Behaviour Policy s1
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High standards of personal behaviour, social responsibility and academic achievement are expected at Stanford School.
Achievement in every area of school life is rewarded and there is positive reinforcement of good behaviour.
A code of conduct has been drawn up by the school council and is clearly displayed around school. These are known as the GOLDEN RULES. The pupils clearly understand this code of conduct.
Sanctions are imposed when pupils fail to behave in an acceptable way. Using the partnership between the pupil, the school and the parents we aim to bring about an improvement in attitude, which will enable a pupil to achieve their potential in every area of school life.
The greatest reward a child can have is praise and recognition from their teachers and parents but as a school we also have reward systems.
Each pupil is a member of a school team, which works like a family group. The members work together to raise achievement. Teams challenge each other in competitions e.g. hockey and football.
The teams : Stanford - Blue Whitgift - Red Knight - Yellow Field - Green
‘ Smileys’ are given for academic achievement and for good behaviour e.g. courtesy, kindness and responsibility. On occasions we have a whole school focus for rewards e.g. walking round school, good manners. Ten ‘smileys’ earn a point for the House Team. These points are totalled and the winning team congratulated in assembly on Friday. At the end of each term the over all winner is awarded the House Cup.
Team points are collected in tens for a merit certificate or badge. Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates are awarded for accumulated blocks of 100 ‘smileys’ . When these are achieved a letter is sent home to the child’s parents and an appropriate colour wristband is also awarded When a whole class achieves a bronze / silver / gold award they organise a reward activity which the class has agreed upon. SANCTIONS
Sanctions are imposed which draw a pupil’s attention to unacceptable behaviour.
3 Smiley faces on board with no names. 1. All behaviour is based around the Charter devised by the children and passed by the school council.
The following points are to ensure consistency in application if inappropriate behaviour.
2. Children given one warning, free recorded warning. Initials and number on charter recorded by smiley face. Visual cue that child has had their warning. Behaviour is always referred back to the Behaviour charter.
3. If child then breaks the rule again then the teacher puts the number by the initials by the green face and moves the initials to straight amber face. This is recorded on class sheet.
4. Re-iterate that we are very disappointed and this will now be recorded on the class sheet at the end of the lesson and they lose their raffle ticket for end of the week.
5. If persistent behaviour then given 3 more opportunities, each time the number is recorded.
6. On the 5th time of not following instructions or responsibilities then the child is removed, with their work, to their nominated partner class.
7. If behaviour persists in partner class then this is recorded.
8. At end of lesson pupil misses their play time and must report to the head / deputy and a text message is sent home.
9. If 5 straight faces are achieved in a week, then parents will be called in to discuss child’s behaviour and targets set based upon numbers which appear consistently.
10. If a child is sent to the head on 3 occasions, then the parent will be asked to come in and see the head teacher and behaviour targets and a record are set up. This would be based on timetable and numbers recorded on lesson sheet if issues. EACH LESSON IS A NEW START AND EACH CHILD WILL START WITH A GREEN SMILE AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH LESSON.
Some children are subject to Behaviour plans and sometimes they will have personal targets set and strategies to deal with inappropriate behaviour. If a child behaves violently or puts any other children in danger they will be immediately removed to the Chill Out Room, to calm down, discuss their behaviour and then sent to their partner class with their work for the rest of the lesson. These incidents will be reported by text or phone call depending on the seriousness of the incident.
Reviewed and updated November 2012 Next Review January 2014