Minutes Regular meeting Board of Education, Hinton Public School, January 23, 2017 at 6:00 p.m., HS Library located at 708 N. Broadway, Hinton, OK.

1. The meeting was called to order by President Ken Spady.

Members present: Clendon Tucker, Jodi Combs, Shane Kimble and Ken Spady Members absent: Jason Douglas

2. Invocation was given by Mr. Brownen.

3. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Jodi Combs to approve the consent agenda with all of the following items: A. Minutes: BOE Meeting December 12, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. B. Minutes: Special BOE Meeting December 12, 2016, 12 noon. C. Minutes: Special BOE Meeting January 6, 2017 @ 12 noon D. Agenda as posted by law. E. Approve the following encumbrances – Regular encumbrances #297 - #337, increase #230, 262, 279, 281 and 292; void #304 on General Fund 11; approve encumbrance #14 on Child Nutrition 22; approve encumbrances #99 - 110; increase #91 and 93 for Building Fund 21; no encumbrance for Bond Fund 33 (New School) for the month the January 2017. F. Financial Report given by Mr. Brownen included the all Expenditure Account Payables and Activity Fund. Revenue was covered with balances of all funds. General Fund $1,254,099.87, Building Fund $127,167.65, Child Nutrition $-29,214.62, Bond #32 $4,213.23, Bond #33 $21,966.99, Activity Fund Money Market $50,133.26 and Gifts & Endowments $317.03 for the month of January 2017.

Combs -yes, Kimble -yes, Spady -yes, Tucker - yes

4. No guests present

5. Administration Reports: A. HS/MS Principal’s Report given by Mr. Nickell included the upcoming events; ACT Test with all seats being full; teachers are starting the test prep; the Hinton Basketball tournament went well and the HS Academic Team will be going to State on February 4th. Enrollment – MS 159; HS-203. B. Elementary Principal's Report given by Mrs. Derryberry reporting that tutoring has begun every Tuesday and Thursday; a speaker from the Oklahoma Parent Center, Dr. Mary Ann Hubbard spoke to the Elementary Teachers during In-Service January 16; 3rd & 4th grade Basketball tournament Saturday January 28 coached by Mrs. Betty Lenaburg and Mr. Steven Tucker; other information included the new Dentist from Hinton, Dr. Koch and her staff coming to the Elementary to present a program on Oral Hygiene. Enrollment at 345 Pre-K-4th grades. C. Superintendent's Report given by Mr. Brownen included the update on the digital sign being installed; he recognized Skye Hall, who was selected as one of 100 students from all the Jr.’s and Sr.’s in the State of Oklahoma, to the State Superintendent’s Advisory Council which she attended on Thursday January 19th and recognizing our board members for all their time and effort spent serving on the board during Board Member Appreciation month. 6. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Clendon Tucker to approve Rosalie Paxton, Federal Program Manager, authorization to sign the reimbursement expenditure report claims for all Federal Programs. (Flow Thru- #621, Special Ed. #641, Title I-#511, II-#541, VI-#587, Title III, Title VII- #561 Indian Ed., Gifted & Talented Expenditure Report, Ace Remediation #362, Ace Technology #361, Reading Suff. #367)

Spady -yes, Combs -yes, Tucker -yes, Kimble -yes

7. Motion was made by Clendon Tucker, second by Jodi Combs to approve a contract for accounting software service with ADPC of Ponca City for the 2017-2018 school year.

Kimble -yes, Tucker -yes, Combs -yes, Spady -yes

8. Discuss the proposal provided by the HS Teachers regarding the elimination of Senior Trip. After discussion concerning the elimination of Sr. Trip, the board mentioned it would not be the right time to discontinue Sr. Trip since funds have been raised towards this event.

9. Mr. Brownen mentioned that the response from several of the staff was very positive in being paid every two weeks. The board was ready to go ahead with the decision concerning next year’s payroll. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Jodi Combs to approve preparing the payroll semi-weekly beginning with the school year 2017-2018.

Spady – yes, Tucker – yes, Kimble – yes, Combs - yes

10. Discuss concepts related to Personalized Learning Model. Mr. Brownen presented a list of notes and thoughts covering; Mentoring, Class Meetings, Curriculum, Training in Google classroom, Technology, Student Support and miscellaneous items in this program being considered.

11. Propose executive session to discuss, so board can return to open session and vote on, appropriate items: 25 O.S. 307 (B)(1).

A. Discuss employment contract for Superintendent, Richard Brownen. B. Discuss the employment of Guadalupe Nalleli Zatarain as a Teachers’ Assistant.

12 Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Clendon Tucker convene into executive session at 7:00 p.m.

Combs -yes, Spady -yes, Kimble -yes, Tucker -yes

13. Motion was made by Clendon Tucker, second by Shane Kimble to acknowledge the board has returned to open session at 7:25 p.m.

Tucker -yes, Combs -yes, Spady -yes, Kimble -yes

14. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Clendon Tucker to approve employment contract for Superintendent, Richard Brownen with no changes to the current contract.

Kimble -yes, Combs -yes, Tucker -yes, Spady -yes

15. Motion was made by Clendon Tucker, second by Jodi Combs to approve the employment of Guadalupe Nalleli Zatarain as a Teachers’ Assistant.

Spady -yes, Combs -yes, Tucker -yes, Kimble -yes 16. No New Business:

17. Motion was made by Clendon Tucker, second by Jodi Combs to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.

Combs -yes, Spady -yes, Kimble -yes, Tucker -yes

Proposed Board Minutes of January 23, 2017 to be approved at the Regular Board Meeting of February 27, 2017.