Changing Roles of Women & Feminism

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Changing Roles of Women & Feminism

Changing roles of Women & Feminism

Colonial America Mary Elizabeth Lease (Farmer’s Alliance leader) Patriarchy Anne Hutchinson Reformers & Suffragettes (1895-1920) women’s legal status Social Gospel Movement indentured servants Settlement Houses more initial freedom in Chesapeake Jane Addams – Hull House Salem Witch Trials Florence Kelley Daughters of Liberty National Consumers League Spinning Bees “homespun” Ida Tarbell - Muckrakers Phyllis Wheatley Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) Quaker equality Anti-Saloon League Deborah Sampson Carry Nation Molly Pitcher 18th Amendment (prohibition) Judith Sargent Murray “Women’s Professions” “Boston Marriages” Early Republic (1789-1815) General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Abigail Adams “remember the ladies” Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Women and Economics Mary Wollstonecraft’s “Rights of Women” Women’s Trade Union League Catherine Beecher NAWSA – Carrie Chapman Catt Republican Motherhood NWP – Alice Paul Sacagawea 19th Amendment Equal Rights Amendment (failed) Antebellum America (1815-1860) nd Women’s Peace Party (1915) 2 Great Awakening Triangle Shirtwaist Fire The Lowell System – Lowell Girls Ida Wells Factory Girls Association Helen Keller Female Labor Reform Association Emma Goldman Mount Holyoke – Mary Lamb (1837) “Cult of Domesticity” 1920s-1940 Women’s “separate sphere” Pink collar” Jobs Godey’s Lady’s Book – Sarah Hale (1837) “companionate marriages” Shakers – Mother Ann Lee & Mother Lucy Wright flappers American Society for the Promotion of Temperance Clara Bow & Louise Brookes Emma Willard – Troy Female Seminary th League of Women Voters Margaret Fuller – Woman in the 19 Century Sheppard-Towner Act (1921) prenatal & child Seneca Falls Convention (1848) healthcare “Declaration of Sentiments” Amelia Earhart Lucretia Mott Margaret Sanger – birth control Elizabeth Cady Stanton Eleanor Roosevelt Elizabeth Blackwell (1st female Dr.) Frances Perkins Lucy Stone Sen. Hattie Caraway 1st Female Senator (Arkansas) Susan B. Anthony Marian Anderson (DAR) “bloomers” Amelia Bloomer/Fanny Kemble Grimke Sisters 1941-1960 Harriet Beecher Stowe Rosie the Riveter Sojourner Truth Women’s Army Corps (WACs) WAVEs (navy) Harriet Tubman USO Dorothea Dix – asylums Baby Boom Dr. Benjamin Spock’s Baby and Childcare (1946) Civil War through Gilded Age Return of traditional gender roles Dorothea Dix U.S. Sanitary Commission Clara Barton – American Red Cross Modern Feminist Movement Sothern Belle Betty Friedan – The Feminine Mystique (1963) 14th & 15th Amendments JFK President’s Commission on the Status of Women Women’s Christian Temperance Union The Pill - 1960 Changing roles of Women & Feminism

Equal Pay Act 1963 “Glass Ceiling” Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 N.O.W. (1966) Hippies /counter culture Breaking of old taboos Title IX (Education Amendments of 1972) Roe v. Wade (1973) Equal Opportunity Act of 1974 Affirmative Action Ms. Magazine - Gloria Steinam ERA – 1972 approved by Congress but failed by 1982 Phyllis Schlafly – the Anti-Feminist Sandra Day O’Connor 1st Female SC Justice (1981) Geraldine Ferraro (1984 VP candidate) Hilary Clinton

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