Medical Science II - Clinical Rotations

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Medical Science II - Clinical Rotations

Instructor: Stephanie Nelson, MLS (ASCP), CHT (ABHI) Office Hours: 3:00 – 3:30 [email protected] Tuesday or by appointment

SYLLABUS Medical Science II - Clinical Rotations Manvel High School

This course is a 2 semester, 2 period class. It is designed to provide for the development of multi- occupational knowledge and skills related to a wide variety of health careers. Students will have hands-on experiences for continued knowledge and skill development. In addition, when taken with other HST courses, this course may be accepted as college credit in community colleges across the state. (Ask Ms. Nelson)

As dictated by the TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY, this class is taught by a certified health care professional that is certified to teach. Stephanie Nelson is a certified Medical Technologist and Histocompatibility Technologist and has had First Responder, CPR, and First Aid Basic training. The following units will be covered or integrated into the curriculum:

Medical Ethics / Right to Die Interpersonal Communication Genetics Portfolio Preparation Employment Skills/ Overview of Specific Health Occupations Clinical Experiences Fire safety certification / Safety Gerontology Medical Terminology Anatomy and Physiology Nutrition Clinical Skills Development Technology used in health care Medical Math / Pharmacology Renewal of CPR and First Aid certification

The material for this class will be covered by way of lecture, discussion, demonstration, audio/visual, role- playing, small group interaction, guest speakers and field trips and clinical rotations.


Loose-leaf notebook paper (2) Boxes of Tissue 8 Ct. Dividers

Note Cards Spiral Notebook 3-Ring Binder (1 ½-2 inches)

Box of Band-Aids Pencil/Pen 3-ring binder (1-1 ½ inches)

Map Pencils * Scissors * Glue Stick* Markers *

* Not required for class. Teacher has a limited amount of these items, but student may want to provide his/her own supplies to assure availability of products. BINDERS:

Organization is an extremely important characteristic for medical professionals. Often health care workers are called into court and must present neat, organized documentation. To reinforce good organizational practices, you are required to keep a binder, which will include handouts, class notes, worksheets, current events, and exams. All binders may be collected and graded. They will be evaluated on neatness, content, and organization according to the grading scale given on the Binder Procedures handout. A binder, which is turned in a day late, will receive a 20-point deduction, and ten points will be deducted for each day thereafter. Notebooks received after 1 week will not be accepted. Refer to procedures sheet.

Due Dates for binders: The 3rd Friday of every month


Weekly vocabulary terms and abbreviations important to understanding medicine will be presented to you. After a review of new terms is given in class, you will be quizzed on those terms as well as any terms learned in the previous weeks.


Note taking is still the primary means of sorting, organizing, and processing important material and an important tool in medicine. Therefore, you will be introduced to the Cornell Notes Format style of note taking and are expected to keep all notes in a spiral notebook. Spirals may be taken up every Friday to check your progress and so I may give you helpful tips.


McDermott, Richard E.; Code Blue; Traemus Books; Syracuse, Utah, 2003.

This book will be issued from the Health Science Dept. Damage or lost books will be cause a fine to be assessed to the student.

Simmers, Louise; Diversified Health Occupations, 6 th Edition; Thomson Delmar Learning, Clifton Park, NY, 2004.

This approved state textbook will be issued to you during the first week of class. Books are the property of the State of Texas and Alvin ISD. They should be treated with respect. Damage or lost books will be cause a fine to be assessed to the student. It is STRONGLY suggested that your book be covered. CONTINUING EDUCATION: According to the Professional Licensing Report of 1998, "more licensing boards in more states than ever are requiring continuing education classes of their licensees." So that you may begin excellent habits of a health care professional, you are required to have (3) hours of continuing education outside of the classroom and clinic arena. These hours may be obtained by going as a guest to professional meetings, attending lectures at health care facilities, or participating in an Internet educational site approved by the teacher. Details about this requirement will be given in greater detail at a later date. Due Date: May 15 CLINICAL REPORTS: All clinical summaries and task sheets are due each Friday at the end of a rotation at the beginning of class. (See clinical packet to be given out at the parents meeting on September 3, 6:30 PM)

EMPLOYEE PORTFOLIO: In order to be competitive in the work arena, research has shown that portfolios give the potential employee an advantage over the other applicants. You will complete a portfolio with weekly entries due on Fridays, following the criteria to be given to you during the first week of school. Nine weeks checks will be conducted as well on: Monday, Oct 17, Monday, January 12, Monday, March 23, Friday, May 18

SERVICE PROJECT: Health care workers are by nature a caring and giving people. But their kindness goes well beyond their job. Studies have shown that those who do service for others have better self-esteem, have greater career options, and better understand people. To prove this point, you will complete 20 hours volunteer service outside of class and report on your experiences in an oral and written report. Each 9 weeks you must complete 5 hours and turn in the report. Details about this requirement will be given in greater detail at a later date. The due dates will be the Friday before the end of each 9 weeks.


Completion of homework on time is expected from each student. If you do not have your homework ready when the teacher asks for it, you will be “pink slipped”. Homework will receive a deduction of ten points for each day it is late. Refer to the Policy and Procedures Manual for more information.


Students in this class are expected to read and abide by the statements on academic dishonesty, plagiarism, stealing, and cheating found in the student handbook. If a student is found to be in violation of any of these statements, he/she will be subject to receiving a failing grade for the assignment and will be sent to his/her assistant principal for appropriate punishment.


If you miss a class, please check with Ms. Nelson, as soon as you return to school, so that you can get any materials that were handed out during your absence. You are responsible for copying any notes that were taken in class during your absence from a classmate. In the event you are absent for an exam, you are responsible for rescheduling a makeup exam the day you return to school before or after class. You cannot wait a week to reschedule. The highest grade you may receive for an unexcused absence is a “70”. See Policy and Procedures Manual for more information. HOSA: Clinical students are expected to join HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) club. HOSA participates in community outreach projects, health awareness issues, and regional competitions (which are great fun!). HOSA offers many thousands of dollars in scholarships and offers the student excellent leadership opportunities. It is YOUR professional organization. You will be required to compete in a HOSA event at area contest. If you are unable to attend, you will be assigned a MAJOR alternative project. Dues are $50 / year. The fees include national, state, and local dues, along with your area competition fee. RANDOM DRUG TESTING: Because of the nature and seriousness of clinical rotation, please be aware that students in this class can and will be randomly drug tested on a regular basis. Students found using drugs and alcohol will be subject to school disciplinary action and immediate expulsion from this class.

CLASSROOM and LABORATORY RULES: A copy of the class rules are posted on the wall of the classroom and are included in this packet. Please note: In addition to the rules included in this packet, students will not be allowed to leave the class during the break between 4th and 5th period.

GRADING CRITERIA: 1st Nine Weeks Worksheets/Skills 15% Quizzes 10% Daily Participation Grades 15% Portfolio 20% Service Hours 10% Tests 30%

2nd Nine Weeks-4th Nine Weeks Clinical Attendance 20% Clinical Task Sheets 5% Clinical Evaluations from Sites 15% Clinical Reflections and Reports 5% Portfolio 20% Service Hours 10% Worksheets/skills 5% Quizzes 10% Tests*** 10%

***Students who make below 70 may retest with required attendance to a tutorial session prior to retesting. The highest possible grade on a retest is 70. Retesting will only be available for one week after the tests are returned.

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