Q1 Mini-Project

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Q1 Mini-Project

AP Psychology Q1 Mini-Project Mr. Cline

General Guidelines: The Q1 project will be an individual effort involving research on a topic in Psychology. I have tried to choose interesting topics for you and made sure that they are ones that have a lot of available information. You will have two final products: an APA annotated bibliography and an informational brochure targeted towards high school and college students.

Researching this information: This project is designed to be one involving basic research, which is finding information that is already published. Each student must have their own bibliography with at least 5 sources documented. No more than 3 of these may come from the internet. I want you to get practice doing academic research using both library sources (journals, books, etc.) and the online sources. (Be sure, if you use the Internet to be careful to scrutinize the credibility of these sources.) I would strongly recommend using Queens College or UNCC for your research. Also, it will be well worth your time to consult a librarian for help. If you choose to use a university library, keep in mind that you may not be able to check out items w/o a university ID card and may thus need to make copies. You should read your textbook for background information on your topic but it won’t count as one of yoru 5 and you must find 5 additional sources.

Individual Bibliographies: Please see the sample annotated bibliography below. The APA style is used for psychological research. This is similar to the MLA and other common methods of citing sources, but there are a few significant differences in format. You can find an APA manual at the library or try consulting web resources, such as: (http://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/DocAPA.html) which explain the format and give examples. Your bibliography should also include one nontraditional element. For each source, please add a parenthetical reference as to how you used each source for something in the oral presentation. (For example: if your topic is bi-polar disorder, you may want to mention that 1% of the overall population has been diagnosed w/ this in your parenthetical remarks.) This component of your project is quite critical since 50% of your grade will be come from your bibliography and this will be the main criteria where I will have to evaluate the depth and quality of your sources.

The Product: The final goal for this should be to present a neatly organized effort that indicates that an in-depth research effort has been completed to put together a creative, interesting and informative products. Be creative and try putting yourself in the position of the audience – Would the product catch your eye and hold your attention? Videos, skits, role plays, and multimedia animations (ie. Macromedia Flash presentations)

Grading: The grading for this project will have two components: 1) an annotated bibliography grade 2) a brochure grade. The complete breakdown of the grading for this project is indicated in the space below:

Annotated Bibliography: (50 pts) Bibliography = 20 pts Research Quality = 30 pts

Product/Presentation: (50 pts) See attached scoring guide below.

*Keep in mind that this project will 20% of Q1 Grade..

Important Dates: You will have a date to have your annotated bibliography reviewed and a presentation date. Both of these will be provided by me. On the day or your presentation, you will turn in final annotated bibliography. APA Format for Annotated Bibliographies

For an annotated bibliography, use standard APA format for the citations, then add a brief abstract for each entry, including:

 2 to 4 sentences to summarize the main idea(s) of the item, and  1 or 2 sentences to relate the article to your research topic, your personal experience, or your future goals (if part of your assignment).  Must have 1” margins all around and be in TNR 12 pt font.

The formatting for this sample bibliography is modeled on the annotated examples in the APA Publication Manual, 5th edition, pp. 370-375. Please visit: http://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/DocAPA.html for help with APA format. Sample Annotated Bibliography for “Multiple Intelligences” project Armstrong, T. (1994). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Armstrong describes each of seven intelligences identified by Howard Gardner. He offers an informal checklist for identifying personal strengths in the intelligences and suggests classroom applications. This book is a valuable tool for teachers at any level, with concrete suggestions for classroom applications.

Checkley, K. (1997, September). The first seven . . . and the eighth: A conversation with Howard Gardner. Educational Leadership, 55, 8-13. In this interview, Gardner discusses criteria for determining the intelligences, highlights the Naturalist Intelligence, and explodes a number of myths about multiple intelligences theory. He distinguishes between learning styles and multiple intelligences. This distinction has helped me in my teaching, looking at how children respond to different learning situations.

Davis, R. (1991). Learning how to learn: Technology, the seven multiple intelligences and learning. Paper presented at the Spring CUE Conference, Palm Springs, CA, May 11, 1991. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED338214) Davis reviews a number of educational software programs to support learning through the seven multiple intelligences. He uses Snooper Troops as an example and enumerates activities that highlight each of the intelligences. Although the activities for musical intelligence are weak, I have used this software in conjunction with songwriting to list the clues musically.

Gardner, H. (Writer), & DiNozzi, R. (Producer/Director). (1996). MI: Intelligence, understanding and the mind [Motion picture]. Los Angeles: Into the Classroom Media. Gardner presents his theory of multiple intelligences, outlining the original seven as well as the eighth, Addressing these intelligences in the classroom gives more students access to profound understandings rather than mere factual knowledge. I enjoyed seeing Gardner "in person" and found new insight into the issues of learning for understanding.

Harvard Project Zero. (2000). Project Sumit: Schools using multiple intelligence theory. Retrieved September 27, 2001, from http://pzweb.harvard.edu/sumit/ This site is created by Howard Gardner's research group at Harvard. It's purpose is to "identify, document, and promote effective implementations of MI". It identifies and describes schools that have successfully implemented MI theory. The site also explains "Compass Points" -- principles common to these schools -- as well as MI Theory. This site offers outstanding models for teachers wishing to apply MI theory in their classrooms.

Q1 Research Topics











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