Jewelry & Metalsmithing room 613 Wasatch High School 2016-17 Mr. Neal: [email protected]

Course Description: This course is an introduction to jewelry and metalsmithing. A variety of materials and methods will be covered, as well as the use of elements and principles of art and design. Additionally, students will develop critical thinking, problem solving, and creative skills, and also develop their personal expression.


This is an advanced art class and quality work is expected. This class requires patience, working with fine detail, and creativity. Class work must be turned in on the due date. Projects will be deducted a letter grade per week late. Some participation grades cannot be made up late.

There are 4 main things that I believe are essential to getting the most out of this class: 1. Be Here and Be On Time – Attendance is part of your participation grade. If you’re not here, you aren’t participating. 2. Be Respectful – This is OUR class (which means your class). Give respect. Get respect. Demand respect from your classmates. 3. Be Responsible for Your Learning – Take ownership of your education. Think about what sort of student you are, what sort of student you can be? 4. Enjoy Life – It’s art class, it might be hard, but choose to embrace the challenge. If you do, you will have fun.

Any abuse of equipment, materials, or other students’ work is considered a serious infraction, and actions may be taken to restrict access to these things and possible failure of project(s) may result. BE SAFE!!

Attendance: Attendance is vital for this class. New concepts are taught and skills learned, in addition to the time needed each day to work on your project. The Wasatch High School attendance policy will be administered and enforced in this class. Key points of this policy include the following items: •Students with more than three absences per term will receive a UA (Unsatisfactory Attendance) citizenship grade credit for that term. ANY unexcused absence will result in a UA until made up. •Citizenship Credit can be earned by making up each absence beyond three through Saturday attendance school or after school in this classroom for one hour per absence. Monday consultation hours also work. This time must be teacher verified (make sure I see you at the beginning and end of the hour). •All students must earn 28 terms of citizenship credits in order to graduate from Wasatch High School. Course Work: Grades are determined by a combination of points in the following categories: Participation/Attendance - 50% Course Work - 25% Projects – 25%

Late Policy: When Projects are turned in past the due date, the grade will be lowered 1 letter grade (10%) per week late. (For example, if turned in 3 weeks late, your grade will be lowered by 30%) Some course work may be turned in late, for late credit. However, checkpoints on projects (sketches) cannot be made up beyond one class period past the due date.

Intervention Time: Intervention time is class time, NOT student free time. It is designed to improve academic achievement. Any student not meeting the minimum requirement will be required to stay. Students will not leave intervention without being “checked out” by the teacher. Students that stay can receive additional instruction and/or work on missing assignments. Students who leave without being checked out will receive a sluff for the period.

Assigned Seating: Students will be put into assigned seats at the beginning of the semester.

Cleanup: All cleanup of materials, tables, and areas MUST be completed before the class leaves at the end of the period. We need to all work together to make sure this gets done. Please do not line up at the door before the bell rings, or during announcements

There is a $65 fee for this class, which covers materials used in this class. You must pay this fee before you get metal for projects, so pay it soon! ______

I have read this disclosure statement. I understand the grading and classroom procedures. Students receive 10 points when this is signed and turned in.

Student Name: (please print): ______Period: ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______