French Regime 1663-1763 ....I know.....(15)

1-that the first French explorers came and sailed along the coast, went up the Gulf of St Lawrence and attempted a settlement that failed in the 16 th Century.

2-that the period of Company Rule was from 1608-1663,the Company of 100 Associates had a monopoly to trade furs and were supposed to bring settlers over to develop the colony but failed.

3-the French Regime period was from 1663 -1763 and began with the start of a Royal Government when the King took over and it was made up of a Bishop,Governor and Intendant (BIG).... and eventually a Sovereign Council.

4-that the King and his followers followed Absolutism which means the King’s power to rule comes from God.

5-that the King appointed a Governor who was in charge of military and diplomatic affairs.

6-that the Pope appointed a Bishop who controlled all clergy ,priests and nuns, worked in schools and hospitals , did social work and missionary work and were the foundation of New France.

7-that the King appointed an Intendant who ran the justice and seigneurial system and was in charge of finances and the economy.

8-that the Great Intendant Jean Talon had a Census done that showed him the colony had a small population. too many men / not enough women and that he needed to diversify the economy.

9-that Talon increased immigration by bringing Les Filles du Roi,soldiers,engages and increased the natural increase or birth rate by fining people and using baby bonuses.

10-Mercantilism means the Colony supplies raw materials(furs) to the Mother Country who turn it to Finished products(hats)and the Mother Country gets rich as a result. They had Triangle Trade too.

11-that the fur trade employed First Nations tribes, then coureurs des bois, then voyageurs and expanded the territory searching for furs and also created conflict with the British.

12-that the colony was not diversified and relied too much on furs.

13-that the Seigneurial System was the system of land organization, involved a seigneur or landlord, a censitaire or tenant farmer, on a seigneurie along rectangular lands near the water.

14-that the influence of the tough lifestryle,harsh living conditions and influence from First Nations led the colonists to discover a Canadien or independant spirit different from France.

15-that the expansion of the fur trade led to 4 wars with the English ,they defeated New Franceon the Plains of Abraham because they had more soldiers,support from their Mother Country, and surrounded New France.