Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services Form

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Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services Form

Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services Form TOID 3771 FO 280 Assessment Cover Sheet CHCPRT001 Identify and Respond to Children and young people at risk Assessment Task 2 – Case study

Student name

Qualification CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support

Unit(s) of competency CHCPRT001 Identify and Respond to Children and young people at risk

Student declaration I declare that all materials that I am submitting for assessment are my own, original work. No assistance has been accepted from sources other than the prescribed textbook, training notes, handouts, policies and procedures manuals. I understand that I may appeal the assessment decision.

Student’s signature: Date :

Assessor use only

Submitted Submission requirements (Y/N)

Written responses to all questions (12)

Assessment task  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory  Further evidence required results:

Assessor comments/feedback

Is resubmission or further evidence required? Yes  No 

If yes, what is required?

Due date for resubmission:

Assessor’s name

Authorised by: Training Committee Current Issue:1 March 2016 Document Owner: Operations Manager Review Date: 1 March 2017 Page 1 of 10 Version 1.0 Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services Form TOID 3771 FO 204

Assessor use only

Submitted Submission requirements (Y/N)

Assessor’s signature Date:

Authorised by: Training Committee Current Issue: 21 December 2013 Document Owner: Training & Compliance Manager Review Date: 20 December 2015 Page 2 of 10 Version 2.0 CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support

CHCPRT001 Identify and Respond to Children and young people at risk This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support and protect children and young people who are at risk of harm. This work occurs within legislative and policy frameworks and carries a duty of care responsibility. This unit applies to workers in a range of job roles providing services to children and young people including in community services and health contexts. The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.

Instructions The text book Supporting Education by Karen Kearns will provide you with information on course content and will assist you with the content and information you will require to complete your assessments. Read this case study assessment to gain an understanding of what you need to do to complete the unit. Complete all questions in this assessment. This assessment will be undertaken during your practical placement Do not remove any pages from this assessment. Your trainer will provide you with a due date for submission of work, to ensure it can be assessed and returned to you (if further work is required) Submit the completed Case Study assessment to the Trainer/Assessor for assessment accompanied by a Student Declaration affirming own/original work All questions MUST be answered correctly. Case Study Assessment is used together with the Written assessment and Third Party / Observation Report to determine competency in this unit.

Please note: Do not copy another student’s work. Students must submit their own work. If you copy another student’s work you will be marked Not Yet Competent and have to resubmit the assessment. Please see the Student Handbook for information on Plagiarism.

Assessment outcomes The outcomes for all assessment tasks are Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. If a task outcome is Not Satisfactory, re-assessment may be negotiated with the Trainer/Assessor. Students may be re-assessed on two occasions for each assessment task. When all assessment tasks for a unit of competence have a Satisfactory outcome, competence in the unit may be recorded.

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Appeals If you are unhappy with an assessment outcome you may appeal the assessment decision. Refer to Djerriwarrh’s Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.

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CHCPRT001 Identify and Respond to Children and young people at risk Assessment Task 2 – Case study Read the following case study and answer the questions Answer the following questions in the spaces provided. Please write clearly in pen (not pencil). You may attach word processed printed answers if you prefer.

Case Study Sara is a bright bubbly 6 year old who has been attending Kingston Primary School. Sara has a 2 year old sister Elise, who also attends this school. Both sisters have been attending 5 days a week, but lately, their attendance has been irregular. Hannah is a single mother, but has recently started seeing Peter, who is well known in the community for his lengthy criminal record that includes break and enter, aggravated assault, car theft and fraud. Over a period of a few weeks, you watch Sara go from a confident, outspoken and bright to a withdrawn, quiet and anxious little girl. You have developed a good relationship with Sara and in the past you have had open and positive interactive conversations with her. This morning, when Hannah was dropping off both girls, you notice she is moving cautiously and carefully and despite a very hot day, is dressed in clothing that covers her arms and legs. In addition, she left without saying good bye to both her girls, which is unusual, as Hannah would usually sit with each child before saying good bye with hugs and kisses. You find Sara sitting in the corner by herself. Today, she is very quiet and it takes some time for Sara to participate in conversation. You ask her several times if everything is alright and Sara only nods and answers “Yes” and doesn’t look at you when she answers. Over the next few days, Sara becomes more withdrawn and refuses to participate in group activities and prefers to sit alone and read a book. Sara has a fight with one of her peers over a book and Sara pushes the other child over and calls her a ‘stupid cow’ You take her to a quiet spot and ask her where she learnt those words from. Sara starts to cry and replies Peter always yells at her mum that way. He also yells at Sara and her sister and tells them not to grow up to be like their ‘stupid mother’. Sara says that her mum is always crying at home and there is never any food for her mum to cook and that her mum always falls over and has bruises on her face and body. You are concerned that Sara is exhibiting emotions and behaviour that could indicate the child is affected by exposure to chronic domestic violence. You openly discuss these concerns you’re your supervisor (Teacher). Sara’s teacher then approaches Hannah who acknowledges there is domestic violence in her relationship however she assures her that her children are not directly exposed to the violence or that their safety is at risk.

1. List the indicator(s) of harm Sara is displaying.





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2. What kind(s) of harm is Sara possibly exposed to?






3. What is the impact(s) of this risk of harm to Sara?






4. Sara may be experiencing trauma. What strategies could you apply to support Sara and her family following the trauma?






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Case Study (con’t) After a week of being absent, Sara comes back to school and you notice there is a fading bruise on her right arm, there appears to be finger marks which replicate the size of an adult’s hand. You ask Sara what happened and she tells you that her mother’s partner Peter grabbed her and threw her on the ground when she tried to stop him from hitting mummy. When her mother comes to pick her up, teacher confronts her about the bruising. Her mother admits that Peter gave Sara the bruise, but assures her she will not let it happen again as she has left him and begs not to report them to DHS.

5. What child-focused work practices would you use to respond and support Sara emotionally?






6. Give three examples of open and non-leading questions that you can ask Sara






7. What kinds of documentation and record-keeping tools would you use in this situation? What would you do with this information?




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8. What are the potential ethical concerns in this situation? How might you respond to these concerns and from whom in your organisation could you seek supervision and support?






9. Discuss the principles of ethical decision making and how they apply to this case study?






10. What strategies would you put in place to protect the rights of the child and to maintain your professional relationship and duty of care with Sara?






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11. What is your School’s reporting procedures for children and young people who may be at risk? What legislations governs this policy?






12. Access the following website and read the Convention on the Rights of the Child and answer the following questions:

a. How many articles are in the Convention on the Rights of the Child?



b. List a minimum of 3 Articles that you think are most important. Explain why do you think they are most important?







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