A Model for Teaching Biomechanics of the Knee

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A Model for Teaching Biomechanics of the Knee

A Model for Teaching Biomechanics of the Knee

Matthew Wysock LaCrosse High School LaCrosse, Washington

Jim Christian Colville High School Colville, Washington

Jason Hunter Whitworth College Spokane, Washington

Washington State University Mentors Dr David Lin Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering Washington State University Pullman, Washington

Dr. Anita Vasavada Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering Washington State University Pullman, Washington

Summer 2009

The project herein was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. EEC- 0808716: Dr. Richard L. Zollars, Principal Investigator and Dr. Donald C. Orlich, co- PI. The module was developed by the authors and does not necessarily represent an official endorsement by the National Science Foundation.


Summary ………………………………………………………………… 3 Rational ………………………………………………………………….. 3 Target Audience …………………………………………………………. 3 Duration ………………………………………………………………….. 3 Essential Questions ………………………………………………………. 3 Goals ……………………………………………………………………... 4 Objectives ………………………………………………………………… 4 Lessons …………………………………………………………………… 5 Lesson 1: Introduction to the Anatomy of the Leg and Knee ……. 5 Lesson 2: Chicken Leg Dissection ……………………………….. 7 Lesson 3: Model of the Knee …………………………………….. 11 Lesson 4: Levers and Function of the Patella …………………….. 15 Lesson 5: Calculating Joint Reaction Forces at the Knee ………… 18 Lesson 6: Assessment Case Studies – Knee Injuries …………….. 24 References ………………………………………………………………… 32

2 Summary This model will be intended to introduce Senior High School biology students to bioengineering and biomechanics. The module will look at the anatomy and physiology of the leg, specifically the knee joint. Students will explore the skeletal-muscular structure of the leg, the structures of a synovial joint, and the lever systems used in performing an action (walking, standing, kicking a ball).

Rational In the field of bioengineering there are two areas covered: the application of engineering sciences to understand how animals and plants function; and the application of engineering technologies to design and develop new devices. These include diagnostic instrumentation or the formulation of synthetic biomaterials, the design of artificial tissues and organs, and the development of new drug delivery systems. Simply stated bioengineers apply the engineering sciences, methods, and techniques to problems in medicine and biology.

One of the goals of the Washington State University and National Science Foundation Institute for Science and Mathematics Education through the Engineering Experiences is to have participants prepare a teaching module that is appropriate for their classroom. The rational behind this idea is that students exposed to engineering concepts at an earlier age will develop a desire to explore the connections between science and engineering in a way that affects their life.

This module is partially based on research being done in the Bio-Engineering Department at Washington State University under the direction of Professors David Lin and Anita Vasavada. The focus of their work is joint and muscle physiology and kinesiology. Our module focuses on the knee joint looking at how the bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles form into one of the most complex joints in the human body, exposing students to a number of different key engineering and biological concepts.

Target Audience The intended audience will be high school biology students. Extensions in the application of vectors, forces, and simple machines can be applied to physical science and physics classes. More detailed anatomy can be taught in high school anatomy classes.

Duration Parts of this module could be accomplished in as little as 1 class period, while the entire module might take as many as 7-9 class periods.

Essential Questions This series of investigations will focus on the following essential questions: 1. What is the structure of the knee? 2. How are form and function related in the knee? 3. How are forces distributed in the knee while standing, and while performing common tasks like sitting, standing, and walking?

3 4. What are some common injuries to the knee, and what causes them?

Goals After completing this module, students will have studied the anatomy and biomechanics of the knee using computer and physical models. Students will record, analyze, and communicate data they collect while studying a series of models.

Objectives Objectives in anatomy, biology, and life science Students will: 1. Discuss the human bone structure using the joint as a microcosm. 2. Consider the articular structures that contribute to the stability of the knee joint. 3. Compare changes in joint-reaction force for a knee with a patella and a knee without a patella. 4. Understand how muscular forces create motion and the importance of musculoskeletal geometry. 5. Identify major bones and muscles of the knee. 6. Research and report on sports related injuries of the knee. 7. Explain the relationship between form and function in the knee. 8. Generate questions that can be answered through scientific investigations. (2.1.1) 9. Plan and conduct systematic and complex scientific investigations. (2.1.2) 10. Analyze how physical, conceptual, and mathematical models represent and are used to investigate objects, events, systems, and processes. (2.1.4) 11. Report observations of scientific investigations. (2.1.5) 12. Summarize an investigation. (2.1.5) 13. Research, propose, implement, and document a scientific design process used to solve a problem or challenge. (3.1.2) 14. Apply correct anatomical terminology when discussing orientation of body parts.

Objectives in physics Students will: 15. Describe simple machines and mechanical advantage. 16. Classify the lever systems that make up the leg. 17. Draw vector diagrams for force. 18. Measure and calculate compression forces in the knee. 19. Define force as part of an interaction. 20. State Newton’s first, second, and third laws of motion. 21. Apply Newton’s laws of motion to the human body. 22. Given an action force, identify the reaction force. 23. Explain how the meniscus distributes forces by increasing the contact area on the surface of the tibial plateau.

4 Lessons

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Anatomy of the Leg and Knee

Problem: What are the major structures of the leg and knee and how do these structures contribute to movement?

Objectives: 1. Identify major structures of the leg focusing on the knee in particular. 2. Analyzing movement of the leg while performing everyday tasks.

Movement in a human leg is achieved through a complex interaction of muscle, bone, tendon, ligament, and cartilage. Students will make careful observations of the movement of their own leg and learn the important structures that make up this system.

Materials: Copy of PDF “A Patient’s Guide to Knee Anatomy” for each student Overhead copies of knee anatomy or LCD projection if available Human skeleton Model of human knee Access to computer for online activities and tests for knowledge


1. Have the students spend a few minutes moving around the classroom (or even to some nearby stairs) while contemplating the actions and forces surrounding the movement and function of the knee joint. When they return to their stations, have the students write in their lab notebook a description about how the knee functions and the names of the various muscles, tendons, ligaments etc… that are involved.

2. Show the students slow motion footage of a person kicking a soccer ball and have a discussion about what provides the force necessary to kick a ball. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBMA2wWuqh8 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msbTN7YWlBg

3. Hand out the copy of “A Patient’s Guide to Knee Anatomy” PDF file found at http://www.eOrthopod.com/public/patient_education/6507/knee_anatomy.html .

4. Use overhead or LCD to show anatomy of the knee and discuss the physiology of the structures and how they contribute to movement.

5. Have the students use the website http://www.getbodysmart.com/index.htm to review muscles of the lower leg and how they contribute to movement.

5 6. Have the students use the website: http://highered.mcgraw- hill.com/sites/0072919329/student_view0/chapter8/labeling_exercises.html# to practice labeling the structures of the knee.

7. Use the models of the knee to show how the patella reduces the amount of force required to extend the knee. (An excellent ½ scale model of the knee can be purchased at http://www.a3bs.com/joint-models/mini-knee-joint-a85,p_65_35_0_0_166.html)

6 Lesson 2: Chicken Leg Dissection Problem: What is the structure of the knee?

Objectives: 1. Identify major bones and muscles of the knee. 2. Distinguish between tendons and ligaments. 3. Explain the function of tendons and ligaments. 4. Discuss the human bone structure using the joint as a microcosm.

Chicken parts are inexpensive and readily accessible. They can be used as a substitute to study analogous structures in the human body. In this investigation students will use a chicken leg and thigh to make observations of bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments around a joint. They will identify and name major bones and muscles.

Safety: Gloves and eye protection are required.

Materials: Raw Chicken quarter Bleach Scalpel Forceps Probes Gloves Scissors Dissecting tray Paper Towels

Procedure: 1. Dip the chicken in a solution of bleach and water. Then pat the it dry with a paper towel. 2. Carefully remove the skin from the chicken leg. Avoid cutting the muscle. 3. Locate the following muscles for your teacher  Quadriceps femorus – Rectus femorus, vastus medialus, vastus intermedius, and vastus lateralus (Teacher initials ______)  Biceps femorus (Teacher initials ______)  Gastrocnemeus (Teacher initials ______)  Quadriceps tendon (Teacher initials ______)  Patellar tendon (Teacher initials ______)

4. Choose a muscle on the bottom of the leg. Carefully pull it slightly away from the other muscles around it. Find the place where it attaches to the bone. This is the tendon. Describe the tendon.


5. While holding the loose end of the femur, pull on one of the larger muscles around the femur. Describe what happens. 6. Find a muscle that causes the leg to move in the opposite direction from the larger muscle you pulled in step 3. Where is the opposite muscle attached to the bone? Draw the two muscles, showing their positions around the large bone and where the tendons connect to the bones.

7. Remove all the muscle from the joint and bones. Describe the appearance of the bone near the joint.

8. Describe the ligaments that hold the bones together.

9. Locate the following for your teacher  Femur (Teacher initials ______)

8  Tibia (Teacher initials ______)  Fibula (Teacher initials ______)  Collateral ligaments (Teacher initials ______)

10. Cut through one of the collateral ligaments and open the joint so that you can see the ends of the bones. (Be careful not to cut through the ends of the bones. Describe the cartilage covering the ends of the bones. How do they feel? Move the joint back and forth and notice how the bones fit together.

11. Locate the following for your teacher  Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (Teacher initials ______)  Meniscus (Teacher initials ______)

Analysis 1. Describe the function of tendons?

2. What do you think would happen if a tendon was pulled or torn?

3. Describe the function of ligaments?

4. What do you think would happen if a ligament were torn?


5. What is the function of cartilage?

6. How do the texture and shapes of the ends of the bones help make movement possible? What would happen if these surfaces were rough?

7. Describe how muscles work in antagonistic pairs to move bones in different directions.

10 Lesson 3: Model of the Knee. Mechanics of a Moving Leg (Kicking)

Problem: The knee is one of the most complicated joints in the body. It is classified as a hinge joint though it is capable of a wider range of motion. In this activity students will assemble a model of the knee and use it to kick an object.

Materials: Per Station (2) 35cm x ¾” pieces of PVC pipe to simulate femur and tibia (2) ¾” to 1 ¼” Tee-joint for femur – one cut down to simulate condyles and one to simulate the hip joint on the test stand (1) ¾” to 1 ½” Tee-joint for tibia – cut down to receive condyles (see photos) (1) ¾” to 1” Tee-joint for ankle (2) 8” bungee cords (hooks removed) – to simulate muscles (1) ¼” x 3”eye bolt – to simulate the patella (1) wing nut for patella eyebolt – to make the patella adjustable (2) ¼” x 2.63” eye bolts for tendon and muscle attachment (2) size 64 rubber bands (2) pieces of ½” wide sewing elastic band (5) pieces of 36 pound test nylon rope – 4 to create tendons for attaching the bungee cords and one for creating a loop through the “ankle” to test using the Newton scale (4) 2” screws

Construction of Materials for Leg Model Kit: 1. Using a hacksaw, bandsaw, or tablesaw, trim ½” from each side of one of the ¾” to 1 ¼” Tee-joints and the ¾” to 1 ½” Tee-joint. 2. Remove a 1 ½” section out of the ¾” to 1 ¼” Tee-joint to create the condyles of the end of the femur.

3. Remove a bit more than half of the 1 ½” section of the other modified tee at an angle as shown to create the tibial plateau.

11 4. Drill four 1/8” holes in each of the modified Tee-joints to create openings to pass though the elastic representing the ACL and PCL as shown.

5. Drill and install two 2” screws into the ¾” sections of the Tee-joints as shown to provide attachments for the medial and lateral ligaments. 6. Drill a ¼” hole in the center of the condyles of the femur end and install the ¼” x 3” eyebolt with a nut above and wingnut below as shown.

7. Drill a ¼” hole 2.5cm from one end of each of the two PVC pieces and install a ¼” x 2.63” eyebolt into each.

12 Materials: For Test Stand (1) 1” floor flange (1) 1” x 6” threaded section (2) ½” floor flange (2) ½” x 6” threaded section (1) 1” coupling (1) ½” coupling 12 wood screws (1) 47” x 6” x 5/8” shelf (1) tennis ball 4 two inch screws

Construction of test stand: 1. Screw the 1” floor flange onto the piece of shelving approximately 80cm from one end. 2. Screw one of the ½” floor flanges just above and to the left of the 1” flange to provide an anchor for the rope representing the tendon attached to one of the bungee cords. 3. Screw the other 1/2” floor flange below and to the left of the 1” flange to provide a limiter to the movement of the femur – to improve validity of measurements and prevent students from pulling femur back too far.

13 Basic instructions for students:

1. Using the materials found at your station, build a stable knee joint including a femur, tibia, and ligaments to connect them. 2. The knee joint should operate as a hinge joint with movement in one plane. 3. Using the materials found at your station, attach muscles and tendons in order to create a kicking motion of your model. 4. Test your model on the test stand provided by the teacher to see if you can kick a ball with your design. 5. Revise your design to see if you can improve the performance of the model.

Safety: Monitor students to avoid inappropriate use of rubber bands and elastic.

Analysis 1. Sketch the joint assembly and identify the femur, tibia, patella, quadriceps, patellar tendon, quadriceps tendon, medial collateral ligament, lateral collateral ligament, anterior crucial ligament, and posterior crucial ligament. 2. Describe one problem that you encountered with your design and how you adjusted your model to fix the problem. 3. What differences do you see between the movement and function of an actual human knee as compared to your model. 4. Select one of the ligaments found in the knee model and describe how the function of the knee would be compromised if it were damaged or removed.

14 Lesson 4: Levers and the Functions of Patella

Problem: What is the function of the patella?

Prior Knowledge 1. Anatomy of the knee 2. Three Classes of levers 3. Mechanical advantage

Objectives 1. Understand how muscular forces create motion and the importance of musculoskeletal geometry. 2. Consider the articular structures that contribute to the stability of the knee joint. 3. Compare changes in the output force of a leg by changing the position of the patella. 4. Describe simple machines and mechanical advantage. 5. Classify the lever systems that make up the leg.

Materials: Leg model Graph paper Protractor Spring Scale (5000 gram)

Procedure: The bones and muscles of an organism act as lever systems. There are three types of levers:

1st class: Effort – Fulcrum – Load 2nd class: Effort – Load – Fulcrum 3rd class: Load – Effort – Fulcrum

In you will classify the lever systems in the leg. Then you will measure and compare the output force of the tibia with the patella set at five different heights.

1. There are two lever systems in the leg model. Classify them and make a diagram for each. Label the fulcrum, effort and load.

15 Class of lever:

Class of lever:

2. Which part of the model is functioning as a patella?

3. What is the purpose of the patella?

4. Hypothesis: Which patella height will produce the most force?

5. Measure the force the bungee cords apply to the tibia. This is the input force.

6. Set the patella to the lowest position. Measure its height from the center of the knee joint. Record this in table 1.

16 7. Attach the spring scale to the foot of your model. Measure the amount of force needed to flex the leg. This is the output force. Take your measurements while the tibia is in motion. Be sure to hold the scale at right angles to the tibia. Record in table 1. Do this three times, then calculate the average.

Table 1: Relationship Between Height of Patella and Force on the Tibia

Height of Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Mechanical Patella Output Advantage Force

8. Calculate the mechanical advantage. MA = input force/output force.

9. Graph your results. Include a title and labels for the axes.

Analysis 1. Identify the: Manipulated variable

Responding variable

2. Compare your results to your prediction. Did the evidence support or refute your hypothesis? Why or why not? Include a discussion of the function of the patella in the knee.


Extension: Students try jumping from various starting positions (slightly bent knees to full squat) to determine the optimum starting position for the highest jump. Once highest jump recorded students can calculate their hang time using the following formula: t^2 = 2d/g.

18 Lesson 5: Calculating Joint Reaction Forces at the Knee

Problem: How do forces in the knee change during activity?

Purpose: To model the motion of a knee when a person extends a leg and measure how the forces change.

Objectives: 1. Draw vector diagrams for force. 2. Measure and calculate compression forces in the knee.

Vector Review

A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and directions. Examples include force, velocity, acceleration, and torque. Vectors can be shown using arrows to show the magnitude and direction; the larger the arrow the larger the force, velocity, acceleration, or torque. Vectors can be added or subtracted.

+ = 5N + 5N = 10N

When adding two vectors of opposite direction, subtract their magnitudes.

+ =

4N + (-- 2N) = 2N

Add the following vectors graphically and analytically.

1. Karen is learning to ride a bike. Her peddling supplies 11 Newtons of force in a southern direction. Her father is pushing her with a force of 15 Newtons. How much force is pushing her forward? Include a vector diagram.

2. Two teams of three people and playing tug of war. Team 1 is exerting a force of 1050 Newtons west and the other team is exerting a force of 1075 Newtons east. What is the net force acting on the rope? In which direction are the teams moving? Include a vector diagram.

19 Vectors in Two Directions If vectors are not in a straight path the can be combined graphically. The single vector that is obtained from the combination of two vectors is a resultant vector.

+ = C A

B is the resultant vector.

If component vectors are at right angles to one another, the resultant vector (hypotenuse) can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem:

C2 = A2 + B2

If the component vectors are not at right angles the tip to tail method and the parallelogram methods can be used. In the tip to tail method the resultant vector is derived by connecting the tail of vector A to the tip of vector B.

A B R In the parallelogram method vectors are connected to depict two adjacent sides of a parallelogram.

 B A  R


The law of cosines can be used to calculate the resultant vectors in these examples.

R2 = A2 + B2 – 2AB(cos )

3. A jet plane is flying on a heading of 65 degrees at 450 km/h. The wind is blowing from 335 degrees at 75 km/h. What is the resulting velocity of the plane? Make a diagram showing the velocity vectors.

20 4. Two tractors pull against a 1.00 X 103 kg log. If the angle of the tractors’ chains is 36 degrees, and each tractor pulls with a force of 8 X 102 N, what is the net force they exert in the direction of the log’s motion. Make a diagram showing the force vectors.

5. A ring is wrapped around a large rock. Two ropes pull at the rock at a 35 degree angle. The force on rope A is 400 N and the force on rope B is 500 N. What is the net force on the rock? Include a diagram showing the force vectors.

6. Patellofemoral joint reaction force can be determined using the same procedure. In the problem below the angle between the patellar and quadriceps tendons is 35o. By constructing a parallelogram the joint reaction force can be determined using the law of cosines.

A Patella 35o

145o B

Tibia Femur

35o 145o B A  = 35o R

21 7. Determine the joint reaction forces in a knee where the angle between the patellar tendon and quadriceps tendon is 80o. Include a sketch of the parallelogram.

Joint Reaction Forces at the Knee

Materials: Knee model Rope Protractor or angle ruler Calculator Spring scale

Hypothesis – What will happen to reaction forces as the knee is flexed?

Procedure: 1. Remove the muscles from the knee model. 2. Tie a piece of rope to the attachment site on the tibia, and string it through the eyebolts at the patella and femur. 3. Secure the model to the table using C-clamps. 4. Attach the spring scale to the end of the cord at the femur. 5. Choose an angle of flexion. Measure the angle formed by the patellar tendon and quadriceps tendons and record it in table 2. 6. Begin to pull on the spring scale making sure that the string is parallel to the femur. Record the amount of force needed to start the dowel moving in table 2.

22 7. Repeat procedures 5 and 6 at four more angles of flexion.

Table 2: Determining Joint Reaction Forces

Angle Force on Force on Joint 8. between quadriceps patellar Reaction Calculate the joint quadriceps tendon (A) tendon (B) Force (R) reaction force using and patellar the law of tendons () cosine. Show calculations.

R2 = A2 + B2 – 2AB(cos )

9. Graph joint reaction force against the angle of flexion.

Analysis: 1. Explain how joint reaction forces in the knee change as the joint is flexed.

2. Squats are known to be particularly stressful on the knee. In a deep squat the angle of the quadriceps tendon and patellar tendon may be as low as 50 degrees. Calculate the joint reaction force on a knee in a deep squat. Use your weight in Newtons to complete your calculation. Remember that approximately 10% of your weight is below the knee.

3. Discuss how joint reaction force change as a person performs an action like kicking a ball. Include a discussion of the variables that affect the joint reaction forces.


4. How might joint reaction forces be used to determine the best height for steps on a staircase?

5. Forces up to 7.6 times a persons body weight can be generated at the knee during exercise. Under what conditions might this amount of force be generated?

Extension: Design an experiment to determine the most comfortable height for stairs.

Extension: Explore the role of the meniscus in distributing pressure at the tibila plateau.

24 Lesson 6: Assessment Case Studies – Knee injuries

Problem: What happens when damage occurs to various components of the knee?

Purpose: To expose students to a different number of common sports related injuries and use their knowledge from the previous lessons to analyze specific injuries.

Prerequisite Skills/Knowledge:

 In-depth understanding of the human knee, mechanics and terminology.

 Basic presentation skills.

 Ably to use PowerPoint.

Instructional Strategies:

This activity requires group work and incorporates comparison of the knee model and the human body via data collection and analysis.


Knee model Internet access/common sports related material Sports case study injuries www.physioroom.com

Sports Case Studies:

1. A 30-year-old male suffered an external trauma in his right knee while downhill skiing. Following the trauma, he experienced sharp pain, progressive joint effusion and subjective instability. ACL injury 2. A 18-year-old female while playing soccer has her left leg pinned between another player. While pinned she twisted her body resulting in a high level of torque applied to her knee. After the injury she begins to feel pain and swelling in the knee joint. Doctors believe this might be an ACL tear or a MCL tear. One other complaint she has had was that while walking her knee tends to lock up or is unable to straighten all the way. Meniscus Tear 3. A 25-year-old male occasional soccer player injured his knee while playing a game. The player locked his foot on the ground and pivoted on his lower limb to produce a high rotational torque on the knee. This injury produced a deficiency in joint stability resulting in experiences of “giving way” in the knee joint. The player also experienced sharp pain, progressive joint effusion and subjective instability. ACL injury 4. A 16-year-old basketball player had a forceful knee flexion while coming down from a jump. While landing the player contracted his quadriceps which produced a high level of strain around the knee joint especially around the

25 patella. After the injury the player is experiencing a sharp pain at the knee joint and is unable to perform a straight leg raise. The player is also experiencing a loss of stability in the knee. Broken Patella 5. A 20-year-old runner has been practicing all year for the iron man. She has been really focused on the bicycling leg of the race because she knows its her weakest event. Recently she has begun experiencing pain around her knee joint that has grown progressively worse. When talking to her doctor she tells him that the pain is located around the outer side of the knee joint and can sometimes radiated up or down her thigh and shin. Runners knee 6. A 18-year-old football player has recently received several large blows to his right upper shin. Besides the bruising doctors can’t find anything wrong with him. He doesn’t experience constant pain and little swelling after the accidents but he still claims that there is something wrong. When walking or playing he states that sometimes he feels unsteady in the right knee and does not trust that his knee will hold while playing football. PCL Tear


In this lesson you are going to in group’s research a number of common sports related injuries suffered by the knee. After researching common injuries you will be given a case study and be asked to diagnose the injury and create a presentation for the rest of the class.

Part A

1. Students put into groups of two or four.

2. Students are given the days assignment with rubric.

3. Students conduct research on common sports injuries.

4. After completing the basic research students will attempt to diagnose their specific injury.

5. With a diagnosed injury students will prepare a quick presentation for the rest of the class.


1. What are some of the basic common sports injuries?

2. Define the characteristics of some of the sports injuries.

3. What activity was the person doing at the time of injury?

26 4. What parts of the human knee did your person injure?

5. How is movement effected?

6. What kind of pain does the person feel?

7. Given the information you have, compared to the earlier research what common sports injury do you think your person has?


1. Were you correct?

2. If not what injury did your person suffer?

3. If wrong what information could you have gotten to help you make a better conclusion?

4. Given the injury how long will it take to rehab the knee?

5. What are some of the rehab procedures?

6. Is there a long term side effect for the injury?

7. Can you think of anything that might be engineered to cut down on the number of injuries suffered due to the person’s activities?


1. Class presentation on your sports injury case study. Five minutes long with some visual.

Student Name: ______

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Terminology Use of correct Use of correct Mostly uses the Does not use any anatomic anatomic correct anatomic of the correct terminology and terminology and terminology and terminology. names all the names most of includes some of parts involved the parts the parts involved. involved.

27 Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to understanding of understanding of understanding of understand the the topic. the topic. parts of the topic. topic very well.

Function and Covers the entire Covers most of Covers some of Does not cover Movement effects of the the effects of the the effects of the the effects of the injury and the injury injury injury effects of movement Time-Limit Presentation is Presentation is 4 Presentation is 3 Presentation is 5-6 minutes long. minutes long. minutes long. less than 3 minutes OR more than 6 minutes.

Posture and Stands up Stands up Sometimes Slouches and/or Eye Contact straight, looks straight and stands up does not look at relaxed and establishes eye straight and people during the confident. contact with establishes eye presentation. Establishes eye everyone in the contact. contact with room during the everyone in the presentation. room during the presentation. Visual Student uses Student uses 1 Student uses 1 The student uses several Visuals visual that shows visual which no visual OR the that show considerable makes the visual chosen considerable work/creativity presentation detract from the work/creativity and which make better. presentation. and which make the presentation the presentation better. better. Treatment Discusses the Discusses the Covers some of Does not cover rehab process rehab process the rehab the rehab process and the long process at all. term prognosis

28 Student Worksheet

Lesson 6: – Sports Case Studies

Purpose: To expose students to a different number of common sports related injuries and use their knowledge from the previous lessons to analyze specific injuries.

Prerequisite Skills/Knowledge:

 In-depth understanding of the human knee, mechanics and terminology.

 Basic presentation skills.

 Ably to use PowerPoint.

Instructional Strategies:

This activity requires group work and incorporates comparison of the knee model and the human body via data collection and analysis.


Knee model Internet access/common sports related material Sports case study injuries http://www.Physioroom.com


In this lesson you are going to in groups research a number of common sports related injuries suffered by the knee. After researching common injuries you will be given a case study and be asked to diagnose the injury and create a presentation for the rest of the class.

Part A

1. Students put into groups of two or four.

2. Students are given the days assignment with rubric.

3. Students conduct research on common sports injuries.

4. After completing the basic research students will attempt to diagnose their specific injury.

29 5. With a diagnosed injury students will prepare a quick presentation for the rest of the class.


1. What are some of the basic common sports injuries?

2. Define the characteristics of some of the sports injuries.

3. What activity was the person doing at the time of injury?

4. What parts of the human knee did your person injure?

5. How is movement effected?

6. What kind of pain does the person feel?

7. Given the information you have, compared to the earlier research what common sports injury do you think your person has?


1. Were you correct?

2. If not what injury did your person suffer?

3. If wrong what information could you have gotten to help you make a better conclusion?

4. Given the injury how long will it take to rehab the knee?

5. What are some of the rehab procedures?

6. Is there a long-term side effect for the injury?

7. Can you think of anything that might be engineered to cut down on the number of injuries suffered due to the person’s activities?


30 1. Class presentation on your sports injury case study. Five minutes long with some visual, best if PowerPoint.

Student Name: ______

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Terminology Use of correct Use of correct Mostly uses the Does not use any anatomic anatomic correct anatomic of the correct terminology and terminology and terminology and terminology. names all the names most of includes some of parts involved the parts the parts involved. involved. Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to understanding of understanding of understanding of understand the the topic. the topic. parts of the topic. topic very well.

Function and Covers the entire Covers most of Covers some of Does not cover Movement effects of the the effects of the the effects of the the effects of the injury and the injury injury injury effects of movement Time-Limit Presentation is Presentation is 4 Presentation is 3 Presentation is 5-6 minutes long. minutes long. minutes long. less than 3 minutes OR more than 6 minutes.

Posture and Stands up Stands up Sometimes Slouches and/or Eye Contact straight, looks straight and stands up does not look at relaxed and establishes eye straight and people during the confident. contact with establishes eye presentation. Establishes eye everyone in the contact. contact with room during the everyone in the presentation.

31 room during the presentation.

Visual Student uses Student uses 1 Student uses 1 The student uses several Visuals visual that shows visual which no visual OR the that show considerable makes the visual chosen considerable work/creativity presentation detract from the work/creativity and which make better. presentation. and which make the presentation the presentation better. better. Treatment Discusses the Discusses the Covers some of Does not cover rehab process rehab process the rehab the rehab process and the long process at all. term prognosis

32 References

Biomechanics team at Manchester Metropolitan University. YouTube. 14 Jul 2009. eOrthopod.com. A Patient Guide to Knee Anatomy. 18 Jul 2009.

Hall, Susan J. (2003) Basic Biomechanics (4th Ed.). New York: McGraw Hill

Hewitt, Paul G. (1993) Conceptual Physics. New York: Harper Collins

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Nordin, Margareta and Victor H. Frankel. (2001) Basic biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System. Philadelphia: Williams and Wilkins

Sheffield, Scott. GetBodySmart.com. 18 Jul 2009.

Butler, Jackie., Lewis, Ricki and Shier, David. (2004) Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology (10th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Labeling Exercises. 22 Jul 2009.

Zitzewitz, Paul W, Todd George Elliott, David G. Haase, Kathleen A Harper, Michael R. Herzog, Jane Bray Nelson, Jim Nelson, Charles A. Schuler, and Margaret K. Zorn. (2005). Physics: Principles and Problems. New York: Glencoe.


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