MINUTES Bishop McHugh Regional Catholic School

Date/time 1/04/2016 6:00 PM | Meeting called to order by Anita McMahon

A. In Attendance

Principal McGuire Anita McMahon Nadine Marks Dempsey Chrissy Reich Betsy Gibson Kathy Filippo Felicia Nivens Debbie Laricks Jill Thompson Jackie Hayes

B. Opening Prayer C. Approval of Minutes

The minutes were read from the December meeting and stand approved.

Principal’s Report - Mr. Tom McGuire

New Pre-Requisition Form  Form will replace current reimbursement form and allow for tracking of expenses. Form to be submitted for any purchase requests for faculty as well as PATH. Please attempt to have in 2 weeks prior to need. Mr. McGuire will approve all forms. Curricular Report  Expansion of school clubs continues. Addition of Art Mosaic Club, led by Kathy Filippo, will begin February 7th. Lego club, led by Shelly Player, will begin in upcoming month. These additional clubs will be open for 1st-4th grades.  Coding club to meet January 11th and 25th. This club is open for 3rd-8th grades. OC Curricular Share  A collaboration with the Ocean City schools. Our teachers, along with Mr. McGuire, will be able to share ideas and information with the Ocean City teachers. The focus will be on the primary grades at this time. Upcoming Events  Mass for the Epiphany will be Friday, January 6th at 10:00AM  Catholic Schools Week to begin Sunday January 29th. There will be an opening mass at each of the four parishes. Felicia to post the CSW schedule.  PATH to host luncheon for the teachers on the last day of CSW. This will be a half day for students.  May 4th evening open house. Stay tuned for information from Felicia.

D. Monthly Meal The first monthly meal raised $55.92. Vita Bella is looking forward to partnering with Bishop McHugh again in the near future. Next meal set for January 27th. Jackie Hayes to reach out to several local businesses including Court House Pizza and Italian Affair to see if they are interested. Looking to have restaurants spread out across the various towns. Looking to add a pizza option to the existing menu. Need to make sure we are blasting FB as well as getting work out with flyers with upcoming meal dates.

School Calendar-Future Events

 Pool Party at OC Aquatic Center 2/11/17. Time 5:30-7:00 PM  Casino Night 2/25/17 at LaCosta in Sea Isle 7pm-11pm  Golf Outing 5/19/17  Laps For Learning 4/28/17 time TBD

E. Secret Santa Shop- Recap

 Raised $740.00  $540 to be donated to Family Promise  $200 set aside for a donation to be made in Memory of George Katity. George was the Upper Township us driver who recently paw. Felicia to reach out to the Katity family to see if there is a particular charity that they would like the money to go to.  Some discussion on the process for the younger students. Suggestions to maybe pair PreK and K with their prayer partners

F. Casino Night-02/25/2017

 Letters have been sent out to local businesses for sponsorship opportunities  Save the dates to be sent out shortly  Looking for donations for baskets  Extending invitations to the Parish Councils with opportunity to buy discounted tickets  Teachers to be given tickets at the CSW luncheon  Look for Sign Up Genius for opportunities to help Jill

G. GOLF Outing-5/19/17

No new information at this time

H. New Business

Discussion regarding installing lockers for the 8th grade and possibly 7th if adequate funds. The lockers would assist the students in transitioning to high school where they will all have lockers.  Kelly Balestriere motioned to use PATH overage to purchase lockers, Betsy Gibson seconded the motion. PATH Board with a unanimous vote in favor of using overage to obtain lockers.  Mr. McGuire and Mr. Andrew to investigate the fire codes and the logistics for the lockers  Felicia to speak with the Diocese regarding insurance Suggestion was made to have electronic versions of paper communication posted to the web site. Some feedback was received that some parents are not receiving all of the flyers that get sent home with the oldest and only. Felicia and Mr. McGuire to look into this possibility

I. Meeting Adjourned 7:30pm

J. Next Meeting 2/01/17 6:00 PM

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