
Chapter 12-13

“During the Chinese New Year holidays in 1948, Niang’s plans came to light. On Sunday afternoon, Big sister came into my room after lunch. Aunt Baba, Yeye and I were playing cards. Big Sister sat down on Aunt Baba’s bed and told us that Father and Niang were lunching at the posh Cathay Hotel with guests from Tianjin.” (Yen 85)

1. What is the correct dictionary definition for the word “light” as it is used in the passage above? a. the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. b. understanding of a problem or mystery c. illuminate d. make something start burning, ignite 2. What is a synonym for the word “posh” as it is used in the passage above? a. elegant b. smart c. inexpensive d. healthy

3. Big sister was taken out of school and traveled to Tianjin with Father and Niang to: a. visit Adeline at school b. travel around mainland China c. meet her future husband d. translate for her father’s business 4. In chapter 12, Niang showed her greediness and selfishness by: a. keeping Big Sister’s wedding gifts b. lying to Aunt Baba c. telling the brothers to get jobs d. having a party and not inviting the step-children 5. Big Sister received a special gift from Grand Aunt. What was this gift? a. A beautiful silk scarf b. A jade pendant c. A porcelain teapot d. a new suit 6. What did Adeline do in chapter 12 to regain the favor of Big Sister? a. She gave Big Sister one of her writings b. She promised to always love Big Sister c. She shared her clothing with Big Sister d. She told Big Sister that Niang knew about the gift from Grand Aunt

7. How does Adeline feel about Big Sister’s marriage? ______

8. In Chapter 13, Adeline defies Niang. Using the box-it method, answer the following questions. What does she do that breaks Niang’s rules? Why does she break Niang’s rules? Why is Niang suspicious of Adeline when Adeline returns home? How does Adeline get caught? (4 points)

At the end of chapter 13, Adeline writes: “I looked up at him in utter desolation. The fabric of my life was about to be torn apart. My heart felt heavy with the most excruciating pain. But he merely relooped the whip over his arm and walked out.” (Yen 104)

9. Why is Adeline so upset? ______

10. The word “desolation” means, “a state of complete emptiness or destruction”. Why do you think Adeline uses the word desolation to describe her feelings at the end of chapter 13? ______

Chapter 14

1. What does Adeline win in chapter 14? ______

2. How do her classmates choose to celebrate her big win? Why? ______

3. Adeline’s celebration doesn’t go as planned. List four results of her celebration: 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______

Chapters 15

“At the Hong-qiao Airport there were huge crowds milling around, pushing and shoving like a human tidal wave, fighting for tickets.” (Yen 123)

1. The above quote is an example of which type of figurative language? a. Hyperbole b. Metaphor c. Onomatopoeia d. Simile

2. Why was the airport so crowded and busy? ______

3. Which two pieces of information about Adeline did her father not remember? 1. ______2. ______

4. What is the significance of November 30th? ______

5. Where does Uncle Pierre take Adeline? ______

6. Which language does Adeline have to speak while she is there? a. French or English b. Chinese or Japanese c. French or Chinese d. English or Chinese

7. Why is everyone fleeing Adeline’s school? a. It is about to go bankrupt and close b. The communists are probably going to take it over and put everyone in prison c. There are soldiers from America outside the gates threatening the students d. There is an illness that has spread throughout the school 8. By Christmas Day, how many students were left at Adeline’s school? a. Adeline and two younger classmates b. Adeline and 5 other classmates, ranging in age from seven to eighteen. c. only Adeline d. Adeline and one other older classmate. 9. Who finally comes to pick up Adeline? ______

Chapter 16

“Aunt Reine and I could not help laughing in spite of ourselves. But then Victor did something my brothers would never have done. He took off his life jacket, slipped it on his sister and showed her how to adjust the straps.” (Yen 141)

1. What does Victor do that Adeline’s brothers have never done? a. Tried to protect his little sister and keep her safe b. Laughed with his little sister c. Gave her a life jacket d. Went on a boat with his sister

2. Why did Adeline assume the cot on the floor was for her? ______

3. Adeline spends some time with Aunt Reine and her family. Using the box-it method, describe how Adeline is treated by Aunt Reine and her family. Does she enjoy spending time with them? Provide an example to support each part of your answer. (4 points)