Winfield Community Volunteer Fire Department, Inc
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Winfield Community Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. 1320 West Old Liberty Road Sykesville, MD 21784 410-795-1333 * Fax 410-795-1375
February 27, 2009
Dear Community Sponsor:
The Winfield Community Volunteer Fire Department would like you to participate in our annual Carnival program book. In addition to our annual carnival book, as the host of the Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services Association (CCVESA) Annual convention, we will also be producing the convention program for that event. This gives any interested sponsors two opportunities to advertise.
The annual carnival book will be distributed at our Annual Carnival July 6 to 11, 2009. These books are given out for free to the general public who attend our carnival. The book is 5 ½” by 8 ½” that contains advertisements and public information about the Fire Department and events.
The CCVESA Program book will be distributed at our annual convention on May 16, 2009. These books will be given out to delegates from the CCVESA and the County Ladies Auxiliary from all 14 fire companies in Carroll County as well as invited guests from the Carroll County Government and the Maryland State Fireman’s Association. This is an 8 ½ x 11” book. It contains the CCVESA annual reports, convention activities, historic information, and business and organization advertisements.
You can send your ad and payment for both by April 1 or you can send each ad and payment by its specific due date. For all sponsors who advertise in both books and send your ads and payment to us by April 1, 2009, you can take a 10% discount from your total price.
If you took out an ad last year, we have included a copy for your review. If you would like to make any changes, please do so on the copy provided and return it with your payment. If you would like a new ad, please send your new design along with your payment. If you are a new patron, please send us your ad design along with your payment.
Please make your check payable to Winfield Community Volunteer Fire Department (or WCVFD). If you have any questions, please contact Clarissa Sykes-Logue at 410-875-4037 or Becky Logue-Ruckman at 410-795-2496 or Sandy McKenzie at 410-549-5999 or email to [email protected].
Without your support, the Winfield Community Volunteer Fire Department could not provide the quality of service that you deserve. The members of the Fire Department greatly appreciate your support.
The Members of the WCVFD Carnival Book and Convention Book Committee 2009 Carnival Book/Convention Book Advertisement Order Form
Listed below you will find the advertisement rates for both of these opportunities.
Convention Book Carnival Book Select Select Ad Ad Size & Type Cost Ad Ad Size & Type Cost Booster $5 Booster $5 Business Card $25 Business Card n/a 1/4 Page $45 1/4 Page $25 1/2 Page $70 1/2 Page $45 Full Page $100 Full Page $70 Inside Front (color) $200 Inside Front (color) $200 Inside Back (color) $200 Inside Back (color) $200 Outside Back (color) taken Outside Back (color) taken
Colored Paper Inside - Full Colored Paper Inside - Full Page - B&W Print $150 Page - B&W Print $125
Colored Paper Center - Full Colored Paper Center - Full Page - B&W Print n/a Page - B&W Print taken
Distribution: 300 Books Distribution: 750 Books Book Size: 8 1/2" x 11" Books Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" Ads Due by: April 1, 2009 Ads Due by: May 1, 2009
____Yes, please use last year's ad (2008) with no changes.
____ I have changes for this year's 2009 ad. New ad enclosed.
____ I am a new patron and have enclosed my ad(s).
Business Name ______
Contact Name ______Address ______Best number to use to reach me is: ______
Please complete the enclosed Order Form. Be sure to fill out all of your information including the size and book in which you desire to have your advertisement published. Return your form, any necessary ads, and your payment to: Winfield Community Volunteer Fire Department (or WCVFD), ATTN: Carnival Book, 1320 West Old Liberty Road, Sykesville MD, 21784. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the following: Clarissa Sykes-Logue at 410-875-4037 (Chairperson) Becky Logue-Ruckman at 410-795-2496 Sandy McKenzie at 410-549-5999
Ad tips: - Please do not fold your ads. Fold lines show up on the scanned image. - Enlarging or reducing an ad can distort the image. An ad submitted as close as possible to the approximate size gives the best image. - The ads in the book are black and white. Submitting color ads can produce unwanted shading and dark areas when scanned and reproduced. - Some patrons ask if they can fax the ads. Faxing is not recommended. Faxed ads are not clear and produce a poor image. - Scanning and sending via e-mail produces a good image. E-mail to [email protected] - Please check your ads for spelling and grammar. Many times we are unable to fix a scanned image.