_____ What Was One Way That W.E.B. Dubois Differed from Booker T Washington?
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1. Page: Tre’s
_____ What was one way that W.E.B. DuBois differed from Booker T Washington?
A. One grew up in New York, the other in Chicago
B. DuBois thought Tre was a joke, but Booker T thought he wasn’t too bad….
C. DuBois thought that African Americans needed equality, while Washington thought that segregation was tolerable as long as economic progress was allowed
D. Washington thought that education, similar to that obtained at the Tuskegee Institute, was the answer while Du Bois felt that only an Ivy League education would help to “uplift the race”
2. Page: Dakota A’s
_____ How did Woodrow Wilson attack what he called “the Triple Wall of Privelage” (Tarriffs, Banks and Trusts)?
A. By passing the Underwood-Simmons Act, Federal Reserve Act, and Act III of Macbeth
B. By passing the Underwood Simmons Act, Federal Reserve Act, and the Clayton Anti- Trust Act C. By vetoing the Federal Reserve Act, but passing the Clayton Anti-Trust Act and Underwood Simmons Act
D. By vetoing the Underwood Simmons Act, Federal Reserve Act, and the Clayton Anti- Trust Act
3. Page: Taylor’s
_____ What was the purpose of the 16th Amendment?
A. It created a federal income tax
B. It outlawed the making, sale and consumption of alcohol
C. It gave women the right to vote
D. It outlawed wiki tests from ever being given over holiday breaks
4. Page: Paytn’s
_____ In 1914, the first professional basketball team was established. What team was it?
A. Los Angeles Lakers
B. Jeannette Jayhawks
C. Boston Celtics
D. Massachusetts Minutemen
5. Page: Carleigh’s
_____ What is the purpose of the FDA?
A. To make sure that the correct amount of drugs went into our food
B. To make sure that there were no drugs in our food
C. To make sure that Mr. Argall wasn’t influenced by the drugs in his food while making this test D. To make sure that what producers claimed was in our food and drugs was actually that, and not something else
6. Page: Oakley’s
_____ Which of the following was an example of a Jim Crow law?
A. African Americans were not permitted to surf the same websites as whites
B. African Americans had to bow down whenever whites walked by
C. Public Displays of Affection were not allowed by African Americans because they offended whites
D. Mr. Argall had to bow down before all students named Tre and Oakley when they entered his class
7. Page: Austin Cochran’s
_____ What corruption is Lincoln Steffens most well known for exposing?
A. Trusts and monopolies
B. Living conditions of the poor immigrants
C. Taking tests over holiday breaks
D. Politicians giving special privileges to businessmen
8. Page: Dylan’s
_____ What was Robert M LaFollette most outspoken about?
A. Women’s Suffrage
B. Corruption in the business world and the unsafe conditions workers dealt with C. Dylan breaking and throwing other student’s pencils in class
D. Corruption in the Senate and how business interests influenced politics
9. Page: Carleigh’s
_____ Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, exposed what corruption?
A. The unsanitary and unethical operations in Chicago’s meat packing industry
B. Mr. Argall’s unexpected, but totally ethical use of a plagiarism checker on this project
C. The unsanitary and unethical conditions that immigrants had to live in during the Gilded Age
D. The unsanitary conditions of the streets, particularly in urban areas.
10. Page: Savannah’s
_____ Watch the video on her page. How many deaths resulted from the Spanish Flu?
A. 20-30 million
B. 30-50 million
C. A few thousand, it was only the flu for goodness sakes!
D. 40-50 million
11. Page: sam sam sam sam _____ John Muir helped to found the Sierra Club. What reform does this group help to get passed?
A. Clean Air Act
B. All of these
C. Clean Water Act
D. Endangered Species Act
12. Page: Drew’s
_____ What 2 big business moguls did President Taft sue in his attempt to bust up trusts?
A. Carnegie and Frick
B. JP Morgan and JD Rockefeller
C. Nathan Forbes and Jonathan Pedrosky
D. Henry Ford and George Westinghouse
13. Page: Tia’s
_____ Watch the video on her page. What does the 17th Amendment change?
A. How Senators are elected – now by popular election
B. How Senators are elected – now by the House of Representatives
C. How Senators are elected – now by Mr. Argall’s history classes
D. How Senators are elected – now by the other Senators
14. Page: Olivia’s
_____ During the Progressive era, what was a “Muckraker”?
A. A tool used to scoop up mud and other debris
B. A person who scooped up mud and other debris C. A journalist who scooped up mud and other debris
D. A journalist who exposed corruption in the early 1900s
15. Page: Hunter’s (The Prison System……)
_____ What groups attempted to reform the prison system in the early 1900s?
A. Muckrakers
B. Women’s groups
C. Politicians
D. Squad
16. Page: Summer’s
_____ What is a poll tax?
A. A tax collected if you wanted to fly the American flag
B. A tax collected in order to vote
C. A tax collected in order to skip the wiki test
D. A tax collected in order to allow women to vote
17. Page: Niah’s
_____ What was a speakeasy? A. A no stress place to practice public speaking
B. An illegal bar / club operated during the period of prohibition
C. An illegal bar and grille operated during the period of prohibition
D. A legal bar / club operated during the period of prohibition
18. Page: Pattie’s
_____ When and where was the radio station operated?
A. WTAE, Wilkinsburg, PA 1918
B. KQV, Pittsburgh, PA 1919
C. WJAC, Johnstown, PA 1921
D. KDKA, Pittsburgh, PA 1920
19. Page: Billie’s
_____ How were political machines dealt with during the Progressive Era
A. Bribery and withholding of services
B. Police investigations and muckraking
C. A switch to private voting booths and voter recalls
D. They were sent to Ms Rozycki’s office
20. Page: Anthony’s
_____ What was the International Association of Chiefs of Police?
A. Like INTERPOL, dedicated to capturing international criminals
B. A fraternal organization for leaders in police work
C. A police organization used to share information and procedures/techniques D. A group of policemen who met on Sundays to sample and review new types of donuts
21. Page: Robert C.
_____ Using the graph provided on the page, what happened when alcohol was made illegal?
A. The crime rate shot upward
B. The crime rate dropped
C. The crime rate stayed the same
D. The crime rate increased, but only marginally
22. Page: Jake’s
_____ What conclusion does Susan B. Anthony come to after being denied the right to speak at a rally for prohibition?
A. That women will not be taken seriously politically until they have the right to vote
B. That alcohol is the root of all evil
C. That women could effect political change even without the right to vote
D. That women needed to also have the right to speak publicly
23. Page: Mikayla’s
_____ What problem did the Federal Reserve Act seek to fix?
A. The risk that the Federal government might run out of money
B. The runs on banks that were forcing many out of business
C. The risk that the senior class might not raise enough money
D. The lack of a reserve amount of banks 24. Page: Ashley’s
_____ What was the main women’s organization in place at the time the 19th amendment passed?
25. Page: Lindsay’s
_____ What was the name of the actual law that made the production, sale and consumption of alcohol illegal?
A. The 14 year Noble Experiment
B. The Volstead Act
C. The Federal Reserve Act
D. The Prohibition Act
26. Page: Brittany’s
_____ What was the purpose of the Clayton Anti-Trust Act?
A. To add more guidelines to the Federal Reserve Act
B. To add more clarity and backbone to the Sherman Anti Trust Act
C. To make the Sherman Anti Trust Act a little easier on big business D. To make the Sherman Anti Trust Act easier to understand for unions and their workers
27. Page: Kristen’s
_____ What businessman “broke” the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers Union?
A. Andrew Carnegie
B. JP Morgan
C. Cory Malaspina
D. Henry Frick
28. Page: Cailynn’s
_____ What was Washington’s vision for “uplifting the race?”
A. To have the top group of African Americans push the limits of society and bring everyone up with them
B. To have segregation done away with by means of education
C. To have to deal with segregation, if it meant the race being able to advance economically
D. To have all African Americans attend Tuskegee Institute and get an education
29. Page: Connor’s
_____ According to the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Lochner v New York case, and employer cannot force an employee to work more than 10 hours per day. Could you work more than 10 hours if you chose to though?
A. No, the Supreme Court said that no one could ever work more than 10 hours for any reason
B. No, the Supreme Court said that doing that could cause health and danger risks C. Yes, the Supreme Court said that as long as it did not pose health or danger risks that is the individual employee’s choice
D. Yes, the Supreme Court said that an employee can work as many hours as they wish, regardless of conditions
30. Page: Devin’s
_____ Why did women seem to be able to become more politically active during the early 1900s?
A. They had more money from working
B. Men began doing more of the housework
C. Labor saving devices allowed women more free time
D. Mrs. Henny set an example for all of them to follow
31. Page: Chloe’s
_____ What is suffrage?
A. The right to vote in referendums
B. The right that happens after three lefts
C. The right to vote in political elections
D. The right to speak during political rallies
This section was added because several people did not finish their wikis. Answer these in paragraph form, and remember to use names and places instead of pronouns in your answers.
32. In your opinion, were the problems created during the Gilded Age successfully addressed
and fixed? In your answer, name three problems that the Gilded Age created and their
corresponding reform efforts. Give details as to how the problems were fixed, or not
fixed, depending on your opinion. Remember to be specific and give factual details to support your stance.