Edition: February 2011 CSTR: Part D030 Design Conduits Systems

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Edition: February 2011 CSTR: Part D030 Design Conduits Systems

Edition: February 2011 CSTR: Part D030 Design – Conduits Systems




1. General 2. References 3. Design Requirements 4. Conduit Layout 5. Conduits 6. Pits 7. Conduit Network Identification 8. Records


This Part specifies the requirements for the design of conduit systems for communications and electrical systems associated with transport infrastructure, such as traffic signals, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), railway communications and lighting.


Unless specified otherwise, all design shall be undertaken in accordance with the following: 1. DPTI: Road Design Standards and Guidelines (Refer: http://www.dtei.sa.gov.au/standards). 2. AS 3000 – Wiring Rules 3. Relevant Australian Standards and Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) standards (Refer http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/HOMEPAGE/PC=HOME ) 4. DPTI Intelligent Transport Systems Project Polices and Procedures PPP01 and PPP02: Available upon request from the Principal


The design of the conduit system shall: (a) optimise the provision and layout of electrical and communications infrastructure (as applicable to the Contract) to achieve the best utilisation and standardisation of infrastructure investment; (b) be compatible with the Principal’s existing infrastructure; (c) maximise the ease of installation and maintenance of hardware and cabling; (d) make allowance for interfacing locations, other services/ utilities, road furniture, watercourses, drainage infrastructure and landscaping; (e) take into consideration the future provision of ITS; (f) provide an environment that will keep the cable waterproof, vermin-proof, and generally free of contaminants that may affect the performance of cable systems; and (g) comply with the requirements of the applicable ACMA standards and relevant Australian Standards.


4.1 General The conduit design shall provide separate dedicated conduits for each cable type. Pits shall comply with the following:

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CABLE TYPE PITS ELV Cables Not to be shared with any LV cables Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) LV cables Share with TS and RL Traffic Signal LV Cables Shared with ITS and RL Road lighting LV Cables Shared with ITS and TS Detector Feeder cables Not to be shared with any LV cables. May be shared with ITS communications cables Telecommunications Service Cables (eg Telstra) Dedicated Pits ITS communications Cables May be shared with detector feeder cables ETSA electrical service connection Shared *

*If the service connection cable is in a shared pit it must be fixed to the walls with insulated saddles and clearly labelled as "Consumer Mains Service".

Where a telecommunications service is required for a device, a telecommunications conduit shall be installed directly from the Telecommunications Service Pit (housing the Telecommunications Service Point) to the device.

Where an ITS device requires LV, ELV, communications and/or detector feed in cables, conduits for these required cables may terminate in a common cable draw-in pit. Each conduit shall have a minimum of 60% spare cross- sectional capacity on completion of construction. Segregation requirements shall be in accordance with AS3000 and ACMA standards.

Conduits installed on bridges and other structures shall be incorporated into the structure and not be visible. Conduits installed on bridges and under rail crossings shall include 100% capacity over the number of spare conduits specified. For example, if one spare power and one spare communications conduit are specified in a project and the conduits pass under a rail crossing or across a bridge, the number of spare conduits will be 2 power and 2 communications at bridge and rail crossing locations.

4.2 Separation of Conduits

Conduit separation shall be as specified in AS 3000 and/or relevant ACMA standards. If trenches are to be shared with other services, whenever practicable conduits and other services shall be placed side-by-side (in the horizontal plane) as opposed to overlaying services vertically.


Conduit shall comply with Part 253 “Supply and Installation of Conduits and Pits”. Further to the requirements of the Part 253, conduit size shall be determined by consideration of all of the following criteria: (a) ability to haul in additional cable infrastructure for maintenance purposes; (b) uncertainty of future development; (c) for telecommunications conduit, cable accommodation and technology mix e.g. twisted pair, coaxial and optical fibre cables; (d) costs of conduit laying (direct material and labour costs); and (e) costs of trenching and/ or horizontal boring.

Communications conduits shall be white, and have a minimum diameter of 100mm. The Contractor shall ensure that telecommunications conduit size and layout gives adequate capacity for reasonable communications systems upgrades. Conduits for detectors and telecommunications shall be terminated in dedicated pits. Conduits for traffic signal cables shall, at a minimum, accommodate the cables shown in the approved Site Wiring Diagram (refer Clause 255.5.1 “Cable Installation”.


6.1 Materials Pit covers shall comply with Part 253 “Supply and Installation of Conduits and Pits”.

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6.2 Size

If the Principal has not specified pit sizes, the pit size and type shall be determined using all of the following criteria: (a) the size and number of cables and conduits to be installed; (b) the standard depth of cover for conduits as specified in current Codes of Practice, and the requirements of the project concerned; (c) the pit installation timing in areas where construction activities could subject it to risk of damage; and (d) the type of thoroughfare and particular covers required preventing accidents to pedestrians and damage due to vehicular traffic.

6.3 Location of Pits within Road Reserves

This sub-clause only applies to pits located within the road reserve. Wherever practicable, pits shall be located mid- block (between major intersections) and at transverse connections and at all major intersections / junctions. Pits shall be installed at the splice point between transverse and longitudinal connections of conduit. The maximum pit spacing shall be 100m.

The pit locations shall: (a) be located not less than 1 m from the kerb and not less than 3 m back from the intersection of property lines at street corners or from their projection at truncated corners; (b) be positioned longitudinally with the ‘line’ of the roadway/ street with sides parallel to the property boundary, footpath or kerb; (c) not be located at vehicle crossovers or at places where congestion of services and future maintenance activities by other service agencies could affect the security of the Principal’s plant / assets; (d) not be installed in flat painted islands or medians; (e) not located within 300 mm of LV electricity distribution pedestals, pads, domes or service pits; (f) not be located in driveways (An existing pit may be left in situ given that it is in sound condition and is safe); and (g) not be located within rail corridors, unless specified otherwise.

Where a signal controller cabinet is to be installed, an Electricity Supply Authority underground service pit, in accordance with DPTI Drawing No. S-4530, sheet 5, shall be provided 5 m from the cabinet base.


Pits and conduits shall be clearly labelled on the drawings to show: (a) pits type (eg P1, P2, P3 or P4); and (b) conduit number, size and allocation.

Conduit Allocation shall be labelled as follows:

CONDUIT ALLOCATION LABEL Traffic Signals power TS Road Lighting power RL Traffic signals and Road Lighting power TS/RL Intelligent Transport Systems power ITS Intelligent Transport Systems communication C Telecommunications service T Electrical Service ES


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The following records shall be provided to the Principal: Drawings (a) Drawings showing conduit location complying with Clause 7 "Conduit Network Identification". (b) “As Constructed” drawings showing actual locations of pits and conduits.


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