AAPB Board Meeting Agenda
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AAPB Board Meeting Wednesday, August 25, 2008
Conference Call
MINUTES Item Task Who Due Date A. Welcome and Review of Agenda Board members present on the call were: Aubrey Ewing, PhD, President John Arena, PhD, President-Elect Steve Baskin, PhD, Treasurer Alan Glaros, PhD, Immediate Past President Barbary Peavey, PhD, Director Tom Collura, PhD, Director Karan Kverno, PhD, Director Ron Rosenthal, PhD, Director Michael Linden, PhD, Director Guest: . Howard Hall, PhD, Chair, Program Committee Staff: . David Stumph, CAE, Executive Director Aubrey welcomed the group to the call.
B. Minutes: 1. The minutes of the May 14, 2008 Board of Action: File Stumph Done Directors meeting were approved by an email vote.
C. President’s Report 1. Action items: . Website revision – A meeting with the Web Editor was conducted to review updates. The Editor is in agreement with the new direction of the web design. Navigation and graphics will be significantly updated. The site is very text heavy and needs to be edited. Dr. Glaros is reviewing the editorial content. Dr. Ewing presented a prototype of a site. The question of cost was raised. Dr. Ewing noted that the company that is developing the site is donating a significant portion of its design and implementation services. . History Task Force – This group consists of Joe Kamiya, Carol Snyder (considering the chair position), Mark Schwartz, and Francine Butler. They are working on a historical 1 presentation/display for the 2009 40th Anniversary Annual Conference. . Education Section Proposal – In May 2008, Education Section Chair, Elizabeth Stroebel presented a proposal for the Section to serve as a gathering point for Sections, Divisions, and AAPB chapters. Dr. Ewing has been in contact with Dr. Stroebel and is working toward incorporating this into the Membership Committee. . Sections and Divisions Board Liaison Appointments – The following appointment were made and accepted for positions currently open: 1. Stress Management – Dr. Barbara Peavey. 2. Respiratory Psychophysiology – Dr. Ron Rosenthal 3. Mind-Body Medicine – Dr. Karan Kverno 4. Neurofeedback – Dr. Tom Collura 5. Performing Arts – Dr. Tom Collura . Strategic Theme Champions – The following appointments were made and accepted: (see email) 1. Science – Drs. Baskin and Linden 2. Professional Support – Drs. Peavey and Rosenthal 3. Education – Drs. Arena and Kverno 4. Technology – Drs. Glaros & Collura
Responsibilities of the Theme Champions are loosely defined at this point but they are to Action: Develop Theme 1/31/08 develop strategies for AAPB for addressing the Strategies Champions themes for which they are assigned.
. Practitioner support Theme Update – A major focus for this theme is the insurance initiative. Dr. Rosenthal has been appointed chair of the Insurance Initiatives Task Force. Dr. Rosenthal also serves on the Advocacy Task Force in coordination with the Biofeedback/Neurofeedback Alliance. The goal of this task force is to gain recognition from insurance and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The group is seeking the services of a consultant to help with this and to help provide counsel on coding. They plan to develop a database of the various
2 types and carriers of biofeedback coverage. They are also considering the option of locating a celebrity to speak on behalf of biofeedback. The new white paper on headaches is helpful in communicating with insurance carriers. 2. IEEE Initiative – There have been discussions about approaching IEEE, a major engineering association, to seek help in confirming the validity of manufacturer’s claims for equipment having biofeedback capabilities. The President-elect of ISNR proposed the possibility of engaging IEEE to bench test various types of equipment. This initiative is in the beginning stages at this point. This approach is considered to be more effective than addressing this with the FDA. Either way, the board agrees that something must be done. This is an Alliance initiative. 3. Membership growth – Susan Antelis, Chair, AAPB Membership Committee and Dr. Ewing are working together to develop strategies to achieve membership growth. Some progress is being made and the Committee is looking for volunteers. 4. University Initiative – This is officially an Alliance initiative. Dr Ewing indicated that this needs to be an AAPB objective and owned by AAPB regardless of how the Alliance proceeds. The vision for this initiative is to attract new people to BCIA certification and to the field of biofeedback by expanding it inclusion in college and university curricula. Dr. Constance Schrader has agreed to Chair this task force. 5. Organizational collaboration . Alliance activities – It was noted that Dr. Ewing and David Stumph would be attending the Alliance meeting at ISNR. . Biofeedback magazine – A proposal was presented to consider merging the AAPB newsmagazine with ISNR’s publication NeuroConnections. A primary goal of such a venture would be to gain Med-line registration. . Emerging research –NIMH has funded a neurofeedback study with ADHD. John Nash and Joel Lubar to collaborate with the study investigators. The researchers have been open to the AAPB’s help. 6. Biofeedback definition press release – This was tabled previously due to editorial issues in
3 coordinating between AAPB, BCIA, and ISNR. Dr. Ewing has rewritten the release and it will be sent to the Alliance for approval. Action: Send Stumph Done Press Release 7. Mind-Body Medicine satellite conference – Plan to work on this for the 2010 conference.
D. Financial Review . The June 2008 financial statements were reviewed. The loss resulting from the 2008 Annual Conference of over $30,000 was noted. A question was raised as to the credit card costs. It was determined that a portion of this Action: Expense Stumph Done expense will be moved to the Annual reclassification Conference as a cost of registration processing. . CPA Review Update – the report of the independent financial review for 2007 was presented. MSC, the Board approved the 2007 independent financial review as presented.
E. Executive Directors’ Update: 1. Recommendations from written report: . 2011 Annual Meeting Location – After brief discussion, it was agreed that staff will Action: 2011 Staff: Done pursue options in Washington, DC, Atlanta, Meeting RFPs Mendrys Savannah, Charleston, and New Orleans for the 2011 meeting. . Fall Workshop Registration fee – MSC to approve the fee of $450 for the 2009 Fall Conference. . Web page templates for Sections/Divisions Action: Web Staff: Roth/ 12/31/08 – it was agreed to offer this option to the Templates Pocsik AAPB Sections and Divisions. . Listservs for Sections/Divisions – listservs Action: Stumph 1/10/09 will also be offered. The cost is $60 per Listservs year, per listserv. . Converting the Evidence-Based Practice for Biofeedback and Neurofeedback publication to open access and requesting Foundation Funding to cover costs – after brief discussion, it was agreed to let the current sales process of the publication run its course and revisit this issue at a later date.
F. 2009 Annual Conference Update: Dr. Hall noted that the committee is working actively to acquire speakers. Keynote speaker, Rustum Roy, is confirmed. Melinda Conner is confirmed to do a symposium. Difficulties have been encountered in contacting a number of speakers. Board members agreed to assist wherever possible. Dr. Arena agreed to
4 be the board liaison to the Program Planning Committee. He asked about sponsorship from the sections and divisions. David Stumph noted that we have reached out to them to let them know that speaker positions are available and solicited their sponsorship. The response to-date has been limited. Dr. Baskin noted that pre-conference workshop revenue was up for 2008 but that overall revenue for the conference was down. It was agreed that sessions throughout the conference need to be market driven. It was further suggested that the marketing approach include a special approach to the chapters and state societies, Action: State Stumph 1/10/09 particularly with those states surrounding the location Societies/ of the conference, New Mexico. A Saturday-night off- Chapters site social event will be considered. Dr. Baskin is working on an event with the possibility of including entertainment.
G. Education Committee: Several teleseminars have been arranged and the Committee has held conference calls to identify sessions to be offered for the Pre-Conference Workshops. Dr. Tan was thanked for his excellent leadership in tackling the responsibilities of the Committee. . H. Website Update: Recommendation: A note should be placed in the next e-newsletter requesting that anybody aware of videos which should be on our site be forwarded to the web editor. No action was taken on this recommendation.
I. Publication updates: 1. Journal – New appointments, Dr. Estate (Tato) Sokhadze to the Editorial Board and the Dr. Paul Lehrer as one of the Associate Editors. MSC to approve the above appointments as presented.
J. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 pm Eastern Time.