 7162545 for further information. - You are invited to join us for our traditional pancake evening on Shrove Tuesday (17 February) starting at 18h00 in the hall. Sweet and savoury pancakes with a variety of fillings will be on sale as well as liquid refreshments. If you are willing to make mince, chicken or vegetarian pancake fillings please contact Colleen Kilfoil on 031 7652919 or 082 5731726. Bring the whole family along to enjoy a relaxed supper before starting the rigours of Lent! - An invitation has been extended by “Catholics Awake” to all young people of the Archdiocese to meet Cardinal Napier. This informal gathering will take place at 18h00 on 19 February at Ciao Bella Café Courtyard, Mahatma Gandhi Road. The cost is R100 per person to cover the cost of the pizzas which will be served. If you would like more information, please call Jaime-John on 082 3895457. - In 2003, Cardinal Napier appealed to all parishes in the Archdiocese to form Poverty Aids and Unemployment Committees to deal with these enormous issues. At St Doms, we formed a committee, but were floundering, unsure how to handle such a huge problem, when Father Brian was introduced to Pat Daly (Chadwick) who had recently arrived from the USA and was looking for a way to serve God through the community. Having been exposed to similar work in Kenya, Pat was up to the challenge and took over the leadership of St Doms’ Poverty Aids and Unemployment Committee, now known as the Community Services Committee. Over the past 11 years, the Committee has done an amazing amount of work in the local community, including setting up the drop-in centres for the children, establishing libraries at various schools in the Valley, and working with Embocraft and the Vululeka Trust in skills training, empowering people to help themselves. Pat feels that it is now time to hand over the leadership, although she will continue to work closely with the committee. Our sincere thanks go to her for her dedication, hard work and, mostly, for stepping in where angels feared to tread! We are most grateful to Sabrina Thompson who is taking over the reins from Pat and we are sure that, with the continued support of the parish, the committee will continue the wonderful work they are doing. THE GREAT ADVENTURE BIBLE STUDY : If you’ve ever wondered what Acts is really about, how the Early Church relates to our Church today or about your role in the Kingdom of God, then join us for Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom. This Bible study explores the story of the Early Church in light of the Holy Spirit and demonstrates its importance for all Disciples of Christ. Learn how the Church accomplishes the monumental task of teaching, preaching, healing and restoring outcasts with the Holy Spirit working with and through Her and how you are called to participate in the Kingdom of God. The introductory meeting of the group is on 27 January, and you are invited to join them on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 19h00 in the Meeting Place. Contact Jan on 083 2357766 for more info.

YOUTH TALK (from LifeTeen.com by Rachel Allen) So… how’s that New Year’s Resolution holding up? I think the New Year is pretty overrated, as far as holidays go. But I do like the idea of making resolutions and trying to change some of my (many) bad habits. I’ve been known to keep a New Year’s Resolution well into February,… probably because I don’t start them until January 15th, at the earliest. That way, when everyone else has called it quits by Valentine’s Day, I’m still going strong because I haven’t been at it nearly as long. If you didn’t make a resolution this year, or if you’ve made one and already broken it, it isn’t too late to reconsider. This life isn’t going to last nearly as long as the life to come. Maybe there ought to be more to this New Year’s Resolution thing than just looking like we have it all together on the outside… But we’re made up of so much more than just our exterior. How are things looking on the inside? Have you ever asked Jesus what He would resolve for you, if He could? Think about it: no one knows you better than He does. He has seen every moment of your life, known your every fault, cheered on your every triumph. And I bet that no one knows, better than He, what your next victory ought to be. What about letting Christ make us into something new? If we could just place ourselves into His hands, with honest and humble hearts, He can and will change us. He makes all things new ( Revelation 21:5) – that’s you, and me. Rather than coming up with our own lists of what we’d like to improve or change, maybe we ought to come to Him in prayer and ask what He would like to do in our hearts, our relationships, our families, etc. This year, I’ve resolved not to make any resolutions, except one: to spend more time with the One who knows what I most need, and has the power to help me achieve it. Go to prayer, however you pray best (whether that’s journaling, hiking, playing music, sitting in Adoration, or something else entirely) and ask Jesus some questions about what kind of home improvements He’d like to make on your heart. He should know – He lives there. A couple of ideas to get you started:  Is there a particular virtue (honesty, charity, chastity, etc.) where I feel especially weak? How can I grow stronger in it?  Is there someone difficult I have been avoiding? How can I love him/her better?  Have I done what I can to help take care of the poor? Do I have time, talent, or treasure that You would like me to spend on others?  Am I disciplined in my prayer life?  Am I a gossip?  Do I think about others or myself more?  Do I only feel confident based on what others think of me or what You think of me? Those are some tough questions –when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, we generally try to make some big changes. And if we work at them, we might achieve one. So why not ask God to help you tackle one of those areas? If anyone can make it happen, it’s Him. Just ask: New Year, new you – in Him. That’s a resolution worth keeping.

Checking out at the store, a young cashier suggested to a much older lady that she should bring her own bags because plastic bags are not good for the environment. “That’s our problem” the clerk said “Your generation didn’t care enough to go green and save our environment for the future”. The older lady agreed that her generation didn’t have the “green thing” in her day. She went on to explain: “Back then we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store who sent them to the plant to be washed, sterilized and reused. Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags which we reused – often to cover school books. This was to ensure that public property (books provided by the school) was not defaced by our scribbling. We walked up stairs because we didn’t have escalators and we walked to the store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine to go two blocks. We washed babies’ diapers because we didn’t have throwaway ones. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail we used wadded up old newspaper not Styrofoam or bubble wrap. We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a plastic bottle. People took the streetcar or bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service in the family’s SUV. We didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23 000 miles out in space to find the nearest burger joint. But isn’t it sad how the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn’t have the “green thing” back then?” ST DOMS SUPPER CLUB : You are cordially invited to the next St Doms’ Supper Club at Stretta Café on Saturday 7 February at 19h00. Please contact Linda in the parish office to make your booking and please advise her if you will require a lift. This is a great way to make new friends – so why not give it a try.

LAST LAUGH : A priest, a vicar and a rabbi were asked the question “When does life begin?” The priest said “The moment of conception” The vicar’s reply was “The moment of birth” and the rabbi replied “The moment the kids are married and the mortgage has been paid off.” FEBRUARY 2015 TIME EVENT Sunday 1st 08h00 Bilingual Mass – Commissioning of the Catechists – tea after Mass hosted by Rose Waldburger and Natasha Oldridge 17h30 Commissioning of the Life-Teen Core Team - Tea after Mass hosted by Zoe Purcell and Kieran Steyn Monday 2nd 17h30 SSVP meeting Tuesday 3rd 18h00 Liturgy Committee Meeting 10h00 CaFE : The High Priest 19h00 Divorcees’ Support Group Wednesday 4th 06h00 Mass : Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 18h00 18h00 First Reconciliation Parents’ Meeting 19h00 Ladies Guild Meeting Thursday 5th 18h00 First Holy Communion Parents’ Meeting 19h00 CaFE : The High Priest Friday 6th 17h30 Power Hour including Holy Mass and Benediction 18h30 100 Club Draw / Bring ‘n Share Supper Saturday 7th 08h00 Holy Mass and Rosary 19h00 Supper Club – Stretta Cafe Sunday 8th 08h00 Presentation of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion candidates and parents - Tea after Mass hosted by Rose and Rod Carr 10h15 Hillcrest Hospital Communion Service assisted by the Finance Committee members 17h30 Brigitte Richard-Coombes and Terry Leeson hosting tea after Mass Tuesday 10th 10h00 CaFE : Challenging False Worship – Elijah the Prophet 15h15 Tea for Grade 1 and 2 Mums 18h00 Finance Committee Meeting 19h00 Bible Study : Acts – The Spread of the Kingdom Social Life Committee Meeting Wednesday 11th 06h00 World Day of the Sick - Mass : Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 18h00 18h00 PPC meeting Thursday 12th 19h00 CaFE : Challenging False Worship – Elijah the Prophet Friday 13th 17h30 Power Hour – including Holy Mass Saturday 14th 08h00 Breakfast Talk Sunday 15th 08h00 Pam and Allen Montile hosting tea after Mass 17h30 Tea after Mass hosted by Pam Dawson and Annabel Meaker Monday 16th 17h30 SSVP meeting Tuesday 17th 10h00 CaFE : The Word Made Flesh 18h00 Shrove Tuesday – Pancake evening Wednesday 18th 09h00 Ash Wednesday Mass 18h00 Ash Wednesday Mass Thursday 19th 18h00 Catholics Awake Youth Event – Ciao Bella Café Courtyard 19h00 CaFE : The Word made Flesh Friday 20th 17h30 Power Hour including Holy Mass Sunday 22nd 08h00 Tea after Mass hosted by Wally and Elaine Lage 17h30 Pearl and Jean Mackie hosting tea after Mass Tuesday 24th 10h00 CaFE : Ordering the Kingdom – King David 19h00 Bible Study : Acts – The Spread of the Kingdom Wednesday 25th 06h00 Mass : Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 18h00 18h00 Stations of the Cross 19h00 Spiritual Life Meeting Thursday 26th 19h00 CaFE : Ordering the Kingdom – King David Friday 28th 17h30 Power Hour including Holy Mass Saturday 28th 08h00 SSVP Packing food parcels – helpers are needed

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