St. John S Lutheran Church

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St. John S Lutheran Church

St. John’s Lutheran Church Celebrating 125 Years 1890-2015 2015 EPISTLE Page 2

Pastors Message Page 1 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 6 WELCA Page 2 Volunteers Page 7 Council Minutes Page 3 Calendar Page 8

Clap your hands, all you peoples; shout Trusting in God’s promises, to God with a joyful sound! Pastor Annie This opening verse of Psalm 47 speaks directly to us this October! There is much to celebrate here at St. Johns! We celebrate our past, present, and future as we join together for our 125th Anniversary! We celebrate the abundance of God as we dwell in scripture and prayer together during a time of stewardship covenanting! We rejoice with nine new Confirmands as they proclaim the good news and continue their witness in the world! Indeed, God has been working in and through the people of St. John’s! We have much to celebrate and much to look forward to! As we celebrate we look into our past to see how God has been at work in Spring Valley for 125 years. We pause to reflect on the resources God has entrusted to our care. We celebrate the completion of an intensive time in catechism for our young people. Now, we turn our gaze from the past and stand in the midst of the present while we also dream about the future. How has God been molding us through our rich past to prepare us for what lies ahead? What ministries do we envision for the future of God’s church of St. John’s and how might our shared resources create new possibilities for these ministries? How might God be working in the lives of those newly confirmed to renew the church by sharing their gifts? How might each of us continue into our lives daily transformed by the power of Baptism? Hebrews 13:8 reminds us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever!” Jesus is present with us as we celebrate these things and Jesus will continue to be faithfully with us as we embark on what is next for the people of God in this community. Where and to whom is God calling us next? In what ways might St. John’s share the Good News to people so hungry to hear it? What do you think are some of our strongest assets and what would you name as our community’s largest need? In the weeks and months ahead we will be discovering together what the Holy Spirit has in store for us next. What will be God’s story at St. John’s 25 years from now? The possibilities are exciting and as Sarah taught us last month, we know that nothing is too wonderful for our Lord! “Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our king, sing praises!” Psalm 47:6 St. John’s Lutheran Church Celebrating 125 Years 1890-2015 2015 EPISTLE Page 3

SEPTEMBER PASTORAL ACTS *Chicken dinner and program following worship Baptism  Lily Isla Moore was baptized on September 6, 2015. ($5 per person, reservations required) She is the daughter of Rob and Amaris Moore. Lily was born on January 1, 2015 in River Falls. Her sponsors are Mitch and Erin Nelson. 2016 STEWARDSHIP DRIVE Our Stewardship verse this year is “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Psalms 24:1 By now, you should have received your 2016 Stewardship packet that contains your Time & Talents sheet and 2016 Covenant Card. Please bring these completed items to worship on October 18 for “Covenant Sunday”. If you are unable to attend on October 18, please mail your completed forms to the church office. There are extra forms available in the Narthex. The Stewardship Committee is hosting St. John's Stewardship Autumn Celebration on October 18th, following our service. Each member of St. John's is invited to join us for fellowship and fun! We will have a fall dessert and apple cider.


October 3rd, 3:00-5:00pm: *Open house with historical display *Ice cream social October 4th: *Fellowship hour, 9:00-10:00am *Sunday School, 9:-9:55am *Celebratory worship service with recognition of members over 80 years old, 10:00am St. John’s Lutheran Church Celebrating 125 Years 1890-2015 2015 EPISTLE Page 4 MESSAGE FROM COUNCIL PRESIDENT are interested. (leave a detailed In August, we welcomed the newest member of our message). congregation, Pastor Annie. We opened this next chapter in St. John’s history with an installation service followed by a potluck gathering and celebration. Thank you to all who made this possible. I am requesting that those who are group leaders who meet during non-office hours (choir, work groups, etc.) to please coordinate with Jay Arneson (Head Trustee) for a refresher on how to properly turn on and off the lights, heating and air-conditioning systems. We have had operating issues with both systems. If you are unsure of proper operation, please ask for help. Respectfully, Phil Hennemann CONFIRMATION AT ST. JOHN’S Confirmation service will be held on Sunday, October 25. St. John’s will have 9 students reaffirming their baptismal promises. They are: Ben Anderson, Quinn Anderson, Dakota Brooke, Gabe Larson, Madison Maier, Lauren Peabody, Brenna Schreiber, Erin Stans and Jenna Wildner. Fellowship hour will be in honor of all the confirmands. Coffee and cake will be served. Everyone is invited! CHEESE GRATER TRIATHLON FOR SUICIDE AWARENESS Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 Spring Valley Golf Course Run - Golf - Bean Bags Silent Auction, Raffles, Food and Music Join the Cheese Grater Triathlon for Suicide Awareness. You may participate in any or all events: 1. 5K Run & 2 mile Walk/Run, begins at 10am 2. 9 Hole golf scramble, begins at noon 3. Bean Bag tourney, begins at 4pm There will be a silent auction, raffles, food and music throughout the day. To register or for more information on events and fees, go online at:

Welcome to the 2015-2016 Sunday School Year! We are off to a great start! We are looking for Sunday School teachers and help teachers for the second half of the Sunday School year. Please contact Dana Benson at 715-772-4977, Lisa Smith at 715-772-4655, Stacy Burr at 715-778-4547 or Kate Crogan at 715-778-4705 if you St. John’s Lutheran Church Celebrating 125 Years 1890-2015 2015 EPISTLE Page 5 LIBRARY REVIEW “Arizona Brides” By Carol Cox “Arizona Brides” is a story of romance, mystery and faith that takes place in Arizona. “Arizona Brides” follows the lives of Elizabeth Simmons, Jenny Davis and Hallie Evans as they make their way to faith, happiness and love. There are several “Brides” books like this in the library that take place in different states. Lynda Johnson, Librarian WOMEN OF ST. JOHN’S Submitted by Nina Larson We are back to our regular schedule with our Women’s activities. We hope many of you will join us.  Circle/Bible Study will be on Thursday, October 8, at 2:00 in the Valley Villas dining room. Beulah will have devotions and Sylva Anderson and Pearl Ducklow will serve as hostesses. Pastor Annie will lead our Bible Study starting with the book of Mark.  Bingo will be on Tuesday, October 6, at 2:00 at the Spring Valley Health Care Center.  QUILTING takes place on the first and third Thursdays from 9 to 12 in the Fellowship Hall. We would welcome more workers. All you need to know is how to tie a knot. Coffee is on at 10:00. TIME & TALENT SHEETS It’s that time of year again. All active members of St. John’s should have received their new Time & Talent Sheets. Please take the time to fill out a new form and return it as soon as possible. Anyone who does not fill out a new form will remain on the list of the volunteer areas from the last Time & Talent Sheet turned in. If you wish to be removed from an area, you must fill out a new form designating your new areas of interest, if any. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated. PRAYER PARTNER REMINDER Please remember to pray and send cards all year to your secret prayer partner. STAYING PUT! Staying Put is a new non-profit organization which will soon be coordinating volunteers to help seniors and adults with disabilities to maintain their independence. Sign up and be a part of Staying Put. “Caring, Connecting, Contributing”. See us on Facebook, call us at (715)778-5800 (after Oct. 1st) Page 6

MISSION ENDOWMENT FUND SEEKING INPUT MISSION PROJECT: SCHOOL KITS The MEC set a goal this year for three funding areas to Now is the best time to buy the support. The first two (St. Johns Scholarship, Henrytown materials needed for the Mission Lutheran Church fire response) have been accomplished. Project: School Kits. School Kits The third category is to clarify what existing mission need: Four 70 count notebooks (approx. research effort we will elect to distribute funds to. We 8” x 11”) NO loose leaf paper; One blunt scissors (safety are searching for the right project that the congregation scissors with embedded steel blades); One ruler (30cm would resonate with and be a topic area important for one side and 12 inches on the other side); One pencil the mission of the ELCA Lutheran Church and St. Johns. sharpener; Five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers – The Mission Endowment Committee has set a meeting secure with a rubber band; Five ball point pens – secure with representatives of the Church Council and Pastor with a rubber band; One eraser (about 2 ½” long); One for the middle of Oct. to help in this matter. If you have box of 16 or 24 count crayons; Shipping cost is $1.40 any ideas or suggestions on this matter please contact per bag. We will supply the bags and colored paper. whomever you wish to pass on your suggestion. Thank You for helping some child in the world to have Mission Endowment Committee the school supplies to help in their learning journey. Rob Peterson-Chair Mission Project: School Kit Chair, SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION PROJECT Nancy Cleveland St. John’s Sunday School will continue to support Yohannes Seyoum through the Compassion International program. Yohannes is an 11 year old boy from Ethiopia. Yohannes makes his home with his mother and 1 sibling.  He and his mother sometimes work by selling items in Special Thanks to Keith and Nina Larson for their work the marketplace. For fun, Yohannes enjoys soccer and on the 125th Anniversary Historic Book and for their art. He attends church activities regularly at the Saris amazing efforts finding and inviting past Pastors and and Kaliti Guenet Church Student Center and is in including the members who were 80+ whether primary school where his performance is average. collecting their life stories or motivating them to Please remember Yohannes in your prayers. Our attend the 125th celebration. support will help provide him with food, water, schooling  Thank you to everyone who worked to make the and medical attention. Donations to Yohannes can be 125th Anniversary celebration an event to placed in the jar on the oak cabinet in the Narthex. In remember. Our next anniversary celebration will be order to sponsor him, St. John’s needs to donate $38 our 150th Celebration in 2040! per month.  Special Thanks to Tom Gunderson for painting four different pictures of St. John's Evangelical Church spanning it's 125 years of change. The original STATISTICAL INFORMATION paintings will proudly be displayed for all to enjoy. Attendance: 2015 2014  Thank you to Rusty Crow for the awesome ice September 6 107 147 (2014 Rally Day) cream cone he made for St. John’s Dam Days float. September 13 128 126 (2015 Rally Day)  Special thanks to Nina Larson and Lynda Johnson for th September 20 81 98 (Dam Days) all of their hard work on the 125 Anniversary Celebration bulletin board.  A special thank you to Sylva Anderson and Pastor Giving: General Open Chris (Schneewind) Engstrom for their generous Simply monetary gifts to the 125th Anniversary fund. Plate Giving September 6 $1,677 $86 $370 CHRISTIAN HUMOR September 13 $3,056 $108 $65 An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting September 20 $1,402 $159 $70 into mischief, finally asked him, “How do you expect to get into heaven?” Needed/week: $2,953.22 (2015) The boy thought it over and said, “Well, I’ll just run in Total needed to date this month: $112,222.36 and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says, ‘For Heaven’s sake, Jimmy, come in Total received to date this month: $91,836.87 or stay out!’” Total budget: (2015) $153,567.27 Page 7 St. John’s Lutheran Church o need internet in the Education Building (a booster Council Meeting may be the solution) September 8, 2015  Worship: Belonging to Christ, we are a family of o Services are planned through the end of faith, Encouraging spiritual growth and September. Connecting others to lasting hope. o will do the Narrative lectionary from Sept.-May Those Present: Phil Hennemann (President), Bob ( will apply for the licensing) Kinsman (Vice President), Marsha Brunkhorst (Financial  Social Concerns: Nothing to report. Secretary), Kate Crogan (Education), Nancy Cleveland  Mission Endowment: nothing (Worship), Jay Arneson (Trustee), Jenny Stoiber Old Business (Deacons), Pastor Annie White 1. 125th Anniversary Celebration: will meet again Sept. Call to Order: President Hennemann called the 9. meeting to order at 7:04 pm. o there will be a float in the Dam Days Parade: Gordon Hora has offered the use of his 1941 Ford Opening Prayer: Pastor Annie used a devotional from: to pull the float. Jenny Stoiber is designing the 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 as a reading and point of float and Kate Crogan the notes to hand out at the discussion. The Council members present introduced parade to advertise the 125th Anniversary themselves to Pastor Annie. celebration. Approval of Agenda: Marsha Brunkhorst moved, Jay o Community ice cream social on October 3. Arneson seconded to approve the agenda as printed. o 125th Anniversary service and chicken dinner on Motion carried. October 4 o historic booklet has been developed by Keith and Presidents Report: note: those who are group Nina Larson and is almost ready to go to press. leaders who meet during non-office hours should Tom Gunderson has painted 4 pictures of St. coordinate with the Head Trustee (Jay Arneson) for a o refresher on how to properly turn on and off the lights, John’s Church over its 125 years. heating, air conditioning systems. 2. Work day/area beautification day is scheduled for Saturday, September 26 from 9:00-12:00. A sign Pastor’s Report: up sheet will be sent around for people to sign up.  Pastor Annie presented her official letter of 3. Audio/Visual Project Update: Speed of Sound acceptance to the Council. (SOS) from Eau Claire has the best bid of about  Mentioned the Nov. 14 Chili Feed by the Fire $6765. Bob Kinsman will call and schedule them to Department present information/and or the system to the  Thanked the Council for the beautiful flowers the Council at the October 13 meeting. Council gave her when she arrived. 4. Luther Point Funding: Discussion about future funding for all youth programs will continue after Secretary’s Report: Bob Kinsman moved, Kate th Crogan seconded to approve August 11, 2015 the 125 Celebration is done. secretary’s report as printed. Motion carried. New Business Treasurer’s Report: 1. Facility Use Request: Community Fire Department  Questioned the status of the copier. Jay Arneson has submitted a Facility Use Request for November will check on it. 14, 2015, hours 4-7 for a Chili Supper at St.  Noted that emails for people need to be updated… John’s. A refundable $100 damage deposit will be ask those people IF they prefer their Epistle via asked for. Jay Arneson moved, Marsha Brunkhorst email. seconded to approve the request. Motion carried.  Questions about energy costs. Jay noted there are Next Meeting: October 13, 2015 at 7:00 pm 3 different thermostats for the 3 different areas. Adjourn: Nancy Cleveland moved, Jay Arneson Marsha Brunkhorst moved, Jay Arneson seconded to seconded to adjourn at 9:09 pm. Motion carried. approve the Treasurers report. Motion carried. Meeting ended with the Lord’s Prayer. Review of Bills: no questions. Respectfully submitted by Nancy Cleveland (sub Committee Reports: secretary) Stewardship: met with Pastor Annie September 3.  Heavenly Father, in our journey though life  Deacons: Nothing to report. Teach us to look back with gratitude  Trustees: Jay Arneson reported there was a no and count our blessings; cost simple fix to a light problem. But it appears To look forward with confidence that our system is vulnerable to lightning strikes. and trust you for all that’s to come;  Education : In the faith of Jesus Christ our Lord. o met with Pastor Annie September 3 ~Author Unknown o Rally Sunday is on September 13. Page 8


The office would like to update our database with all member and friends email addresses. By providing your email, we are able to communicate with everyone more effectively and can be better stewards of our resources. We are working toward decreasing the amount we spend on paper, postage and labor. In the near future we would like to:  Send email reminders to those who volunteer with worship (i.e. ushering, greeting, reader, etc.) instead of mailing out postcards.

 Email monthly newsletters in addition to posting it on our website instead of mailing. Printed copies would be available in the Narthex for those who prefer them. Copies would still be sent to the homebound and in care facilities.

 Email stewardship information.

 Email other important church communication to keep everyone informed in a timely manner.

Please check the appropriate box and complete the information requested.

 I/we would like to receive our newsletter and other information emailed to me/us. Please provide an email address for each family member interested in receiving the newsletter/other information via email.

Name: Email address:

Name: Email address:

Name: Email address:

Name: Email address:

 I have an email and will pick-up a paper copy of the newsletter but would like the other information emailed to me. Name: Email address:

 I do not have an email and will pick-up a paper copy of the newsletter and other information. Name:

 I/my loved one is homebound or in a care facility and would like a paper copy of the newsletter/other information. Name:



11 – Kaden Lansing 2 – Taylor Bille Megan Manor 23 – Sara Anderson Ruth Hennemann 14 – Jack Brown Claire Anderson Jason Stoiber Diego Schmitt Tyler Larson 3 – Quinn Anderson 15 – Joy Olson 24 – Trace Anderson Steve Brorson 17 - Katherine Anderson 25 – Jacob Benson John Larson 19 – Madelyn Thompson 26 – Ryan Anderson 4 - Don Gavic 20 –Jameson Bauer Kemri Schlegel 7 - Betty Breitinger Christopher Davis 28 - Cathy Utecht 8 - Linda Anderson LeRoy Nelson 29 - Hunter Schutz Tyler Mathiesen 21 - Duane Miller 30 – Alyssa Blackbird 9 – Gabe Larson 22 – Xen Larson Lloyd Larrieu Virgil Lueth Virginia Overland

The Spring Valley Community 2 – Peter & Barb Esanbock Food Pantry 5 – Randy & Shelby Ellefson The Spring Valley Community Food pantry is 8 – Mark & Jennifer Bille available to help anyone in need of food in our 10 – James & Ann Green area. 16 – Jeff & Kayla Thompson nd th 18 – Royce & Connie Mann The Food Pantry is open the 2 and 4 23 – Jeff & Amy Cady Wednesday of each month from 10 – 11:30 am James & Leslie Jackson and from 4:30 – 6 pm. 24 – William & Jennifer O’Keefe The phone number for the Spring Valley Larry & Linda Traynor Community Food Pantry is 778-5988. For immediate need, please call the Pierce County Food Pantry in Ellsworth at 715-273-2070. They are open Monday thru Friday from 9:30 am to noon and Wednesday from 4-6 pm. Need A Prayer? Call Beulah Thompson at For those who are able, donations (food items or 778-5542 and our Prayer Chain will go into action! monetary) are welcomed and appreciated. Food Pantry Donations The Food Pantry has special needs for the fall. Donations can be dropped off in the Narthex. They are looking for:  cans of chili  cans of beef stew  apple juice  cans of soup  cleaning supplies (especially Clorox Wipes, toilet bowl cleaner), toiletries Page 10  winter gear (new or gently used) for all ages (hats, coats, boots, snow pants, gloves, mittens and scarves). Page 11

VOLUNTEERS If this schedule does not work for you, please try to switch with someone else. If you are willing to help with the openings or cannot find someone to switch with you, please notify the church office at 778-5935. Thank you!

OCTOBER November Ushers Ushers 4 – Leanna & Zacc Larson 1 – Bob & Nancy Kinsman 11 – Kasey Roatch & Ed Raehsler 8 – Mike & Heidi Jacobson 18 – Craigen Anderson & Bill Emerson 15 – Greg & Terri Trealoff 25 – Keith & Nina Larson 22 – Phil Hennemann & Gerald Hueftle 29 – Ron, Patrick & Tessa Cipriano Head Ushers 4 – Bob Kinsman Head Ushers 11 – Bob Hanson 1 – Bob Hanson 18 – Craigen Anderson 8 – Craigen Anderson 25 – Bob Kinsman 15 – Bob Kinsman 22 – Bob Hanson Greeters 29 – Craigen Anderson 4 – Joan Arneson, Jay & Wendy Arneson Greeters 11 – Jason & Jenny Stoiber 1 – Rick & Patti Gould 18 – Cipriano Family 8 – Reece & Laurie Keehr 25 – Rob & Lori Peterson 15 – Keith & Nina Larson Communion Assistants 22 – Jeanne Niccum & Judy Doughty 4 – Judy Larrieu & Missy Mathiesen 29 – Bob & Nancy Kinsman 18 – Shelby Crow & Pearl Ducklow Communion Assistants 25 – Lynda Johnson & Kristin Larson 1 – Marsha Brunkhorst & Tiffany Gregg Readers 15 – Kelly Schreiber & Stacey Wildner 4 – Marsha Brunkhorst Readers 11 – Esther Gland 1 – Nancy Kinsman 18 – David Adams 8 – Dana Benson 25 – Rob Peterson 15 – Lori Peterson 22 – Tonya Maier Acolytes 29 – Tessa Cipriano 4 – Erin Stans & Lauren Peabody Acolytes 11 – Charlie Maier & Madison Maier 1 – Jack Brown & Logan Brown 18 – Gabe Larson & Xen Larson 8 – Eli Butts & Blayne Gregg 25 – Emma Esanbock & Ella Esanbock 15 – Hawken Benson & Sam Benson Coffee Servers 22 – Clara Gland & Sina Nystrom 4 – Cathee Quist & Mattea Roen 29 – Connor Lynum & Kayla Lynum 11 – Rick & Patti Gould Coffee Servers 18 – Nystrom Family 1 – Judy Larrieu & Stacy Burr 25 – Education Committee 8 – Jay & Wendy Arneson Nursery Workers 15 – Terry & Wanda Blaedorn 4 – 22 – Matthys Family 11 – 29 – Ann Green 18 – Nursery Workers 25 – 1 – 8 – Bread Baking 15 – Pastor Annie 22 – Communion Set-Up/Clean up 29 – Virginia Overland and Marsha Brunkhorst Bread Baking Laura Hennemann Communion Set-Up/Clean up Julie Finch & Susan Gregg Page 12 3 0 7 4 1 y


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