Chairman Harry Williams called the meeting to order at 7:52 pm.

Roll call was taken and members in attendance were: Chairman Harry Williams, Ward Donigian, George Ervin, Terry Mostyn and Julia Smith. Also in attendance was Mayor Richard Martel.

The flag salute was followed by the Sunshine Law announcement. On a motion by Julia Smith, seconded by George Ervin, the meeting minutes of March 26, 2008 were approved. All in favor, motion carried.

Chairman’s Opening Statement New Members – In July there will be 3 vacant committee positions. Harry called the Mahwah School Foundation President for any recommendations, and has also checked with men’s softball. Please continue to look for possible members; perhaps a member of the Fire Department or the DPW would be interested. Mayor Martel will check if Ward’s term is also ending in July.

Old Business Home Depot – The contact person at Home Depot is no longer there. We will need to speak with corporate to get the $500 donation from last Mahwah Day. George will find out who the new contact person is. Mayor Martel stated that he would call and try to make progress.

New Business Softball – Softball will start June 23. Letters were mailed to returning players. The in-person sign-up will be before the next Rec meeting on May 28 at 6:00. Anyone that can come early and help out it would be appreciated.

Seniors Report – Tomorrow will be the Cinco De Mayo luncheon. The will be a fashion show on May 15. There will be a trip to the Edith Wharton home on May 15. In June there will be trips to the Monticello Casino and NBC Studios in NYC, with lunch at Bubba Gumps. At next month’s meeting we will discuss the Senior Picnic. Harry asked Julia to let us know what we need to purchase for the picnic. We would like to purchase an outside grill for the barbecue, so we can use it every year. It can be stored at C.S. field storage area. Harry will check on grill prices.

Fishing Contest – The Fishing Contest will be Saturday, May 24 at 10:00 at Silver Creek. The DPW has been contacted and the pond has been treated, the aerator is working and the fish have been ordered. Harry will contact the Volunteer Club. Harry asked for a count of who will be there to help out – Harry, Julia, Ward, Drew and Terry will be there. Julia will ask Monica to help. Volunteers should arrive at 8:30 to set up. We will purchase a digital camera and printer for pictures. Joanne will prepare a purchase order to Ward for $1500 to purchase bagels, juice, goldfish crackers and prizes. We will send out a letter inviting the Mayor and Council to attend.

Baseball Parade – Discussed the baseball parade with Mayor Martel. He will not need a vehicle to ride in the parade.

Recreation Director’s Report Harry read Dawn’s report. The first Mahwah Day meeting will be May 12 at the Library at 7:00. The possible theme is “Mahwah Goes Green”.

General Comments Next month we will discuss Paddle Days and Movie Nights. Paddle Days is chaired by M.J., and Ward and George chair Movie Nights.

Julia suggested that at Continental Soldiers Park there should be a sign to wear helmets. Discussed police enforcing helmet use, as well as concerns about dogs at the fields, and the use of fields by non- residents.

On a motion by Terry Mostyn, seconded by Julia Smith, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. All in favor, motion carried.

The next meeting will take place on May 28, 2008, at 7:30 pm in the Recreation building.