Poole Tourism Management Board Action Plan 2009/10
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5 MARCH 2009
1.0 Purpose and context of Report
1.1 To inform the Overview Group of the agreed business/action plan of the Poole Tourism Management Board (PTMB) for 2009/10 financial year. This business/action plan was approved at the PTMB meeting of 28 January 2008, and is attached as appendix 1.
1.2 The business/action plan is aimed at maximising the positive impact tourism has on the local economy in Poole, which in 2005 amounted to an annual value of almost £200m, and supported 4,800 jobs directly.
1.3 The action plan supports the Tourism Strategy for Poole 2006 – 2015 and also the Council’s corporate strategy - Striving for Excellence. It directly supports the ‘Developing a Dynamic Economy’ objective and in particular the priority of ‘Revitalising the Town Centre’
1.4 The action plan also supports the Council’s objective of ‘Strengthening our Communities’ through enhancing programmes of art, culture, heritage and leisure activities and seeks to maximise the positive impact tourism can have on the host community by delivering activities/events that encourage residents participation.
2.0 Recommendation
2.1 To consider and note the appended business/action plan for Poole Tourism and support its contents being the primary focus of action for the forthcoming financial year.
3.0 Background
3.1 The management of the Council’s Tourism Service moved to a formal arms length arrangement in 2006, following the decision not to re-appoint the Head of Communications and Tourism, and the subsequent separation of these two service areas. This move saw the responsibility for the leadership and strategic direction of the Poole Tourism office pass to the PTMB. In addition to this responsibility the Council also agreed to the PTMB leading the content and approval of the Tourism office’s annual business/action plan. This plan forms the basis of all of the activities, service delivery and budget allocations for the forthcoming year.
3.2 The PTMB is made up of 12 elected representatives from each of the different sectors of the industry, such as hotels, guest houses and attractions, and 5 Councillors representing the Council (including the Local Economy Portfolio holder, Chair and Vice Chair of LEOSG and Opposition Spokesperson for Tourism). The Chairman is nominated by Board members but must be an independent person (ie not an elected member or a private sector operator).
3.3 As part of this process EOSC has an overseeing role for the Council to ensure that the business/action plan is in accordance with the Borough of Poole’s interests and direction, and needs to support the proposed actions.
4.0 Poole Tourism Business/Action Plan 2009/10
4.1 Attached as appendix 1 is the report presented to the PTMB explaining the detailed proposals. This includes the ‘main influencers’ of the proposed action, a breakdown of the proposed activity by project area, and a financial summary of income and expenditure.
4.2 The overall expenditure is budgeted at £743k of which there is a net cost to the Council of £478k, and £265k income achieved through private sector contributions, sponsorship and trading. The current economic climate has had an effect on private sector income with this year seeing a lower level of achievement than the past two years, but Poole Tourism has still managed to secure significant private sector funding, and achieve a figure of 86% of Poole based tourism businesses renewing their membership of the Partnership.
4.3 Whilst the attached report was debated and agreed by the PTMB, it was also heavily influenced by the wider Poole Tourism Partnership at its Annual Conference in November at the Sandbanks Hotel, where a number of the proposed activity areas were shared.
4.4 For each of the specific project areas there are further detailed plans which outline the project rationale, the current situation, the proposed ways forward, funding allocations, and performance indicators
Contact Officer: Graham Richardson, Tourism Manager – Tel: 262539 Appendix 1 Report to: Poole Tourism Management Board
Report From: Graham Richardson (Tourism Manager)
Date: 23 January 2009
Title: Draft Tourism Partnership Action/Business Plan 2009/10
This report presents to Board members the proposed Poole Tourism Action/Business Plan for 2009/10.
1.0 Introduction
The following proposed actions are intended to support the Tourism Strategy of the Poole Tourism Partnership and to support the aspirations and visions of the Council’s corporate Strategy ‘Striving for Excellence’. Feedback from the wider partnership at the annual Poole Tourism Conference (Nov08) has been considered, along with the desires and visions of the management board.
The proposals are influenced by;
The Council’s corporate strategy ‘Striving for Excellence’, and its objective of ‘Developing a Dynamic Economy’. The activities support the priority of ‘revitalising the town centre‘, and continued emphasis is given to the promotion of Poole Quay as a day visit destination for group travel, the local community and visitors to the area. The actions also allow for closer working and sharing of initiatives with Town Centre Partnership.
The Council’s corporate objective of ‘strengthening our communities’ and desire to enhance programmes of arts, cultural and leisure activities as well as supporting the town’s heritage, and minimising impact of activity on residents.
The current economic climate – with activity proposed to benefit from the potential of greater numbers of Britons holidaying at home as well as a full review of the structure of the tourism partnership to ensure it is still fully supported and current income levels are at least maintained.
Maintaining an events led action plan to give town competitiveness and to support potential investment and confidence though delivery of a strong special events programme which seeks to maintain business at peak periods as well as driving demand at shoulder times, along with impetus to encourage other event organisers and partners to use Poole (especially Poole Quay) as a venue.
Sponsorship driven income and business relationships to achieve a number of the actions proposed, and seeking to give added value to sponsors for their contributions to assist them further during the current economic climate.
Continued use of modern technology via new e-marketing promotional techniques to further enhance pooletourism.com and our e-direct marketing activity to ensure maintenance of market positioning
Emphasis on targeted PR campaigns that encourage continued national media exposure. Supporting the new regional tourism structure including the further development of joint working/promotional opportunities with Bournemouth Tourism and closer working of the two management boards. 2.0 Project Action Programme
The Proposed Action Plan follows the previous structure of designating project areas (9 in total). These project areas have detailed project plans that show the rationale for undertaking that project, the current position, the proposed ways forward, funding allocation, and performance indicators. Below is a summary of the planned action for each of these designated project areas
1 – Research, Development and Strategy
Undertake relevant research activity in conjunction with Dorset Tourism Data Project (Volume and value, Visitor survey, room occupancy) Work with Council’s ‘Major Tourist Attractions Working Group’ in determining suitable leisure attraction investment for Poole and seeking ways of achievement Continued support to the Poole Bournemouth Destination partnership (and support to the regional tourism strategic framework) and delivery of the agreed shared action plan Establish a working group to tackle management of outside drinking on Poole Quay – to include licensees, Council’s licensing office, Police and Safer Neighbourhood Teams, ‘Safe and Sound’ co-ordinator, and Quay operators – to include relocation of some street benches Working with Town Centre Partnership to ensure respective business/actions plans complement, and have input into the vision for the High Street. Direct input into the respective organising Groups for the 2012 Olympics (Team South West, Team Dorset, The Dorset Visitor services Group, Dorset Promotional Group, Borough of Poole’s Olympic Officers Group)
2 – Tourism Promotion
Undertake a targeted Spring advertising campaign in conjunction with Bournemouth (potentially Dorset as well) promoting ‘Back in Britain’ to take advantage of greater potential of people holidaying at home (prime target areas London/South-East and West/East Midlands) Day visit advertising to focus on Poole Quay/Poole Park Promotion to coach group travel market including production of updated Group Travel guide, and attendance at selected regional group travel/great days out fairs. Working with Poole Harbour Commissioners to attract feature vessels to Poole Quay. Raising profile of the extensive waterborne events that take place in Poole Harbour/Bay Updating of the Poole DVD – New filming required to replace some out of date footage Up-date and reprint of the Wedding Guide in Spring Raise profile of the emerging quality independent retail offer of Lower High Street/Old Town within the Poole Quay Mini Guide Overseas Promotion – - Continue partnership with Destination South West (with PHC) to promote Poole as a cruise ship destination
- Continued support to International Education Forum promoting Poole Bournemouth area as the UK’s centre of excellence for international education - Work with Brittany/Condor Ferries to raise prominence of Poole information (inc DVD) on board ferries and seek potential to produce on-board dual language promotional leaflet Support for a further year to Lost Quay street theatre (Theme for 2009 -The Romans in Poole) Restaurant promotions and further positioning of Poole’s quality eating out product. Update of Poole Audi eat out guide and continued promotion of eatoutpoole.com (see project no 3). Introduce Autumn restaurant promotion similar to the Channel Isles ‘Tennerfest’ to replace Eatout Live Further investment in adding to the library of stunning photographs Work with relevant Poole tourism partners to develop Autumn/winter promotional campaigns eg Comedy evenings Support Poole Flying Boats Association activities to integrate with Bournemouth Air Festival
3 – Pooletourism.com
Continued enhancement and development of content on pooletourism.com Develop ‘current vacancies display’ pages for self-catering for direct input by partners (as per serviced accommodation) Look to make pooletourism.com interoperable with EnglandNet (VisitBritain’s Destination Management system) as per commitment to regional tourism framework (dependent upon funding support available from SWT/SWRDA) Extend video footage display to individual partner pages, and trails and walks into downloadable MP3 format Seek web user feedback via the Council’s ‘test drive team’ to help improve content, navigation and development Extend search engine optimisation to include additional search criteria eg where to stay in Poole, hotels in Poole Direct promotion of website through mediums such as roundabout stickers, sponsoring people/activities
4 – Tourist Information/Welcome Centre/Visitor Services
Now premises lease has been agreed install new telephone answering service to replace outdated current system (funded through Council’s ICT telephone upgrade programme) Update Family Fun and Treasure Hunt leaflets Support Museum Services in delivery of Heritage interpretation panels for Quay and Old Town Produce public arts trail walk for Poole Quay/Old Town, info on small number of popular walks and cycle rides in Poole Install display screen in front window of Welcome Centre to promote events and activities taking place in Poole (24 hours as per vacancy screen) Create promotional display boards for exterior of Welcome Centre advising of services provided Operate an advance notice ‘meet and greet’ service for coaches (when possible) Undertake a daily ‘Poole Quay check’ in conjunction with Environment & Consumer Protection services Undertaking familiarisation visits to partner businesses during quiet periods
5 – Special Events
Continued emphasis on branded, regular and sponsored special events Develop thematic content to Summer Breeze events such as D Day theme for June 4th event, Aviation theme to tie in with Air Festival Thursday and build upon the family content. Manage groups of unsupervised youths attending Summer Breeze on Quay events to avoid safety perception issues Research and plan for a potential new main Thursday evening event in 2010 to supercede the firework evenings Continued support and enthusiasm to other event organisers to stage events in Poole (eg PAYE Day, Poole Afloat, Animal Windfest, British Beach Polo Championships, Poole Park Fest, Inside Out, water based events) and include where relevant within overall programme. Develop a procedures and guidance pack for event organisers to follow – intended to give support and advice as well as ensuring procedural compliance Install new electrical junction boxes on Poole Quay following regulation changes to external power supplies Further development of Christmas flotilla of lights’ event, and support to Town Centre Christmas programme Continuance of early evening animation to Poole Quay during August and seek sponsorship to increase to 6 days per week Support the development and implementation of a busking strategy for Poole in conjunction with Arts Development and Town Centre Partnership Continued partnership working with Police, transportation services and Consumer protection services to minimise disruption to local residents during events (esp noise and anti-social behaviour) Appoint a student work placement during events season to support Special Events Manager
6 – Direct Marketing Continued emphasis on growing the size of electronic and SMS databases (especially special event attendees and coach group travel organisers) Use of ‘pay per click’ websites to generate visitor guide requests (also helps to gather e-mail addresses as well) Undertake regular targeted e-bulletins to database contacts Update and produce coach/Group Travel guide, and active distribution to contacts Include Weymouth coaching hotels (as well as Bournemouth) within targeted promotion of guide Research other opportunities to increase brochure request such as working with partners and on-line consumer surveys
7 – Poole Visitor Guide
Continue with current style/layout following positive feedback Invest in additional stunning images Encourage all accommodation providers to have visitor guides within their bedroom browser packs Continue widespread prominence and distribution of visitor guide locally, including local taxis Produce branded dispensers for partners reception areas
8 – Poole Tourism Partnership
Full review of the structure and benefits package of partnership to ascertain most effective way forward and to ensure relevant, fully supported and current income levels are at least maintained in current economic climate Seek added value opportunities to offer all partners Continued commitment to the Poole Bournemouth joint working partnership, and its co-ordinating management board Deliver a ‘local tourism week’ in June encouraging local residents to use our partners facilities/services (with Bournemouth) Take the lead role for researching, communicating and implementing relevant green tourism initiatives in Poole, and ensuring that Poole Tourism can lead by example wherever possible. Undertake visitor survey to ascertain environmental habits Continued enhancement to the ‘partner pages’ of pooletourism.com and introduce regular electronic newsletter Support management board members in communicating with their sector partners (and partners to members as well) Delivery of the Sibbett Gregory Poole Tourism Awards. Review potential new award categories and seek integration onto the regional award scheme Annual Poole Tourism Conference
9 – Travel Media Return to pro-active action of media release/communication with national travel press (following return of lead officer from maternity leave) Seek to attract national TV holiday/leisure show to Poole, and hosting of travel/lifestyle feature writers Remain alert to opportunities to piggy back on travel feature coverage – eg Poole quoted as favourite Celeb’s place etc A renewed targeted campaign for the Poole Wedding Guide Lead the PR campaign to promote Poole/Bournemouth as the country’s leading watersports destinations to tie in with opening of surf reef in September
3.0 Summary Business Plan
The Poole Tourism Partnership Proposed Business Plan 2009/10
Summary of activity
Income (£’s) Private sector (re visitor Guide) 125,000 Corporate and Special events sponsorship –cash and 107,000 commercial income, plus dream machines income Trading activity (Welcome Centre) - gross 33,000 Total 265,000 Public sector (Council) funding 478,000 TOTAL INCOME 743,000
Expenditure (£’s) Central support costs * (e.g. accountancy, payroll, 49,000 creditor payments, IT services, debtors, etc) Employees, employee support & office running costs 314,500 Premises (rent/rates) 64,000 Projects: - Research Development & Strategy 1,500 Tourism Promotion 62,000 pooletourism.com 14,000 Welcome centre/visitor services (non trading) 10,000 Welcome Centre (trading account) 19,000 Special events 144,000 Direct marketing 11,000 Visitor guide 44,000 Tourism partnership management 8,000 Travel media 2,000 TOTAL 743,000
All costs associated with Poole Tourism are incorporated into above business plan including Council cross charges and corporate finance.
Gearing ratio of private sector: public sector funding = 36%/64%
Note: Detailed project plans exist for each of the above projects and include rationale for the project, current position statement, key objectives for year ahead, feedback and performance measurement, budget allocations, business continuity plan, project milestones, and details of associated procedures and schedules.