University of Arizona s6

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University of Arizona s6

UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics


Instructor: Ehsan Mahmoudabadi , Room 118C (structures lab), Civil Engineering Building Lecture: Monday to Friday: 9:00-10:45 am, Elec & Comp Engr, Room 107 Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 11:00 – 12:00 Email: [email protected] Textbook: Engineering Mechanics: Statics, Bedford and Fowler, 5th Ed., Pearson – Prentice Hall

PREREQUISITES FOR THE COURSE Math 129 and Phys 141 are required. A Math 223 co-requisite is highly recommended.

COURSE CONTENT The course content is organized around 15 topics, each with two subtopics (Parts A and B). The topics, subtopics and reading assignments are given below. Each reading assignment should be completed to coincide with the lectures on the topic. It is to the student’s preference if this is performed as preparation reading before lecture or as review reading after lecture.

Topic TOPIC SubTopic A SubTopic B # NAME Part A Reading Part B Reading 1 Introduction Units 1: 1 Gravity 1: 2 2 Resultants in 2D Vectors 2: 1 Components 2: 2 3 Resultants in 3D Direction Cosines 2: 3 Dot Product & 2: 4,5 Cross Product 4 Point Equilibrium 2D Equilibrium 3: 1,2 3D Equilibrium 3: 3 5 Moment - I 2D 4: 1 3D 4: 2 6 Moment - II Moment along a 4: 3 Couples & 4: 4,5 Line Equiv. Systems 7 Body Equilibrium –I 2D 5: 1 3D 5: 3,4 (2 FM only) 8 Trusses Joints 6: 1,2 Sections 6: 3 9 Frames & Machines Frames 6:5 Machines 6:5 10 Centroids Centroid of area 7: 1-3 line & volume 7: 4-6 11 Center of Mass & Center of mass 7: 7,8 Area moment of 8: 1,2 Moment of Inertia Inertia 12 Moment of Inertia Mass Moment of 8: 5,6 Sliding Friction 9: 1 & Friction Inertia 13 Friction Sliding & Wedges 9: 1, 2 Wedges 9: 2 14 Beam Loading M,V Diagram 10: 1,2 M-V Relation 10: 3 15 Hydrostatics Pressure 10: 7


Homework is to be done neatly using only one side of a sheet. Staple all pages together (folding a corner or corners does NOT count). Put the final answer(s) in box(es). The problems must be organized in the order they are assigned. Homework due date will be announced every time a Homework is assigned. Selected problems of the homework will be graded and returned. Specific problems of the homework that will be graded will not be announced in advance. Late homework will not be graded and a grade of zero will be assigned.

1 UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics


Final Exam will be a comprehensive exam. Times for the two mid term exams will be announced in the class.


Grading will be based on the Homework, two mid term tests and a final exam. Final exam will have 34% weight. Remaining 66% weight will be equally split among the two midterms and the homework.

Assignment of the final grade will be based on the following scale

A 90 - 100 B 80 < 90 C 70 < 80 D 60 < 70 E < 60

Reward for coming to the class and submitting homework on time: Students who come to the class regularly and on time, submit their homework on time will be given the higher grades if their final scores are on the borderline of two grades.


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