Online Scavenger Hunt- Video 1 Objective: To increase your knowledge and understanding of camera shots

Directions: Locate and download an example of each shot below as an MP4 file using the included pictures and descriptions as a reference. For this project, you may only use clips from MUSIC VIDEOS found on You may take shots from multiple different music videos. In FCP X, edit each example shot to last EXACTLY 5 seconds and appear the order found below. Each shot should contain a LOWER THIRDS title with a name and description of the shot type and include a transition from one shot to the next. The final video should contain no audio from the original clips. Instead, use a song of your choice (NO RAP) to play in the background.

Camera Shots

VWS (Very Wide Shot) WS ( Wid e Shot) The subject is visible (barely), The subject takes up the full EWS (Extreme Wide Shot) but the emphasis is still on frame, or at least as much The view is so far from the placing her in her environment. as possible. The same as a subject that it isn’t even LS ( long shot ). visible. This is often used as an establishing shot.

MS (Mid Shot) MCU (Medium Close Up) CU (Close Up) Shows some part of the Half way between a MS and a A certain feature or part of subject in more detail whilst CU. the subject takes up the still giving an impression of whole frame. the whole subject. Cut-in ECU (Extreme Close Up) CA (Cutaway) Shows some part of the The ECU gets right in and A shot of something other than subject in detail. shows extreme detail. the current action.

Two-Shot (OSS) Over-the-Shoulder Noddy Shot A comfortable shot of two Shot Usually refers to a shot of people, framed similarly to a Looking from behind a person the interviewer listening and medium shot. at the subject. reacting to the subject, although noddy shots can be used in drama and other situations.

Point-of-View Shot (POV) Shows a view from the subject's perspective.