Cimarron Watershed Alliance, Inc

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Cimarron Watershed Alliance, Inc

Cimarron Watershed Alliance, Inc. MINUTES Stakeholder Meeting Cimarron OfficeEagle Nest Lake State Park Visitor’s Center March 18JuneJuly 22st 26, 2015

ATTENDEES: Mark Anderson, Philmont Scout Ranch, CWA Vice President; Rick Smith, Highland Solutions, CWA Treasurer; Gus Holm, Vermejo Park Ranch, CWA President; John Celley, Philmont Scout Ranch; Michael Dean, Girl Scouts of NM, Camp Elliot Barker; Josh Harty, Silver Dollar Racing & Shavings; Alfred Chavez, Jim Morgan, Trout Unlimited, CWA Secretary;Trout Unlimited; Anderson, Philmr, PhilmonWhiting , Trout Unlimrojec Julia Stae Lopez, NM State ForKrystal Harty, Silver Dollar Racing & Shavings; Josh Harty, Silver Dollar Racing & ShavingsToner Mitchell, Trout Unlimited; Shaundy Africano, Vermejo Park Ranch, CWA Recording Secretary

Call to Order - The Cimarron Watershed Alliance, Inc. (CWA) Stakeholder Meeting was called to order by CWA President, Gus Holm at 9:20 094am with introductions made around the table. Gus verified that a quorum was present by 9:55 am. not no present.

Approval of Agenda – The Wetlands Action Plan was added to the agenda under old business. The group agreed to follow the agenda as amendedadtions during old business and proposing n new business.The group agre.

Approval of Minutes – The January and February minutes will be tabled for approval until the April meeting th MayJune & July md and Shaundy assured the group that Jim’s ce Agust meeting.rewed. Jim Morgan motioned to approve the minutes as read, Julia Stafford seconded the motion. All

. Chris Sawyer moved to approve all the minutes. Jim Mog

Treasurer’s Report – The January Treasurer’s Report was presented by Rick Smith. The bank balance is $2,833.56 after all bills have been paid. The January and February Treasurer’s Reports will be tabled for approval until the April next Mmeeting.Ts Reports from Jan, Feb, March, and MayJulyne was were presented by Rick Smithby Gus Holm. At this point the CWAbalanceis $6,582.705,467.224,351.80 and all bills have be. A check from Trout Unlimited for membership dues was received in as well as a bill from Beehive Insurance for Bober annee present members appng to kvedse reports for audit. Jim Morgan seconded the motion. All voted aye, motih and Shaundy Africanor’s Report for audit. Julia Stafford seconded the motion. All approved. OLD BUSINESS The CWA was approvedblic meetings to be held,O0:30 am, one at the Eagle Nest Lake State Visitor Center on August 26 th 26 th at 10:30 am, and the final one at the Elliot Barker GiRanch in Angel Fireember 23 rd . The memethrough Trout Unlimited.

as examples. Philmont and Vermejo will work to gather GIS maps and everyone will help by u.  the June meeting  Pulling together the GIS, adding a landowner overlay to the maps  with Angel Fire, Cami  Colfax Cooperative Weed Management Area- This grant began in 2011 from Ponil Creek to Elliot Barker along the Greenwood. There were 36 monitoring transects that show that the invasive weeds on a whole are declining. Philmont Scout Ranch continues spraying, pulling weeds, and mowing. Philmont would like to eventually expand weed treatment to include the North Ponil on the XA Ranchmove up the Ponil to the North. Funding runs out at the end of June 2015 and Philmont will reapply in the fall of 2015. They will need support letters at that time. Ponil Phase II Grant- Rick Smith is working on the 404 Permit with Sara Holm. There will be a walk-through on April 13th . John Celley and Rick Smith will coordinate 3-5 days of and a week of planting cottonwood and willows planting in April before the walk-through. The work plan change/update that Gus Holm is working on will include the lower reaches of the Ponil. George Long offered to help with ARC clearances. George Long from the Carson National Forest said that the USFS archaeologist could complete the archaeological clearances for the project., but they will to be finishn ATV andratil mid- Friday, May 22 nd the 404 permit should be finished anfrom Rangeland Hands visited the Ponil on Wednesday, August 19th will visit the Ponil August 17 th -21 st to address maintaining the existing low water crossings, especially after the recent flood. We also don’t know if the transducers survived the Ponil flood. Wednesday, August 19th at 11 am thealong with Deanna Cummings (Army Corps of Engineers), Gus Holms (will meet at the CWA), Office and then the Mike Matush ( NMED), Dan Guivera (SWQB-NMED), NMDOT, Jacob Davidson (NM G&F), and Steve Carson will look at the project status. The er and John Celley from Philmont Scout Ranch. They reported that:  All the water gap structures held through the flood, only the lowest water crossing was covered by a landslide so they plan to dig it out and make it functional again.  The thermographs that they found were also still working, although covered in mud.  There will be a little bit of fence repair to do, about 30 feet between the Elliot Barker and Philmont.  There was one section downstream from the Elliot Barker where the water went around the baffle and back into the head cut that will need to be repaired. However, the repair stays within the scope of the Ponil II grant and so Steve will plan to come back on September 14 th to fix it. When this is complete we will send the next bill into the NMED.  IF the CWA has completed all tasks and has extra money, they will go assess and design a project for the headcut that is between the North Ponil and Hwy 64 on the Chase Ranch. The next meeting will be in September or October. Gus Holm said the CWA was well-involved at a high level and made a big impact. rd the Fall. CWA Office Plans- The CWA is considering holding our meeting at The Porch restaurant in Cimarron in order to save money. Sharon gave us a bid of $75/meeting plus $25 for snacks. Any big meetings could be held at Philmont or the Eagle Nest Visitor’s Center. Jim Morgan moved to terminate the lease with Rosebud Properties at the end of September and begin to host our meetings at The Porch. Julia Stafford seconded the motion, All voted aye, motion approved. Julia Stafford moved to offer the furniture to the Office of the State Engineer first, in exchange for use of the space on occasion. If the OSE does not want the furniture then the CWA will sell it by closed bid. Jim Morgan seconded the motion. All voted aye, motion passed. The CWA would most likely store their survey equipment at Philmont Scout Ranch and the files perhaps at Sharon’s.

CFRP for Philmont- John Celley reported that the CFRP application will in fact be reviewed by the technical panel on March 20th. There were 23 total applications and since there were so few the review panel is able to modify “on the fly” so they can review ALL the applications. John and Chris will have 5 minutes to present/defend the application. Raul Furtado is the partnership coordinator for Carson National Forest and suggested acknowledging our mistake and have the missing letter on hand.

2 Wetlands Action Plan- The CWA applied for the grant, but have not heard any news.

NM Surface Water Quality Bureau- The SWQB meeting was recently held in Raton and was well- attended by the CWA. CWA showed their support for the monitoring and granted the SWQBwere able to coordiante access to several pieces of property. They discussed where and what the group is going to monitor and asked if members of the CWA would be able to learn about the sampling protocol.


This particular gment. The state provides match for 319 money ould be on the books?

- Gus brought a sal f

th the exception of Alan Huerta, who requested to be excused this year. This board wou

CFRP Review Committee is looking for a member to serve on the panel beginning April 2016. If anyone is interested they can for its staff.Jim Morgan is doing some water testing today and wanted to note that when there is no recorded change in temperature on thermographs in different parts of the river, there is potentially a change of ½ of degree Celsius because of the change in elevation between readings. Julia Stafford mentioned a NM Land Conservancy field day at the Wind River Ranch this weekend, August 28 th and 29 th . There is a dinner Friday night and a workshop on Saturday if anyone is interested.

the very successful watnd release of finger also interested in purchasing through Trout Unlimited a Sonde (sp?) for multi-param

The group discussed pursuing River Stewardship Funding on the Cimarron River, perhaps a project on the Colin Neblet? Trout Unlimited might be interested in talking to the Game and Fish about encouraging fish habitat projects. ANNOUNCEMENTS –

Mark Anderson attended the Colfax County Regional Comprehensive Plan where water was discussed at length. The next meeting will be discussion about ordinances related to road construction.

April ly Aust Septem ber Stake holder Meeting- The April lyAuguSeptembermeeting will be our annual meeting. It will be April 22ndJuly 22 nd August 26thS23rd a 9:390 am at the Eagle Nest State Park Visitor’s Centerl Fire. The Wetland Action Plan public meeting will meet immediately after the close of the CWA business meeting at approximately 10:30 am.. Officers will meet at 9:30 am.

Adjourn the Stakeholder Meeting - The- Julia Stafford moved to adjourn meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am. The sub-committee for the Regional Watershed Plan will meet immediately following this meeting.Tthe CWA adjourned their meeting at 11:1010:15 am. Jim Morgan seconded. All voted aye, motion passed.

3 Minutes Respectfully Submitted by: Shaundy Africano, CWA Recording Secretary

Approved By:______



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