Play USTA Flex Leagues in Portland and Seattle this summer

If you’re in the greater Portland or Seattle areas and want to play singles on your schedule this summer, we’ve got the league for you. USTA Flex League packages all the thrills of organized league tennis into a flexible schedule so everyone, regardless of time constraints and ability, can play. Flex Leagues offer fun and competitive matches for players of all levels—from beginner to advanced. You’ll get all the thrills, excitement and fun of USTA League, but on your own schedule. The Flex League format groups players of similar ability together in an organized seven to ten week summer league that allows participants to schedule matches on their own terms. Flex Leagues are organized by NTRP ratings so you can play at your rating level or above. And what makes Flex Leagues so unique is that you play your matches when it’s convenient for you and your opponent, as either player can take responsibility for setting up a match in any given week. The USTA/PNW is offering singles Flex Leagues this summer in Portland and Seattle in both men’s and women’s singles at the 3.0, 3.5. 4.0. 4.5 and 5.0 NTRP levels. Registration is currently underway in Portland with a sign-up deadline of June 13. The Portland USTA Flex League season is scheduled to start June 17 and end August 17. Seattle registration opens June 20 with a deadline of July 25 and the season scheduled to run from August 1 through September 30. USTA membership is not required to participate in flex leagues and costs are $35 for non-USTA members and $25 for USTA members. USTA Flex League Coordinator for both the Portland and Seattle leagues is Maureen Strieb. Please contact her at [email protected] or (425) 889-2791 with any questions or visit and click on the “Play Tennis” tab for more information on USTA Flex Leagues.