Numbers in parentheses preceded by P indicate pages in Property Law: Ownership, Use & Conservation; numbers preceded by S indicate pages in the instructor’s supplemental materials; numbers preceded by IM indicate pages in Information Memos available on the course page; numbers preceded by E indicate pages in Estates and Land & Future Interests (3d ed.).

TUE JAN 22: Introduction to the Course; Jacques

ALL: Notes on “The Right to Exclude” and “Trespass” (P53-54) Jacque & Notes 1-4, 6 (P54-59) Discussion Questions 1-5 (S1-2)

THU JAN 24: Shack

ALL: Information Memo #1 (IM1-15) (e-mail me if Qs) Shack (S2-6) Discussion Question 6

MON JAN 28: Shack cont’d

ALL: Discussion Questions 7-11 (S7)

TUE JAN 29: Shack cont’d; FHA

ALL: Discussion Questions 12-15 (S7 Federal Fair Housing Act: Selected Provisions (S10-13) Discussion Questions 16-19 (S14)

THU JAN 31: Shack Review Problems 1A & 1B

Last Names A-C: Review Problem 1A (S8) (Arguments for Gabriel) Last Names D-I: Review Problem 1A (S8) (Arguments for LON/MWs) Last Names K-N: Review Problem 1B (S8) (Arguments for Alyssa) Last Names O-R: Review Problem 1B (S8) (Arguments for PP/MWs) MON FEB 4: (11:00-1:00) Shack Rev. Prob. 1C; Private Property Open to Public

Last Names S-Z: Review Problem 1C (S9)

ALL: Common Law Privileges: Notes 1-2 (P83-84) Civil Rights Laws: Notes 4-5 (P84-85)

ACADIA: Discussion Questions 20-22 (S14)

TUE FEB 5 Brooks

ALL: Brooks & Note 3 (P79-84)

DENALI: Discussion Questions 23-24 (S14)

THU FEB 7 JMB; Intro Midkiff

ALL: J.M.B. Realty Corp. & Notes 1-3 (P85-93)

GLACIER: Discussion Questions 25-27 (a) & (b) (S14-15) EVERGLADES: Discussion Questions 27 (c) -29 (S15)

MON FEB 11 (11:00-1:00) Review Problems 1G, 1J; Intro to Chapter 2; ALL: Introductory Note (P178-79) Note 6 (P196-97) Discussion Questions 30-32 (S17)

OLYMPIC: Review Problem 1G (S15) YOSEMITE: Review Problems 1K (S16) (arguments supporting ban) ZION: Review Problems 1K (S16) (arguments opposing ban) TUE FEB 12 Midkiff & Kelo Majority

ALL: Midkiff (S17-21) Discussion Questions 33-35 (S22) Kelo Majority & Concurrence (P179-88)

ACADIA: Discussion Questions 36-38 (S22) Review Problem 2A (S22)

♥ THU FEB 14 ♥ Kelo Dissents & Poletown Facts

ALL: Kelo (P188-93) (Dissenting Opinions) Notes 2 & 7 (P192, 197) Poletown facts (S23-24) DENALI: Discussion Questions 39-41 (S22) Discussion Questions 42 (S24)

MON FEB 18 (11:00-1:00) Application of Tests from Kelo & Poletown; Intro to Hatchcock

ALL: Notes 3, 5 (P193-96) DENALI: Discussion Questions 42-43 (S24) EVERGLADES: Review Problem 2B (S23) (apply Kelo majority & concurrence) GLACIER: Review Problem 2C (S25) OLYMPIC: Discussion Questions 44-45 (S24) (begin)

TUE FEB 19 Complete Hatchcock; Chapter 3 Overview; Weiss/Stasis; Review Problem 3A

ALL: Overview of Intestate Succession (S27-29) State Intestacy Statutes (S29-35) (skim) Overview of Selected Wills Issues (S37-40) Selected Florida Laws Relating to Wills (S40-44) (skim) OLYMPIC: Discussion Questions 44-45 (S24) (complete) YOSEMITE: Weiss (S44-45) Stasis (S45-48) Discussion Questions 52-53 (S48) Review Problem 3A (S48-49) (Formalities Issues: See S37-38, S42-44) THU FEB 21 Review Problem 3B; Intestacy DQs; Substantial Compliance

ALL: Langbein, Substantial Compliance (S50-58) Discussion Questions 46-51 (S35-36):  Last Names A-GO = Florida  Last Names GR-RE = Texas  Last Names RI-Z = Vermont ZION: Discussion Question 54 (S58) Review Problem 3B  Formalities Issues (See S37-38, S42-44)  Substantial Compliance Arguments

MON FEB 25 (11:00-1:00) Capacity; Undue Influence

ALL: Overview of State of Mind Issues (S39-40) Strittmatere (S58-59) Webb (S60-64) ACADIA: Discussion Questions 55-56 (S59) Review Problem 3C (S59)

DENALI: Discussion Questions 57-58 (S65) Review Problem 3B (S49) (Undue Influence)

TUE FEB 26: Review Problem 3F; Intro to Chapter 4

EVERGLADES: Review Problem 3F (S66) ALL: Chapter 4 Overviews (P563-70; S67-68; E1-8) Fee Simple Absolute (P570-74; E8-10, E39-41) Finite Estates (P574-78, P587; E10-19) THU FEB 28 White v. Brown; Problems 4A-4F

ALL: White (S77-81) Instructor’s Overview of Future Interests (S73-77) Reversions (P588-89; E41-42) Remainders (P595-96; E52-69) Notes 2-3 (P600-01) GLACIER: Discussion Questions 59-62 (S81-82) OLYMPIC: Problems 4A-4F (S82)

MON MAR 4 (11:00-1:00) Mahrenholz; Problems 4G-4I

ALL: Defeasible Fees (S70-72 (review)); P578-81; E21-37, E42-49) Mahrenholz: Introductory Suggestions (S82) Mahrenholz Opinion & Notes 1-4 (P581-87) YOSEMITE: Problems 4G-4H (S82) Problem 4I (S84) ZION:Discussion Questions 63-66 (S83) ACADIA: Discussion Questions 67-70 (S83)

TUE MAR 5 Problems 4J-4M

ALL: Executory Interests (P590-93; S77; E71-84, E97-107) Some Additional Complexities (E86-96; 108-27) DENALI: Problems 4J-4M (S84)

THU MAR 7 Problems 4N-4O

ALL: Note 1 (Restraints on Alienation) (P625) Notes 1-3 (Impermissible Restraints) (P632-33) Rabin & Kwall, Note on Restraints on Personal Conduct (S84-85) EVERGLADES: Problems 4N-4O (S84)

SAT MAR 9-SUN MAR 17: SPRING BREAK MON MAR 18 (11:00-1:00) Shapira; Problems 4P-4S

ALL: Shapira (S85-89) GLACIER: Discussion Questions 71-73 (S89) OLYMPIC: Problems 4P, 4S (S89-90) YOSEMITE: Problems 4Q-4R (S89-90)

TUE MAR 19 Introduction to Adverse Possession

ALL: Overview of the Doctrine (S91-92) Notes on Color of Title (S92) & Note 5 (P120) Justifications for Adverse Possession (Note 1) (P108-10) Sample Statutes (S92-94) (skim)

ZION: Discussion Questions 74-76 (S94)

THU MAR 21 (11:00-12:10) Chapter 4 Exam (No Regular Class Meeting)

MON MAR 25 (11:00-12:20) Actual; Open & Notorious; Exclusive

ALL: VanValkenburgh (S94-100) Ray (P102-05) E. 13th St. (P105-08) Bell (S100-04)

ACADIA: Actual Use: Note 1 (S104) & Note 3 (P119) Discussion Questions 77-79 (S105)

DENALI:. Open & Notorious: Note 2 (S105) & Note 4 (P119-20) Discussion Questions 80-82 (S106)

TUE MAR 26 No Class (Passover) THU MAR 28 Exclusive; Continuous;

EVERGLADES: Exclusive: Note 3 (S106) & Note 7 (P121) Discussion Questions 83-85 (S106) GLACIER: Continuous: Note 4 (S107); Note 4 (P111); Note 6 (P113); Note 8 (P121-22) Discussion Questions 86-88 (S107)

MON APR 1 Adverse/Hostile & State of Mind; Boundary Disputes; Review Problem 5A

OLYMPIC: Adverse/Hostile/State of Mind: Notes 5-6 (S108); Note 3 (P110); Note 6 (P120-21) Discussion Questions 89-90 (S108)

YOSEMITE: Boundary Disputes: Special Issues: Note 8 (S109) Dorschner, Nightmare on 68th Street (1992) (S110-19) Discussion Questions 91-93 (S120)

ZION: Review Problem 5A (S120)

TUE APR 2 Class Cancelled

THU APR 4 Policy Implications; Review Problem 5B; Intro to Chapter 6

ALL: Other Issues: Note 7 (S109) Policy Implications: Squatting (Note 5) (P111-13) & Environment (Note 6) (P127-28) Discussion Question 94 (S120) Introductory Material (P657-60, 707-08) Some Themes in Landlord-Tenant Law (S126) Notes: Landlord’s Remedies (P712-15) Retaliatory Eviction: Note 8 (P685)

ZION: Review Problem 5A (S120) (continued)

ACADIA: Review Problem 5B (S120) MON APR 8 Review Problem 6A; Constructive Eviction

NOTE: We will run long to do Intro to Course Selection ALL: Florida Statutes §§83.51-52, 83.56, 83.59, 83.60, 83.64 (S131-37) Barash (P662-666) Gurian & Notes 1-4 (P666-71) DENALI: Review Problem 6A (138-39) Subquestions 1, 3, 6 EVERGLADES: Review Problem 6A (138-39) Subquestions 2, 4, 7 GLACIER: Discussion Questions 95-96 (S113)

TUE APR 9 Habitability; Right to Transfer

ALL: Implied Warranty of Habitability: Introduction (P671-72) Javins & Notes 1-4, 6-7, 9-10 (P672-82, 684-88) Note: The Right to Assign and Sublet (P700-701) Funk & Notes 1-3 (P701-07) & Note 4 (P734) OLYMPIC: Discussion Questions 97-99 (S139) YOSEMITE: Discussion Questions 100-01 (S151-52)

THU APR 11 Proof of Discriminatory Intent

ALL: 42 U.S.C. §3604(a) (S11) (review) Civil Rights Act of 1866 (S153) Sorenson (S154-56) Marable (S156-61) ZION:Discussion Questions 102-04 (S191) ACADIA: Discussion Questions 105-06 (S162) MON APR 15 Intro to Chapter 7; Review Problem 6D

ALL: Chapter 7 Materials Forthcoming Miami-Dade County Housing Code (S140-49) Fact Pattern: Tempest at the Teapot (S149-50) Alphabetical Assignments (S151)

DENALI: Discussion Questions from Chapter 7 Forthcoming

TUE APR 16: Review Problem 6G; More from Chapter 7

EVERGLADES: Review Problems 6G: S162-163

More to Come