Progress Report 02-24-10

Accomplished  Finished the triangulation algorithm o Synced the two wii motes to return data simultaneously o As long as the angle between wii motes is known, can track the LEDs in 3-D space o Using matlab, can produce a line tracing the motion of the LEDs over time  Took more 3-D tracking Data  The Wii Motion plus gyroscope to give the roll, pitch, and yaw came in o Found an open sourced software which will be able to return the roll, pitch and yaw data o This will allow us track the US probe in 6-Dimensions o This has been interfaced with the arduino to return the 3-axis data . The Wii-Motion Plus has been successfully powered through the arduino interface board . Currently we can interface the device with matlab using the serial(), fopen() and fscanf() commands and USB to Serial converter in Windows  The Arduino came in o We have interfaced the arduino with the computer o Additionally we have installed the proper open source software to interface with the wii motion + . The arduino has been properly connected to power and I2C data connections o The arduino board output has been integrated into our realtime MATLAB data acquisition software. o We still have to determine how the output of the Ardiuno output is scaled to properly calculate angular position of the US probe.  Dr. Lee is helping find a real time video feed for the US machine o Right now the machine can only store a limited number of frames  We sautered the Wii motion plus connector Goals  Determine the relation between the given data units and distance units, aka scale  We are in the works of obtaining access to a phantom so that we can determine the accuracy of the device  To crack open the Wii Mote casings to minimize unnecessary materials Plans  Need to attach the IF device to the US probe  Need to create a mounting system for the IF cameras  We need to have the full 6-D up and working in the next week  Need to begin clinical data sampling  Need to determine accuracy using phantom