1. How was Moseley’s arrangement of the elements in the periodic table different from Mendeleev’s?

2. What do elements of the same period have in common?

3. What do elements of the same group have in common?

4. Why can period 1 only contain 2 elements? (think electron configuration)

5. Without looking at the periodic table determine which period and group the element whose 1 electron configuration is [Kr]5s is in?

a. [Ar]4s2

b. [Ne]3s23p6

6. Now look at the table and determine the identity of the elements in the last problem.

7. How many valence electrons does phosphorus have? What group number is phosphorus in? What is the electron configuration for phosphorus?

8. How many valence electrons does bromine have? What group number is bromine in? What is the electron configuration for bromine?

9. What can you say about group number and the number of valence electrons for the main group elements?

10.Why are the alkaline earth metals less reactive that the alkali metals?

11. Most of the elements on the periodic table are ______.

12. What group of elements do Ca, Be, and Mg belong to?

13. What group of elements easily gains one electron?

14. When a fluorine atom gains one electron, it forms a(n) ______or a negative ion.

15. If fluorine gains one electron, what happens to its electron configuration? ACADEMIC CHEMISTRY NAME: PERIOD: DATE: 16. How do the electron configurations of the transition metals differ from the group IA and IIA metals?

17. What property do the noble gases share? How do the electron configurations of noble gases give them this shared property?

18. What do the lanthanide and actinides all have in common?

19. Where are metalloids located on the periodic table?

20. Identify the following elements that Mendeleev included on his table given the clues.

a. Has a single electron in the 1s sublevel. b. Is an alkali metal located in period 6 of the modern table. c. Derived its name from the Latin word for shining down, aurum. d. Is an alkaline earth metal located in period three. e. Is a transition metal with 30 protons. f. Has a single electron in the 2 p sublevel. g. Is a transition metal with the atomic number of 39. h. Is the first member of the rare earth metals. i. Derives its symbol from the Latin word stannum. j. Is the second member of the actinide series. k. Has 3 electrons in the 3p sublevel. l. Is a member of both group VB and period 5 on the modern periodic table. m. is the fourth member of the actinide series. n. has a molar mass of 127.6 grams. o. has an average atomic mass of 59 amu. p. Was originally called wolfram. q. Has a nuclear charge of +45. r. Is named after the Latin word for rainbow, Iris. s. The first alkali metal with a completed 3 d sublevel. t. Derived its name from the Latin word for stone, lithos. u. a liquid metal, originally called, hydragyrum. v. a lightweight metal with a molar mass of 26.98 grams. ACADEMIC CHEMISTRY NAME: PERIOD: DATE: w. Is the element whose common isotopic form is the basis of the atomic mass unit and the mole.