Sample Quick Exports
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PowerSchool Cheat Sheet
Identifying fields with Missing or Incorrect Data
Operating District Number: /MI_SCMOperISDESANum= Resident County Code: /MI_Resident_County_Code= Resident LEA Number: /MI_SRSD_StudResLEANum= District of Residence: /DistrictofResidence= Student Residency (Membership): /MI_SRSD_StudResMembership= School Number: /MI_SRSD_AdminUnit= Birth City: /MI_SRSD_BirthCity= (OBSOLETE FIELD) Date of Birth: /DOB= Ethnicity: /Ethnicity= Street: /Street= City: /City= Zip: /Zip= Gender: /Gender= UIC Codes: /MI_SRSD_StudentUIC= District Entry Date (Modify Info): DistrictEntryDate=
Pre-Registered and no UIC code: /Enroll_status=-1; MI_SRSD_StudentUIC=
SchoolID = Enrollment_SchoolID – verify by exporting all students and compare these columns using Excel
Before each count period 10/30 Day Rule: MI_SRSD_10_30_DayRule – clear field value
Student Field Value: MI_Scmoperisdesanum to “59” Delete FTE value for students who have exited the district using Student Field Value change: /ExitDate ExitCode=19;ExitDate<00/00/0000 (check students coded to “continue” who have left district) Delete LunchStatus for students who have exited the district using Student Field Value change: Verify what students are coded “Do not include in Official SRSD Export”: Include_time_share=2 Any student who has previously been submitted for Student Record Maintenance in the fall Any student pre-registered to start after current count Any student who attends in our building from an ISD program and does not generate FTE Run “General Collection Validation Report” Official Enrollment Student Roster Reports / State Reports / Official Enrollment Student Roster Right click on “View” / Save link as .txt on Desktop / open with Excel as tab delimited ***Delete DK students ?????? ***Add section 53 fte to special ed column and total column ***Look for fte < 1.00 and send to secretaries for double check Copy Header Row Template and import into Access: Pupil Accounting Membership File - make sure previous student data has been deleted Use Query to filter building data to create individual Membership and Residency Reports for count Use as a cross reference with the MI SRSD Extract file below to confirm FTE Header Row Fields SchoolID Zip District Name DOB Residency Grade ID Gen Address Enrolled SpEd City Gender Total State Rule School ***A pivot table can be created that will summarize this data. Layout is as follows: Grade Total Right click on the table / Select Entire Table / Edit / Copy / Paste Special / Value and Number formats *** Use subtotals option listed under “Data” MI SRSD Extract Start / Select Students / All Reports / State Reports / MI SRSD Right click on “View” / Save link on Desktop Open Excel, import file and place breaks as follows: 2, 4, 9, 14, 19, 44, 59, 60, 74, 81, 101, 121, 141, 148, 165, 176, 178, 188, 195, 201, 203, 213, 341, 343, 346, 354, 376, 380, 384, 387, 389, 393, 396, 399, 403, 408, 410, 557, 559, 561, 563, 565, 567, 570, 590, 593, 614, 616, 626, 860, 870, 880 ***Total of columns P, AC and AD should total OESR above. 75% Attendance Report: Reports / State Reports / Refresh Attendance Views Data (“Refresh” between each count) Reports / Run Reports / ADA/ADM by Date View report / right click / Select All / File - Save As .txt on desktop Open in Excel / Create formula MI General Collection – generates the XML file for MSDS Homeless Students: Start Page: Homeless# MI_SRSD_StudentUIC SchoolID Grade_level Last_name First_name Homeless LunchStatus MI_SRSD_StudResLeaNum MI_SRSD_StudResMembership List Students (field names) *count (#) last,first (Student) grade_level (Grade) schoolid (Building) Homeless (Homeless Status) LunchStatus (SNE) *** all homeless students should receive free lunch (F) Foreign Exchange Students: Start Page: MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_IntStud# MI_SRSD_StudentUIC SchoolID Grade_level Last_name First_name MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_IntStud MI_SRSD_BirthCity EntryDate List Students (field names) *count (#) last,first (Student) grade_level (Grade) schoolid (Building) MI_SRSD_BirthCity (Country) MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_IntStud (Foreign Exchange) Non-Resident Students Start Page: MI_SRSD_StudResMembership=06 SchoolID Last_name First_name Grade_level MI_SRSD_StudResLeaNum MI_SRSD_StudResMembership Meis_fte_in_gen_ed MI_SpEd_FTE52 Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility Students: SchoolID MI_SRSD_StudentUIC Student_Number Last_name First_name Grade_level LunchStatus LEP Start Page: MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_LEP=1 MI_SRSD_StudentUIC Last_name First_name SchoolID Grade_level MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_LEP MI_LEP_Enrollment MI_LEP_Title3 MI_LEP_Title3_ImmEd MI_LEP_Pupil_LimEng MI_LEP_LocFundPgm MI_LEP_CountryOrigin MI_LEP_PrimaryLanguage MI_LEP_ExitCode MI_LEP_ExitDate List Students (field names) *count (#) last,first (Student) grade_level (Grade) schoolid (Building) MI_SRSD_BirthCity (Birth City) MI_LEP_CountryOrigin (Origin) MI_LEP_PrimaryLanguage (Language) MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_LEP (LEP) Migrant Start Page: MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_MigrantED=1 MI_SRSD_StudentUIC Student_Number SchoolID Last_name First_name SchoolID Grade_level MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_MigrantED MI_MigrantEd_EntryDate MI_MigrantEd_PrgmFunding MI_MigrantEd_Instruct_LangArts MI_MigrantEd_Instruct_LEPESL MI_MigrantEd_Instruct_Math Special Education Start Page: MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_SpEd=1 MI_SRSD_StudentUIC MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_SpEd SchoolID Grade_level Last_name First_name MI_SpEd_Teacher MI_SpEd_PrimaryDisability MI_SpEd_AdditionalDisability MI_SpEd_IEPDate MI_SpEd_ResofIIEP MEIS_FTE_in_gen_ed MI_SpEd_FTE52 MI_SpEd_FTE53 MI_SpEd_PrgmServiceCode1 MI_SpEd_SupportServices1 MI_SpEd_SupportServices2 MI_SpEd_SupportServices3 MI_SpEd_SupportServices4 MI_SpEd_SupportServices5 MI_SpEd_PrimaryEdSetting MI_SRSD_StudResLeaNum MI_SRSD_StudResMembership Special Ed Residency Start Page: MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_SpEd=1;MI_SRSD_StudResMembership=06 SchoolID Last_name First_name Grade_level Street City Zip MI_SRSD_StudResLeaNum MI_SRSD_StudResMembership Meis_fte_in_gen_ed MI_SpEd_FTE52 Quick Data Check for each Special Ed Caseload by Teacher MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_SpEd=1;MI_SpEd_Teacher=y (using list staff) MI_SpEd_PrgmServiceCode1 Last_name First_name DistrictofResidence MI_SpEd_FTE52 MI_SpEd_FTE53 MEIS_FTE_in_gen_ed Prior year data in certain fields must be cleaned out each year Expulsion – MI_StdntExplus_IncidentDate# Homeless – Start (Homeless#) / Student Field Value / Clear Field Value Homeless Early Childhood Enrollment – Start (field#) / Student Field Value / Clear Field Value MI_StuEnrollEC1 MI_ECProgramStartDate MI_ECProgramEndDate MI_StuEnrollECExReas MI_ECDeliveryMethod MI_ECDaysPerWeek MI_ECHoursPerDay Verify that no students are coded “Do not include in Official SRSD Export” TIPS AND TRICKS View all of a students information on one screen. View only, no changes can be made. Start Page > Student Selection > Right click on screen This Frame / Open frame in new window Change url from “frn” to “mcr” File / Print Information / Modify Info to view or change: District Entry Grade Level School Entry Date School Entry Grade Level A field MUST be populated before it will show up in the field list. Mass changes can be made: Student Selection / Student Field Value / Select Field to change = Equals first_name=Jamaal < Is less than grade_level<11 > Is greater than grade_level>3 <= Is less than or equal to grade_level<=10 >= Is greater than or equal to grade_level>=4 # Does not equal football# (football is not blank) In The value is present in the field last_name in yang,holt Contains The value is contained in the field street contains maple @ Wildcard first_name=jacq@ ; A semicolon between search commands means “and”. You can use up to 37 semicolons. A checkbox field stores a value of “1”. The “*” is a data access tag in PowerSchool. The “+” sign is used to combine criteria in one search: football=1+soccer=1 will yield students in both sports Document .dat codes * means system is doing a calculation. Multiple Selections Use a comma between criteria, a semi-colon between fields: grade_level in 9,11;gender=f Nesting searches will also drill down to specific criteria Enrollment Status Current students only /enroll_status=0 Pre-enrolled students /enroll_status=-1 Inactive students (not very often) /enroll_status=1 Transferred out /enroll_status=2 Transferred out /enroll_status#0 Graduated (should not see) /enroll_status=3 Historical data /enroll_status=4 The enrollment status will display on the student demographic page. Students in kindergarten registration will have an enrollment status of -1. Always include student number in an export. This will allow the data to import back into PowerSchool. Importing into PowerSchool Use student_number or DCID Codes must match Must be .txt format Use bldgid if importing from district office Import / Export / Quick Import Select table – Students Browse for import file Suggest field map Exclude first row – yes Update student records Identify students with “No” or “Incomplete” schedules, you can use the following special search commands Start page/ *number_of_classes<1 (for students with no schedules) *number_of_classes<12 (for students with incomplete schedules; adjust number based on number of requests) *not_enrolled_in_period=1 (for students with no class that period) To search for students by enrollment date: EntryDate >= 1/5/09 – all students enrolled after January 5, 2009 /ExitDate <= 1/20/2009 – all students who exited before January 20, 2009 List of field names: Student [01] Table 1 CC [04] Table 4 Teacher [05] Table 5 Courses [02] Table 2 Sections [03] Table 3 StoredGrades [31] Table 31 Excel Tips: To compare the contents of two different cells with same data =IF(A2=B2,"OK","Problem") To select just a portion of a cell Formula: =LEFT(A1,3) Formula: =RIGHT(A1,3) To join the contents of two cells Formula: =CONCATENATE(A1," ", B1) Civil Rights Department Compliance Query: *as_of=00/00/0000 MI_SRSD_StudentUIC First_name Last_name SchoolID Grade_level Gender MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_GiftTal MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_LEP MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_SpEd MI_ethnAfr MI_ethnAsi MI_ethnInd MI_ethnLat MI_ethnPac MI_ethnWhi For an electronic copy, e-mail Laura Siek at [email protected]