Executive Committee Meeting s5
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I. ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Roll Call and Welcome Guests President Pilati called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. and welcomed members and guests.
Members Present: Julie Adams, Kevin Bontenbal, Julie Bruno, Dianna Chiabotti, Dan Crump, Dolores Davison, Stephanie Dumont, Michelle Grimes-Hillman, Lesley Kawaguchi, David Morse, Wheeler North, Michelle Pilati, Beth Smith, Phil Smith and John Stanskas (via CCC Confer).
Guests Present: Deborah Dahl-Shanks, Part-time Faculty Liaison; Dennis Frisch, FACCC Liaison; and Richard Hansen, CCCI Liaison.
B. Approval of the Agenda Added item IV.I. Definition of College Readiness. MSC (B. Smith) to approve the agenda.
C. Oral Communications from the Public No oral communication from the public.
D. Calendar Adams informed members that the deadline to submit articles for the next Rostrum is April 29, 2013.
E. Dinner Arrangements The Executive Committee discussed dinner arrangements.
A. Minutes March 8–9, 2013 MSC (North) to approve the consent calendar.
III. REPORTS A. President’s Report Pilati informed members about her recent activities. She attended the following series of meetings: ICW CSSO conference Chancellor’s Circle event at Los Medanos College CCCAOE Conference/Vocational Leadership Institute Consultation Council meeting Technical Assist visit at Fresno City College ICAS meeting TTIP South Retreat Legislative discussion on SB520.
1 B. Executive Director’s Report Adams updated members about her recent activities. Since the last Executive Committee meeting, she has concentrated on Statewide Career Pathways and C-ID, particularly on technology and processes. She noted that staff has been preparing for the Plenary Session.
C. Foundation Report B. Smith announced the Foundation’s Part-Time scholarship winner—Violeta Grigorescu. Grigorescu, a professor at San Mateo College who teaches in the Academic Talent Development Program at UC Berkeley and at UC Berkeley Extension. She highlighted other Foundation activities such as the development of a newly designed mid-year report and a new donation category, led by Ian Walton, for the Faculty Freedom Fighter Award. The Foundation website has been updated and will be up and running as early as Thursday.
D. Liaison Reports 1. AAUP Liaison No report. 2. CCA/CTA Liaison No report. 3. CCCI Liaison Hansen updated members about CCCI activities. 4. CFT Liaison No report. 5. FACCC Liaison Frisch updated members about FACCC activities. 6. Part-time Faculty Liaison Shanks provided members with her background information and shared current events for part-time faculty. 7. Student Senate Liaison Pilati read a written report from Elliott who was unable to attend the meeting. 8. Chancellor’s Office Liaison No report.
E. Legislative Update Members were updated about newly introduced and amended legislation.
IV. DISCUSSION A. Board of Governors/Consultation Council Pilati updated members on the Consultation Council and Board of Governors meetings. Members were informed about the work of the Accreditation and Professional Development task forces.
B. Student Success and Support Program Implementation-Title 5 Regs Dumont presented changes to Title 5 regulations – Subchapter 6, Article 1 – 4, the Student Success and Support Program (previously the matriculation regulations). She provided members with detailed information about the changes, particularly those that the Senate might not support. Members discussed possible directions for resolutions. Pilati and B. Smith will discuss the Executive Committee’s issues of concern with the Consultation Council on Thursday, April 18, 2013.
C. Academic Senate Paper Development Process Bontenbal reminded members of past conversations about the Senate’s paper development process and proposed that the Executive Committee consider modifying its process to more 2 closely mirror standard academic publishing practice. Members discussed the publication guidelines and considered updating them to be more reflective of current practice. By consensus, the publication’s guidelines will be updated. The next president will determine how the guidelines will be updated.
D. Discipline List Process Grimes-Hillman presented the Disciplines List revision process for review prior to the hearings and debate about the resolutions on Saturday. She highlighted some concerns with the process and noted that the Standards, Equity, Access, and Practices Committee will hold a breakout about the revision process to seek feedback for possible updates. Members discussed several Disciplines List proposals, particularly the kinesiology proposal.
E. Regional Leadership Development Workshops P. Smith updated members about the regional Leadership Development Workshops held by the Leadership Development Committee.
F. Academic Senate Foundation Board of Directors B. Smith reminded members that two Executive Committee slots will be coming open on the Foundation Board of Directors. Members who are interested in serving on the Foundation board should send their interest to the president.
G. Mozilla Meeting Chiabotti and Davison informed members about a recent meeting about Mozilla badges.
H. Spring Session Planning Members discussed final preparations for the Spring Plenary Session.
I. Definition of College Readiness B. Smith reminded members about the conversation during the last Executive Committee member on the definition of college readiness. She noted that a small group discussed and drafted a possible definition, which she presented. Members discussed the possible definition and felt that college readiness and career readiness do not need separate definitions.
V. ORGANIZATIONAL ACTION ITEMS A. Curriculum Institute Bruno presented the final Curriculum Institute program for discussion and approval.
MSC (Chaibotti) to approve the Curriculum Institute program as revised.
B. Faculty Leadership Institute B. Smith presented the second draft of the Faculty Leadership Institute program. Members discussed the format and the addition of another day to meet with Chancellor’s Office vice chancellors.
MSC (Chaibotti) to allow B. Smith to draft the Faculty Leadership Institute program with feedback by the Executive Committee via email.
C. Norbert Bischof Faculty Freedom Fighter Award North reminded members about the criteria for the Norbert Bischof Faculty Freedom Fighter Award and nominated a faculty member. Members discussed the award process and the need for more information. 3 Next Action: • This item will return to another meeting for further discussion.
D. Survey on Automatic Awarding of Degrees Morse presented a survey on automatic awarding of degrees for first reading.
Next Action: Morse will submit a revised survey for possible adoption at the May meeting. This item will return to the next meeting for possible adoption.
E. Proposed 2013-14 Executive Committee Meeting Schedule Adams presented the proposed 2013-14 Executive Committee meeting schedule. She noted that another meeting was inserted into the schedule to address concerns mentioned at the last Executive Committee meeting about the long break between meetings in winter. All 2013-14 Executive Committee meetings except those that immediately precede plenary sessions will be held in Sacramento.
MSC (North) to approve the meeting dates as amended.
F. Budget and Finance Committee Recommendations North presented the Budget and Finance Committee Recommendations for 2013-14 and the tentative budget.
Next Action: North will submit the 2013–14 budget for possible adoption at the May meeting.
G. Committee Structure Pilati summarized the results from the committee results survey and B. Smith recommended adjustments to the current structure.
Next Action: This item will return to the next meeting for discussion and possible adoption.
H. Partnership with FACCC Adams informed members that she has had conversations with the FACCC associate director about partnering with them in hosting their diversity institute. She noted that they might be interested in partnering on other events, which would require a longer conversation. By consensus, Adams will bring back an item to a future meeting to discuss entering into a partnership with FACCC on holding events.
MSC (Chiabotti) to approve partnering with FACCC on their diversity institute.
Note: Addendum to the minutes: Adams reported in error. The institute noted was the counseling institute – not the diversity institute. An email correcting this error was sent to the Executive Committee for clarification. No concerns were raised by Executive Committee members so the Senate will partner with FACCC on their Counseling Institute.
4 VII. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Standing Committee Reports 1. Budget and Finance Committee, North 2. Curriculum Committee, Bruno 3. Legislation and External Policy Committee, B. Smith 4. Standards, Equity, Access, and Practices Committee, Grimes-Hillman B. Liaison Reports 1. CCCAOE, North 2. Statewide Public Safety Education Advisory Committee, Adams 3. Student Equity Workgroup, B. Smith C. Grant and Project Reports 1. AS Foundation, B. Smith D. Approved Minutes 1. February 1-2, 2013 E. Information
Respectfully submitted, Julie Adams, Executive Director David Morse, Secretary