Proposal Form for Outline Programme Approval

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Proposal Form for Outline Programme Approval

Proposal Form for Outline Programme Approval [Guidance notes to aid completion, presented in square brackets in blue font, should be deleted from the completed document. Please retain the headings in GREY]


1.1 Award and Programme Titles (including number/level of credits) Title Credit Value and Level Principal award [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] Subsidiary award(s) within [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] [INSERT TEXT HERE programme (if applicable) (BOLD)] 1.2 Name of awarding body if not the University of Surrey [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] 1.3 Name of Faculty/Department submitting the proposal and which will assume academic and administrative responsibility for the programme [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] 1.4 Proposed date of introduction [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] [Note: If this does not meet the usual publicity deadlines (e.g., Prospectus or UCAS Directory), please indicate plans for publicity of the programme.] 1.5 Name of person(s) presenting the proposal (and to whom reference on the proposal may be made)

[INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] 1.6 Other Faculty(ies)/Department(s) supporting the proposal, if any [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)]

1.7 Mode(s) and length of study

[Please insert a tick or bullet point against modes to be offered and state the length of study] Mode Length in months Full-time Full-time (Sandwich) Part-time Distance Virtual

Please tick if programme offered by intensive short courses

1.8 Recruitment and entry requirements 1.8.1 Target groups (please specify)

[INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] 1.8.2 Qualifications required for entry [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] [Indicate the qualifications and/or experience expected for entry to this programme]

1.8.3 Student Intake Targets

H/EU (f/t) OS (f/t) H/EU/OS Total (Fte) (pt/DL) Optimum/target intake p.a.

Minimum viable intake p.a. Maximum intake p.a.

1.8.4 Target student cohort at steady state

Academic Year(s) Total (fte)

1.8.5 Are these projected student numbers included in the Faculty’s academic plan?

Y / N

1.8.6 If no, please explain why. 1.8.7 Collaborative student numbers [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] [In the case of a collaborative programme with another institution, please indicate the proposed division of student numbers in 1.8.2 between the University and the partner institution(s)] 1.8.8 Implications of the introduction of this programme for other programmes, if any. [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] 1.8.9 Particular implications of this programme for students with special needs, if any. [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] [Indicate any particular implications of this programme for students with special needs/disabilities, including any restrictions that the programme specification places on such students and any arrangements to minimise their impact; Note: Potential students with special needs should be advised of any such implications and referred to the University’s Disability Co-ordinator in the first instance. The QAA Code of Practice: Students with Disabilities requires that the programme specification should include no “unnecessary barriers to access by disabled people” The Disability Discrimination Act requires “reasonable adjustments” to ensure that a disabled student is not placed at a “substantial disadvantage”] 1.9 Accreditation sought by professional body, if any [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD)] [Note: An indication should be given of approaches made to the professional body and its response to the outline programme and the proposed timescale for professional accreditation] 1.10 Fees and fee structure [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD) AND CONTINUE AS NECESSARY] [Indicate here, for example, whether standard fees, enhanced fees, self-financing fees, fees to be charged per module, etc (it is expected that the setting of fees will conform with University Policy and procedure and with reference to the standard fee bands, details of which are available from the Registry] 1.11 Approval by Faculty/University/External Bodies [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD) AND CONTINUE AS NECESSARY] [Indicate those bodies/committees (internal or external) which have approved the proposals so far, together with the date(s) of approval]

2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY [INSERT TEXT HERE (BOLD) AND CONTINUE AS NECESSARY] [Provide here a statement of not more than approximately one side of A4, including a brief rationale for the programme and the reasons for its introduction, how it relates to agreed Faculty financial and strategic academic plans, evidence of competition elsewhere and student/employer demand, external academic/professional advice sought and implications for existing provision. Include also a statement of the primary aims of the programme, together with objectives, expressed as learning/skills outcomes.] 2 3. MARKETING INFORMATION The proposal and Checklist must be discussed by the Faculty with Marketing and Communications in respect of market research to evaluate the market demand from students/employers and to plan formulation of a marketing strategy. The proposal will not be considered by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for approval without the signature of the Director of Marketing and Communication. The checklist will not be required to be appended to this pro forma, but will be retained locally within the faculty.

4. LIBRARY AND IT RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS The Proposal and Library and IT requirements must be discussed by the Faculty with the Librarian and the Faculty IT Manager in respect of resources required to run the programme effectively. The proposal will not be considered by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for approval without the signatures of the Librarian and Faculty IT Manager to confirm that the Faculty has identified with those service departments any Faculty- or centrally- provided resources to mount the programme in the first year of operation and has confirmed that any necessary resources are in place and/or are costed in the supporting business case. The checklists are not required to be appended to this pro forma, but will be retained locally within the faculty.

5. STRUCTURE AND OUTLINE CONTENT OF THE PROGRAMME [Include a brief description of the structure of the programme (ideally in diagrammatic form, including the level and credit value for each module and exit points for intermediate awards). Include also a brief outline of the content (such as the titles of core, compulsory or optional modules), identifying as appropriate, modules/courses to be contributed by other Faculties and / or external organisations and those yet to be developed.]Also include here an indication of the way in which personal development planning (PDP) opportunities are to be provided for the students.]

6. STAFFING [Indicate the overall academic and support staff requirements for the programme in terms of full-time equivalents, and include the names of academic staff of the proposing Faculty/Unit and of any other participating Faculty/Unit involved, including a note of their area(s) of expertise and any particular responsibility for the co-ordination or teaching of component modules. Please indicate also where use will be made by outside or visiting speakers, the nature and extent of their contribution.]

7. OTHER RESOURCES [Outline any specialist resources or facilities, which are currently available or will be necessary in future to support the programme under the following headings.]  Teaching Accommodation and Space Requirements  Equipment  Clinical or Practical Placement Resources  Residential Accommodation  Other (please specify)

8. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT [Attach, if appropriate, a copy of a draft Memorandum of Agreement, approved in principle with another external organisation(s) (Appendix I B of the Academic Standards Guidelines refers).]

9. BUSINESS PLANS AND PROGRAMME COSTINGS [Attach as a separate Annex the appropriate completed programme costing form (separate forms for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes), available from the Planning Department.]

3 Annex A 10. SIGNATURES REQUIRED [Signatures are required from those as indicated below to confirm that appropriate discussion has taken place concerning the prerequisite resources to run the course as outlined and additional financial resources identified appropriately in the business plan. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor will not consider any proposal submitted without a complete set of signatures.]

Programme Director ………………………………….. Date: …………… (to confirm that appropriate discussion has taken place and that the proposal has the support of the programme team) Director of Marketing ………………………………… Date:.. ………….. (to confirm that the checklist has been completed and that appropriate discussion has taken place with the Marketing Department)

Librarian ………………………………… Date:……………… (to confirm that appropriate discussions have taken place, the checklist has been completed and that the relevant resources are or will be available to support of the proposal) Faculty IT Manager ………………………………… Date:……………… (to confirm that appropriate discussions have taken place with IT colleagues and that the relevant resources are or will be available to support this new programme) Associate Dean ………………………………….. Date: ……………… (to confirm approval of the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee) Dean of the Faculty ………………………………….. Date:………………. (to confirm approval of the Faculty Policy and Strategy Group)

Senior Assistant Registrar (Quality Support) …………………………… Date:………………. (to confirm that the process has been followed in line with university procedures and regulations and that all relevant signatures have been obtained)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development)…………………………. Date: ……………… (to give outline approval to the proposal on behalf of the Executive Board)

First Issued: December 1997 Last Revised: March 2009


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