Official Proceedings s6

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Official Proceedings s6


Commissioner Carlson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Sharon Bring, Ken Borowicz, Gary Kiesow, Curtis Carlson, Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters and Recording Secretary Domita Taus present.

The Board approved the July 3, 2012 meeting agenda with additions. M/S/C – Kiesow, Borowicz

The Board approved the June 19, 2012 regular meeting minutes with corrections and the Board of Equalization and Appeal meeting minutes as written. M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz

County Recorder Bev Lydeen addressed the Board to discuss the 2013 Recorder’s and Vital Statistic’s Budgets. Ms. Lydeen presented a Recorder’s Compliance Fund report to the Board and stated that her office is 100% compliant. Ms. Lydeen also presented a report showing the revenue brought into the Recorder’s Office over the last year.

County Sheriff John Novacek and Jail Administrator Jim Duckstad addressed the Board to discuss the 2013 Sheriff’s Budget.

Extension Educator Howard Person addressed the Board regarding a Wind Tower Development Agreement, discussed the 2013 Extension Budget and provided a Feedlot Update. Mr. Person stated that a public hearing is required for the Wind Tower Agreement. County Engineer Lon Aune was also present for this discussion. The Board authorized Mr. Person to form a committee and continue the progress toward a Wind Tower Development Agreement. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring

Commissioner LeRoy Vonasek joined the meeting.

Solid Waste/Veteran Services Officer Don Matz addressed the Board to discuss the 2013 Budgets for his departments.

Auditor-Treasurer Peters presented the following in his report: 1. Ditch Report through June 2. 2013 Budget Review 3. DNR Peat Lease Discussion 4. Watershed Applicant Review 5. Phone Update 6. Fish & Wildlife Land Purchase Update 7. NWRDC Annual Report 8. Election Update 9. Emergency Manager/Ag Inspector Update

Highway Engineer Lon Aune addressed the Board.

Mr. Aune provided the following updates: upcoming bid letting, toward zero deaths update, and proposed MnDOT projects.

County Assessor Russ Steer addressed the Board to introduce new employee Allison Borowicz. Mr. Steer reviewed the 2013 Assessor and Data Processing Budgets.

The Board authorized the purchase of a segment of tax forfeited property in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of section 11 (approximately 24.85 acres) in section 11 of New Maine Township. M/S/C – Vonasek, Kiesow

The Board appointed Auditor/Treasurer Peters as acting County Emergency Manager upon retirement of current Emergency Manager Gary Durand. M/S/C – Bring, Vonasek

The following resolution was approved by the Board:

Resolution 07-03-01 Be It Resolved that Marshall County will act as a sponsor for snowmobile trails listed with the DNR as trail number 144-17-7011 and 144-17-7010 for 2012 through 2017 for the Middle River Drift Skippers and the Fourtown-Grygla Sportsman Club. M/S/C – Kiesow, Borowicz

The Board accepted the low quotes and authorized the Court Administrator to move forward with electrical and sound system needs for the old courtroom. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring

The following Commissioner/Committee reports were shared. Commissioner Meeting/Report Bring County Park, Park and Trail Meeting Borowicz County Park Kiesow NW Community Action, Red Lake Watershed, NWRDC, Joint Powers Natural Resource

The Board meeting was adjourned at 12:57 p.m. M/S/C – Vonasek, Kiesow




The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Chairman Carlson called the meeting to order with the following present: Commissioners Sharon Bring, Gary Kiesow, Kenneth Borowicz, Curtis Carlson, and Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters.

Meeting with the Board for open forum was Loren Zutz. Mr. Zutz provided the Board with a Minnesota Department of Administration Advisory Opinion regarding MST Watershed regarding open meeting violations and asked the Board to consider this information when considering manager appointments.

The July 17, 2012 meeting agenda was approved with additions. M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow

DNR Conservation Officer Jeremy Woinarowicz addressed the Board, discussing Beaver and Wolf issues. Mr. Woinarowicz indicated that landowners have the right to shoot damage causing Beavers on their property. If a Beaver is taken a Conservation Officer needs to be contacted within 24 hours. A Special Beaver Permit to trap damage causing Beavers can also be issued at no cost. The DNR pays for Grey Wolf depredation upon a review of the carcass by a DNR officer prior to any payment. The DNR must also be notified within 48 hours of the loss and the animal owner needs to preserve as much evidence as possible. Mr. Woinarowicz provided a map showing the Wolf Management Zones for Minnesota. There is a grey wolf season this year in Minnesota with 265 licenses given for this area and 6000 licenses statewide. The season will continue until 400 animals are taken or February 1, 2013, whichever comes first. Coyotes are unprotected and can be managed as needed. All information regarding the laws for the DNR is on their website at or

Lee Meier and Sally Gentry from the Multi-County Housing Redevelopment Authority addressed the Board to provide an update on the program and how the levied dollars are arrived at and utilized by the HRA. Ms. Gentry submitted a letter of resignation from the HRA Board, giving thanks and praise of the HRA. The Board thanked Ms. Gentry for her faithful and excellent service to the HRA and wished her well for the future. M/S/C – Kiesow, Bring Social Services Director Chris Kujava addressed the Board on the following areas.

General Business Updates were accepted on the Provider Bulletin regarding Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

The Board reviewed the Quarterly ITV Report and approved to purchase equipment to replace the older unit. M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow

Policy Mr. Kujava reviewed the current Fee Policy for the County.

Director’s Administrative Report Mr. Kujava with assistance from Financial Supervisor Jeff Radeke provided reports on SEAGR, the 2012 Quarterly Budget, 2012 Out of Home Placement, and the 2013 Proposed Budget.

Authorizations Case Activity, Bills, and Director Actions received Board approval. M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz

County Highway Engineer Lon Aune addressed the Board. Mr. Aune informed on possible permitting changes with Agricultural tiling requirements by the US Army Corp. of Engineers.

Mr. Aune and Assistant Engineer Rod Teigen opened bids for SP 045 598 020, for a bridge near the Old Mill State Park on County Road 128 as follows:

Robert Schroeder Construction $624,125.25 Swingen Construction $595,780.50 Gerit Hanson Contracting $545,633.25 Korby Contracting $595,780.25

The Board approved the following resolution as introduced by Engineer Aune.

RESOLUTION 07-17-01 BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to advertisement for bids for SAP 045-594-001, Bridge Replacement on Minnesota Avenue, Warren, MN, the following bids were received:

R.J. Zavoral & Sons $413,573.70 Spruce Valley Corporation $413,655.85 Davidson Construction, Inc. $418,466.50 Selling Brothers, Inc. $475,921.50

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the bid of R.J. Zavoral and Sons, Inc. in the amount of $413,573.70 be accepted, contingent upon USACE Permit approval from the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation Office. M/S/C – Kiesow, Bring

The Board and Mr. Aune reviewed the Highway Department 2013 proposed budget.

The Board reviewed two letters of interest from David Bakke and Roger Hille for consideration to be reappointed as a manager on the Middle Snake Tamarac Watershed Board for a three year term. The Board also reviewed materials given by Loren Zutz and Jim Stengrim regarding concerns on open meeting law violation opinions on the watershed from the Minnesota Department of Administration. The Board appointed Mr. Bakke and Mr. Hille for three year terms on the MST Watershed Board of Managers. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring

The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m.

Water Plan/Zoning Coordinator Jan Kaspari addressed the Board regarding the 2013 budget for her department.

The Board passed the following resolution for Engineer Aune in reference to the earlier bids:

RESOLUTION 07-17-02 BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to advertisement for bids for SP 045-598-020, Bridge Replacement, the following bids were received:

Korby Contracting Company, Inc. $539,759.25 Gerit Hanson Contracting, Inc. $545,633.25 Swingen Constructing Company $595,780.50 Robert R. Schroeder Construction, Inc. $624,125.25

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the bid of Korby Contracting Company, Inc. in the amount of $539,759.25 be accepted. M/S/C – Kiesow, Bring

Darlene Bates and Carolyn Matz representing the NW Regional Library address the Board to discuss the Library budget for 2012 and 2013. The Board approved the minutes from the 7/3/12 Board meeting with corrections. M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz

RESOLUTION 07-17-03 Approval of Per Diems PER DIEMS

Sharon Bring $360.00 Curtis Carlson $60.00 Gary Kiesow $120.00 LeRoy Vonasek $240.00 Darlene Bates $120.00 Totals $900.00 M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow

RESOLUTION 07-17-04 BE IT RESOLVED, that after review of the following bills, authorization for payment of the same in the following total amounts, are hereby approved, with a detailed listing kept on file at the Auditor’s office. Auditor bills: June 22, 2012 $1,402,898.60 June 29, 2012 $143,732.13 July 6, 2012 $298,149.26 July 13, 2012 $8031.58 Total $1,852,811.57 Commissioner bills: $186,165.29 M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz

Dan Thorstad, Janelle Kollin, and Lisa Newton from the Marshall County SWCD addressed the Board to discuss the SWCD District budget for 2012 and 2013.

Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters provided the following items for his report: 1. 2013 Budget Review 2. 5 Year Financial Report 3. Satisfaction of Repayment Agreement 4. Election Update 5. Public Health Concern in Argyle

The Board approved a Satisfaction of Repayment Agreement for William and Kim Borowicz. M/SC – Borowicz, Kiesow

The Board reviewed the 2013 Budget as a whole. A consensus was to set a goal of no County levy increases for 2013. The Board discussed concerns on local levy impacts due to changes with the State reductions in homestead market value credits, and overall increases with taxing entities. The Highway Department requested no levy increase for 2013 and Social Services proposed a reduction in their levy by $50,000 from the previous year. The County will continue with the successful sharing of the Social Services Director with Norman County. The Board is not replacing an administrative position in the Revenue Department and distributing these duties with existing staff to assist in keeping expenses down.

The following Commissioner/Committee Reports were shared: Commissioner Meeting/Report Bring Extension, MarKit, Road Safety Plan Workshop Borowicz US Fish and Wildlife, Extension, JD 11/21, WRAC Carlson JD 11/21, MarKit, NW Mental Health Kiesow WRAC, JD 11/21, US Fish and Wildlife

The meeting adjourned at 3:37 p.m. M/S/C – Kiesow, Borowicz



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