Write a paragraph on whether you think Brutus is a villain or a victim. The way you use the persuasive techniques that you learned in class will determine how persuasive you are. This can be achieved through the choice of quotes, support, concrete details, and transitional devices.

Is Brutus a villain or a victim? Why or why not? (list specific examples/quotes from the text). Think about what makes a victim. What are the characteristics of Brutus? Of Caesar? What is the role of Cassius with this issue?

Choose your two strongest reasons from above, and write a topic sentence:

Brutus is / is not a villain because ______and ______. Major A: ______suggests that Brutus is/is not a villain. Minor 1: Quote with lead in Minor 2: Specific example Commentary: How do these quotes show that Brutus is/is not a villain? Why are these examples important? Major B: ______suggests that Brutus is / is not a villain. Minor 1: Quote with lead in Minor 2: Specific example Commentary: How do these quotes show that Brutus is/is not a villain? Why are these examples important? Concluding Sentence: Brutus is a villain as illustrated by ______and ______.

Write a paragraph on whether you think Brutus is a villain or a victim. The way you use the persuasive techniques that you learned in class will determine how persuasive you are. This can be achieved through the choice of quotes, support, concrete details, and transitional devices.

Is Brutus a villain or a victim? Why or why not? (list specific examples/quotes from the text). Think about what makes a victim. What are the characteristics of Brutus? Of Caesar? What is the role of Cassius with this issue?

Choose your two strongest reasons from above, and write a topic sentence:

Brutus is / is not a villain because ______and ______. Major A: ______suggests that Brutus is/is not a villain. Minor 1: Quote with lead in Minor 2: Specific example Commentary: How do these quotes show that Brutus is/is not a villain? Why are these examples important? Major B: ______suggests that Brutus is / is not a villain. Minor 1: Quote with lead in Minor 2: Specific example Commentary: How do these quotes show that Brutus is/is not a villain? Why are these examples important? Concluding Sentence: Brutus is a villain as illustrated by ______and ______.