Roofing at Chandler Tripp School

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Roofing at Chandler Tripp School

Bid B25-13-14 Roofing at Chandler Tripp School Santa Clara County Office of Education


1. Table of Contents Pages 1

2. SCCOE Instructions and Conditions Pages 2 – 11

3. Specifications Pages 12 – 22 PART I GENERAL 1.1 Roof System Summary 1.2 Submittals 1.3 Quality Assurance – Contractor & SPF Manufacturer Qualifications 1.4 Delivery, Storage and Handling 1.5 Project/Site Conditions 1.6 Warranty PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials 2.2 Equipment PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 Examination 3.2 Preparation 3.3 Installation – General 3.4 Installation – Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing / Coating 3.05 Cleaning

4. Bid Form Pages 23-24 Attachments - These documents may be found on the following SCCOE website:  Affirmative Action  Nondiscrimination by Supplier  Bidding Questionnaire  Noncollusion Declaration

A.D. Bursch C.P.M. Purchasing Manager

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Santa Clara County Office of Education, herein after referred to as the OWNER or SCCOE, calls for sealed bids to be received in the Purchasing Office at 1290 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, California 95131 by Tuesday, May 20, 2014 @ 3:00 p.m. at which time and place bids will be opened for roofing work.

CONTACT Any administrative questions regarding bidding procedures should be directed to Purchasing Manager, Andy Bursch CPM, at (408) 453-6858. Questions relating to the Chandler Tripp site conditions may be directed to Maintenance & Operations Supervisor, Mike McGaughey @408-453-6684. Questions relating to bid specifications may be directed to the SCCOE’s roofing consultant, Mike Citta of Total Roof Management, Inc. @510-226-1594

JOB WALK There will be a job walk on Tuesday, May 13th 2014, at 10:00 AM for the purpose of examining the site conditions at our Chandler Tripp School, 780 Thornton Way, San Jose, CA 95128. It is strongly recommended that all interested parties attend this walk thru.

Bid Security Bond Each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check, or Bid bond duly completed on the form provided herewith by a guaranty company authorized to carry on business in the State of California, in an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the sum of the total amount bid, including any options. Said bond is payable without condition to the Santa Clara County Office of Education as a guaranty that the bidder, if awarded the contract, will promptly execute the contract in accordance with the Bid in manner and form required by these contract documents and will furnish. The Bid Security shall be forfeited to the Santa Clara County Office of Education as liquidated damages in the case of failure or neglect of the bidder to furnish, execute and deliver to the Santa Clara County Office of Education the required performance bond, payment bond and evidences of insurance, and to enter into, execute and deliver to the Santa Clara County Office of Education the contract on the form provided herewith, within ten (10) days after being notified in writing by the Santa Clara County Office of Education that the award has been made and the contract is ready for execution.

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ADDITIONAL BONDS The successful contractor, simultaneously with the execution of the agreement, shall furnish a payment bond in the amount of 100% of the contract price and a faithful performance bond in the amount of 100% of the contract price. Bonds shall be secured from a surety company issued by corporation duly and legally licensed to transact business in the State of California and approved by the Owner. The check or bid bond shall be given as a guarantee that the contractor, upon award, shall execute the contract, in conformity with the contract documents and shall provide the surety bond or bonds as specified therein within five (5) working days after notification of award of the contract to the Contractor.

PREPARATION OF BID FORM Please prepare your bids on the form attached to be submitted at such time and place as is stated in the notice to contractors calling for bids. All blanks in the Bid Form must be appropriately filled in, and all prices must be stated in words and figures. All bids submitted must bear the name of the bidder, his address, and the name of the project for which the bid is submitted. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to see that his bid is received in proper time. Any bid received after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids will be returned to the bidder unopened.

SITE DRAWINGS “As-Built” drawings of Chandler Tripp School are available for review at 1290 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, CA during regular business hours.

BRAND NAMES AND NUMBERS 1. Brand names and numbers when given in Bid form are for reference. Bids on equivalent items will be considered provided the bid clearly describes the article offered and it is equivalent in quality and utility. 2. State brand and model on each item. If quoting other than the make, model, or brand specified in the Bid Form, state the item offered by the manufacturer's name and model number. Unless the bidder clearly indicates in their bid that they are offering an "equal" product, their quote shall be considered as offering the brand name product referenced in the invitation for bids.

TIME OF DELIVERY Time of completion is a part of the bid and must be adhered to. If it is impossible to meet completion stated in Quote Specifications, bidder shall state best completion possible. Time, if stated as a number of days, shall mean calendar days.

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SIGNING OF BIDS The signature of all persons signing shall be in longhand and executed by principal duly authorized to make contracts. The bidder's legal name shall be fully stated. Obligations assumed by such signature must be fulfilled.

BIDDING QUESTIONNAIRE If you decide not to quote, please return "Bidding Questionnaire" indicating reason. Failure to respond may result in your company being removed from our quote list.

TAXES, CHARGES, AND EXTRAS 1. Full contract price as quote to include Sales Tax, Use Tax, or other taxes.

2. No charge for delivery, drayage, express, parcel post, packing, cartage, insurance, license fees, permits, cost of bonds, or any other purpose, except taxes legally payable by the Santa Clara County SCCOE, will be paid unless expressly included and itemized on the bid.

3. The Santa Clara County SCCOE does not pay Federal Excise Taxes. Do not include these taxes in your quote price; however do indicate on the quote the amount of any such tax. The Santa Clara County SCCOE will sign an Exemption Certificate in lieu of such a tax.

QUALIFICATIONS All bidders may be required to furnish evidence of their technical ability, experience, and financial responsibility. No bid will be accepted from, or a contract awarded to, any party or firm in arrears to the Santa Clara County SCCOE, or who is a defaulter as surety, contractor or otherwise within the past twelve (12) months.

AWARD OF CONTRACT 1. Bids will be evaluated on basis of price, compliance to Specifications, and completion date. 2. A written purchase order mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful bidder within the time for acceptance specified, results in a binding contract without further action by either party. The contract shall be interpreted, construed, and given effect in all respects according to the laws of the State of California.

ALTERATION OR VARIATION OF TERMS It is mutually understood and agreed that no alteration or variation of the terms of this quote or purchase order shall be valid unless made or confirmed in writing and signed by the parties hereto, and that no oral understanding or agreements not incorporated herein, and no alterations or variations of the terms hereof unless made or confirmed in writing between the parties hereto shall be binding on any of the parties hereto.

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ASSIGNABILITY A contract is not assignable by vendor either in whole or in part. The contract shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the respective parties hereto.

WARRANTY Vendor warrants to the Santa Clara County SCCOE and/or its SCCOE’s that the goods and/or services covered by this order will conform to the drawings, Specifications, samples, description, and time provisions furnished by the Santa Clara County SCCOE and will be of first class material and workmanship and free from defects; and the Santa Clara County SCCOE reserves the right to cancel the unfilled portion of this order without liability to vendor for breach of this warranty. Goods will be received subject to inspection and acceptance at destination by the Santa Clara County SCCOE and risk of loss before acceptance shall be on vendor. Defective goods rejected by the Santa Clara County SCCOE may without prejudice to any other legal remedy, be held at vendor's risk and returned at vendor's expense. Defects are not waived by acceptance of goods or by failure to notify vendor thereof. The contractor shall warrant that all materials and workmanship shall be the quality, quantity and character specified and shown, and that any defect due to the use of any improper workmanship or materials discovered and made known to contractor within one (1) year from the filing of the Notice of Completion shall be made good by contractor without additional expense to the SCCOE.

RIGHTS & REMEDIES FOR DEFAULT 1. In the event any item furnished by the vendor in the performance of the contract or purchase order shall fail to conform to the Specifications thereof, or the same submitted by the vendor with his quote, the Santa Clara County SCCOE may reject the same, and it shall thereupon become the duty of the vendor to reclaim and remove the same forthwith, without expense to the Santa Clara County SCCOE, and immediately to replace all such rejected items with others conforming to such Specifications or samples providing that should the vendor fail, neglect, or refuse to do so the Santa Clara County SCCOE shall thereupon have the right to purchase in the open market in lieu thereof, a corresponding quantity of any such items to deduct from any moneys due to that, may thereafter become due the vendor the difference between the prices named in the contract or purchase order and the actual cost thereof to the Santa Clara County SCCOE. In the event the vendor shall fail to make prompt delivery as specified of any item, the same condition as to the rights of the Santa Clara County SCCOE to purchase in the open market and to reimbursement set forth above shall apply, except when delivery is delayed by fire, strike, freight embargo, or Act of God, or the government.

2. Cost of inspection of materials and/or services provided which do not meet Specifications will be at the expense of the vendor.

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3. The rights and remedies of the Santa Clara County SCCOE provided above shall be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by the law or under the contract.

OSHA All material, equipment, or labor shall comply with the required standards of OSHA and CAL OSHA 1973 as last revised.

BID RESULTS Bid results are available for inspection in the Purchasing Office, Santa Clara County SCCOE, 1290 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, California 95131.

PRICE, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS Price, terms, and conditions of this quote are considered valid for sixty (60) days, from date of quote opening, unless the offering party in writing allows for a longer period of time. 1. Any cash discounts given to the SCCOE must be so stated on the quote. 2. Cash discounts taken by the Santa Clara County SCCOE, unless otherwise stated on the quote form shall be computed from the total invoice amount. This amount may include material, labor, taxes, shipping, storage and other related costs. 3. Prompt payment discounts offered for payment taken within a specified time period will not be considered in evaluating offers for award. However, offered discounts will be taken if payment is made within the discount period, even though not considered in the evaluation of offers. 4. In connection with any discount offered, time will be computed from date of complete delivery of the services specified, or from date correct invoices are received, if the latter is later than the date of delivery. Payment is deemed to be made for the purpose of earning the discount on the date of mailing the warrant or check.

MODIFICATIONS Changes in or additions to the Bid Form, recapitulations of the work bid upon alternative proposals, or any other modifications of the Bid Form which is not specifically called for in the contract documents may result in the rejection of the bid as not being responsive to the Bid. No oral or telephonic modification of any bid submitted will be considered, and a telegraphic modification may be considered only if the postmark evidences that a confirmation of the telegram duly signed by the bidder was placed in the mail prior to the bid opening.

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ERASURES The bid submitted must not contain any erasures, interlineations, or other corrections unless each such correction is suitably authenticated by affixing in the margin immediately opposite the correction the initials of the persons signing the quote.

WITHDRAWAL OF BID Bidders may withdraw their quote either personally or by written request confirmed in the manner specified above at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids.

INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND DOCUMENTS If a bidder for the proposed contract is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the drawings, specifications, or other contract documents, or finds discrepancies in, or omissions from drawings and specifications, bidder may submit to the Purchasing Manager a written request for an interpretation or correction thereof. The person submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation or correction of the contract documents will be made only by addendum duly issued and a copy of such addendum will be mailed or delivered to each person receiving a set of the contract documents. No oral interpretation of any provision in the contract documents will be made to any bidder.

BIDDERS INTERESTED IN MORE THAN ONE BID No person, firm, or corporation shall be allowed to make, or file, or be interested in more than one bid for the same work unless alternate quotes are specifically called for. A person, firm, or corporation that has submitted a sub-quote to a bidder, or that has quoted prices or materials to a bidder, is not thereby disqualified from submitting a sub-quote or quoting prices to other bidders or making a prime proposal.

LISTING SUBCONTRACTORS Each bidder shall include with the sealed quote a list of the proposed subcontractors on this project as required by the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (Gov. Code Sec. 4100 and following). Forms for this purpose are furnished with the contract documents.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 1. The bidder shall comply with the Santa Clara County SCCOE Affirmative Action Employment Program adopted by the Board of Education on January 13, 1976, especially Section 12, Contract Compliance (a copy of the section attached hereto). 2. A complete copy of the Affirmative Action Employment Program may be requested through the Purchasing Agent, General Services Department, Santa Clara County SCCOE, 1290 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, California 95131. 4. The bidder shall sign the enclosed "Certification of Nondiscrimination by Supplier" form and submit it with the quote.

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WORKER’S COMPENSATION In accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, contractor shall secure the payment of compensation to employees. Contractor shall sign and file with SCCOE the following certificate prior to performing the work under this contract: “I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for worker’s compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of the code, and I will comply with such provision before commencing the performance of the work of this contract.” The certificate is included herein.

WAGE SCALE The SCCOE has determined the general prevailing rate per diem wages in the locality in which this work is to be performed for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the contract, which will be awarded to the successful bidder, to be as adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County. Per diem is based upon a working day of eight (8) hours. The rate for holiday and overtime work shall be at time and one-half.

It shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon any subcontractor hereunder, to pay not less than the said specified rates to all workers employed in execution of the contract.

FEES AND PERMITS The contractor shall procure and pay for all permits, licenses, and fees, etc., required to carry on and complete his work.

INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Vendor shall take out and maintain and shall require all subcontractors, if any, whether primary or secondary, to take out and maintain: 1. Public Liability Insurance for injuries including accidental death to any one person in an amount not less than $2,000,000; 2. Subject to the same limit for each person on account of one accident, in an amount not less than $2,000,000; 3. Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than $500,000; 4. Worker’s Compensation Insurance in an amount adequate to cover all employees; 5. Insurance Covering Special Hazards: Following special hazards shall be covered by rider or riders to above mentioned public liability insurance or property damage insurance policy or policies of insurance, or by special policies of insurance in amounts as follows:

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A.) Automotive and truck where operated in amounts as above. B.) Material hoist where used in amounts as above.

PROOF OF CARRIAGE OF INSURANCE Vendor shall not commence work nor shall vendor allow any subcontractor to commence work under this contract until all required insurance and certificates have been delivered in duplicate to and approved by SCCOE: Certificates and insurance policies shall include the following clause: 1. “This policy shall not be canceled or reduced in required limits of liability or amounts of insurance until notice has been mailed to SCCOE stating date of cancellation or reduction may not be less than ten (10) days after date of mailing notice.” 2. Certificate of insurance shall state in particular those insured, extent of insurance, location and operation to which insurance applies, expiration date and cancellation and reduction notice.

RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR Contractor shall be solely responsible for:

1. Compliance of subcontractors with insurance requirements; and

2. Other insurance coverage including, but not limited to loss, theft, fire, property damage, and glass breakage.

SAFETY AND INDEMNITY The contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for conditions of the job site, including safety of all persons and property during performance of the work. This requirement will apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. No act, service, drawing review or construction review by the SCCOE, the architect, the engineers, or their consultants is intended to include review of the adequacy of the contractor’s safety measure, in, on, or near the construction site. The contractor will hold harmless, indemnify and defend the SCCOE, the architect, the engineers, and their consultants, and each of their officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability claims, losses, or damage arising or alleged to arise from the performance of the work described herein, but not including the sole negligence of the SCCOE, the architect, the engineer, and his consultants, and each of their officers, employees, and agents. All work and materials shall be in full accordance with all applicable OSHA, state, and local laws and regulations. Code compliance is mandatory. Nothing in these plans and specifications is to be construed to permit work not conforming to code.

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EXPERIENCE All labor performed on this contract shall be competent and skilled for this work. All work executed under this contract shall be done in the best, most thorough, substantial, and professional manner.

CLEAN UP The contractor shall be responsible for necessary cleanup during progress of work, and shall take necessary safety precautions to prevent injury to students, workers, or the public. Upon the completion, the contractor shall remove all of contractor’s equipment and debris, leaving the entire area clean and ready to use, all as approved by the SCCOE.

COMPLETION Contractor’s portion of the work shall begin within fifteen (15) days after date of the contract and shall notify the SCCOE three (3) working days before starting job. Contractor shall be required to work continuously in an uninterrupted manner until said contract is completed.

INSPECTION The work will be inspected periodically by an authorized representative of the SCCOE.

OTHER CONDITIONS The specifications herein set forth, together with any drawings attached hereto and made a part hereof shall form the basis of a contract between SCCOE and the successful bidder, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor.

The Contractor shall be liable for any damage to buildings or property if said damage is caused as a result of any work done under this contract. As an example, all ceiling tiles damaged by the vendor shall be replaced with matching new or as new tiles.

The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with whatever codes, laws, regulations, rules, and ordinances which apply to this contract.

The Contractor shall be responsible for adjusting any jurisdictional labor claims in such manner as to assure noninterference with the work of other contractors on the job, and further to assure no delay in the completion of Contractor’s own work.

The Contractor shall make no substitution of items, materials, or methods except as approved in writing by the SCCOE. Full compliance with the specifications and drawings shall be required.

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The SCCOE shall be held harmless in any suit, action, or dispute arising over license, franchise, or patent infringement involving equipment furnished in the specifications and drawings.

The SCCOE reserves the right to make such alterations, deviations, additions to, or omissions from the Specifications and drawings, including the right to increase or decrease any item or portion of work, as may, in his judgment be deemed necessary or advisable and to require such extra work as may be mandatory for the proper completion of the work. Such changes will be set forth in a contract change order which shall specify, in addition to the work done, the mutually acceptable compensation. When such change involves a deletion or omission of any item or part thereof, the value shall be determined from the contractor’s itemized quote.

The SCCOE shall decide all questions which may arise as to the quality or acceptability of items and materials furnished and work performed; as to the acceptable fulfillment of the contract on the part of the contractor; and as to the interpretation of the Specifications and drawings.

It is intended that the specifications and drawings shall include everything requisite and necessary to the proper completion of the work, notwithstanding that every detail of every item or process is not particularly mentioned or delineated.

The Contractor shall comply with the obvious intent and meaning of these specifications and drawings which shall be construed to include all labor and materials, measures, and modes or work necessary to complete the work herein specified in a workmanlike manner.

The Contractor shall check the drawings and specifications prior to submitting quote for compliance with these provisions. No extra payment will be allowed for additional requirements necessary for this provision if it/they were apparent at the time of the quote and was not taken into account in the preparation of the quote.

CONFLICTING LANGUAGE Where conflicting language exists in this bid document, the stricter of the two similar statements shall prevail when it is in the best interest of the SCCOE.

BIDDING QUESTIONNAIRE If you decide not to bid, please return "Bidding Questionnaire" indicating reason. Failure to respond may result in your company being removed from our bid list.

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SCOPE The Santa Clara County Office of Education is requesting bids for a contractor to provide all labor, material and equipment necessary for the complete installation of a Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roof System at our Chandler Tripp School. The contractor is to provide these services at 780 Thornton Way, San Jose, CA 95128.

SCHEDULE Project shall commence on June 13 and shall be completed by no later than July 18, 2014.

DRAWINGS “As-Built” drawings of Chandler Tripp School are available for review at 1290 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, CA during regular business hours.


PART I GENERAL 1.1 Roof System Summary 1.2 Submittals 1.3 Quality Assurance – Contractor & SPF Manufacturer Qualifications 1.4 Delivery, Storage and Handling 1.5 Project/Site Conditions 1.6 Warranty

PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials 2.02 Equipment

PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 Examination 3.02 Preparation 3.03 Installation – General 3.04 Installation – Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing / Coating

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3.05 Cleaning




A. Work included this section: 1. Provide all labor, material and equipment necessary for the complete installation of a Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roof System as specified herein.


A. Product Data: Submit product data for primer, foam and coating products.

B. Certificates: 1. Submit notarized Contractor/Applicator certification from foam and coating manufacturer as evidence of Contractor qualification.

C. Provide specimen copy of the applicable warranty for this project, as specified herein.

D. Work Sequence and Schedule for entire project.


A. Contractor Qualifications: Note: Contractor shall be prepared to show evidence of the following project qualifications: 1. The Roofing Contractor shall have liability insurance coverage with a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence for the duration of the roofing project. 2. The Roofing Contractor shall be an approved installer of the roof system specified. 3. The Roofing Contractor shall have been in business a minimum of ten (10) years under the same company name and license. 4. The Roofing Contractor shall be regularly engaged in the installation of

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SPF roofing and will have completed projects similar in scope to this project within the last year. Documentation of such experience will be required of the successful contractor. 5. The Roofing Contractor shall not own or operate any portion of the Roofing Material Manufacturing Company. 6. Applicator/Installer Qualifications: a. Individual mechanics shall be work experienced, be SPFA Members and be regularly engaged in the spray application of polyurethane foam in roofing systems. b. Individual mechanics shall be approved by the SPF Material Manufacturer to install the specified roof system when a manufacturer’s roof warranty is required. B. SPF Material Manufacturer Qualifications: Note: SPF Manufacturer shall be prepared to show evidence of the following project qualifications: 1. The Foam and Coating Manufacturers shall be ISO 9001 certified. 2. The Foam and Coating Manufacturers shall have been in business a minimum of fifteen(15) years. 3. The Foam and Coating Manufacturers shall not own or operate any portion of the Roofing Contractor’s company, i.e., the installer.

C. General Requirements: 1. All contractors shall inspect the site of the work before submitting bids and shall familiarize themselves with the conditions of the roof and the areas to be re-roofed as specified herein. Submission of a bid shall be accepted evidence that such ans investigation has been made. No allowance shall be made on behalf of the contractor because of existing conditions. 2. All dimensions shall be obtained by the contractor for the accommodation of equipment and materials furnished and installed by the contractor. 3. The contractor shall provide and maintain the same roofing foreman and crew froim the start of the job until its completion unless a change is approved by the owner and the roofing materials manufacturer. 4. The contractor shall clean the job site daily and remove from the premises any wast material and debris caused by the performance of the work included in the contract 5. The contractor will be held responsible for any damage caused to the buildings or grounds resulting from the execution of their work.

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D. Regulatory Requirements: 1. Roofing system shall be Class A per ASTM E-108 over noncombustible deck or Class B over combustible deck and shall conform to ASTM Test Standards, FM, and UBC requirements. 2. Polyurethane insulation shall have Class A flame spread in accordance with ASTM E-108. 3. Polyurethane foam A and B component material containers shall be UL labeled in accordance with the system UL follow-up service agreement. 4. Coating drums shall contain labeled proof of UL, ICBO and Factory Mutual Class I Approval.

E. Pre-Installation Conference: 1. Approximately two weeks prior to the scheduled commencement of the roofing installation and associated work, a meeting shall be held at the project site attended by the Roofing Contractor, Owner’s Representative, Material Manufacturer’s Representative and any other subcontractor that will be working on or around the roof, either preceding or following the roof installation. The purpose of this pre-installation conference is to inspect the roof deck that will receive the roofing system and understand the roll of each trade as it affects the installation of the foam roof system. The pre-installation conference shall review methods and procedures related to the roofing work including, but not necessarily limited to: a. Tour representative areas of roofing substrates (decks,) inspect and discuss condition of substrate, roof drains, curbs, penetrations and other preparatory work that may be performed by other trades. b. Review structural loading limitations of existing roof deck construction and inspect deck for any and all irregularities. c. Review roofing system requirements (drawings, specifications and other Contract Documents). d. Review and finalize construction schedule related to roofing work and verify availability of materials, installer's personnel, equipment and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. e. Review any inspection, testing or certifying requirements and material usage accounting procedures.

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f. Review weather and forecasted weather conditions, and procedures for coping with unfavorable conditions, including possibility of temporary roofing (if not a mandatory requirement). 2. Roofing Contractor shall review the installation specifications and submit any revisions to the Owner’s representative that are required by the materials’ manufacturer in order to obtain the specified manufacturer’s warranty. Any and all revisions shall be at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. Roofing Contractor shall notify the Owner’s Representative at least 48 hours prior to starting roofing work.


A. Packing and Shipping: Deliver materials to site in manufacturer's original unopened packaging with labels intact. Protect finished surfaces with removable wrapping or coating, which will not bond when exposed to sunlight.

B. Storage: Adequately protect against damage while stored at the site.

C. Handling: Comply with manufacturer's instructions.


A. Environmental Requirements: Air temperature and substrate temperature shall be within the polyurethane foam manufacturer's limits for the type of formulation used. Polyurethane foam shall not be sprayed during inclement weather and when the following conditions exist: 1. If surface temperature is above 140 degrees F or below 40 degrees F, or when the dew point is less than 5 degrees F above the surface temperature. 2. If surface moisture is present. 3. If wind velocity is above 12 miles per hour, windscreens are required; for wind velocity at or above 20 miles per hour, work shall be suspended.


A. Provide 2-year roof warranty issued by the installing roofing contractor.

B. Provide roofing material manufacturer's 15-year year warranty.

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C. Warranty documents shall include materials required to make emergency repairs in the coated foam roofing system as may be required.



A. Specified Roof System / Manufacturer: The roof system consists of BASF Elastospray 81272 polyurethane spray foam insulation to be installed at a 1 ½ - inch nominal thickness and United Coatings High Solids Unisil HS on the horizontal roof surfaces. The roof system, as described, will achieve ASTM E-108 and UL 790 Class A classification.

B. Primer/Sealer (As required): Per manufacturer's specific recommendations. Primer shall be formulated to be airless sprayed and designed expressly to enhance adhesion of urethane foams to the substrates applicable to this project.

C. Spray Applied Polyurethane Foam Insulation: Based on BASF Corp. Elastospray 81272 or equal. Elastospray 81272 is a two component, 245 FA, polyurethane spray foam system. Elastospray 81272 meets the requirements of ASTM E-108 (UL 790) and is acceptable to manufacturer of protective coating and as follows: 1. The two(2) component BASF Elastospray 81272 formula is designed for spray nozzle mixing and application resulting in a high quality, monolithic rigid polyurethane, meeting the following physical and performance properties: a. Nominal Density (ASTM D 1622): 2.7 lbs./cu. ft. minimum. b. Compressive Strength - Parallel (ASTM D-1621): 45 psi minimum. c. Tensile Strength - Parallel (ASTM D-1623): 64 psi minimum. d. K Factor Aged (ASTM C177): 0.16 BTU/in/hr ft F e. Closed Cell Content (ASTM D-1940): 95% min. by volume. f. Flammability (ASTM E 84/UL 723): 75 flame spread maximum. g. Moisture (ASTM C-355) 1.4 Perm/Inch h. Dimensional Stability (ASTM D-2126) +8% @ 158oF, 98% RH 2. Polyurethane foam shall be appropriate grade for the time of year that the installation takes place.

D. Protective Coating: United Coatings Unisil HS Waterproofing. Acceptable to manufacturer of polyurethane foam insulation and as follows.

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1. United Coatings Unisil HS is an ultra-high solids, pure elastomeric silicone coating that provides superior weatherproofing, ultraviolet resistance, biological resistance and fire retardancy. . The protective coating shall have the following properties according to ASTM D 6083.

a. Solids by Weight: 95% + 2 ASTM D1644 b. Solids by Volume: 93% + 2 ASTM D2697 c. Tensile Strength: 330 psi ASTM D2370 d. Elongation: 200% + 10 ASTM D2370 e. Solar Reflectivity: 110 White ASTM E1980 f. Emissivity: .89 White ASTM C1371 g. Water Absorption: 0.1% weight after 2 weeks immersion & 75 degrees h. Fire Resistance: UL-790 Class “A” listed system over SPF i. VOC: <10 Grams/Liter ASTM D3960 2. The fire retardant chemicals shall be permanently locked into the cured coating.

E. Sealant: United Coating approved sealant for use around roof penetrations.


A. Polyurethane foam shall be applied using proportioning equipment that provides thermostatically controlled material temperatures as recommended by the foam manufacturer. 1. Hoses between the proportioner and spray gun shall be temperature controlled. 2. Contractor shall not change the formulation ratio of the spray equipment. 3. Contractor shall not be allowed to use a refrigerant injection system. 4. When cleaning or servicing spray gun, exercise extreme care so as not to contaminate roof surface with solvents.

B. Other Equipment: Contractor shall have at all times in close proximity to the spraying operation sufficient buckets to counteract equipment problems without depositing defective material on the deck or on the site.


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A. Verification of Conditions: Examine subsurfaces to receive SPF System and report detrimental conditions in writing to Roof Consultant and/or Owner’s Representative. 1. Prior to the application of roofing materials, the Roofing Contractor shall examine the roof decking, flashings, and other surfaces that are to receive roofing materials to ensure that surfaces are true, even, dry, clean and in proper condition to receive the roofing system. 2. All penetrations through roofing including drains, scuppers, miscellaneous pipe and vent penetrations, and electrical conduits shall be completed prior to the starting of work. 3. The Contractor shall report in writing to the Owner anything or any condition not to the Contractor's satisfaction prior to proceeding with the work of this section. 4. Application of roofing material shall constitute the roofing Contractor's acceptance of surfaces and flashings to receive the materials.

B. Commencement of Work will be construed as acceptance of sub-surfaces.

C. Coordination: Coordinate with other work that affects, connects with, or will be concealed by this work.


A. Remove ALL existing roofing and flash down to the roof deck. 1. The (E) roof deck shall be thoroughly inspected and any damaged, wet, dry rot or delaminated decking shall be removed and replaced with exterior grade wood of similar type and size prior to the start of the roofing. All decking shall be inspected and securely nailed to supporting members. Any replacement boards shall fit flush with adjoining boards to create a smooth surface 2. Cracks wider than ¼ inch, or any opening of more than ½ inch shall be covered with securely nailed sheet metal. Sheet metal shall be a minimum 24-gauge. 3. Metal surfaces that may receive sprayed foam must have any loose scale or rust removed and be cleaned / primed with metal primer prior to polyurethane foam application as job conditions dictate.

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4. As applicable, examine any sheet metal pans installed over equipment curbs and beneath HVAC equipment for integrity. Report to owner’s representative any deteriorated pans that require replacement. 5. Over the entire roof surface using manufacturers approved fasteners and manufacturers approved fastening pattern install one(1) layer of ½ - inch sheet rock. Lay sheet rock in parallel courses. Stagger end joints in adjoining courses. Apply sheet rock flush to any parapet, curb or wood nailer.


A. Install materials in strict compliance with the written instructions of the manufacturer. Adhere to all applicable local, state and federal regulations.

B. Notify the Owner’s representative in writing of defects in the (E) roof assembly that will be detrimental to the proper functioning of the new roof system. Do not commence work over defective areas until advised in writing by the Owner’s representative of the action to be taken in such areas.

C. The “finished” roof surface shall have sufficient slope to eliminate the majority of any standing or ponding water. 1. Where roof slope is not sufficient it shall be created by the spray- application of the polyurethane foam.


A. Polyurethane Foam: 1. Liquid components of the sprayed-on polyurethane foam shall be maintained, metered and sprayed under conditions prescribed by the manufacturer of the material and the manufacturer of the spray equipment. 2. Spray in a manner to achieve a full and proper spray pattern. Foam shall be applied in approximately ¾-inch thick passes (lifts) to achieve the specified thickness.3. Apply in multiple passes only in as many squares each day as can be completed to the full specified thickness on the same day. Before resuming spraying operation on the next day, inspect the exposed leading edge of the foam for possible surface moisture. Foam edge shall be considered dry when there is no indication of moisture when blotted with an absorptive material.

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4. Surface texture and quality: Cured polyurethane foam shall range from a smoother to a heavy "orange peel" finish. Textures described as "popcorn," "tree bark" or surfaces that exhibit crevices, voids and widespread defects are not acceptable. 5. There shall be no soft or spongy areas or areas with hard or brittle strings or improperly proportioned material. 6. Minimum foam thickness: 1½ -inches in general roof field but varying in slightly greater thicknesses as required creating or maintaining proper drainage.

B. Protective Coating: 1. Preparation: a. The polyurethane foam surface and adjacent surfaces to be coated shall be completely free of degraded foam, foam overspray, grease, oil, dirt or other contaminants which will interfere with proper coating adhesion. b. Surface shall be completely dry and frost-free before coating. c. Any physical damage to the polyurethane foam shall be repaired before coating application commences. d. Oxidized polyurethane foam shall be repaired or replaced. Unisil HS shall be applied within 72 hours of foam application. e. Where foam surface has been sanded, planed or trimmed and the skin removed, such areas shall be given an additional application of base coat immediately after exposure and prior to applying normal base coat to entire area.

2. Waterproofing and Protection System: a. Fluid Applied Waterproofing: Application of coating system shall result in a seamless membrane. (1) Each coat of the Unisil HS shall be applied in a direction perpendicular to the previous coat. Edges of flat roof areas shall be pre-coated in a “picture frame” configuration.

(2) Coating must be applied in two(2) separate coats to ensure proper coverage and cure rate and a pin hole-free continuous film. Each coat must be dry and cured before the next coat is applied. (3) Spray apply Unisil HS at a rate of two(2) gallons per 100 square foot. It is recommended that contrasting colors be

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used for each coat to ensure positive, uniform coverage.

(4) The nominal total dry film thickness required to qualify for Untied Coating 15- Year Standard Warranty shall be 26 mils., with a minimum dry film thickness at any location of 23 mils.

b. No traffic shall be permitted on completed roof surface for a minimum of 3 days. (1) Protective coating shall extend up and over polyurethane foam on vent pipes, parapets and other penetrations and shall be terminated a minimum of 3 inches above the foam creating a self-terminated flashing. (2) During coating application, the film thickness applied each day shall be measured by the applicator and recorded on a Quality Control Report Form. (3) Surfaces shall be free from voids, pinholes, and blisters. (4) (As required due to unforeseen circumstances/conditions): If it becomes necessary to leave any newly installed polyurethane foam uncoated for more than 24 hours, the uncoated foam must be inspected by the material manufacturer prior to application of elastomeric base coat. a. Should oxidation of the polyurethane foam occur, the foam surface must be brushed with a stiff broom or mechanically scarred and sanded. b. A minimum ½- inch pass of foam shall be applied over the prepared surface to reseal the surface.


A. During the course of the work and upon completion, remove excess materials, equipment and debris from premises. Leave jobsite in clean condition.


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TO: THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Pursuant and in compliance with your Instructions and Conditions and all other documents relating thereto, the undersigned offerer, having familiarized himself with the terms of the contract, the local conditions affecting the performance of the contract, the cost of the work at the place where the work is being done, and with the specifications and other contract documents, hereby proposed and agrees to perform within the time stipulated, in contract, including all of its component parts, and everything required to be performed, and to provide and furnish any and all of the labor, materials, tools, expandable equipment, and all utility and transportation services necessary to perform all of the work required in connection with * BID #B25-13-14* all in strict conformity with the specifications and other contract documents, including addenda nos. _____, and _____, on file at the Office of the Purchasing Manager of the Santa Clara County SCCOE.

BASE BID Roofing Work $______

Other Costs – please specify: ______$______

Base Bid Total: $______

BID BOND ( ) CASHIER’S CHECK ( ) CERTIFIED CHECK ( ) BIDDER’S BOND made payable to the order of the Santa Clara County Office of Education for the sum of: Dollars ($ ) (In Words) (Figures) Not less than 10% of the amount of bid

ADDITIONAL WORK Additional costs will be billed at the following unit price rates:

 Labor:$______/HR -- ______* Labor:$______/HR -- ______Classification Classification  Labor:$______/HR -- ______* Labor:$______/HR -- ______Classification Classification

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CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE Licensed in accordance with the act providing for the registration of the registration of contractor’s, License No. .

(Expiration Date) (Proper Name of Bidder)

COMPLETION Bidder can complete the work by July 18, 2014: YES NO (Circle One)

If you circled NO, what is your estimated completion time: ______




ADDRESS: A. D. Bursch CPM General Services CITY & ZIP: Santa Clara County SCCOE TELEPHONE: DATE: SIGNATURE: (Authorized Agent) NAME: (Please Print) TITLE: ______

DATE: ______

NOTE: If bidder is a corporation, the legal name of the corporation shall be set forth above, together with the signature of authorized officers or agents and the document shall bear the corporate seal; if bidder is a partnership, the true name of the firm shall be set forth above, together with the signature of the partnership; and if bidder is an individual, his signature shall be placed above.

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