RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Department of Training and Workforce Development Western Australia

RPL Assessment Tool Kit

BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining First published 2010

ISBN 978-1-74205-611-1

© Department of Training and Workforce Development

All rights reserved. Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development materials, regardless of format, are protected by copyright law. Permission, however, is granted to Trainers, Assessors and Registered Training Organisations to use, reproduce and adapt the material (third party material excluded) for their Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment activities. This permission is subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. Permission does not extend to the making of copies for hire or sale to third parties, and provided it is not used for commercial use or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above requires the prior written permission of the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development.

Published by and available from WestOne Services

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Acknowledgements This work has been produced with the assistance of funding provided by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Reform Initiative (NRI). This resource contains ‘Units of Competency’ from the BCG03 General Construction Training Package – BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining, © Commonwealth of Australia 2007 Department of Education Science and Training (DEST), used under the AEShareNet-FfE licence.

Disclaimer Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit, no guarantee can be given that all errors and omissions have been excluded. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit can be accepted by the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development. BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining RPL Assessment Tool Kit


© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 4 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining RPL Assessment Tool Kit

1. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Tool Kit BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining

This RPL Assessment Tool Kit has been developed by the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development, in consultation with industry, as a resource to assist RPL Assessors by providing a set of quality assessment tools, which can be used to conduct wholeof-qualification RPL. This kit also contains information which can be provided to the candidate.

This kit should be customised to suit the needs of the candidate, employer/industry or Assessor and should reflect the purpose for which it is being used.

It is recommended that prior to using this kit for the first time, and after any modifications or contextualisation, this RPL Assessment Tool Kit be validated by the user to ensure it meets the required Australian Qualification Training Framework Standards (AQTF), relevant Training Package requirements and Registered Training Organisation (RTO) policies.

A task-based model for RPL A process for RPL has been developed that promotes holistic, task-based assessment, and which focuses on relating assessment activities to actual job tasks. The intention of this model is to streamline and simplify recognition processes for prospective candidates. This RPL Assessment Tool Kit has been developed to support this task-based model.

The focus of the new streamlined holistic assessment process is to focus on demonstrated skills and knowledge and is not reliant on documentary evidence as the main source of evidence.

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2. Overview of the Recognition Process

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6. PART 1


8. Section 1


10. Assessor’s Information

It is important that you complete both Steps 2 (Interview/Questioning) and 3 (Practical Tasks) when completing RPL Assessment using this kit.

The RPL process is a streamlined process which does not rely solely on documentary evidence. It uses a combination of questioning, practical assessment and supporting evidence to provide evidence of the candidate’s competence.

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11. Introduction Welcome to the BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining.

This RPL Assessment Tool Kit contains fifteen (15) units of competency required for the qualification and two (2) additional electives as alternative options.

It is simply set out, with a covering comprehensive list of instructions at the front of each document, as well as covering instructions for each step of the process, as found in the notes for the Assessor, and notes for the candidate.

Included in this kit are the following documents:

Assessor’s Information Explanation of RPL documents Qualification Rules and list of units of competency contained in this kit Units of competency separated into skill sets for assessment Tool Kits for each skill set:

► Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

► Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets Candidate’s Information

► Candidate’s Self-Evaluation Form (incorporating Third Party Verification) Mapping documents for all the units of competency included in this kit.

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12. Explanation of RPL documents Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets (Section 3): The interview question bank is the second stage of the process, in which the Assessor and the candidate confirm the knowledge by discussing a series of questions. Each of these questions includes a series of Key Points, which may assist the Assessor in guiding the discussions.

Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets (Section 4): These tools are designed to guide the Assessor and candidate through a workplace observation, proving the candidate’s ability to conduct the specific tasks and skills required for recognition of competence in the particular area.

Candidate’s Information and Self-Evaluation Forms (Section 5): This document is for the candidate to assess their suitability for RPL process, by asking them to consider each of the points and assessing their ability against the task. It has been broken into smaller skill groups, clustering like activities together to enable ease of completion. It is then reinforced by the candidate’s supervisor’s comments, both against tasks and as a summary for each group. This serves as third party validation of the candidate’s claims.

Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation (if applicable) (Section 6): The third party verification report is provided for referees, for example the supervisor, to confirm the candidate’s skills and experience in the qualification/occupation. This is particularly useful in addressing employability skill requirements. It is important to note that third party reports are not always available and it is recommended that Assessors use their professional judgement to determine if this is a requirement.

List of suggested supporting documentation (if applicable): A list of suggested industry specific evidence or supporting documentation (in addition to the generic documentation) is provided to assist the candidate in collecting evidence to support their application. e) Mapping Document (Section 7): This tool demonstrates how each of the documents reflects the units of competency in the particular skill set. BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 2 – List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit




16. Section 2


18. List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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19. Qualification Rules

BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining The following information has been extracted from BCG03 General Construction Training Package (version 4).

Requirements Successful completion of a total of twenty-two (22) units of competency made up of:

 nineteen (19) core units of competency

 three (3) units of competency where:

o two (2) or more units are from electives

o and between zero (0) and one (1) unit is from levelling electives

o and between zero (0) and one (1) unit is from:

- relevant units from BCG03 General Construction Training Package

- relevant units from another endorsed Training Package.

The BCG General Construction Training Package (version 4) should be consulted for information on choosing electives.

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20. List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit This section identifies the units contained in this kit.

21. Units of competency covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Unit Code Unit Title Core/Elective BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures Core BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry Core BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work Core BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication Core BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Core BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications Core BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment Core BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials Core Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement Core BCGWC2003B sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Unit Code Unit Title Core/Elective BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings Elective

BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Core

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Unit Code Unit Title Core/Elective BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads Core

BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings Core

BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding Core

BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Unit Code Unit Title Core/Elective BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures Core

BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions Core

BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches Core

BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Core

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Unit Code Unit Title Core/Elective BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings Elective

BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings Core

BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Core


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23. Section 3


25. Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

This section contains questions the Assessor may ask the candidate while documenting their conversation during the RPL interview.

Assessor’s Instructions It is not intended that every question for each competency be asked or discussed during the conversation. Only questions related to those competencies that the initial documentary review has failed to fully address are required.

Each question provides key points to look for in the candidate’s responses. You may wish to use these key points to formulate questions of your own, contextualise, or rephrase the suggested questions to suit the candidate’s particular work situation.

On the Recording Sheets, place a tick next to each key point as it is addressed by the candidate during the conversation. By doing this, you are recording what you have heard the candidate say during the interview.

Use the Assessor’s Comments section next to each question to provide further details about the context of the discussion or other key points and examples the candidate has discussed that may be relevant in confirming competence.

It is important to remember that the notes taken during the questioning interview are important evidence and should be retained as part of the candidate’s assessment records.

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26. Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Assessor’s Instructions The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name

Interview only q

How/where was the interview conducted? At an RTO’s premises q Name: ______In the workplace q Name: ______


© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 24 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Candidate’s name Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations ceilings Question 1 – Discuss OHS procedures for gaining entry to work on site. What would you do in the event of a workplace accident on site?

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Blue Card. PPE. Observe safety signs. Adhere to electrical safety. Company policy and procedures. Apply first aid in the event of an accident and respond according to level of severity. Ensure worker safety – and others in the area – are the priority. Inspect worksite (new JSA) to ascertain whether work environment is a contributing factor or worksite policy or worksite practices. Complete safety report/incident report as per WorkSafe/company policy requirements. Review worksite injury emergency response and evacuation procedures, and make changes in order to minimise the likelihood of a similar accident occurring again (if possible). Question 2 – Discuss the whole process of inspecting, setting up your tools and equipment and completing a simple plasterboard lining job. Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Assess risks. JSA. MSDSs.

Page 25 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Candidate’s name Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations ceilings Material quantities. Correctly stored material (dry area, off ground.) Material identification. Signage, barricades. Preparation tasks – unload/set up equipment/stack materials. Check electrical leads, RCDs. Check frames are clean, flat and sound. Prepare and cut sheet to fit. Fix (screw) tape and flush. Sand and finish. Fit cornice/corner beads, if appropriate. Keep clean/clear while working. Dispose of waste responsibly. Clean tools and equipment. Question 3 – How would you prepare a timber frame wall before the application of plasterboard? Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Ensure frames are flat, level and clear of nails, knots and other materials. Measure up for the most economical way of estimating materials and where joints will be located (support). Check flashing and locations for penetrations for services. Question 4 – Discuss your role as a wall and ceiling fixer. Talk about working in a team and what you do to improve yourself in the

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 26 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Candidate’s name Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations ceilings trade. Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Roles and responsibilities/safety. Basic teamwork/cooperation/work dependence. Various techniques in plastering. Planning and organising skills. Decisionmaking (on site meetings). Verbal/written instructions, visual signs. Taking and using feedback from supervisor/builder/employer for selfimprovement in the trade. Seeking opportunities to further trade skills and knowledge, including new products. Question 5 – What is the purpose of a concave (curved) trowel for flushing? Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes To allow for shrinkage. To ensure sufficient material is in the joint to ensure a flat surface is achieved after sanding. Question 6 – Where can you find information on correct mixing ratios for different jointing compounds? Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes MSDSs. Product bags. Manufacturers. Question 7 – What PPE is required when mixing plasterboard base coat?

Page 27 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Candidate’s name Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations ceilings Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Dust mask gloves/safety boots. Eye protection (AS 1337). Question 8 – List all the tools and equipment you need to repair a small hole in a wall. Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Small piece of plasterboard to fill hole (square cut). Two (2) pieces of plasterboard to brace rear of hole either side (bonded inside). Small saw/Stanley® knife. Tape/jointing compound/adhesive. Sandpaper/sanding float. Broad knives (100 mm and 200 mm). Question 9 – How many plasterboard sheets would you require to cover a wall 2400 mm high and 6000 mm long? Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Two 6000 x 1200 sheets or alternative. Approximate alternative standard sheet sizes Horizontal joint. Dimensions Thickness 10 10 Width (mm) 1200 1350 Sheet length 2400 3000 3000 3600 3600 4200 4200 4800 4800 5400 6000

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 28 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Candidate’s name Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations ceilings 6000

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Additional notes from conversation

Outcome Assessor’s signature S NYS (Please circle) (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

Assessor’s name Date

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27. Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Assessor’s Instructions The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name

Interview only q

How/where was the interview conducted? At an RTO’s premises q Name: ______In the workplace q Name: ______

Page 31 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Question 10 – What procedure is required to restore the panel if an original section of picture rail mould was damaged and needed to be replaced?

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Copy profile/Cut out template. Construct frame/Run mould/Install. Alternatively, replace entire section with modern precast moulding, making sure that all visible railing matches. Question 11 – Discuss the installation of a large ceiling rose weighing more than 10 kilos when installed.

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Assess ceiling support. Install noggins/support. BondCrete base/Countersink screws. Remove excess adhesive/Support with props until set. Suitable PPE – hard hat and safety boots for working at height. Question 12 – Explain how to install a paperfaced cornice step by step.

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Projection lines (below ceiling line). Measure lengths. Cut mitres correctly. Butter up sides and install. Clear away surplus adhesive and check work. Fill and sand back mitres (joints). Clean up area and put away tools and equipment.

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Page 33 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices

Additional notes from conversation

Outcome Assessor’s signature S NYS (Please circle) (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

Assessor’s name Date BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

28. Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Assessor’s Instructions The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name

Interview only q

How/where was the interview conducted? At an RTO’s premises q Name: ______In the workplace q Name: ______

Page 35 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Question 13 – What steps would you take when planning the installation (including the levels) of a simple bulkhead over a kitchen with a curved section (reflected bulkhead)?

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Plans – account for 10 mm external gap for finish with the framework for the bulkhead – levels. Ensure adequate fixing points above – otherwise install additional support/noggins /trimmers, especially along curved sections. Check the engineer’s specifications, if stated. Question 14 – How do you calculate heights for ceilings and bulkheads from building plans?

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Course height x 96 to get height in millimetres. If it is a commercial job, then the heights will be stated as reduced level from the site plan and elevation.

Question 15 – How do you calculate the reference point for the centre of a curved section of wall to ensure that your installation is correct.

Page 36 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Calculate the radius, but it is unlikely to fit in the room anyway, so scaling is useful to get key points. Then calculate a partial radius every 100 mm, and use a piece of electrical conduit to do a top and bottom setout, using a heat gun. Alternatively, mark the setout on the floor, and reflect the critical points on the ceiling using a laser or plumbline, and then install the framework. Mark and install subhangers if the projection is at a high level, to ensure sufficient support to account for services (power, lighting, sprinklers and air conditioning). Question 16 – Explain how to set up a single lift of mobile, or Aframe, scaffolding in order to fit a section of plasterboard above the entrance to a flight of stairs in a new, twostorey house.

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Inspect work area for electrical and other hazards. Install safety barriers if required and make sure access points do not allow for material at height to fall on other workers. Inspect sections for serviceability and then calculate required sections for lift and make sure loading will not exceed the type of scaffolding selected. Select and level footings and erect scaffolding in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. Conduct a final inspection for stability, sturdiness

Page 37 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures and serviceability. Use and then dismantle from top section down and clean up and put away materials.

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures

Additional notes from conversation

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Outcome Assessor’s signature S NYS (Please circle) (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

Assessor’s name Date

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29. Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Assessor’s Instructions The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name

Interview only q

How/where was the interview conducted? At an RTO’s premises q Name: ______In the workplace q Name: ______BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Question 17 – How would you renovate a section of wall (a passageway) which has water damage due to a leaky wet area on the opposite wall (shower)?

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Fix leakage/Allow wall to dry out. Remove damaged plasterwork/plasterboard. Prepare surface (brush surface down and suppress dust). Apply appropriate adhesive to bond replacement plasterboard to brick surface. Set and finish to standard/Clean up. Question 18 – Explain the basic process involved in making a simple partition to divide a room into two smaller areas. Include the construction of a simple archway as a divider (no door as such).

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes From plans, mark out dimensions onto the floor and the ceiling. Construct frame with correct centres and fasten to floor and ceiling/Fit batts. Calculate arch span and construct metal frame section at the top. Cut sheet and fit appropriately for arch beading/Flush and sand to required finish/Clean up/Remove waste appropriately/Inspect work. Question 19 – Explain how you would demolish an existing loadbearing doorway and widen the entrance then make a plasterboard archway in place. BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Assess work area and erect barricades. Ensure appropriate PPE. Fit appropriate props/supports while demolition work is carried out. Mark areas to be removed and carry out demolition. Erect new loadbearing section and build arch. Remove props and inspect. Install new arch work frame. Clean up and remove waste. Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems

Additional notes from conversation BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Outcome Assessor’s signature S NYS (Please circle) (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

Assessor’s name Date Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

30. Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Assessor’s Instructions The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Interview only q

How/where was the interview conducted? At an RTO’s premises q Name: ______In the workplace q Name: ______

Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Question 20 – What are the key differences between concealed and exposed grid suspension systems?

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Unlike exposed grid systems, concealed mounting systems are not visible from below the ceiling. Concealed systems include the suspension systems using T-bars and splines which fit into kerfs cut into tile edges. Exposed grid systems include structural suspension systems for lay-in ceiling panels. Factory-painted supporting members are exposed to view. Exposed tee surfaces may be continuous or have an integral reveal. Reveals are typically formed as channel or rail profiles extending down from the tee leg. Bolt-slot type reveal designs can accommodate partition attachment. The choice may be restricted by appropriate tee width for panel selected and limitations on available panel edge details for the chosen grid profile. Question 21 – Explain the key points when putting penetrations and flashing in for socket outlets in a firerated wall. BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Ensure electrical wiring remains safely fitted according to the electrician’s requirements (AS/NZS 3000: 2007;, page 149, ‘Penetration of fire barriers’.) All cabling should be firerated and sealed with the appropriate products unless otherwise stated in the standards. Question 22 – Explain how you would ensure that fitting out the flashing in an area above a commercial ceiling which divides two rooms is firerated.

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Follow the guidelines for installing a passive firerated shaft. Question 23 – What must you do and what materials must you use to ensure that a partition wall is firerated?

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Follow the Australian Standard® AS 3013 in conjunction with the manufacturer’s product schedule. Fit all components according to the building plans stated, and do not use equivalent materials unless these are also firerated to the same standard. Candidate should list materials and discuss fixings. Question 24 – What needs to be taken into account when installing a suspended ceiling (following a reflected ceiling plan showing recessed lighting)?

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems The framework that supports the suspended ceiling must not interfere with the recessed lighting. Question 25 – Explain the basic steps you would take to put in a simple suspension system – from the drawings supplied to completion of the job.

Key points to be addressed by the candidate Assessor’s notes Assess work area for safety. Check drawings against building’s actual measurements. Signage, barricades. Preparation task – unload/set up equipment/stack materials/check tools. Check electrical leads, RCDs. Set our ceiling grid/levels. Fit suspension rods to specifications. Fit suspension framework to rods and secure. Fit bridging framework to sides of service ducts. Assessor’s notes Cut and fit mining materials to specifications. Complete openings and penetrations in accordance with specifications. Fit trimming and beading as required. Keep clean/clear while working/Clean up on completion. Dispose of waste responsibly. Pack up tools and equipment. BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Candidate’s name Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems

Additional notes from conversation

Outcome Assessor’s signature S NYS (Please circle) (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

Assessor’s name Date BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

31. Section 4


33. Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

This section contains practical assessment tasks that the candidate will complete to assist you in determining their skills and knowledge.

Assessor’s Instructions Use the Observation Recording Sheets for each of the practical tasks to document the skills and knowledge demonstrated by the candidate in completing each of the required tasks. These practical tasks may be modified to suit the context of the candidate’s workplace, job role or their work environment. Not all tasks need to be completed. You should select only those tasks that will provide the required evidence to prove competence by the candidate. For a whole qualification it may be necessary to perform all tasks, if you believe that there is insufficient supporting evidence from other sources. It is important to remember that the notes you make during the observation of the practical demonstration are important evidence and should be retained as part of the candidate’s assessment records. You should make sure that the candidate obtains permission for any audio or video recording devices you intend to use, as this is both a legal requirement and a policy requirement for all RTOs.

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34. Practical tasks While performing the various practical tasks, it is important that the principles of Occupational Health and Safety, and workplace safety requirements be met at all times.

Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Task 1 The candidate is to prepare, set out and fix two (2) sheets of plasterboard to a wall, and correctly tape and flush the sheets, ready for initial sanding.

Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Task 2 The candidate is to prepare a section of plasterboard wall and ceiling surface, install a 1200 mm section of 90 mm cornice to the top of a wall and attach two small sections of 90 mm cornice (an external and internal angle on a wall) using adhesive, then fix a decorative moulding to the ceiling.

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Task 3 The candidate is to prepare, set out and construct a simple rectangular bulkhead (1900 mm x 350 mm x 250 mm) with a curved face projecting 150 mm from the centre on one side, and install the bulkhead at ceiling height.

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4 The candidate is to prepare, set out and construct a simple steel framed partition (2400 mm x 2400 mm) and install one side of the partition for a wet area.

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Task 5 The candidate is to prepare, set out, construct and install a small (2400 mm x 2400 mm) suspended ceiling system.

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35. Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

36. Task 1

37. Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task For this task you are to prepare, set out and install two sheets of plasterboard onto a flat section of wall, ensuring the sheets are joined in the centre. You will be required to:  follow all OHS procedures  prepare the wall surfaces before installing two plasterboard sheets to a section of wall 2400 mm high (floor to ceiling) and 1200 mm wide  ensure the finish is to industry standard – level, taped and flushed vertical join in the centre of the wall  ensure the surfaces are finished to industry standards – unsanded and clean  assemble all equipment and tools, prepare the surface, apply the render to the wall and finish to the required standard  follow established practices for OHS.

You will be provided with a simple candidate’s work plan to help you manage this task. You are to complete this plan before you begin the task. It will help you to plan how to approach this task in a methodical manner. You will be assessed on your ability to:  locate, interpret and apply relevant information, standards and specifications  comply with OHS regulations and site safety plan/JSA applicable to project/workplace  comply with company policy, procedure and quality guidelines  demonstrate safe and effective operational use of all required tools, plant and equipment, including optical and laser levelling devices  communicate and work safely and effectively with others/workmates  select, use and maintain tools and equipment  handle and store the mandatory fixing materials and components  prepare surfaces for the application of plasterboard

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 tape and joint the section of wall specified  finish to industry standard (not sanded) with no air bubbles in the vertical joint.

Your assessor:  will observe you performing specific tasks relevant to the generic units of competency in the skill set, but with a practical focus on the following units: oBCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials oBCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment oBCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

 may verbally question you while you are performing the range of activities specified to address the task.

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38. Candidate’s work plan for Skill Set 1 The candidate is to complete this checklist before starting any practical tasks. This is for the Assessor to use as an aid for planning and assessment.

1 OHS requirements

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

2 Plans and specifications

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

3 Set up materials and fixings for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

4 Set up hand and power tools for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

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5 Set up construction tools and equipment for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

Outline below the approach you plan to use (ie the steps you take to complete the 6 task).

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

7 On job completion, check the finished task against the stated criteria.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

8 Clean up/put tools and equipment away.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

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39. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Task 1 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and fix two sheets of plasterboard to a wall and correctly tape and flush the sheets, ready for initial sanding. Skill Set 1 – Core units BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret of competency policies and procedures plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2002B Use wall and the general construction industry ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise BCGWC2001B Handle wall and work ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace BCGWC2003B Install and finish communication plasterboard and fibre cement BCGCM1005B Carry out sheeting to flat walls and ceilings measurements and calculations Assessment location Date of demonstration Time

40. Instructions for the Assessor

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39. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Task 1 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and fix two sheets of plasterboard to a wall and correctly tape and flush the sheets, ready for initial sanding. Skill Set 1 – Core units BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret of competency policies and procedures plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2002B Use wall and the general construction industry ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise BCGWC2001B Handle wall and work ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace BCGWC2003B Install and finish communication plasterboard and fibre cement BCGCM1005B Carry out sheeting to flat walls and ceilings measurements and calculations The candidate is to: follow all OHS procedures prepare the framed wall surfaces before fixing two plasterboard sheets to cover the surface 2400 mm high (floor to ceiling) and 1200 mm wide cut the sheets from a 2400 mm x 1200 mm sheet (into two 2400 mm x 600 mm sheets) and correctly fix to the wall ensure that the sheets are correctly screwed to the wall and jointed (taped and flushed) appropriately assemble all equipment and tools, prepare the surface and complete the job to the standard required follow established practices for OHS complete the work plan before starting the activity. Due to the drying time of the job, only the taping and flushing are required. Questions may be asked of the Assessor for clarification purposes only. The duration of the assessment is at the discretion of the Assessor who may stop the assessment at any stage if he/she determines that he/she has enough evidence to support a satisfactory or unsatisfactory outcome. The candidate must have access to all materials, tools and equipment, and eye and ear protection, and must wear safety boots. OHS regulations and codes of practice must be followed at all times.

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39. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Task 1 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and fix two sheets of plasterboard to a wall and correctly tape and flush the sheets, ready for initial sanding. Skill Set 1 – Core units BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret of competency policies and procedures plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2002B Use wall and the general construction industry ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise BCGWC2001B Handle wall and work ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace BCGWC2003B Install and finish communication plasterboard and fibre cement BCGCM1005B Carry out sheeting to flat walls and ceilings measurements and calculations The activity will require the candidate to: locate, interpret and apply relevant information, standards and specifications comply with OHS regulations and site safety plan/JSA applicable to project/workplace comply with company policy, procedure and quality guidelines demonstrate safe and effective operational use, and maintenance of all required tools, plant and equipment, including optical and laser levelling devices communicate and work safely and effectively with others/workmates handle and store the mandatory wall and ceiling lining materials and components listed in the range statement assemble all equipment and tools, and prepare the frame surfaces prepare the framed wall surfaces before fixing two plasterboard sheets to cover the surface 2400 mm high (floor to ceiling) and 1200 mm wide – sheets are to be cut from a 2400 mm x 1200 mm sheet into two 2400 mm x 600 mm sheets and correctly fixed to the wall make sure that the sheets are correctly screwed to the wall and jointed (taped and flushed) appropriately, with no air bubbles in the tape complete only the taping and flushing parts of the job. Resources required for this task

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39. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Task 1 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and fix two sheets of plasterboard to a wall and correctly tape and flush the sheets, ready for initial sanding. Skill Set 1 – Core units BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret of competency policies and procedures plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2002B Use wall and the general construction industry ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise BCGWC2001B Handle wall and work ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace BCGWC2003B Install and finish communication plasterboard and fibre cement BCGCM1005B Carry out sheeting to flat walls and ceilings measurements and calculations flat section of timber framed wall 2400 mm high and 1200 mm wide plasterboard sheet – 2400 mm x 1200 mm (10 mm thick) screw gun keyhole saw for penetrations plasterboard saw stud adhesive joint and finish coat product 30 mm ring shank nails W type 32 mm coarse thread screws hammer tape measure pencil external angles Stanley® knife putty knife or similar (for applying stud adhesive) 300 mm flat trowel, 200 mm curved trowel, 200 mm broad knife paper jointing tape

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Task 1

Candidate’s name

During the demonstration Is behaviour observed? or observation of skills, Regulations Standards and industry requirements did the candidate do the Yes No following?

OHS requirements OSH Act 1984 Select and use correct personal protective equipment q q (PPE). Check required safety signs are in place. q q Select and use safety equipment for job or task. q q Check electrical leads and power tools. q q Plans and specifications Read plans and specifications, and check site before starting. q q Interpret information on plans and transfers to set-out and q q materials. Confer with team members (Assessor) to verify all points. q q Materials and fixings Select required materials from store and use them q q appropriately. Identify all fixings correctly and use them appropriately and q q economically. Stack materials safely on worksite before, during and q q after use. Hand tools, portable power Electrical safety tools and static machinery Use hand tools safely to recognised trade practices. q q Use portable power tools safely to recognised trade q q practices. Check mixing machinery for faults before and after start-up. q q Check hand tools for good q q condition before use.

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Task 1

Candidate’s name

Is behaviour observed? During the demonstration Regulations Standards and or observation of skills, industry requirements did the candidate do the Yes No Checkfollowing? portable power tools for good condition before use. q q Construction tools and Working at height legislation equipment 2009 Use trestles and planks safely and appropriately for work at q q heights. Select scaffolding and erect safely for use during project. q q Use levelling devices correctly and in appropriate places on q q site. Stack trestles, planks, ladders and levelling devices in a safe, but easily accessible manner q q when not in use on site. Work methodology Follow identified job processes and procedures as closely as q q possible. Job completion Check all work against plans, specifications and instructions and confirm for completion q q with the team. Clean up Builders’ Registration Act and BCA Dispose of all identified unusable material and waste safely, and in an q q environmentally friendly manner. Return usable materials correctly in the store. q q Clean site or work area correctly. q q

Assessor’s general comments/observations

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Assessor’s name Outcome Assessor’s signature (Please circle)

Candidate’s signature Date

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41. Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

42. Task 2

43. Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task For this task you are to prepare a section of plasterboard wall and ceiling surface, install a 1200 mm section of 90 mm cornice to the top of a wall, and attach two small sections of 90 mm cornice (an external and internal angle on a wall) using adhesive, then fix a decorative moulding to the ceiling. You will be required to:  follow all OHS procedures  prepare the wall surface before installing the cornice, using a mitre box to set the correct internal and external 45 degree angles  ensure all cornice is buttered using sufficient adhesive and technique to achieve a quality and structural result  ensure a smoothfilled finish for the cornice mitres (as there is insufficient time for drying to enable a sanded finish)  remove cornice adhesive and sponge off to industry standards  follow established practices for OHS.

You will be provided with a simple candidate’s work plan to help you manage this task. You are to complete this plan before you begin the task. It will help you to plan how to approach this task in a methodical manner. You will be assessed on your ability to:  locate, interpret and apply relevant information, standards and specifications  comply with OHS regulations and site safety plan/JSA applicable to project/workplace  comply with company policy, procedure and quality guidelines  demonstrate safe and effective operational use of all required tools, plant and equipment, including optical and laser levelling devices  communicate and work safely and effectively with others/workmates  select, use and maintain tools and equipment  handle and store the mandatory wall and ceiling lining materials and components  prepare surfaces for applying the cornice and a decorative ceiling mould

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 install the cornice, using a mitre box to set the correct internal and external 45 degree angles  ensure that all cornice is buttered using sufficient adhesive and technique to achieve a quality and structural result  create a smoothfilled finish for the cornice mitres (as there is insufficient time for drying to enable a sanded finish)  remove cornice adhesive and sponge off to industry standards  plant and fix a ceiling rose in the centre of the ceiling, ensuring circumference is brushed clean  follow established practices for OHS.

Your assessor:  will observe you performing specific tasks relevant to the two units of competency in the skill set  may verbally question you while you are performing the range of activities specified to address the task.

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44. Candidate’s work plan for Skill Set 2 The candidate is to complete this checklist before starting any practical tasks. This is for the Assessor to use as an aid for planning and assessment.

1 OHS requirements

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

2 Plans and specifications

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

3 Set up materials and fixings for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

4 Set up hand and power tools for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

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5 Set up construction tools and equipment for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

Outline below the approach you plan to use (ie the steps you take to complete the 6 task).

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

7 On job completion, check the finished task against the stated criteria.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

8 Clean up/put tools and equipment away.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

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45. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Task 2 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare a section of plasterboard wall and ceiling surface, install a 1200 mm section of 90 mm cornice to the top of a wall, and attach two small sections of 90 mm cornice (an external and internal angle on a wall) using adhesive, then fix a decorative moulding to the ceiling. Skill Set 2 – Core units BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster of competency decorative mouldings and paperfaced cornices Assessment location Date of demonstration Time

46. Instructions for the Assessor The candidate is to: follow all OHS procedures prepare the wall surface before installing the cornice, using a mitre box to set the correct internal and external 45 degree angles ensure all cornice is buttered using sufficient adhesive and technique to achieve a quality and structural result ensure a smoothfilled finish for the cornice mitres (as there is insufficient time for drying to enable a sanded finish) remove cornice adhesive and sponge off to industry standards fix a ceiling rose in the centre of the ceiling, ensuring circumference is brushed clean follow established practices for OHS complete the work plan before starting the activity. Questions may be asked of the Assessor for clarification purposes only. The duration of the assessment is at the discretion of the Assessor who may stop the assessment at any stage if he/she determines that he/she has enough evidence to support a satisfactory or unsatisfactory outcome. The candidate must have access to all materials, tools and equipment, and eye and ear protection, and must wear safety boots. OHS regulations and codes of practice must be followed at all times.

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45. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Task 2 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare a section of plasterboard wall and ceiling surface, install a 1200 mm section of 90 mm cornice to the top of a wall, and attach two small sections of 90 mm cornice (an external and internal angle on a wall) using adhesive, then fix a decorative moulding to the ceiling. Skill Set 2 – Core units BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster of competency decorative mouldings and paperfaced cornices The activity will require the candidate to: locate, interpret and apply relevant information, standards and specifications comply with OHS regulations and site safety plan/JSA applicable to project/workplace comply with company policy, procedure and quality guidelines demonstrate safe and effective operational use, and maintenance of all required tools, plant and equipment, including optical and laser levelling devices communicate and work safely and effectively with others/workmates handle and store the mandatory wall and ceiling lining materials and components listed in the range statement prepare surfaces for application of cornice and mouldings, including assessment of ceiling support install the paperfaced cornice and finish to the standard required install the moulding clean up the work area, replacing all tools, equipment and waste materials ensure a smoothfilled finish for the cornice mitres (as there is insufficient time for drying to enable a sanded finish). Resources required for this task

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45. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Task 2 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare a section of plasterboard wall and ceiling surface, install a 1200 mm section of 90 mm cornice to the top of a wall, and attach two small sections of 90 mm cornice (an external and internal angle on a wall) using adhesive, then fix a decorative moulding to the ceiling. Skill Set 2 – Core units BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster of competency decorative mouldings and paperfaced cornices flat section of timber framed wall 2400 mm high and 1200 mm wide, preferably in a sheltered area where inclement weather is unlikely to adversely affect the candidate’s task, which includes a corner and projection (a pier) so as to enable an internal and external mitred joint for the installation of precast paper cornice one length of ceiling cornice 90 mm and one suitable decorative mould (ceiling rose) weighing over 5 kg so as to ensure ceiling support is considered by the candidate screw gun keyhole saw for penetrations plasterboard saw stud adhesive/cornice adhesive joint and finish coat product 30 mm ring shank nails W type 32 mm coarse thread screws hammer tape measure and carpenter’s pencil mitre box external angles Stanley® knife putty knife, or similar (for applying stud adhesive) 300 mm flat trowel, 200 mm curved trowel, 200 mm broad knife paper jointing tape

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Task 2

Candidate’s name

During the demonstration Is behaviour observed? or observation of skills, Regulations Standards and industry requirements did the candidate do the Yes No following?

OHS requirements OSH Act 1984 Select and use correct personal protective equipment q q (PPE). Check required safety signs are in place. q q Select and use safety equipment for job or task. q q Check electrical leads and power tools. q q Plans and specifications Read plans and specifications, and check site before starting. q q Interpret information on plans and transfers to set-out and q q materials. Confer with team members (Assessor) to verify all points. q q Materials and fixings Select required materials from store and use them q q appropriately. Identify all fixings correctly and use them appropriately and q q economically. Stack materials safely on worksite before, during and q q after use. Hand tools, portable power Electrical safety tools and static machinery Use hand tools safely to recognised trade practices. q q Use portable power tools safely to recognised trade q q practices. Check mixing machinery for faults before and after start-up. q q Check hand tools for good q q condition before use.

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Task 2

Candidate’s name

Is behaviour observed? During the demonstration Regulations Standards and or observation of skills, industry requirements did the candidate do the Yes No Checkfollowing? portable power tools for good condition before use. q q Construction tools and Working at height legislation equipment 2009 Use trestles and planks safely and appropriately for work at q q heights. Select scaffolding and erect safely for use during project. q q Use levelling devices correctly and in appropriate places on q q site. Stack trestles, planks, ladders and levelling devices in a safe, but easily accessible manner q q when not in use on site. Work methodology Follow identified job processes and procedures as closely as q q possible. Job completion Check all work against plans, specifications and instructions and confirm for completion q q with the team. Clean up Builders’ Registration Act and BCA Dispose of all identified unusable material and waste safely, and in an q q environmentally friendly manner. Return usable materials correctly in the store. q q Clean site or work area correctly. q q

Assessor’s general comments/observations

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Assessor’s name Outcome Assessor’s signature (Please circle)

Candidate’s signature Date

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47. Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

48. Task 3

49. Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task For this task you are to prepare, set out and construct a simple rectangular bulkhead (1900 mm x 350 mm x 250 mm) with a curved face projecting 150 mm from the centre on one side, and install the bulkhead at ceiling height. You will be required to:  follow all OHS procedures  prepare the ceiling area for support  construct the bulkhead framework from the appropriate steel, including leaving allowance for a 10 mm plasterboard finish  fit the front curved section of bulkhead with plasterboard  install the bulkhead at height, after constructing an appropriate work platform  ensure the finish is level +/– 1 mm, including RL of bottom section of bulkhead from ceiling height  finish to industry standards  assemble all equipment, and tools, prepare the bulkhead and ceiling support, and finish to the required standard  ensure the curved surface is to the required standard  follow established practices for OHS.

You will be provided with a simple candidate’s work plan to help you manage this task. You are to complete this plan before you begin the task. It will help you to plan how to approach this task in a methodical manner. You will be assessed on your ability to:  locate, interpret and apply relevant information, standards and specifications  comply with OHS regulations and site safety plan/JSA applicable to project/workplace  comply with company policy, procedure and quality guidelines  demonstrate safe and effective operational use of all required tools, plant and equipment, including optical and laser levelling devices

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 communicate and work safely and effectively with others/workmates  select, use and maintain tools and equipment  handle and store the mandatory solid plastering materials and components  prepare surfaces for fixing the bulkhead  construct the bulkhead  fix the bulkhead including appropriate support inside of the ceiling framework  clean up work area, disassemble scaffolding, put away materials and clean up waste.

Your assessor:  will observe you performing specific tasks relevant to the generic units of competency in the skill set, but with a practical focus on the following units: oBCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads oBCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings oBCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding oBCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures

 may verbally question you while you are performing the range of activities specified to address the task.

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50. Candidate’s work plan for Skill Set 3 The candidate is to complete this checklist before starting any practical tasks. This is for the Assessor to use as an aid for planning and assessment.

1 OHS requirements

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

2 Plans and specifications

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

3 Set up materials and fixings for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

4 Set up hand and power tools for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

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5 Set up construction tools and equipment for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

Outline below the approach you plan to use (ie the steps you take to complete the 6 task).

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

7 On job completion, check the finished task against the stated criteria.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

8 Clean up/put tools and equipment away.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

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Page 83 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

51. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Task 3 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and construct a simple rectangular bulkhead (1900 mm x 350 mm x 250 mm) with a curved face projecting 150 mm from the centre on one side, and install the bulkhead at ceiling height. Skill Set 3 – Units of BCGCA3014B Construct BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle competency bulkheads restricted height scaffolding BCGWC3002B Install and finish BCGCM2006B Apply basic plasterboard and fibre cement levelling procedures sheeting to curved walls and ceilings Assessment location Date of demonstration Time

52. Instructions for the Assessor

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 84 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

51. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Task 3 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and construct a simple rectangular bulkhead (1900 mm x 350 mm x 250 mm) with a curved face projecting 150 mm from the centre on one side, and install the bulkhead at ceiling height. Skill Set 3 – Units of BCGCA3014B Construct BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle competency bulkheads restricted height scaffolding BCGWC3002B Install and finish BCGCM2006B Apply basic plasterboard and fibre cement levelling procedures sheeting to curved walls and ceilings The candidate is to: follow all OHS procedures and prepare the ceiling area for support construct the bulkhead framework from the appropriate steel, including leaving allowance for a 10 mm plasterboard finish fit the front curved section of bulkhead with plasterboard install the bulkhead at height, after constructing an appropriate work platform ensure the finish is level +/– 2mm, including RL of bottom section of bulkhead from ceiling height finish to industry standards assemble all equipment, tools and prepare the bulkhead and ceiling support and finish to the required standard ensure the curved surface is to the required standard follow established practices for occupational health and safety complete the work plan before starting the activity. Questions may be asked of the Assessor for clarification purposes only. The duration of the assessment is at the discretion of the Assessor who may stop the assessment at any stage if he/she determines that he/she has enough evidence to support a satisfactory or unsatisfactory outcome. The candidate must have access to all materials, tools and equipment, and eye and ear protection, and must wear safety boots. Occupational health and safety regulations and codes of practice must be followed at all times.

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51. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Task 3 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and construct a simple rectangular bulkhead (1900 mm x 350 mm x 250 mm) with a curved face projecting 150 mm from the centre on one side, and install the bulkhead at ceiling height. Skill Set 3 – Units of BCGCA3014B Construct BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle competency bulkheads restricted height scaffolding BCGWC3002B Install and finish BCGCM2006B Apply basic plasterboard and fibre cement levelling procedures sheeting to curved walls and ceilings The activity will require the candidate to: locate, interpret and apply relevant information, standards and specifications comply with OHS regulations and site safety plan/JSA applicable to project/workplace comply with company policy, procedure and quality guidelines demonstrate safe and effective operational use, and maintenance of all required tools, plant and equipment, including optical and laser levelling devices communicate and work safely and effectively with others/workmates handle and store the mandatory wall and ceiling lining materials and components listed in the range statement erect a suitable restricted height work platform prepare surfaces for ceiling support construct the bulkhead to the dimensions specified, including allowance for the 10 mm plasterboard fixing to the framework fix the bulkhead and provide ceiling support ensure the bulkhead is level. Resources required for this task

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 86 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

51. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Task 3 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and construct a simple rectangular bulkhead (1900 mm x 350 mm x 250 mm) with a curved face projecting 150 mm from the centre on one side, and install the bulkhead at ceiling height. Skill Set 3 – Units of BCGCA3014B Construct BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle competency bulkheads restricted height scaffolding BCGWC3002B Install and finish BCGCM2006B Apply basic plasterboard and fibre cement levelling procedures sheeting to curved walls and ceilings flat sections of completed ceiling, preferably in a sheltered area where inclement weather is unlikely to adversely affect the candidate’s task, which includes access above the ceiling so as to enable ceiling support fixings to be completed one 2400 mm x 1200 mm sheet of 10 mm plasterboard sheet four lengths of angle steel fixings for bulkhead construction ceiling support steel, including Pryda (or similar) brackets screw gun keyhole saw for penetrations plasterboard saw and metal saw (140 mm fibre wheel) stud adhesive/cornice adhesive joint and finish coat product 30 mm ring shank nails W type 32 mm coarse thread screws and selfcutting steel fixing screws hammer tape measure and carpenter’s pencil mitre box external angles Stanley® knife putty knife, or similar (for applying stud adhesive) 300 mm flat trowel, 200 mm curved trowel, 200 mm broad knife paper jointing tape

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Task 3

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s

OHS requirements OSH Act 1984 Select and use correct personal protective equipment (PPE). q q Check required safety signs are in place. q q Select and use safety equipment for job or task. q q Check electrical leads and power tools. q q Plans and specifications Read plans and specifications, and check site before starting. q q Interpret information on plans and transfers to set-out and materials. q q Confer with team members (Assessor) to verify all points. q q Materials and fixings Select required materials from store and use them appropriately. q q Identify all fixings correctly and use them appropriately and economically. q q Stack materials safely on worksite before, during and after use. q q Hand tools, portable power tools and static machinery Electrical safety Use hand tools safely to recognised trade practices. q q

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 88 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Task 3

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s Use portable power tools safely to recognised trade practices. q q Check mixing machinery for faults before and after start-up. q q Check hand tools for good condition before use. q q Check portable power tools for good condition before use. q q Construction tools and equipment Working at height legislation 2009 Use trestles and planks safely and appropriately for work at heights. q q Select scaffolding and erect safely for use during project. q q Use levelling devices correctly and in appropriate places on site. q q Stack trestles, planks, ladders and levelling devices in a safe, but easily accessible manner when not in use on site. q q Work methodology Follow identified job processes and procedures as closely as possible. q q Job completion Check all work against plans, specifications and instructions and confirm for completion with the team. q q Clean up Builders’ Registration Act Dispose of all identified unusable material and waste safely, and in an and BCA q q environmentally friendly manner.

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Task 3

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s Return usable materials correctly in the store. q q Clean site or work area correctly. q q

Assessor’s general comments/observations

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Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature (Satisfactory)

Candidate’s signature

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53. Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

54. Task 4

55. Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task For this task you are to prepare, set out and construct a simple steelframed partition (2400 mm x 2400 mm), install one side of the partition for a wet area, then demolish the structure as per the requirements for a structural (load bearing) wall. You will be required to:  follow all OHS procedures  prepare and mark out the floor and ceiling in the designated area ceiling area  construct the partition frame  install the frame into position  line one side for wet area application  ensure the finish is level +/– 3 mm, including vertical level  assemble all equipment and tools, prepare the partition, and install and finish to the required standard  demolish the wall as per the requirements for a structural loadbearing wall (on completion of the project)  follow established practices for OHS.

You will be provided with a simple candidate’s work plan to help you manage this task. You are to complete this plan before you begin the task. It will help you to plan how to approach this task in a methodical manner. You will be assessed on your ability to:  locate, interpret and apply relevant information, standards and specifications  comply with OHS regulations and site safety plan/JSA applicable to project/workplace  comply with company policy, procedure and quality guidelines  demonstrate safe and effective operational use of all required tools, plant and equipment, including optical and laser levelling devices  communicate and work safely and effectively with others/workmates

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 select, use and maintain tools and equipment  handle and store the mandatory materials and components  prepare and mark out the area for installation of the partition wall to the standard required  fabricate and install the partition frame  line the frame as per the requirements for a wet area  demolish the wall to the standard required for a structural (loadbearing) wall under simulation.

Your assessor:  will observe you performing specific tasks relevant to the generic units of competency in the skill set, but with a practical focus on the following units: oBCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures oBCGCA3015B Assemble partitions oBCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches oBCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems

 may verbally question you while you are performing the range of activities specified to address the task.

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56. Candidate’s work plan for Skill Set 4 The candidate is to complete this checklist before starting any practical tasks. This is for the Assessor to use as an aid for planning and assessment.

1 OHS requirements

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

2 Plans and specifications

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

3 Set up materials and fixings for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

4 Set up hand and power tools for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 94 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

5 Set up construction tools and equipment for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

Outline below the approach you plan to use (ie the steps you take to complete the 6 task).

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

7 On job completion, check the finished task against the stated criteria.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

8 Clean up/put tools and equipment away.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

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© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 96 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

57. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and construct a simple steelframed partition (2400 mm x 2400 mm) and install one side of the partition for a wet area. Skill Set 4 – Core units BCGCA3001B Carry out general BCGWC3003B Install and finish of competency demolition to minor basic structures plasterboard and fibre cement BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Assessment location Date of demonstration Time

58. Instructions for the Assessor The candidate is to: follow all OHS procedures prepare and mark out the floor and ceiling in the designated area construct the partition frame install the frame into position line one side for wet area application ensure the finish is level +/– 3 mm, including vertical level assemble all equipment and tools, prepare the partition, and install and finish to the required standard (on completion of the project) demolish the wall as per the requirements for a structural loadbearing wall follow established practices for OHS complete the work plan before starting the activity. Questions may be asked of the Assessor for clarification purposes only. The duration of the assessment is at the discretion of the Assessor who may stop the assessment at any stage if he/she determines that he/she has enough evidence to support a satisfactory or unsatisfactory outcome. The candidate must have access to all materials, tools and equipment, and eye and ear protection, and must wear safety boots. Occupational health and safety regulations and codes of practice must be followed at all times

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57. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and construct a simple steelframed partition (2400 mm x 2400 mm) and install one side of the partition for a wet area. Skill Set 4 – Core units BCGCA3001B Carry out general BCGWC3003B Install and finish of competency demolition to minor basic structures plasterboard and fibre cement BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems The activity will require the candidate to: locate, interpret and apply relevant information, standards and specifications comply with OHS regulations and site safety plan/JSA applicable to project/workplace comply with company policy, procedure and quality guidelines demonstrate safe and effective operational use, and maintenance of all required tools, plant and equipment, including optical and laser levelling devices communicate and work safely and effectively with others/workmates handle and store the mandatory wall and ceiling lining materials and components listed in the range statement prepare and mark the designated area for installation of the frame construct the frame to the specifications supplied fix the frame to the area line the frame as per the requirements for a wet area demolish the frame as per the requirements for a structural loadbearing wall. Resources required for this task

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 98 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

57. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out and construct a simple steelframed partition (2400 mm x 2400 mm) and install one side of the partition for a wet area. Skill Set 4 – Core units BCGCA3001B Carry out general BCGWC3003B Install and finish of competency demolition to minor basic structures plasterboard and fibre cement BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems flat section of completed ceiling, preferably in a sheltered area where inclement weather is unlikely to adversely affect the candidate’s task, which includes access above the ceiling so as to enable ceiling support fixings to be completed two 2400 mm x 1200 mm sheets of 10 mm plasterboard sheet sufficient metal U channel for metal partition frame construction ceiling support steel, including Pryda (or similar) brackets screw gun keyhole saw for penetrations plasterboard saw and metal saw (140 mm fibre wheel) stud adhesive/cornice adhesive joint and finish coat product 30 mm ring shank nails W type 32 mm coarse thread screws and selfcutting steel fixing screws hammer tape measure and carpenter’s pencil mitre box external angles Stanley® knife putty knife, or similar (for applying stud adhesive) 300 mm flat trowel, 200 mm curved trowel, 200 mm broad knife paper jointing tape wet area lining sealing and strip

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© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 100 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b Assessor’s Notes candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s

OHS requirements OSH Act 1984 Select and use correct personal protective equipment (PPE). q q Check required safety signs are in place. q q Select and use safety equipment for job or task. q q Check electrical leads and power tools. q q

Page 101 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b Assessor’s Notes candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s

Plans and specifications Read plans and specifications, and check site before starting. q q Interpret information on plans and transfers to set-out and materials. q q Confer with team members (Assessor) to verify all points. q q Materials and fixings

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 102 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o Assessor’s Notes During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s Select required materials from store and use them appropriately. q q Identify all fixings correctly and use them appropriately and economically. q q Stack materials safely on worksite before, during and after use. q q Hand tools, portable power tools and static machinery Electrical safety Use hand tools safely to recognised trade practices. q q

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b Assessor’s Notes candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s

Use portable power tools safely to recognised trade practices. q q Check mixing machinery for faults before and after start-up. q q Check hand tools for good condition before use. q q Check portable power tools for good condition before use. q q

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 104 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o Assessor’s Notes During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s

Construction tools and equipment Working at height legislation 2009 Use trestles and planks safely and appropriately for work at heights. q q Select scaffolding and erect safely for use during project. q q Use levelling devices correctly and in appropriate places on site. q q

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o Assessor’s Notes During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s Stack trestles, planks, ladders and levelling devices in a safe, but easily accessible manner when not in use on site. q q Work methodology Follow identified job processes and procedures as closely as possible. q q Job completion Check all work against plans, specifications and instructions and q q

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 106 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Task 4

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o Assessor’s Notes During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s confirm for completion with the team.

Clean up Builders’ Registration Act Dispose of all identified unusable material and waste safely, and in an and BCA environmentally friendly manner. q q Return usable materials correctly in the store. q q Clean site or work area correctly. q q

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Assessor’s general comments/observations

Assessor’s name S NYS Assessor’s signature (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

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Candidate’s signature

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59. Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

60. Task 5

61. Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task For this task you are to prepare, set out, construct and install a small (2400 mm x 2400 mm) suspended ceiling system. You will be required to:  follow all OHS procedures  prepare and mark out the ceiling in the designated area  assess structural support within the roof  construct and fit the ceiling frame to the suspension system  level the ceiling system  install ceiling penetrations for a sprinkler system and electrical wiring  ensure the finish is level +/– 1.5 mm, over the 2400 mm span  assemble all equipment and tools, prepare the framework, and install and finish to the required standard  demonstrate knowledge of passive firerated systems  follow established practices for OHS.

You will be provided with a simple candidate’s work plan to help you manage this task. You are to complete this plan before you begin the task. It will help you to plan how to approach this task in a methodical manner. You will be assessed on your ability to:  locate, interpret and apply relevant information, standards and specifications  comply with OHS regulations and site safety plan/JSA applicable to project/workplace  comply with company policy, procedure and quality guidelines  demonstrate safe and effective operational use of all required tools, plant and equipment, including optical and laser levelling devices  communicate and work safely and effectively with others/workmates  select, use and maintain tools and equipment

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 handle and store the mandatory wall and ceiling lining materials and components  prepare the work area for installation of a ceiling suspension system, paying particular attention to the structural issues  construct and install the suspension system to the standard, paying particular attention to the suspension support and installation, and the level and fit  appropriately install penetrations for services  demonstrate knowledge of passive firerated systems for ceilings.

Your assessor:  will observe you performing specific tasks relevant to the generic units of competency in the skill set, but with a practical focus on the following units: oBCGCA3007B Install suspended ceilings oBCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings oBCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems

 may verbally question you while you are performing the range of activities specified to address the task.

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62. Candidate’s work plan for Skill Set 5 The candidate is to complete this checklist before starting any practical tasks. This is for the Assessor to use as an aid for planning and assessment.

1 OHS requirements

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

2 Plans and specifications

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

3 Set up materials and fixings for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

4 Set up hand and power tools for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

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5 Set up construction tools and equipment for the task.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

Outline below the approach you plan to use (ie the steps you take to complete the 6 task).

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

7 On job completion, check the finished task against the stated criteria.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

8 Clean up/put tools and equipment away.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory q q

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63. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Task 5 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out, construct and install a small (2400 mm x 2400 mm) suspended ceiling system. Skill Set 5 – Units of BCGWC3007B Install suspended BCGWC3005B Install dry wall competency ceilings passive firerated systems BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings Assessment location Date of demonstration Time

64. Instructions for the Assessor The candidate is to: follow all OHS procedures assess structural support prepare and mark out the ceiling in the designated area construct, fit and level the ceiling frame to the suspension system install ceiling penetrations for a sprinkler system and electrical wiring ensure the finish is level +/– 2 mm, over the 2400 mm span assemble all equipment and tools, prepare the framework, and install and finish to the required standard demonstrate knowledge of passive firerated systems for plasterboard follow established practices for OHS assemble all equipment and tools, prepare the area then construct and fit the ceiling suspension system to the required standard complete the work plan before starting the activity. Questions may be asked of the Assessor for clarification purposes only. The duration of the assessment is at the discretion of the Assessor who may stop the assessment at any stage if he/she determines that he/she has enough evidence to support a satisfactory or unsatisfactory outcome. The candidate must have access to all materials, tools and equipment, and eye and ear protection, and must wear safety boots. Occupational health and safety regulations and codes of practice must be followed at all times.

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63. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Task 5 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out, construct and install a small (2400 mm x 2400 mm) suspended ceiling system. Skill Set 5 – Units of BCGWC3007B Install suspended BCGWC3005B Install dry wall competency ceilings passive firerated systems BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings The activity will require the candidate to: locate, interpret and apply relevant information, standards and specifications comply with OHS regulations and site safety plan/JSA applicable to project/workplace comply with company policy, procedure and quality guidelines demonstrate safe and effective operational use, and maintenance of all required tools, plant and equipment, including optical and laser levelling devices communicate and work safely and effectively with others/workmates handle and store the mandatory wall and ceiling lining materials and components listed in the range statement prepare the area for the installation of a ceiling suspension system, assessing the structural support required construct and install the ceiling to the specifications and standard required install appropriate penetrations for services demonstrate knowledge of passive firerated systems for plasterboard. Resources required for this task

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63. Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Task 5 Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity The candidate is to prepare, set out, construct and install a small (2400 mm x 2400 mm) suspended ceiling system. Skill Set 5 – Units of BCGWC3007B Install suspended BCGWC3005B Install dry wall competency ceilings passive firerated systems BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings covered work area with a suitable section of ceiling frame (including roof support above) so as to provide sufficient support to construct a small ceiling suspension framework at height ceiling suspension system materials sufficient to construct a 2400 mm x 2400 mm ceiling, including rods, brackets and other support materials two 2400 mm x 1200 mm sheets of 10 mm plasterboard sheet sufficient ceiling suspension panels (600 mm x 600 mm) ceiling support steel, including Pryda (or similar) brackets screw gun keyhole saw for penetrations plasterboard saw and metal saw (140 mm fibre wheel) stud adhesive/cornice adhesive joint and finish coat product 30 mm ring shank nails W type 32 mm coarse thread screws and selfcutting steel fixing screws hammer tape measure and carpenter’s pencil mitre box external angles Stanley® knife putty knife, or similar (for applying stud adhesive) 300 mm flat trowel, 200 mm curved trowel, 200 mm broad knife paper jointing tape wet area lining sealing and strip

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Task 5

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s

OHS requirements OSH Act 1984 Select and use correct personal protective equipment (PPE). q q Check required safety signs are in place. q q Select and use safety equipment for job or task. q q Check electrical leads and power tools. q q Plans and specifications Read plans and specifications, and check site before starting. q q Interpret information on plans and transfers to set-out and materials. q q Confer with team members (Assessor) to verify all points. q q Materials and fixings Select required materials from store and use them appropriately. q q Identify all fixings correctly and use them appropriately and economically. q q Stack materials safely on worksite before, during and after use. q q Hand tools, portable power tools and static machinery Electrical safety Use hand tools safely to recognised trade practices. q q

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Task 5

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s Use portable power tools safely to recognised trade practices. q q Check mixing machinery for faults before and after start-up. q q Check hand tools for good condition before use. q q Check portable power tools for good condition before use. q q Construction tools and equipment Working at height legislation 2009 Use trestles and planks safely and appropriately for work at heights. q q Select scaffolding and erect safely for use during project. q q Use levelling devices correctly and in appropriate places on site. q q Stack trestles, planks, ladders and levelling devices in a safe, but easily accessible manner when not in use on site. q q Work methodology Follow identified job processes and procedures as closely as possible. q q Job completion Check all work against plans, specifications and instructions and confirm for completion with the team. q q Clean up Builders’ Registration Act Dispose of all identified unusable material and waste safely, and in an and BCA q q environmentally friendly manner.

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Task 5

Candidate’s name

Is b e h a vi o u r Regulations o During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the Standards and b candidate do the following? industry s requirements e r v e d ?

Y e No s Return usable materials correctly in the store. q q Clean site or work area correctly. q q

Assessor’s general comments/observations

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Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature (Satisfactory)

Candidate’s signature

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67. PART 2


69. Section 5


71. Candidate’s Information and Self-Evaluation Forms


It is recommended that candidates be provided with this information before applying for RPL.

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73. What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)? RPL is the acknowledgment of skills and knowledge obtained through learning achieved outside the formal education and training system and includes work and life experience including paid and volunteer work and skills attained through leisure pursuits such as musical, mechanical or linguistic abilities.

RPL recognises any prior knowledge and experience and measures it against the qualification in which students are enrolled. The individual may not need to complete all of a training program if he or she already possesses some of the competencies taught in the program.

Why you should apply for RPL If you apply for RPL and your application is successful you could: reduce or eliminate the need for any training in skills and knowledge you already have save time by not needing to attend any or a reduced number of classes and completing unnecessary work save money because you will not have to buy textbooks and other learning material complete your qualification in a shorter time advance to a higher level qualification in a shorter time if desired.

Some terms you need to understand It is important that you understand the following term to assist you with your RPL application.

Competence Competence is the demonstration of skills and knowledge that you have gained through life and work experiences as well as any training that you have successfully completed that can be matched against a set of industry performance standards referred to as units of competency. These units are grouped together to form a specific industry qualification, within the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

Each unit of competency is divided into elements (a set of activities that lead to an overall achievement or demonstration of competence). Each of these elements is further broken down into a set of performance criteria which give a more detailed description of the skills and knowledge you need to be able to demonstrate.

Matching your evidence against each of the elements/performance criteria will help you to reach your qualification more quickly.

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74. How to prepare for your RPL assessment In order for your skills to be formally recognised as part of a national qualification, Assessors must make sure that you (the candidate) have the required skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard as specified in the relevant Training Package.

You must be involved in the RPL process so that all the experience, skills and knowledge you have gained over time can be correctly identified and suitably demonstrated. This evidence is gathered and used in recognition of all or some of the units for the qualification you wish to gain.

All assessment requirements will be discussed with you in advance and you will be given the opportunity to ask questions and clarify requirements. Being prepared for the assessment process and knowing what you need to provide can save you valuable time and ensure that the RPL assessment is as simple and stress-free as possible.

Here are some tips to make the application process and interview easier for you.

3. Your Assessor will ask you to talk about your work roles and your employment history. Bring a copy of your résumé. You might like to write down any work you have done in the past (paid or unpaid) and where this took place.

4. If you have certificates from any training courses you have completed, bring along either certified copies or the originals to the interview with the Assessor and they can make a copy of them.

5. Bring along any other documentation that you think would support your claim that you have done this work over time. The following is a list of some of the documents you can provide as examples of your work history:

brief CV certificates/results of assessment any licences tickets held, eg forklift, crane photographs of work undertaken diaries/task sheets/job sheets/logbooks site training records site competencies held record membership of relevant professional associations hobbies/interests/special skills outside work references/letters from previous employers/supervisors industry awards

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any other documentation that may demonstrate your trade or industry experience or support your claim. Depending on where you have worked and what the work may have included, you may or may not have documentary evidence. Do not be put off if you do not have documentary evidence, as the Assessor will work with you during the assessment process.

6. Think about whom you would consider to be your workplace contact or referee. Is your employer happy to support your aim to become qualified?

Would you feel comfortable if the Assessor contacted your current workplace or previous workplace/s to validate your skills and spoke to your supervisor/s or employer/s?

7. You will need to supply the contact details of work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry. Think about whom the best person to confirm your skill level would be. Think about current or recent supervisors or employers who have observed your work and who would be able to confirm your previous work skills and experience. The Assessor will need to contact them.

8. You can speak with your Assessor about other ways you can show your skills for the trade or industry in which you are seeking recognition. These could include letters from employers, records of any training courses or professional development sessions attended, employers or clients in related industries or government agencies, acknowledgements, workplace forms (as long as there are no confidentiality issues – see below) or any other relevant documents.

Confidentiality issues It is important that sensitive information is not included as part of your Supporting Documentation (as identified in Section 6 and any other documentation you wish to use as evidence). You may need authorisation from your supervisor to use some of your evidence, so it is always best to check the privacy and confidentiality policies of the organisation. Client names should be deleted and financial figures or other personal details should be blacked out and made unidentifiable.

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75. The four steps in the RPL assessment process Once your training organisation has provided you with the information you need to apply for RPL, you need to follow these four steps in order to complete the process.

Before you decide to apply for RPL you need to assess your current competence for one or several units of competency. Complete the candidate information and self-evaluation forms provided with as much information of your previous work experience as you can. This will allow for an initial assessment of your experience and a check to see whether you can demonstrate the required skills and knowledge. You can discuss this with an RPL Assessor if you want. You must be able to provide evidence against the elements/performance criteria for the relevant unit/s of competency. It is not enough to simply state that you possess the skills and knowledge required. You must be able to demonstrate competence. This is your opportunity to provide as much proof as you can of the variety of experience you have had. You should supply examples of your work history if you have any. (See Tip 3 above.) Depending on the trade or industry you have worked in, you may or may not have documentary evidence available. This should not deter you Step 1 – from seeking RPL, as your Assessor will work with you throughout the Self-Evaluation RPL process. You will also need to supply the contact details of work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry. By asking your supervisor to complete their part of your self-evaluation, they will be providing valuable evidence confirming the work experience, skills and knowledge you have demonstrated in the performance of your work duties. You will also be provided with a list of suggested evidence that you could use to demonstrate that you are competent in a particular unit or units of competency. This list is a guide only. If you have other suitable evidence to support your claim for RPL then you are encouraged to share this with your Assessor. If you do not believe that you have any suitable evidence, then you should discuss your options with your Assessor. Once you have completed the self-evaluation and made the decision that you would like to continue with the RPL process, make an appointment for an interview and enrol for RPL. Note: It is possible to gain RPL for an entire qualification.

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An interview with an Assessor who understands your industry will be organised for you. They will review – usually with you – the information and supporting documentation you have provided and match up your skills to the units/subjects in the qualification. During your RPL interview, your Assessor will discuss with you your self-evaluation and any evidence you have provided. It is at this point that you will be able to identify any previous work experience and discuss this with your Assessor. Step 2 – Enrolment During this conversation, you will be required to answer questions and interview with relating to your work experience. This questioning forms part of the the Assessor assessment, as it will identify your current knowledge and skills regarding the area of industry in which you are applying for recognition. If you are currently enrolled in a training course relating to this qualification, it is important that you let your Trainer know that you intend to apply for RPL, then nominate the units you have selected for RPL so that the required documentation can be processed and your application can go ahead. It is at this stage that a decision will be made whether you are able to proceed to the next step or whether you need to undergo gap training.

Your Assessor will organise with you and your employer to conduct a practical skills test at your workplace (if appropriate) or other suitable location. Step 3 – Practical This is your opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence on a demonstration practical level. The assessment will focus on the skills required in the of your skills work activities which relate to the qualification in which you are applying for recognition. Your Assessor will identify the skills they want you to demonstrate by asking you to complete certain tasks.

Your Assessor will need to confirm your previous work experience with someone (such as your supervisor or employer) who can vouch for your Step 4 – Provision skills over a period of time. of further They will contact the referees you have provided as part of the supporting candidate information. evidence Your Assessor may ask you to give your selected workplace contacts or previous employers the Third Party report to complete. Authentication of these reports by the Assessor would then be required.

Page 129 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 5 – Candidate’s Information and Self-Evaluation Forms After the assessment After the assessment, your Assessor will advise you of the units of competency you have successfully completed. You will also be advised whether you have gained the full qualification or if gaps have been identified during the recognition process. If you do have skill gaps, these may be addressed through additional training.

If you have any questions during the RPL process, you should contact your Assessor.

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76. Candidate’s Information Form

(You may find it easier to provide the information for the following by attaching a résumé.) Qualification/Industry in which you are seeking recognition BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Personal details Surname First name/s Any other name/s used Home address

Postal address (if different from above) Telephone numbers Home: Work: Mobile: Fax: Email address

Are you a permanent Yes No resident of Australia?  

Yes No Do you need an interpreter to help you with an interview?  

Yes No Do you have a disability which we should be aware of?  

Will you need special aids if you are required to undertake a practical Yes No assessment?   Please provide details of special needs so that we can assist you if required. Current employment

Yes No Are you currently employed?   If ‘yes’, in which occupation are you currently employed? What is your current job title? Who is your current employer? How long have you worked in this year/s month/s job approximately? Is this occupation in the same Yes No If ‘no’, go to the next page.   industry as the industry in which

Page 132 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 5 – Candidate’s Information and Self-Evaluation Forms you are applying for recognition? If ‘yes’, list some of the main tasks you perform as part of your work that you think are relevant to your RPL application.

If you have further recent industry experience relevant to your application, please attach another sheet or your current résumé.

Rate your knowledge and skills against the qualification/industry relevant to your RPL application.

Industry area: Wall and Ceiling Lining (Fixing) Yes No Possibly I think my experience is of a high level.    I think I am skilled to do this job.    I know how to do the work tasks really well.    I can explain my experience and provide documentary evidence.    I have undertaken much of this work without supervision.    Further training I have attended training courses in this area of work.   If ‘yes’, what training did you undertake? Include date training completed (month, year). Is there any further information you wish to give in support of your application?

Professional referees (relevant to work situation if not already listed on your résumé) Name Position Organisation Address of organisation Phone number Mobile number

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Professional referees (relevant to work situation if not already listed on your résumé) Email address

Professional referees (relevant to work situation if not already listed on your résumé) Name Position Organisation Address of organisation Phone number Mobile number Email address

77. Candidate’s Employment History Form (You may attach a current résumé in place of completing this section.)

Period of employment Name, address Full-time (DD/MM/YYYY) Position/s Description and phone number Part-time held of major duties of employers Casual From To 1.





Attach additional sheet if required.

Declaration I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all documents are genuine.

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Candidate’s signature Date

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78. Candidate’s Self-Evaluation Form Completion instructions The purpose of completing the Self-Evaluation Form is to enable candidates who believe that they already possess the competencies, to assess their skills and knowledge against the qualification. Complete the following pages and identify your capacity to perform the tasks described. Be honest in your appraisal. By completing this self-evaluation you will be identifying the areas where you may be able to apply for recognition.

NB: If this self-evaluation is being used as evidence, your supervisor must evaluate your ability to perform the work tasks. Your supervisor is also asked to comment on your ability to perform these work tasks and verify this by signing each section. If this self-evaluation is being used only so that you and your assessor can decide if you should proceed, then it doesn’t have to be verified. Identify your level of experience in performing each competency/task by using the following: not well – I do the task but not well. well – I do the task well. very well – I do the task really well.

See example below. Supervisor Evidence to support claim Evaluation

Competency/Task Documentation provided Never Sometimes Doc No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference)

Using a computer to enter or change work information or Not Not Well data.  Well

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Supervisor Evaluation Evidence to support claim

Competency/Task Documentation provided Never Sometimes Doc No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference)

Using personal protective equipment as appropriate to  1 Copy of Company conduct my work safely and in accordance with site and Personal Protective legal requirements. Well Equipment Requirements for my job role.

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79. Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations ceilings Supervisor’s Evaluation Evidence to support claim Skill Set 1 Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 1. Being aware of and complying with all site safety plans, OHS regulations and legislation to trade area when on site. 80. Selecting and using fire fighting equipment to extinguish a fire. 81. Explaining all the processes and practices in place for working safely on the job at the workplace. 82. Explaining the size, and the economic and employment importance of the construction industry in WA, with reference to the trade. 83. Finding and identifying construction workers’ employment conditions. 84. Identifying career development needs or goals. 85. Identifying and dealing with personal conflict situations at work.

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79. Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations ceilings Supervisor’s Evaluation Evidence to support claim Skill Set 1 Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 86. Providing evidence to demonstrate the selection of necessary tools, equipment, materials, fixings, PPE and task sequences for various trade tasks. 87. Knowing what company organisational policies/procedures and quality control requirements are. 88. Identifying and demonstrating the use of communication equipment commonly used in the construction industry for the trade. 89. Identifying and interpreting most of the building of construction site signage. 90. Working as part of a team and communicating/working effectively with other members. 91. Participating in informal and formal site meetings. 92. Using a calculator to do basic mathematics required for any work quotations relevant to the trade.

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79. Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations ceilings Supervisor’s Evaluation Evidence to support claim Skill Set 1 Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 93. Calculating rough estimates of material (sand, concrete, lime, adhesives, base coat, lengths of time etc) required for the trade. 94. Using simple tools like a square, string line and measuring tape to make sure a structure is set out square. 95. Accurately measuring and cutting materials in order to install them. 96. Identifying and interpreting builder’s drawings and calculating rough estimates of material required for plastering tasks. 97. Correctly identifying and interpreting the areas on a builder’s drawings relevant to the trade. 98. Handling and working safely with building materials in the workplace. 99. Safely identifying and using all the common tools required for the trade, including levels, tapes, and hand and power tools.

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79. Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations ceilings Supervisor’s Evaluation Evidence to support claim Skill Set 1 Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 100. Safely using portable mixing plant such as spraying and texture coat application tools, a wheelbarrow and other basic manual handling equipment. 101. Demonstrating safe handling techniques such as correct lifting in the workplace. 102. Maintaining/servicing/sharpening tools of the trade to keep them in good condition. 103. Preparing surfaces – sanding/cleaning/scoring – to make them ready for the application of render/set/paint/plasterboard/timber as applicable to the trade. 104. Measuring, cutting and installing plasterboard sheets. 105. Taping and flushing joints, and sanding plasterboard to get a quality finish ready for painting. Supervisor’s comments (Please provide a comment on the candidate’s ability to perform the above work task/s.)

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79. Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations ceilings Evidence to support claim Skill Set 1 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.)

Supervisor’s name Position Supervisor’s Date signature

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© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 146 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 5 – Candidate’s Information and Self-Evaluation Forms Candidate’s Self-Evaluation

106. Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paper faced cornices I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 2 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 2. Preparing a ceiling in order to be able to install a heavy precast moulding such as a decorative ceiling rose. 107. Explaining a number of ways that mouldings can be fixed in place, depending on the type of surface and the material the mould is made of. 108. Measuring, cutting, buttering and fixing cornice. 109. Mitring cornice and explaining how a mitre box is to be used. 110. Filling the joints correctly between two correctly mitred pieces of cornice and sanding to the required finish. Supervisor’s comments (Please provide a comment on the candidate’s ability to perform the above work task/s.)

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106. Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paper faced cornices I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 2 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.)

Supervisor’s Position name Supervisor’s Date

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106. Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paper faced cornices I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 2 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) signature

Page 149 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 5 – Candidate’s Information and Self-Evaluation Forms Candidate’s Self-Evaluation

111. Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures walls and ceilings I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 3 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 3. Correctly interpreting bulkhead dimensions and positioning, and fixing directions from builder’s drawings. 112. Constructing a bulkhead then levelling, fitting and reinforcing with fixings required to ensure bulkhead is fitted safely. 113. Fitting and finishing plasterboard with a curved surface to specifications. 114. Correctly placing, constructing and using building scaffolding to make sure that the footings are level and firm, and that the structure is stable and safe to use. 115. Using a simple levelling device such as a plum bob, level, stringline or automatic level or laser level. 116. Transferring level readings, and recording differences in height from one wall to another in order to make sure that both walls are plumb and level, and parallel once plasterboard is applied to the walls.

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111. Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures walls and ceilings I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 3 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 117. Understanding the legal aspects of holding a restricted height scaffolding competency, and the maximum height at which you can assemble the scaffolding and who can work from the platform. Supervisor’s comments (Please provide a comment on the candidate’s ability to perform the above work task/s.)

Supervisor’s Position name

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111. Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures walls and ceilings I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 3 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) Supervisor’s Date signature

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118. Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 4 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 4. Safely carrying out demolition to simple structures such as walls and overhead beams. 119. Being aware of the safety requirements for demolishing structures at height. 120. Assembling simple time or steel stud frame partitions for internal walls. 121. Making a timber or steel stud frame for an arch, including fitting acoustic or thermal batts, back blocking, jointing, beading and finishing in order to produce a quality product. 122. Lining a wall for a wet area, including the application of the correct sheeting, waterproof adhesives and sealants in order to produce a quality result. Supervisor’s comments (Please provide a comment on the candidate’s ability to perform the above work task/s.)

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118. Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 4 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.)

Supervisor’s Position name Supervisor’s Date signature

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Page 155 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 5 – Candidate’s Information and Self-Evaluation Forms Candidate’s Self-Evaluation

123. Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive fire rated systems I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 5 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 5. Fitting suspension rods to soffit/structural members to specifications for suspensions systems. 124. Assembling suspension framework so it is at the correct height and level. 125. Installing bridging framework to the sides of service ducts to support suspension systems. 126. Correctly identifying exposed and concealed grid systems. 127. Safely completing penetrations and flashings to walls for the fitting of electrical power, plumbing and communications cabling access. 128. Lining a time or steel stud frame wall using fire related products. 129. Installing a fire rated steel stud framed wall system, including the deflection heads and sealant. 130. Installing a fire rated shaft wall system. 131. Installing a suspended ceiling which is fire rated.

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123. Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive fire rated systems I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 5 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) Supervisor’s comments (Please provide a comment on the candidate’s ability to perform the above work task/s.)

Supervisor’s Position name Supervisor’s Date

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123. Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling Candidate’s name Date completed Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive fire rated systems I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Skill Set 5 Supervisor’s Evaluation Doc Documentation provided Competency/Task Frequently Never Sometimes No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) signature

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134. Section 6


136. Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation

It is recommended that the Assessor verify the third party report with the person who completes the form to confirm the candidate’s skills in different contexts over time.

This information may be provided at, and form part of, the interview.

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137. Third Party Report (Referee testimonial) All people who verify your work are to complete the details below to ensure validity. (You may need multiple copies of this form.)

BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Candidate’s name Referee’s name (Name of person providing this evidence) Position/title Workplace Workplace address

Telephone numbers Email address This report was via interview by Assessor independently by referee completed   Interview conducted by (if applicable) Date of interview Instructions As part of the assessment for the Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining, the candidate requires evidence from a third party (employer, supervisor or equivalent). This evidence will be used to validate the candidate’s skills and experience. A letter of support from the organisation validating a range of tasks performed by the candidate over a period of time is useful in identifying competence. To whom it may concern

Re: ______who is a ______. (insert candidate’s name) (insert industry/job title) I certify that the above-named person has: worked at ______for a period of ______(insert name of workplace) (insert length of time). He/she has regularly completed the following activities to an acceptable workplace/industry standard within this organisation. Yes No 1. Using wall and ceiling lining tools, equipment and materials safely   and proficiently. 2. Installing plasterboard to flat surfaces.  

Page 161 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 6 – Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation Yes No 3. Installing cast plaster and paperfaced cornices.  

4. Installing precast mouldings (installing ceiling rose/dome).  

5. Carrying out demolition to basic structures.  

6. Constructing a bulkhead.  

7. Installing plasterboard to curved surfaces.  

8. Erecting and dismantling restricted height scaffolding.  

9. Applying basic levelling procedures.  

10. Assembling partitions (steel and/or timber).  

11. Building a plasterboard arch.  

12. Installing lining to a wet area.  

13. Installing a suspended ceiling system.   14. Understanding and explaining concealed and exposed grid   systems. 15. Completing penetrations and flashings.  

16. Installing dry wall passive firerated systems.  

I understand the evidence/tasks the candidate has performed on which I   am required to comment. I am willing to be contacted if further verification of my statements is   required. If you would like further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on ______(insert phone number). Yours sincerely Signature: ______Date: ______


© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 162 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 139. Supporting Documentation The following tables provide guides of additional evidence sources to support your claim for Recognition of Prior Learning. If you have other evidence, you are encouraged to provide this to your Assessor. If you do not have all this evidence, you are not excluded from applying for recognition and you should discuss options with your Assessor. If you are providing documents as evidence then it is a good idea to number each document for easy identification. Place the number of the relevant document against the evidence listed below.

Candidate’s name: Date:

Document BCG31203 required documentary evidence number

1. A copy of a current Industry Safety Induction Course you have completed.

2. Letters from a current or previous employer.

3. Checklist or other documentation showing work planning, which involves work tasks or a schedule of building work.

4. A completed JSA.

5. Example of work improvement documentation, referring to environmental, safety or quality issues, with respect to a worksite.

6. Minutes and subsequent action documentation from involvement in meetings with a building supervisor or inspector or builder, or ownerbuilder.

7. Documentation showing compliance with worksite requirements for a building site.

8. Documentation showing estimation of materials for a specific project (to include drawings and reference to all materials – plasterboard, adhesives, plaster and consumables).

9. Evidence of knowledge and compliance with electrical safety, with respect to portable power tools and basic electrical safety.

10. Forklift, crane driving, or materials handling certificates.

11. Other vehicle licences.

12. Qualifications for dangerous goods handling.

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Candidate’s name: Date:

Document BCG31203 required documentary evidence number

13. Plans, drawings, quotations and related site documentation for building jobs you have been involved with.

14. Shireapproved plans for works you have completed, or been directly involved with.

15. Photographs of construction work you have completed.

16. References from your clients/customers – related to work you have completed.

17. An example of a safety report you have compiled in accordance with building site procedures (or builder sitespecific policy).

18. Academic records from any accredited training provider, or university, which may in fact also include training/studies in an unrelated area.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 164 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Page 165 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 Candidate’s name: Date:

Photographs and other supporting evidence to substantiate that you Document can: number

19. Use wall and ceiling lining tools, equipment and materials proficiently.

20. Install precast mouldings (install ceiling rose/dome).

21. Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices.

22. Carry out demolition to basic structures.

23. Construct a bulkhead.

24. Install plasterboard to curved surfaces.

25. Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding.

26. Apply basic levelling procedures.

27. Assemble partitions (steel and/or timber).

28. Build a plasterboard arch.

29. Install lining to a wet area.

30. Install a suspended ceiling system.

31. Understand and explain concealed and exposed grid systems.

32. Complete penetrations and flashings.

33. Install dry wall passive firerated systems.

34. Carry out demolition to basic structures.

Page 166 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 Candidate’s name: Date:

Additional information

Is there anything else that you have done that has not been identified here? If so, provide details below.

















Page 167 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 Page 168 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 140. Assessor’s Evidence Summary Sheet The Assessor completes this table during the assessment to record the evidence collected. It is expected that this evidence summary sheet (or similar) is attached to the evidence.

Candidate’s name Date

Comp Evidence collected

Unit Code Unit Title Qu Pr Th Ot

Units for Skill Set 1

q Yes BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures q No

Work effectively in the general construction q Yes BCGCM1002B industry q No

q Yes BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work q No

q Yes BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication q No

q Yes BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations q No

q Yes BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications q No

q Yes BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment q No

q Yes BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials q No

Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement q Yes BCGWC2003B sheeting to flat walls and ceilings q No Units for Skill Set 2

q Yes BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings q No

Page 169 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 Comp Evidence collected

Unit Code Unit Title Qu Pr Th Ot

q Yes BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices q No Units for Skill Set 3

q Yes BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads q No

Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement q Yes BCGWC3002B sheeting to curved walls and ceilings q No

q Yes BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding q No

q Yes BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures q No Units for Skill Set 4

Carry out general demolition to minor basic q Yes BCGCA3001B structures q No

q Yes BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions q No

Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement q Yes BCGWC3003B sheeting to arches q No

q Yes BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems q No Units for Skill Set 5

q Yes BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings q No

q Yes BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings q No

q Yes BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems q No Assessor’s signature Assessor’s name Date

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143. Section 7


145. Mapping of Assessment Tools


This section contains tables with mapping of each of the Assessment Tools provided, against the requirements of the units of competency for the qualification that makes up this RPL Assessment Tool Kit.

It is important to note that this section is used for validation purposes only.

Whilst all effort is made to ensure that all the unit requirements for each unit are covered, the developers do not give any warranty nor accept any liability in relation to the mapping provided.

Note: It is recommended that these Assessment Tools be validated prior to using them for the first time or after any customisation has been made, to ensure they meet the requirements of the organisation and meet AQTF Standards.

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147. Mapping document for Skill Set 1

Using this document This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence required to satisfy competence in this particular skill set.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this skill set.

Note: The final column, ‘Supplementary evidence’, refers to any suggested sources of documentary evidence that the candidate may use to support their application for RPL. This includes information from the supplementary documentation checklist (identified as SD in the mapping document) and third party evidence checklist (identified as TP in the mapping document) from Section 6.

Interview questions that appear in brackets are from other skill sets. If the candidate has not been assessed in these other skill sets, the Assessor will need to decide whether sufficient evidence has already been gathered or whether the candidate will need to respond to the bracketed questions.

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Page 174 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 148. Evidence Matrix The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3), the Practical Tasks (Section 4) and the supporting documentation checklist and third party report (Section 5) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills and knowledge.

Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures Element 1 – Follow safe 1.1 Tasks are performed in a Q1, 2, 4, 6, 7 (12) Task 1 SD1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, work practices safe manner and in 11, 12, 17, 18 accordance with TP1–16 legislative requirements, enterprise policies and procedures. 1.2 Organisation of duties, Q1, 2, 8 Task 1 SD1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, tools, equipment and 11, 12, 17, 18 materials are performed in TP1–16 accordance with enterprise procedures. 1.3 Personal protective Q1, 2, 7 (11) Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, equipment and clothing is 12, 17, 18 worn, used and stored TP1–16 according to enterprise

Page 175 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures

procedures. 1.4 Plant and equipment Q1, 2 (12, 16) Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, guards are used in 12, 17, 18 accordance with TP1–16 manufacturers’ specifications and regulations, where applicable. 1.5 Safety signs and symbols Q1, 4, 6, 7, (12, 16) Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, are identified and 12, 17, 18 followed. TP1–16 Element 2 – Assess risks 2.1 Hazards in the work area Q1, 2, 6, 7, (11, 12, 16, 24) Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, are identified, assessed 12, 17, 18 and reported to TP1–16 designated personnel. 2.2 OHS issues and risks in Q1, 2, 4, 6, 7, (12, 24) Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, the work area are 12, 17, 18 identified, assessed and TP1–16 reported to designated

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 176 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures

personnel. 2.3 Safe workplace Q1, 2, 4, 6, 7 (11, 12, 24) Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, procedures and safe work 12, 17, 18 instructions are followed TP1–16 for controlling risks. 2.4 OHS, hazard, accident or Q1, 2, 7, (12, 24) Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, incident reports are 12, 17, 18 contributed to according TP1–16 to workplace procedures and state/territory legislation. Element 3 – Follow 3.1 Appropriate personnel are Q1, 2, 4 Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, emergency procedures identified in the event of 12, 17, 18 an emergency. TP1–16 3.2 Safe workplace Q1, 2, 4, 7 Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, procedures for dealing 12, 17, 18 with accidents, fires and TP1–16 emergencies are followed within scope of responsibilities.

Page 177 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures 3.3 Emergency and Q1, 2, 4 Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, evacuation procedures 12, 17 are practised and carried TP1–16 out when required. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q1, 2, 4, 6, 7 Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, evidence application of relevant 12, 17, 18 information, standards and TP1–16 specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Selection and use of fire

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 178 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures

fighting equipment to extinguish a simulated mechanical fire. Evacuation of a site through simulated response to an emergency complying with workplace procedures. Required knowledge Site and equipment safety Q1, 2, 4, 6, 7 Task 1 SD1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, requirements. 12, 17, 18 Personal protective equipment TP1–16 and clothing. Signage. Basic firefighting equipment. Fires. Basic first aid procedures. Accidents and injuries.

Page 179 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1001B Follow OHS policies and procedures

Company procedures. Regulations. OHS policies and procedures. Induction procedures. Emergency response and evacuation procedures. Material safety data sheets and material handling methods. Project quality requirements. Communication devices. General construction terminology. JSAs/Safe work method statements.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 180 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry Element 1 – Identify the 1.1 The scope and nature of Q1, 2, 4 Task 1 SD1–18 industry work context and the general construction TP1–16 industry functions and setting activities are identified. 1.2 The profile of the general Q1, 2, 4 Task 1 SD1, 2, 16, 18 construction industry in TP1–16 terms of direct and indirect employment and national economic importance is identified. 1.3 Trends in technology and Q1, 2, 4 Task 1 SD1, 2, 16, 18 processes which are likely TP1–16 to impact on the general construction industry are identified and comprehended. 1.4 General construction Q1, 2, 4 Task 1 SD1, 2, 16, 18 employment conditions, TP1–16 responsibilities and obligations are identified

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry

and clarified. Element 2 – Organise 2.1 Priorities and deadlines Q2, 4 Task 1 SD2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, and accept responsibility are established in 14, 16, 18 consultation with others TP1–16 for own workload and recorded. 2.2 Work activities are Q2, 4 Task 1 SD2, 3, 6, 16 planned and progress of TP1–16 work is communicated to others whose personal work plans and timelines may be affected. 2.3 Work is completed to the Q2, 4 Task 1 SD2, 16 standard expected in the TP1–16 workplace and in accordance with any guidelines, directions and specifications.

2.4 Variations and difficulties Q2, 4 Task 1 SD2, 16 affecting work

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry

requirement are identified TP1–16 through regular reviews and action is taken to report these issues to appropriate personnel. 2.5 Additional support to Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 improve work outcomes is TP1–16 communicated clearly to the appropriate personnel. Element 3 – Work in a 3.1 Site goals and the Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 team contributions to be made TP1–16 by teams are identified and understood. 3.2 Individual contributions to Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 team activities are TP1–16 identified, agreed and reviewed periodically with the team. 3.3 Defined roles and Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 strengths of other team

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry

members are identified TP1–16 and acknowledged. 3.4 Assistance and Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 encouragement are TP1–16 provided to other team members wishing to enhance their role and the role of the team. 3.5 Ground rules for team Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 operations are reviewed TP1–16 and changes are made through team consultative processes. 3.6 Team improvements are Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 initiated and/or TP1–16 encouraged from team members. 3.7 Causes of disharmony Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 and other barriers to TP1–16 achievement are promptly

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry

resolved or referred to the appropriate party for resolution. Element 4 – Participate in 4.1 The competencies for the Q1, 2, 3, 4 Task 1 SD2, 16 identifying and pursuing workplace are identified. TP1–16 own development needs 4.2 Steps are taken, in Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 consultation with TP1–16 appropriate personnel, to identify own learning needs for future work requirements. 4.3 Appropriate opportunities Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 to learn and develop TP1–16 required competencies are identified and pursued with the appropriate people. Element 5 – Participate in 5.1 Meeting procedures and Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 site meetings objectives are identified, TP1–16 understood, and

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry

observed. 5.2 Points of view and Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 comments, including TP1–16 agreement and dissent are presented in a logical, persuasive and orderly manner. 5.3 Points of view of other Q4 Task 1 SD2, 16 members are given a fair TP1–16 hearing. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q1, 2, 4 Task 1 SD2, 16 evidence application of relevant TP1–16 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan and OHS legislation/regulations/codes of practice applicable to workplace operations.

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry

Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Explanation to others of the scope, employment and economic importance of the general construction industry. Location and identification of site employment conditions and the source of these conditions. Setting personal and team work goals. Responding to personal conflict situations. Identifying personal

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry

development needs. Participating in site meetings. Required knowledge The general construction Q1, 2, 4 Task 1 SD2, 16 industry size, scope of work TP1–16 and national economic importance. Relevant industrial awards and enterprise agreements. Relevant legislative provisions covering discrimination and equal employment opportunity. Typical site/team work structure and methods. Typical site communication procedures. Interpersonal communication skills.

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the general construction industry

Typical site training/development systems. Basic job/skill analysis techniques. Basic conflict management. Site meeting procedures. Quality requirements. General construction terminology. JSAs/Safe work method statements.

Page 189 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions and Q2, 4, 6, 8 (24) Task 1 SD1–18 prepare operational details are TP1–16 obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q1, 2, 7 (12, 24) Task 1 SD1–5 followed in accordance TP1–16 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q1, 2, 12 Task 1 SD2, 3, 4, 5, 7 requirements are TP1–16 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q2, 4, 8 (10, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23) Task 1 SD2, 3, 6, 13, 14, 16, selected to carry out tasks 19 are consistent with the TP1–16 requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 190 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work

1.5 Material quantity Q6, 9 (19) Task 1 SD2, 3, 6, 8, 13, 14, requirements are 15, 16 calculated in accordance TP1–16 with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q2, 5, 6 (22, 23) Task 1 SD2, 3, 6, 8, 13, 14, the work application are 15, 16 identified, obtained, TP1–16 prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.7 Environmental protection Q1, 2, 4 (17) Task 1 SD2, 3, 6, 8, 13, 14, requirements are 15, 16 identified for the project in TP1–16 accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Sequence 2.1 Work plan is determined, Q1, 2, 8 (13, 23) Task 1 SD3, 4, 5, 6, 7 work safely modified and performed in TP1–16 a logical and efficient

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work

sequence. 2.2 Tasks are completed to Q1, 2, 8 (12, 13, 23) Task 1 SD3, 4, 5, 6, 7 meet work instructions. TP1–16 Element 3 – Clean up 3.1 Work area is cleared and Q1, 2 (13, 17, 23) Task 1 SD2, 13, 14, 15, 17 materials disposed of or TP1–16 recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan. 3.2 Tools and equipment are Q1, 2 (13, 17, 23) Task 1 SD2, 13, 14, 15, 17 cleaned, checked, TP1–16 maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q2 Task 1 SD2, 13, 14, 15, 17 evidence application of relevant TP1–16 information. Compliance with site safety

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work

plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Selection of necessary tools, materials, personal protective equipment and work sequence for a minimum of three separate tasks. Required knowledge Site and equipment safety Q2 Task 1 SD2, 3, 13, 14, 15, requirements. 17 Operational and maintenance TP1–16 procedures.

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work

Processes for the calculation of material requirements. Material safety data sheets and material handling methods. Project quality requirements. General construction terminology. JSAs/Safe work method statements.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 194 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication Element 1 – Gather, 1.1 Verbal and written Q1–9 Task 1 SD1–18 convey and receive instructions are gathered, TP1–16 received and responded information to with correct actions. 1.2 Instructions conveyed Q1, 4, 6 Task 1 SD1–18 accurately. TP1–16 1.3 Work signage is Q1, 4, 6 Task 1 SD1–18 responded to with correct TP1–16 action. 1.4 Information is conveyed in Q1, 2, 4, 6, 8 (13) Task 1 SD1–18 simple English and TP1–16 message is confirmed. 1.5 Questions are used to Q1, 2, 4, 6, 8 (13) Task 1 SD1–18 gain additional TP1–16 information and to clarify understanding. Element 2 – Carry out 2.1 Routine instructions and Q1, 4, 8 Task 1 SD1–18 facttoface communication messages are received TP1–16 and followed.

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication

2.2 Workplace procedures Q1 Task 1 SD1–18 are carried out to TP1–16 company requirements. 2.3 Information from a range Q1, 6, 8 Task 1 SD1–18 of sources is accessed TP1–16 and interpreted. 2.4 Information is selected Q6, 8 Task 1 SD1–18 and sequenced correctly. TP1–16 2.5 Verbal and written Q1, 4 Task 1 SD1–18 reporting is completed TP1–16 where required. Element 3 – Apply visual 3.1 The visual Q1, 4 Task 1 SD1–18 communications communications used TP1–16 follow accepted industry practice or social convention. 3.2 The attention of the Q1, 4 Task 1 SD1–18 communicating parties is TP1–16 obtained, confirmed

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 196 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication

and/or acknowledged. 3.3 The intention of the visual Q1, 4 Task 1 SD1–18 communication is clarified TP1–16 and confirmed at each step. 3.4 Visual communications Q1, 4 Task 1 SD1–18 which are unclear or TP1–16 ambiguous are questioned or visually cancelled. 3.5 Instances of unclear Q1, 4 Task 1 SD1–18 visual communications TP1–16 are followed up to avoid repeated problems. Element 4 – Participate in 4.1 Correct process for onsite Q4 Task 1 SD1–18 simple onsite meeting meetings are identified TP1–16 and followed to pre- processes determined or agreed procedures.

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication

4.2 Responses are sought Q4 Task 1 SD1–18 and provided to others in TP1–16 the group. 4.3 Constructive contributions Q4 Task 1 SD1–18 are made. TP1–16 4.4 Goals or outcomes are Q4 Task 1 SD1–18 identified and/or recorded. TP1–16 Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q4 Task 1 SD1–18 evidence application of relevant TP1–16 information. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 198 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication

Safe and effective operational use of communication equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Interpretation of all signage accurately – complete five tasks successfully following instruction; convey at least five pieces of information to other workers; fill out at least three workplace documents appropriately; ask one question at an onsite meeting. Required knowledge Site and equipment safety Q1, 4 Task 1 SD1–18 requirements. TP1–16 Signage. Company procedures.

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication

Required knowledge OHS requirements. Checklists. Work instructions. Delivery dockets. JSAs/Safe work method statements. Workplace policies. Bulletins. Memos. Maps and sketches. Emergency procedures. Material safety data sheets and material handling methods. Project quality requirements.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 200 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication

Communication devices. General construction terminology.

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions are Q1, 2, 9 Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 prepare confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q1 Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 obtained from the site safety plan, other regulatory specifications or legal obligations and applied. 1.3 Measuring and calculating Q9 (13) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 equipment selected to carry out tasks is consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported. Element 2 – Obtain 2.1 Method of obtaining the Q9 (13, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 measurements measurement is selected and applied. 2.2 Measurements are Q9 (13, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations

obtained using a rule or tape, accurate to 1 mm. 2.3 Measurements are Q9 (13, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 confirmed and recorded. Element 3 – Perform 3.1 Appropriate calculation Q9 (13, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 calculations method is selected for achieving the required result. 3.2 Material quantities for the Q9 (13, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 project are correctly calculated using the appropriate factors. 3.3 Results are confirmed and Q9 (13, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 recorded. Element 4 – Estimate 4.1 Calculations for Q9 (13, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 approximate quantities determining material requirements are taken. 4.2 Appropriate formulas for Q9 (13, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 calculating quantities are

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations

selected. 4.3 Quantities are estimated Q9 (13, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 from the calculations taken. 4.4 Material quantities for the Q9 (13, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 project are calculated, confirmed and recorded within enterprise tolerances. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q9 (13, 14, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 evidence application of relevant information. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 204 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations

including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Completion of measurements, calculations and determination of quantities for at least three different projects of varying complexity. Required knowledge Site and equipment safety Q9 (13, 14, 19) Task 1 SD2, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18 requirements. Measuring, calculating, geometry and determination of quantities. Tolerances. Calculators.

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations

Company procedures. Project quality requirements. Communication devices. Processes for care of measuring equipment. General construction terminology. JSAs/Safe work method statements.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 206 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications Element 1 – Identify 1.1 Main types of plans and Q(13, 14, 15) Task 1 SD8, 18 types of drawings and drawings used in the civil TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 construction sector of the their functions industry are identified. 1.2 Key functions of each Q(13, 14, 15) Task 1 SD8, 18 type of drawing are TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 identified. 1.3 Quality requirements of Q1 Task 1 SD8, 18 company operations are TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 recognised and adhered to. 1.4 Environmental controls Q1 Task 1 SD8, 18 are identified from the job TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 plans, specifications and environmental plan. Element 2 – Recognise 2.1 Title panel is checked to Q(13, 14, 15) Task 1 SD8, 18 amendments verify latest amendments TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 to drawing. 2.2 Amendments to Q(13, 14, 15) Task 1 SD8, 18

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications

specifications are TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 checked to ensure currency of information. Element 3 – Recognise 3.1 General construction Q(13, 14, 15) Task 1 SD8, 18 commonly used symbols symbols and TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 abbreviations are and abbreviations recognised. 3.2 Legend is located on Q(13, 14, 15) Task 1 SD8, 18 project drawings, symbols TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 and abbreviations are correctly interpreted. Element 4 – Locate and 4.1 Orientation of the plan Q(13, 14, 15) Task 1 SD8, 18 identify key features on a with the site is achieved. TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 site plan 4.2 Key features of the site Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 are identified and located. TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 4.3 Access to site is gained Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 and services, main TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 features, contours and

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 208 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications

datum are identified. Element 5 – Identify 5.1 Dimensions for project Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 project requirements and nominated locations TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 are identified. 5.2 Construction types and Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 dimensions for nominated TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 locations are identified. 5.3 Environmental controls Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 and locations are identified. 5.4 Location, dimensions and Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 tolerances for ancillary TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 works are identified. Element 6 – Read and 6.1 Job specifications are Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 interpret job specifications identified from drawings, TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 notes and descriptions. 6.2 Standards of work, Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 finishes and tolerances TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 are identified from the

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications

project specifications. 6.3 Material attributes are Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 identified from TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 specifications. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 evidence application of relevant TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools and equipment. Communication and working

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 210 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications

effectively and safely with others. For a minimum of two different projects, the reading and interpretation of the project plans, including:  verification of amendment status and drawings confirmed ‘for construction’  orientation of plans to the ground  six key features on both the plan and the site  confirmation of six items of information from the title block of project plans

 six construction

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications

dimensions, levels and locations from the project plans  six ancillary works dimensions, levels and locations from the project plans. For a minimum of two formal specifications, identify the dimensions, material requirements and processes to be followed. Required knowledge Features of plans and Q(13, 14) Task 1 SD8, 18 elevations, including direction, TP6, 10, 11, 13, 14 scale, key, contours, symbols and abbreviations. Commonly used general construction symbols and abbreviations. The processes for application

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 212 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications

of scales in plan preparation/interpretation. Techniques for orienting/confirming the orientation of a plan. Key features of formal job specifications. Site and equipment safety requirements. Project quality requirements. General construction terminology. Basic calculations of heights, areas, volumes and grades. Drawing conventions. JSAs/Safe work method statements.

Page 213 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 prepare including plans, TP1 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 followed in accordance TP1 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 requirements are TP1 identified and implemented. 1.4 Material quantity Q2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 requirements are TP1 calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications.

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment

1.5 Materials appropriate to Q2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 the work application are TP1 identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.6 Environmental protection Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 requirements are TP1 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Identify hand 2.1 Hand and power tools, Q2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 and power tools their functions, operations TP1 and limitations are identified. 2.2 OHS requirements for Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 using hand tools are TP1 recognised and adhered to.

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment

2.3 OHS requirements for Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 using power tools are TP1 recognised and adhered to. Element 3 – Select tools 3.1 Tools are selected Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 for project consistent with job TP1 requirements. 3.2 Tools, including leads and Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 hoses, are checked for TP1 tags, serviceability and safety and any faults rectified or reported. 3.3 Power tools guards, Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 retaining bolts, couplings, TP1 gauges and controls are checked and maintained in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. 3.4 Equipment to hold or Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 216 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment

support material during TP1 operation is selected. 3.5 Pre-operational checks, Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 including lubricants, TP1 hydraulic fluid and water are completed according to manufacturers' recommendations. Element 4 – Use tools 4.1 Power and/or compressed Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 air supply is connected to TP1 the work area. 4.2 Startup and shutdown Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 procedures are followed. TP1 4.3 Tools are safely and Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 effectively used according TP1 to manufacturers' recommendations and OHS requirements 4.4 Tools are safely located Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment

when not in immediate TP1 use. Element 5 – Select plant 5.1 Function and limitations of Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 and equipment plant/equipment used in TP1 wall and ceiling lining are identified. 5.2 Plant and equipment are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 selected consistent with TP1 hazard minimisation and needs of job. 5.3 Method of operation of Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 plant/equipment is TP1 identified. 5.4 OHS requirements for Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 operating and using plant TP1 and equipment are recognised and adhered to. 5.5 Plant and equipment are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 218 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment

checked for safety and TP1 faults are rectified or reported. Element 6 – Use plant 6.1 Plant and equipment are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 and equipment safely and effectively TP1 used. 6.2 Plant and equipment are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 safely located when not in TP1 immediate use. 6.3 Plant and equipment are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 cleaned, maintained and TP1 stored after use. Element 7 – Clean up 7.1 Work area is cleared and Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 materials disposed of, TP1 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job specification.

Page 219 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment

7.2 Tools and equipment are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 cleaned, checked, TP1 maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 evidence application of relevant TP1 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 220 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment

use of tools and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. The selection, use and maintenance of the tools and equipment listed in the range statement. The selection, use and operator maintenance of the plant listed as mandatory in the range statement. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 safety requirements. TP1 Quality requirements. Wall and ceiling industry terminology. Types, characteristics, uses

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment

and limitations of wall and ceiling lining hand tools. Types, characteristics, uses and limitations of wall and ceiling lining power tools. Types, characteristics, uses and limitations of wall and ceiling lining plant items. Systems and techniques for safe handling of materials. Types, characteristics, uses and limitations of wall and ceiling lining materials. Processes for the calculation of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 222 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment

specifications. Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management. JSAs/Safe work method statement.

Page 223 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 prepare including plans, TP1 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 followed in accordance TP1 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 requirements are TP1 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 selected to carry out tasks TP1 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 224 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials

rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Environmental protection Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 requirements are TP1 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Handle, sort 2.1 Wall and ceiling lining Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 and store wall and ceiling material and components TP1 are identified on delivery lining material and to site and checked for components conformity to material schedule, plans and specifications. 2.2 Handling characteristics Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 of wall and ceiling lining TP1 material and components are identified and safe handling techniques are

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials

selected and applied in accordance with workplace requirements. 2.3 Wall and ceiling lining Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 material and components TP1 are sorted to suit material type and size, stacked for ease of identification, retrieval for task sequence, and job location in accordance with work specifications. 2.4 Wall and ceiling lining Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 material and components TP1 are protected against physical and water damage and stored clear of traffic ways. 2.5 Signage and/or Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 barricades are erected to TP1 isolate stored materials

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials

from workplace traffic or unauthorised access. Element 3 – Handle and 3.1 Wall and ceiling lining Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 position wall and ceiling material and components TP1 are identified from stack, lining material and and safely handled and components in distributed to required job preparation for installation location. 3.2 Cut sheet material is Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 distributed and stacked to TP1 suit job location and task sequence. 3.3 Wall and ceiling lining Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 material and components TP1 are positioned ready for fixing in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and job requirements. 3.4 Materials for adhesives Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials

are handled, TP1 proportioned, mixed and stored in preparation for application in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. Element 4 – Handle and 4.1 Materials are handled Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 remove material and safely and effectively TP1 according to MSDS and components on requirements of regulatory completion authorities. 4.2 Hazardous material is Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 identified for separate TP1 handling by authorised personnel. 4.3 Non-toxic lining materials Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 and components are TP1 safely removed using correct procedures, according to MSDS and requirements of regulatory

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials

authorities. 4.4 Protection of materials is Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 provided in accordance TP1 with specific material needs. 4.5 Materials are stored Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 safely and effectively TP1 according to material safety data sheets and requirements of regulatory authorities. Element 5 – Clean up 5.1 Unused materials are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 stored/stacked in TP1 accordance with standard material handling practices and techniques and company requirements. 5.2 Tools and equipment are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 cleaned, checked, TP1 maintained and stored in

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. 5.3 Stormwater system is Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 protected during cleanup TP1 process in accordance with sound work practices compliant with EPA. 5.4 Waste and unwanted Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 materials are removed TP1 and placed into job waste bins or rubbish stockpile in a safe and effective manner in accordance with sound work practices compliant with EPA. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 evidence application of relevant TP1 information, standards and specifications.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 230 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials

Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Handling and storage of the mandatory wall and ceiling lining materials and components listed in the range statement. Disposal of waste/excess

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Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials

materials. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 safety requirements. TP1 Quality requirements. Wall and ceiling industry terminology. Wall and ceiling tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Types, characteristics, uses and limitations of wall and ceiling lining materials and components. Wall and ceiling lining techniques. Systems and techniques for

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 232 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials

safe handling of materials. Processes for the calculation of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications. Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management. JSAs/Safe work method statement.

Page 233 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 prepare including plans, TP1 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 followed in accordance TP1 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 requirements are TP1 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 selected to carry out tasks TP1 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 234 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q1, 2, 9 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 requirements are TP1 calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Environmental protection Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 requirements are TP1 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Prepare 2.1 Work area and substrate Q3 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 work area for installation are prepared for TP1 processes application of sheeting. 2.2 Timber/steel wall framing Q3 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 is checked for TP1 straightness and plumb,

Page 235 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

and any faults are rectified or reported. 2.3 Equipment and materials Q1, 2 Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 are checked against work TP1 order or manufacturers' specification and positioned in preparation for the work. 2.4 Thermal and acoustic batt Q(18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 insulation for walls and TP1 ceilings are selected to manufacturers' specifications (RW rating). Element 3 – Install batt 3.1 Insulation batts are Q(18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 insulation installed firmly between TP1 framing member and against lining material in accordance with manufacturers' specifications.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 236 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

3.2 Batts are abutted with Q(18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 closed joints and end of TP1 run completed with batt cut to size and fitted. 3.3 Insulation batts are Q(18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 installed firmly in the wall TP1 framing ensuring clearance of framing to fix plaster sheeting. 3.4 Batts are installed to Q(18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 ceiling framing to a tight fit TP1 ensuring full coverage between joists. Element 4 – Fix 4.1 Materials are measured Q(18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 plasterboard and fibre and marked to ensure TP1 compliance with work cement products to walls requirements and minimal and ceilings wastage. 4.2 Wall and ceiling sheets Q(18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 are cut to fit specified

Page 237 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

locations with clearance TP1 to manufacturers' specifications. 4.3 Wall and ceiling sheets Q(18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 are fixed to specified TP1 locations with mechanical fastenings or combined adhesive/fasteners to manufacturers' specifications and relevant standards. 4.4 All work is carried out to Q(18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 manufacturers' TP1 specifications and relevant Australian Standards®. Element 5 – Joint and 5.1 Compounds for back Q2 (18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 finish materials blocking and jointing are TP1 prepared to manufacturers'

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 238 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

specifications. 5.2 Back blocks are applied to Q2, (18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 specification. TP1 5.3 Additional design details Q2 (18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 and features are TP1 identified. 5.4 Beading is installed to Q2 (18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 design requirements. TP1 5.5 Jointing and finishing of Q2 (18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 plasterboard and fibre TP1 cement sheeting are completed in accordance with manufacturers' specifications. Element 6 – Clean up 6.1 Work area is cleared and Q1, 2 (18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 materials disposed of, TP1 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod

Page 239 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

es of practice and job specification. 6.2 Tools and equipment are Q1, 2, (18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 cleaned, checked, TP1 maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q1, 2 (18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 evidence application of relevant TP1 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 240 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Installation and finishing (to a level 4 finish) of plasterboard to walls and ceilings including:  both recess and butt joints  both mechanical and adhesive fixing systems

 wall and corner junctions  wall with minimum of two sheets. Installation and finishing (to a level 4 finish) of fibre cement

Page 241 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

sheeting to:  both recess and butt joints  both mechanical and adhesive fixing systems  wall and corner junctions  wall with minimum of two sheets. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q1, 2 (18) Task 1 SD1–9, 13–19 safety requirements. TP1 Quality requirements. Wall and ceiling industry terminology. Wall and ceiling tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Types, uses and limitations of materials used in installation

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 242 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

and fixing tasks. Insulation and authorised ratings. Techniques for fixing materials to steel and timber frames. Techniques for the handling and mixing of plaster bag material. Techniques for the application and sanding of topping compound. Processes for the calculation of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications. Materials handling, storage and

Page 243 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 1 – Installing and flushing plasterboard sheet

Units of competency Units of competency BCGCM1001B Follow OHS BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications policies and procedures BCGWC2002B Use wall and ceiling lining tools and equipment BCGCM1002B Work effectively in BCGWC2001B Handle wall and ceiling lining materials the general construction industry BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to flat walls and ceilings

environmentally friendly waste management. JSAs/Safe work method statement.

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Page 245 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

149. Mapping document for Skill Set 2

Using this document This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence required to satisfy competence in this particular skill set.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this skill set.

Note: The final column, ‘Supplementary evidence’, refers to any suggested sources of documentary evidence that the candidate may use to support their application for RPL. This includes information from the supplementary documentation checklist (identified as SD in the mapping document) and third party evidence checklist (identified as TP in the mapping document) from Section 6.

Interview questions that appear in brackets are from other skill sets. If the candidate has not been assessed in these other skill sets, the Assessor will need to decide whether sufficient evidence has already been gathered or whether the candidate will need to respond to the bracketed questions.

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Page 247 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

150. Evidence Matrix The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3), the Practical Tasks (Section 4) and the supporting documentation checklist and third party report (Section 5) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills and knowledge.

Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 prepare including plans, TP2, 4 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 followed in accordance TP2, 4 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1) 10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 requirements are TP2, 4 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 selected to carry out tasks TP2, 4 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 248 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings

rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 requirements are TP2, 4 calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 the work application are TP2, 4 identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use.

1.7 Environmental protection Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 requirements are TP2, 4 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Prepare 2.1 Work area and substrate Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 work area for application are prepared for TP2, 4 installation of precast processes moulding to plans/specifications. 2.2 Substrate is checked for Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22

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Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings

conformance in TP2, 4 accordance with the relevant Australian Standard®. Element 3 – Fix and stop 3.1 Plasterboard wall sheets Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 precast moulded are confirmed to be in TP2, 4 accordance with archways plans/specifications. 3.2 Archway profile is set out Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 and cut to architect's TP2, 4 drawings and specifications.

3.3 Timber arch soffit Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 templates are cut and TP2, 4 fixed to position. 3.4 Infill moulding is fixed to Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 arch soffit and reveals of TP2, 4 opening. 3.5 Arch is stopped in Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 accordance with job TP2, 4 specifications and required level of finish. Element 4 – Fix and stop 4.1 Ceiling battens are Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 plaster panelled ceiling positioned and spaced for TP2, 4 cornice margins and flush

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 250 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings

mounted panels. 4.2 Panels are located on Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 ceiling, levelled, lined up TP2, 4 and fastened into position in accordance with the approved specification. 4.3 Jointing is finished to Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 specification. TP2, 4 Element 5 – Fix 5.1 Ornamental mouldings Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 ornamental mouldings are measured and cut to TP2, 4 specification. 5.2 Ornamental mouldings Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 are fixed by fastening or TP2, 4 bonding with adhesive, straight and level to architect's specifications. 5.3 Mouldings are finished Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 including straight TP2, 4 stoppings and finishing mitres to specification. Element 6 – Clean up 6.1 Work area is cleared and Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 materials disposed of, TP2, 4 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod

Page 251 of 346 © Department of Education and Training 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings

es of practice and job specification. 6.2 Tools and equipment are Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 cleaned, checked, TP2, 4 maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 evidence application of relevant TP2, 4 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 252 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings

others. Completion of the installation and finishing of three different precast decorative mouldings with at least one being installed on a ceiling. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q10, 11, 12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 safety requirements. TP2, 4 Quality requirements. Plastering, and wall and ceiling industry terminology. Wall and ceiling tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Types, characteristics, uses and limitations of precast decorative moulding installation materials. Precast decorative moulding installation tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Precast decorative moulding

Page 253 of 346 © Department of Education and Training 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings

measuring, cutting, placement, stopping and finishing techniques. Processes for the calculations of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications. Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management. JSAs/Safe work method statement.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 254 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 prepare including plans, TP1, 2, 3 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 followed in accordance TP1, 2, 3 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 requirements are TP1, 2, 3 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 selected to carry out tasks TP1, 2, 3 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 requirements are TP1, 2, 3 calculated in accordance with plans and/or

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Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices

specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 the work application are TP1, 2, 3 identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.7 Environmental protection Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 requirements are TP1, 2, 3 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Prepare 2.1 Work area and substrate Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 work area for application are prepared for TP1, 2, 3 installation of cornices to processes plans/specification. 2.2 Substrate is checked for Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 conformance in TP1, 2, 3 accordance with the relevant Australian Standard®. Element 3 – Fix cornices 3.1 Wall length and centre Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 to wall and ceiling position are measured, TP1, 2, 3 making allowance for junctions tolerance, enrichment

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 256 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices

centres and internal and external mitres. 3.2 Cornice depth and Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 projections are TP1, 2, 3 established and the wall is marked in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. 3.3 Internal and external Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 cornice mitres are TP1, 2, 3 measured and cut. 3.4 Cornice adhesives are Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 applied to the cornice TP1, 2, 3 ceiling/wall members. 3.5 Cornice is positioned or Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 placed to required area TP1, 2, 3 ready for straight stopping. 3.6 Straight stopping, mitres Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 and joins are finished for TP1, 2, 3 painting. Element 4 – Clean up 4.1 Work area is cleared and Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 materials disposed of, TP1, 2, 3 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod

Page 257 of 346 © Department of Education and Training 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices

es of practice and job specification. 4.2 Tools and equipment are Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 cleaned, checked, TP1, 2, 3 maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 21 evidence application of relevant TP1, 2, 3 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 258 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Skill Set 2 – Installing cornices and precast mouldings

Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices

others. Measuring, cutting, placing, straight stopping and finishing cast paperfaced cornices, including internal mitre, external mitre and butt join. Measuring, cutting, placing, straight stopping and finishing cast plaster decorative cornices, including internal mitre, external mitre and butt join. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q12 Task 2 SD2, 16, 18, 22 safety requirements. TP2, 4 Quality requirements. Plastering, and wall and ceiling industry terminology. Wall and ceiling tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Types, characteristics, uses and limitations of precast decorative moulding installation materials.

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Units of competency BCGSP3005B Install pre-cast decorative mouldings BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3004B Install cast plaster and paperfaced cornices

Precast decorative moulding installation tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Precast decorative moulding measuring, cutting, placement, stopping and finishing techniques. Processes for the calculations of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications. Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management. JSAs/Safe work method statement.

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Page 261 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools Mapping document for Skill Set 3

Using this document This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence required to satisfy competence in this particular skill set.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this skill set.

Note: The final column, ‘Supplementary evidence’, refers to any suggested sources of documentary evidence that the candidate may use to support their application for RPL. This includes information from the supplementary documentation checklist (identified as SD in the mapping document) and third party evidence checklist (identified as TP in the mapping document) from Section 6.

Interview questions that appear in brackets are from other skill sets. If the candidate has not been assessed in these other skill sets, the Assessor will need to decide whether sufficient evidence has already been gathered or whether the candidate will need to respond to the bracketed questions.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 262 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

151. Evidence Matrix The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3), the Practical Tasks (Section 4) and the supporting documentation checklist and third party report (Section 5) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills and knowledge.

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, prepare including plans, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 23 specifications, quality TP1–16 requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, followed in accordance 13, 16, 17, 18 with safety plans and TP1 policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, requirements are 13, 16, 17, 18 identified and TP1 implemented. 1.4 Plant, tools and Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, equipment selected to 13, 16, 17, 18 carry out tasks are TP1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, consistent with the

Page 263 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads requirements of the job, 10 checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD3, 8, 13, 16, 18 requirements are TP1, 6 calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD3, 8, 13, 16, 18 the work application are TP1, 6 identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.7 Environmental protection Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD3, 8, 13, 16, 18 requirements are TP1, 6 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Construct 2.1 Bulkhead is set out to Q13, 14 Task 3 SD2, 8, 23 plans/specifications. TP1, 6

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 264 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads bulkheads 2.2 Materials are selected in Q13, 14 Task 3 SD2, 8, 23 accordance with TP1, 6 plans/specifications. 2.3 Bulkhead trimmers and Q13, 14 Task 3 SD2, 8, 23 plates are cut in TP1, 6 accordance with set out and job requirements. 2.4 Fasteners are selected Q13, 14 Task 3 SD2, 8, 23 ensuring that the method TP1, 6 employed is capable of carrying the load of the finished product. 2.5 Bulkhead is assembled Q13, 14 Task 3 SD2, 8, 23 and fixed in position to TP1, 6 line, level and plumb in accordance with job specifications. Element 3 – Clean up 3.1 Work area is cleared and Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD2, 8, 23 materials disposed of, TP1, 6 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job specification.

Page 265 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads 3.2 Tools and equipment are Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD2, 8, 23 cleaned, checked, TP1, 6 maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(1, 2) 13, 14 Task 3 SD2, 8, 23 evidence application of relevant TP1, 6 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 266 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads Construction of a segmental curved bulkhead to a minimum of 3 m in radius with a depth of 600 mm to plumb, line and level and job specifications. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q(1, 2) 13, 14 Task 3 SD2, 8, 23 safety requirements. TP1, 6 Quality requirements. General construction terminology. Plant, tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Bulkhead construction techniques. Bulkhead materials. Processes for the calculations of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications.

Page 267 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management. Processes for setting out and measuring. Framing. Curved geometry. Load and anchor capacities. JSAs/Safe work method statement.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 268 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q15 Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 prepare including plans, TP1, 2, 3, 7 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q15 Task 3 SD1, 2, 16, 18, 24 followed in accordance TP1, 2, 3, 7 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q15 Task 3 SD1, 2, 16, 18, 24 requirements are TP1, 2, 3, 7 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q15 Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 selected to carry out tasks TP1, 2, 3, 7 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q15 Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 requirements are

Page 269 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings calculated in accordance TP1, 2, 3, 7 with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Environmental protection Q15 Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 requirements are TP1, 2, 3, 7 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Prepare 2.1 Work area and substrate Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 work area for installation are prepared for TP1, 2, 3, 7 processes application of sheeting. 2.2 Timber/steel wall and Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 ceiling framing is checked TP1, 2, 3, 7 for consistency of curve and any faults are rectified or reported. 2.3 Equipment and materials Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 are checked against work TP1, 2, 3, 7 order or manufacturers' specification and positioned in preparation for the work.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 270 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings 2.4 Thermal and acoustic batt Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 insulation for walls and TP1, 2, 3, 7 ceilings are selected to manufacturers' specifications (Rw rating). Element 3 – Install batt 3.1 Insulation batts are Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 insulation installed firmly between TP1, 2, 3, 7 framing member and against lining material in accordance with manufacturers' specifications. 3.2 Batts are abutted with Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 closed joints and end of TP1, 2, 3, 7 run completed with batt cut to size and fitted. 3.3 Insulation batts are Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 installed firmly in the wall TP1, 2, 3, 7 framing ensuring clearance of framing to fix plaster sheeting. 3.4 Batts are installed to Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 ceiling framing to a tight fit TP1, 2, 3, 7 ensuring full coverage

Page 271 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings between joists. Element 4 – Fix 4.1 Materials are pre- Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 plasterboard and fibre conditioned for the TP1, 2, 3, 7 application in accordance cement products to walls with the manufacturers' and ceilings specifications. 4.2 Materials are measured Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 and marked to ensure TP1, 2, 3, 7 compliance with work requirements and minimal wastage. 4.3 Wall and ceiling sheets Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 are cut to fit specified TP1, 2, 3, 7 locations with clearance to manufacturers' specifications. 4.4 Wall and ceiling sheets Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 are fixed to specified TP1, 2, 3, 7 locations with mechanical fastenings or combined adhesive/ fasteners to manufacturers' specifications and relevant standards.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 272 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings 4.5 All work is carried out to Q2 (15) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 manufacturers' TP1, 2, 3, 7 specifications and relevant Australian Standards®. Element 5 – Joint and 5.1 Compounds for back Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 finish materials blocking and jointing are TP1, 2, 3, 7 prepared to manufacturers' specifications. 5.2 Back blocks are applied to Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 specification. TP1, 2, 3, 7 5.3 Additional design details Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 and features are TP1, 2, 3, 7 identified. 5.4 Beading is installed to Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 design requirements. TP1, 2, 3, 7 5.5 Jointing and finishing of Q15 (18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 plasterboard and fibre TP1, 2, 3, 7 cement sheeting is completed in accordance with manufacturers' specifications.

Page 273 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings Element 6 – Clean up 6.1 Work area is cleared and Q(18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 materials disposed of, TP1, 2, 3, 7 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job specification. 6.2 Tools and equipment are Q(18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 cleaned, checked, TP1, 2, 3, 7 maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(18) Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 evidence application of relevant TP1, 2, 3, 7 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 274 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings including quality requirements. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Selection, use and maintenance of the tools and equipment listed in the range statement. Selection, use and operator maintenance of the plant listed as mandatory in the range statement.

Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q15 Task 3 SD2, 16, 18, 24 safety requirements TP1, 2, 3, 7 Quality requirements Wall and ceiling terminology Wall and ceiling tools and equipment types characteristics, uses and limitations Materials preparation and testing techniques The types, uses and limitations of materials used in installation and fixing tasks

Page 275 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings Insulation and authorised ratings Techniques for fixing materials to steel and timber frames Techniques for the handling and mixing plaster bag material Techniques for the application and sanding of topping compound Processes for the calculation of material requirements Material Safety Data Sheets Plans, drawings and specifications Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management JSA's/Safe work method statement

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 276 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q(1, 2) 16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 25 prepare including plans, TP5, 8 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 25 followed in accordance TP5, 8 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 25 requirements are TP5, 8 identified and implemented. 1.4 Plant, tools and Q(2) Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 25 equipment selected to TP5, 8 carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q(2, 8) Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 25

Page 277 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding requirements are calculated in accordance TP5, 8 with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q(2, 8) Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 25 the work application are TP5, 8 identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.7 Environmental protection Q(2) Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 25 requirements are TP5, 8 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Erect 2.1 Purpose for scaffolding is Q(2) 16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, scaffolding confirmed and associated 25 work tasks identified. TP5, 8 2.2 Expected loading on Q(1) 16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, scaffold and supporting 25 structure is determined TP5, 8 using load tables. 2.3 Site access and egress Q(1, 2, 4) Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18,

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 278 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding routes are identified. 25 TP5, 8 2.4 Scaffolding and Q16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, components are selected 25 and inspected with TP5, 8 damaged components labelled and rejected or repaired. 2.5 Adequate footing is Q16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, established in accordance 25 with AS for scaffolding. TP5, 8 2.6 Scaffolding is erected in Q16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, accordance with 25 regulations and planned TP5, 8 hazard prevention and control measures, acceptable safe work practices and manufacturers' requirements. Element 3 – Inspect, 3.1 Critical structural and Q(1) 16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, repair and alter safety areas of scaffolding 25 are inspected for damage, TP5, 8 scaffolding corrosion and wear.

Page 279 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding 3.2 Current use of scaffolding Q16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, is checked for accordance 25 with the type of TP5, 8 scaffolding equipment. 3.3 Inspection log and Q16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, handover are completed. 25 TP5, 8 3.4 Scaffolding is reviewed to Q16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, determine if changes or 25 modifications were TP5, 8 scheduled as per original planning. 3.5 Alteration or repair carried Q16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, out where specified. 25 TP5, 8 Element 4 – Dismantle 4.1 Scaffolding is dismantled Q16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, scaffolding using reverse procedure 25 as for erection. TP5, 8 Element 5 – Clean up 5.1 Work area is cleared and Q16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, materials disposed of, 25 reused or recycled in TP5, 8 accordance with legislation/regulations/cod

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 280 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding es of practice and job specification. 5.2 Plant, tools and Q16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, equipment are cleaned, 25 checked, maintained and TP5, 8 stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(1, 2, 4) 16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, evidence application of relevant 25 information, standards and TP5, 8 specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS legislation/regulations/codes of practice applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and equipment.

Page 281 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Completion of planning, erection and dismantling of a modular scaffolding system, in accordance with JSAs/Safe work method statements and regulations, including a minimum of:  bays (one with a return)  lift with ladder  fall/edge protection. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q(1, 2) 16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, safety requirements. 25 Quality requirements. TP5, 8 General construction terminology. Plant, tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Scaffolding techniques. Scaffolding equipment.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 282 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding

Processes for the calculations of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications. Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management. JSAs/Safe work method statement. Relevant Acts, regulations and codes of practice. Lifting devices.

Page 283 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q(8) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 prepare including plans, TP2, 26 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q(1) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 followed in accordance TP2, 26 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1, 2) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 requirements are TP2, 26 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q(2) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 selected to carry out tasks TP2, 26 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q(2, 8, 9) 14 (19) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 requirements are

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 284 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures calculated in accordance TP2, 26 with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q(2, 8) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 the work application are TP2, 26 identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.7 Environmental protection Q(2, 17) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 requirements are TP2, 26 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Set up and 2.1 Heights or levels to be Q13 (19) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 use levelling device transferred/established TP2, 26 are identified from project plans or instructions. 2.2 Levelling devices are set Q13 (19) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 up and tested in TP2, 26 accordance with manufacturers' instructions.

Page 285 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures 2.3 Levelling devices are set Q13 (19) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 up and correctly used in TP2, 26 accordance with standard operating procedures and manufacturers' guidelines. 2.4 Levelling staffs are Q(19) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 accurately applied. TP2, 26 2.5 Levels are shot and Q(19) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 heights transferred to TP2, 26 required location and marked and/or recorded to job requirements. 2.6 Results of levelling Q(2) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 procedure are TP2, 26 documented to organisational requirements. Element 3 – Clean up 3.1 Work area is cleared and Q(2, 13) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 materials disposed of, TP2, 26 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job specification.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 286 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures 3.2 Tools and equipment are Q(2, 19) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 cleaned, checked, TP2, 26 maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(1, 2, 4) 13 (19) Task 3 SD1, 9, 13 evidence application of relevant TP2, 26 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS regulations and state/territory legislation applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others.

Page 287 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Transfer of levels and the recording of differences in height using:  a spirit level and straight edge on one project to job specifications  the levelling with water technique on one project to job specifications  laser levelling devices on one project to job specifications  optical levelling devices on one project to job specifications. Confirmation of the accuracy of the readings taken for all of the above including setup and movement of device in two locations.

Conduct of a twopeg test with an automatic level to confirm instrument meets

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 288 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures manufacturer’s tolerances. The accurate recording of the results of each levelling procedure to organisational requirements. Required knowledge Basic general construction Q(1, 2) 16 Task 3 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, processes. 25 General construction plan, TP5, 8 symbols and construction terminology. Levelling device types, characteristics, technical capabilities and limitations. Levelling techniques related to essential tasks. Basic mathematical techniques associated with levelling. Site and equipment safety requirements. Processes for interpreting engineering drawings and

Page 289 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Constructing a bulkhead

Units of competency BCGCA3014B Construct bulkheads BCGWC3002B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to curved walls and ceilings BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures sketches. Site isolation and traffic control responsibilities and authorities. Project quality requirements. General construction terminology. Processes for setting out. Line, level and plumb. JSAs/Safe work method statement.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 290 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

152. Mapping document for Skill Set 4

Using this document This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence required to satisfy competence in this particular skill set.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this skill set.

Note: The final column, ‘Supplementary evidence’, refers to any suggested sources of documentary evidence that the candidate may use to support their application for RPL. This includes information from the supplementary documentation checklist (identified as SD in the mapping document) and third party evidence checklist (identified as TP in the mapping document) from Section 6.

Interview questions that appear in brackets are from other skill sets. If the candidate has not been assessed in these other skill sets, the Assessor will need to decide whether sufficient evidence has already been gathered or whether the candidate will need to respond to the bracketed questions.

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153. Evidence Matrix The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3), the Practical Tasks (Section 4) and the supporting documentation checklist and third party report (Section 5) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills and knowledge.

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q(1, 2) 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 prepare including plans, TP5, 8 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q(1, 2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 followed in accordance TP5, 8 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1, 2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 requirements are TP5, 8 identified and implemented. 1.4 Plant, tools and Q(2) 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 equipment selected to TP5, 8 carry out tasks are consistent with the

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q(2, 8) 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 requirements are TP5, 8 calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q(2, 8) 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 the work application are TP5, 8 identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.7 Environmental protection Q(2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 requirements are TP5, 8 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Demolish 2.1 Designated demolition Q(2) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 minor building structures area is assessed to TP5, 8 determine scope of work

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 294 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod es of practice. 2.2 Risks are identified and Q(1) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 managed. TP5, 8 2.3 Preparatory work is Q(1, 2, 4) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 completed. TP5, 8 2.4 Demolition procedures Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 are carried out consistent TP5, 8 with safe and effective processes of dismantling/demolishing and removing materials from location to designated storage area. 2.5 Materials and building Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 component parts are TP5, 8 safely and effectively handled using appropriate material handling techniques consistent with the type of building materials and components.

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures 2.6 Materials and Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 components identified for TP5, 8 salvaging are safely and effectively handled, stored and stacked ready for transport in accordance with OHS material handling practices and techniques. Element 3 – Clean up 3.1 Work area is cleared and Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 materials disposed of, TP5, 8 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job specification. 3.2 Tools and equipment are Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 cleaned, checked, TP5, 8 maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(1, 2, 4) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 application of relevant

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 296 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures evidence information, standards and TP5, 8 specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS legislation/regulations/codes of practice applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Completion of planning, erection and dismantling of a modular scaffolding system, in accordance with JSAs/Safe work method statements and regulations, including a minimum of:

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures

 bays (one with a return)  lift with ladder  fall/edge protection. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q(1, 2, 16) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 30 safety requirements. TP5, 8 Quality requirements. General construction terminology. Plant, tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Scaffolding techniques. Scaffolding equipment. Processes for the calculations of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications. Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 298 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures management. JSAs/Safe work method statement. Relevant Acts, regulations and codes of practice. Lifting devices.

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q(1, 2) 18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 prepare including plans, TP5, 10 specifications, quality requirements and

Page 299 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q(1, 2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 followed in accordance TP5, 10 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1, 2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 requirements are TP5, 10 identified and implemented. 1.4 Plant, tools and Q(2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 equipment selected to TP5, 10 carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q(2, 8) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 requirements are TP5, 10 calculated in accordance with plans and/or

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 300 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q(2, 8) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 the work application are TP5, 10 identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.7 Environmental protection Q(2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 requirements are TP5, 10 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Set out and 2.1 Materials are obtained Q(2) 18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 cut components from the store or stack to TP5, 10 quantity and specification requirements. 2.2 Location is set out and Q(1) 18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 marked for partitions in TP5, 10 accordance with job plan and specifications. 2.3 One or multiple Q(1, 2, 4) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 components are TP5, 10 accurately cut to size

Page 301 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions according to plans/specifications. 2.4 Prefabricated or cut Q18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 components are TP5, 10 distributed and stacked to suit job location and sequence of construction. Element 3 – Assemble 3.1 Locations for member Q(1) 18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 partitions connections are marked TP5, 10 and prepared to designed measurement spacings. 3.2 Fixing/fastenings are Q18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 installed to secure each TP5, 10 junction of members tight together, flush on partition face and within 2 mm of setout. 3.3 Partitions are assembled Q18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 and secured square and TP5, 10 plumb to specification. Element 4 – Clean up 4.1 Work area is cleared and Q18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 materials disposed of, TP5, 10 reused or recycled in accordance with

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 302 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job specification. 4.2 Plant, tools and Q18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 equipment are cleaned, TP5, 10 checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(1, 2, 4) 18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 evidence application of relevant TP1, 10 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS legislation/regulations/codes of practice applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and

Page 303 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Setout and assembly of a minimum 9 m2 of fullheight partitioning, including:  the setout of a corner which is internal/external and a T intersection and include a window and door panel to square and plumb in accordance with job specifications. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q(1, 2) 18 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 27 safety requirements. TP1, 10 Quality requirements. General construction terminology. Plant, tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 304 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions Partition assembly techniques. Partitioning materials. Processes for the calculations of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications. Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management. Fixings and fasteners. Processes for setting out. Line, level and plumb. JSAs/Safe work method statement.

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q(1, 2) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 prepare including plans, TP1, 11 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q(1, 2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 followed in accordance TP1, 11 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1, 2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 requirements are TP1, 11 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q(2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 selected to carry out tasks TP1, 11 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q(2) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 requirements are

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 306 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches calculated in accordance TP1, 11 with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Environmental protection Q(2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 requirements are TP1, 11 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Prepare 2.1 Work area and substrate Q(2) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 work area for installation are prepared for TP1, 11 processes application of sheeting. 2.2 Timber/steel wall framing Q(1) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 is checked for TP1, 11 straightness and plumb and any faults are rectified or reported. 2.3 Equipment and materials Q(1, 2, 4) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 are checked against work TP1, 11 order or manufacturers' specification and positioned in preparation for the work.

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches 2.4 Thermal and acoustic batt Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 insulation for walls and TP1, 11 ceilings are selected to manufacturers' specifications (Rw rating). Element 3 – Install batt 3.1 Insulation batts are Q(1) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 insulation installed firmly between TP1, 11 framing member and against lining material in accordance with manufacturers' specifications. 3.2 Batts are abutted with Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 closed joints and end of TP1, 11 run completed with batt cut to size and fitted. 3.3 Insulation batts are Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 installed firmly in the wall TP1, 11 framing ensuring clearance of framing to fix plaster sheeting. 3.4 Batts are installed to Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 ceiling framing to a tight fit TP1, 11 ensuring full coverage

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 308 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches between joists. Element 4 – Fix 4.1 Materials are pre- Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 plasterboard and fibre conditioned for the TP1, 11 application in accordance cement products to with the manufacturers' arches specifications. 4.2 Materials are measured Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 and marked to ensure TP1, 11 compliance with work requirements and minimal wastage. 4.3 Sheets are cut to fit Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 specified locations with TP1, 11 clearance to manufacturers' specifications. 4.4 Sheets are fixed to Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 specified locations with TP1, 11 mechanical fastenings or combined adhesive/ fasteners to manufacturers' specifications and relevant standards.

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches 4.5 All work is carried out to Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 manufacturers' TP1, 11 specifications and relevant Australian Standards®. Element 5 – Joint and 5.1 Compounds for back Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 finish materials blocking and jointing are TP1, 11 prepared to manufacturers' specifications. 5.2 Back blocks are applied to Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 specification. TP1, 11 5.3 Additional design details Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 and features are TP1, 11 identified. 5.4 Beading is installed to Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 design requirements. TP1, 11 5.5 Jointing and finishing of Q18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 plasterboard and fibre TP1, 11 cement sheeting is completed in accordance with manufacturers' specifications.

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches

Element 6 – Clean up 6.1 Work area is cleared and Q(1) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 materials disposed of, TP1, 11 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job specification. 6.2 Plant, tools and Q(1) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 equipment are cleaned, TP1, 11 checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(1, 2, 4) 16 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 evidence application of relevant TP1, 11 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS legislation/regulations/codes of practice applicable to workplace operations.

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Installation and finishing to specification of one plasterboard arch, including:  a minimum of two sheets  wall and corner junctions  application or arch beads and either mechanical or adhesive fixing systems. Setting out to specification of a minimum of one each of:  segmental  Gothic  elliptical  Tudor

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 312 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches

 ogee arches. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q(1, 2) 18, 19 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 28 safety requirements. TP1, 11 Quality requirements. Wall and ceiling industry terminology. Wall and ceiling tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Arch types, options, uses and limitations. Types, uses and limitations of materials used in installation and fixing tasks. Techniques for fixing materials to steel and timber frames. Techniques for handling and mixing plaster bag material.

Page 313 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches Techniques for the application and sanding of topping compound. Processes for the calculations of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications. Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management. JSAs/Safe work method statement.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 314 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q(1, 2) 17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 prepare including plans, TP1, 2, 10, 12 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q(1, 2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 followed in accordance TP1, 2, 10, 12 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1, 2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 requirements are TP1, 2, 10, 12 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q(2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 selected to carry out tasks TP1, 2, 10, 12 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q(2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 requirements are

Page 315 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems calculated in accordance TP1, 2, 10, 12 with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q(2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 the work application are TP1, 2, 10, 12 identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.7 Environmental protection Q(2) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 requirements are TP1, 2, 10, 12 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Construct 2.1 Nogging and stud spacing Q(2) 17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 wet area system using are inspected and TP1, 2, 10, 12 checked to support fibre fibre cement sheet cement sheet material material and inconsistencies rectified or referred for decision. 2.2 Approved angle is fixed to Q(1) 17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 the substrate in TP1, 2, 10, 12 accordance with plans

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 316 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems and specifications. 2.3 Screws or nails are Q(1, 2, 4) Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 spaced in accordance TP1, 2, 10, 12 with manufacturers' specifications. 2.4 Material is installed/fixed Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 to timber and/or metal TP1, 2, 10, 12 framing according to plans and specifications. 2.5 Sealant is applied in Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 accordance with TP1, 2, 10, 12 manufacturers' specifications to ensure waterproofing of penetrations is not compromised. 2.6 Jointing of fibre cement Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 sheet material is TP1, 2, 10, 12 completed to manufacturers' specifications. 2.7 Joints are prepared for Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 painting and/or tiling. TP1, 2, 10, 12

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Element 3 – Construct 3.1 Nogging and stud spacing Q(1) 17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 wet area system using are inspected and TP1, 2, 10, 12 checked to support fibre designated plasterboard cement sheet material product and inconsistencies rectified or referred for decision. 3.2 Approved angle is fixed to Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 the substrate in TP1, 2, 10, 12 accordance with plans and specifications. 3.3 Screws or nails are Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 spaced in accordance TP1, 2, 10, 12 with manufacturers' specifications. 3.4 Material is installed/fixed Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 to timber and/or metal TP1, 2, 10, 12 framing according to plans and specifications. 3.5 Sealant is applied to Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 penetration in accordance TP1, 2, 10, 12 with manufacturers' specifications. 3.6 Jointing of fibre cement Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29

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Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems sheet material is TP1, 2, 10, 12 completed to manufacturers' specifications. 3.7 Joints are prepared for Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 painting and/or tiling. TP1, 2, 10, 12 3.8 Category 1 area (or Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 equivalent) is protected in TP1, 2, 10, 12 accordance with manufacturers' specifications. Element 4 – Clean up 4.1 Work area is cleared and Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 materials disposed of, TP1, 2, 10, 12 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job specification. 4.2 Plant, tools and Q17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 equipment are cleaned, TP1, 2, 10, 12 checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and

Page 319 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(1, 2, 4) 17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 application of relevant TP1, 2, 10, 12 evidence information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS legislation/regulations/codes of practice applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools and equipment. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Completion of planning, erection and dismantling of a modular scaffolding system, in accordance with JSAs/Safe work method statements and regulations, including a minimum of:

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 320 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems  bays (one with a return)  lift with ladder  fall/edge protection. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q(1, 2) 17 Task 4 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 29 safety requirements. TP1, 2, 10, 12 Quality requirements. General construction terminology. Plant, tools and equipment types, characteristics, uses and limitations. Scaffolding techniques. Scaffolding equipment. Processes for the calculations of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications. Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste

Page 321 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 4 – Assembling a partition and demolishing a structure

Units of competency BCGCA3001B Carry out general demolition to minor basic structures BCGCA3015B Assemble partitions BCGWC3003B Install and finish plasterboard and fibre cement sheeting to arches BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3001B Install wet area lining systems management. JSAs/Safe work method statement. Relevant Acts, regulations and codes of practice. Lifting devices.

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154. Mapping document for Skill Set 5

Using this document This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence required to satisfy competence in this particular skill set.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this skill set.

Note: The final column, ‘Supplementary evidence’, refers to any suggested sources of documentary evidence that the candidate may use to support their application for RPL. This includes information from the supplementary documentation checklist (identified as SD in the mapping document) and third party evidence checklist (identified as TP in the mapping document) from Section 6.

Interview questions that appear in brackets are from other skill sets. If the candidate has not been assessed in these other skill sets, the Assessor will need to decide whether sufficient evidence has already been gathered or whether the candidate will need to respond to the bracketed questions.

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010Page 324 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

155. Evidence Matrix The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3), the Practical Tasks (Section 4) and the supporting documentation checklist and third party report (Section 5) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills and knowledge.

Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q(1, 2) 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, prepare including plans, 31, 32 specifications, quality TP13, 14 requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q(1, 2) 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, followed in accordance 31, 32 with safety plans and TP13, 14 policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1, 2) 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, requirements are 31, 32 identified and TP13, 14 implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q(2) 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, selected to carry out tasks 31, 32 are consistent with the TP13, 14 requirements of the job, checked for serviceability

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings

and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q(2, 8) 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, requirements are 31, 32 calculated in accordance TP13, 14 with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q(2, 8) 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, the work application are 31, 32 identified, obtained, TP13, 14 prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.7 Environmental protection Q(2) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, requirements are 31, 32 identified for the project in TP13, 14 accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Set out 2.1 Ceiling grid is set out to Q25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, job drawings and in 31, 32 accordance with TP13, 14 manufacturers' specifications.

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings

2.2 Alignment levels for Q25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, ceiling are set out as 31, 32 shown on job drawings. TP13, 14 Element 3 – Install 3.1 Suspension rods are fixed Q20, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, suspension system to underside of 31, 32 soffit/structural members TP13, 14 with masonry anchors/bolts/screws at prescribed centres, to manufacturers' instructions. 3.2 Suspended framework is Q20, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, assembled and 31, 32 connected to suspension TP13, 14 rods in accordance with specifications and manufacturers' instructions. 3.3 Suspension system is Q20, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, fastened and checked for 31, 32 looseness and rattles. TP13, 14 3.4 Bridging framework is Q20, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, fixed to both sides of 31, 32 service ducts to support TP13, 14 suspension system.

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings Element 4 – Install lining 4.1 Lining materials are Q25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, materials installed according to 31, 32 design pattern set out on TP13, 14 job drawings, and to specifications. 4.2 Lining materials edges Q25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, are cut, concealed or 31, 32 finished to match pre- TP13, 14 finished edges. 4.3 Openings and Q21, 22, 24, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, penetrations for lighting, 31, 32 diffuser, hatches and TP13, 14 sprinkler heads are provided as shown on the job drawings. 4.4 Trims and beads are fixed Q25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, at junctions with other 31, 32 building elements and TP13, 14 surfaces as shown on job drawings. Element 5 – Clean up 5.1 Work area is cleared and Q(1) 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, materials disposed of, 31, 32 reused or recycled in TP13, 14 accordance with legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings

specification. 5.2 Plant, tools and Q(2) 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, equipment are cleaned, 31, 32 checked, maintained and TP13, 14 stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(1, 2, 4) 20, 22, 24, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, evidence application of relevant 31, 32 information, standards and TP13, 14 specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS legislation/regulations/codes of practice applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and equipment. Communication and working

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings

effectively and safely with others. Installation of a minimum of two suspended ceilings, including one exposed and one concealed type to specification. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q(1, 2) 20, 22, 24, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, safety requirements. 31, 32 Quality requirements. TP13, 14 Wall and ceiling industry terminology. Suspended ceiling materials and their preparation and applications. Suspended ceiling installation, tools and equipment types, uses and limitations.

Suspended ceiling installation techniques and processes including levelling. Processes for the calculations

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings

of material requirements. Material safety data sheets. Plans, drawings and specifications. Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management. JSAs/Safe work method statement.

Page 331 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q(1, 2) 21, 22 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 prepare including plans, TP15 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q(1, 2) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 followed in accordance TP15 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1, 2) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 requirements are TP15 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q(2) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 selected to carry out tasks TP15 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q(1, 2) 21, 22 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 requirements are TP15 calculated in accordance

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings

with plans and/or specifications. 1.6 Environmental protection Q(1, 2) 21, 22 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 requirements are TP15 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Confirm the 2.1 The type of penetration Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 penetration and flashing and flashing is selected to TP15 match the particular need requirement and the host materials. 2.2 The location of the Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 penetration is identified, TP15 set out and confirmed. 2.3 Tools and equipment Q(1, 2, 4) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 selected to carry out tasks TP15 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. Element 3 – Complete 3.1 Penetrations are Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33

Page 333 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings the penetrations and completed safely and with TP15 flashings minimal modification or damage to the host materials. 3.2 Flashings are completed Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 safely and with minimal TP15 modification or damage to the host materials. 3.3 Casings, housings or Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 other terminating points TP15 are installed and connections made in accordance with state and territory requirements. 3.4 Proprietary sealants or Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 caulking compounds are TP15 applied to restore the integrity of the wall/ceiling system. 3.5 Surfaces are prepared for Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 finishing. TP15 Element 4 – Clean up 4.1 Work area is cleared and Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 materials disposed of, TP15 reused or recycled in accordance with

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 334 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job specification. 4.2 Plant, tools and Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 equipment are cleaned, TP15 checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 evidence application of relevant TP15 information, standards and specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS legislation/regulations/codes of practice applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and equipment.

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings

Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Completion of a minimum of three penetration and flashing tasks, including:  one for electrical services  one for communication services. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q(1, 2) 21, 22, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 33 safety requirements TP15 Quality requirements Wall and ceiling industry terminology Types, characteristics, uses and limitations of wall and ceiling lining materials Types of services/purposes for which penetrations and flashings are required Services locating techniques Penetration and flashing techniques Types, characteristics, uses and limitations of wall and ceiling lining hand and power

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 336 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings tools Systems and techniques for safe handling of materials Processes for the calculation of material requirements Plans, drawings and specifications Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management JSA's/Safe work method statement

Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Element 1 – Plan and 1.1 Work instructions, Q(1, 2) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems prepare including plans, TP16 specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied. 1.2 Safety requirements are Q(1, 2) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 followed in accordance TP16 with safety plans and policies. 1.3 Signage/barricade Q(1, 2) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 requirements are TP16 identified and implemented. 1.4 Tools and equipment Q(2) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 selected to carry out tasks TP16 are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement. 1.5 Material quantity Q(2, 8) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 requirements are TP16 calculated in accordance with plans and/or

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems

specifications. 1.6 Materials appropriate to Q(2, 8) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 the work application are TP16 identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use. 1.7 Environmental protection Q(2) Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 requirements are TP16 identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied. Element 2 – Line a timber 2.1 Structure of the timber Q(2) 21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 stud wall using a firerated wall for load or non-load TP16 system bearing is established. 2.2 Fire-rating design is Q(1) 21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 selected for the timber TP16 stud wall. 2.3 Material is set out to Q(1, 2, 4) 21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 manufacturers' fire-rated TP16 test. 2.4 Fixings (nails, screws) are Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 spaced in accordance

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems

with manufacturers' TP16 specifications. 2.5 Material is fixed using Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 correct procedures and TP16 fixing. 2.6 Penetrations are Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 completed safely and in TP16 accordance with manufacturers' design and job specifications. 2.7 Joints are finished to Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 exposed face layers of TP16 sheeting using recommended materials and procedures. Element 3 – Construct 3.1 Fire-rating design is Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 steel stud firerated selected for the steel stud TP16 partition system wall. 3.2 Correct fixing Q21, 23 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 requirements are TP16 established for the steel stud wall as designated by the manufacturer and in accordance with the relevant fire test criteria.

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems

3.3 Deflection heads are Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 secured and sealant TP16 applied in accordance with the fire rated system design. 3.4 Material is set out in Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 accordance with TP16 manufacturers' firerated test. 3.5 Fixings (screws) are Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 spaced in accordance TP16 with manufacturers' specifications. 3.6 Material is fixed using Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 correct procedures and TP16 fixings. 3.7 Penetrations are Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 completed safely and in TP16 accordance with manufacturers' design and job specifications. 3.8 Joints are finished to Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 exposed face sheet layers TP16 using recommended materials and procedures.

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Element 4 – Construct a 4.1 Material is selected in Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 fire–rated shaft wall accordance with TP16 manufacturers' system specifications. 4.2 Components are fixed to Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 exact clearances to TP16 manufacturers' specifications. 4.3 Material is set out in Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 accordance with TP16 manufacturers' design and job specifications. 4.4 Penetrations are Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 completed safely and in TP16 accordance with specifications. 4.5 Joints are finished to Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 exposed face sheet layers TP16 using recommended materials and procedures. Element 5 – Line a timber 5.1 Ceiling joist substrate is Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 joist ceiling using firerated prepared to be flat and TP16 straight to accommodate system lining of the required fire- rated system.

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems

5.2 Fixings are selected in Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 accordance with the TP16 manufacturer’s design. 5.3 Lining is applied in Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 accordance with TP16 manufacturer’s design. 5.4 Fixings are spaced at Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 correct intervals. TP16 5.5 Penetrations are Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 completed safely and in TP16 accordance with specifications. Element 6 – Construct a 6.1 Materials are selected for Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 suspended ceiling with a the required fire-rated TP16 ceiling according to firerating system manufacturers' specifications. 6.2 Fixings are chosen in Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 accordance with the TP16 manufacturers' design 6.3 Ceiling is constructed to Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 be flat, true, level and TP16 structurally sound

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Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems

6.4 Joints are finished to Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 exposed face sheet layers TP16 using recommended materials and procedures. 6.5 Penetrations are Q21, 23 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 completed safely and in TP16 accordance with specifications. Element 7 – Clean up 7.1 Work area is cleared and Q21, 23, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 materials disposed of, TP16 reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/cod es of practice and job specification. 7.2 Tools and equipment are Q21, 23, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 cleaned, checked, TP16 maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work practices. Critical aspects of Location, interpretation and Q(1, 2) 21, 23, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 evidence application of relevant TP16 information, standards and

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 344 of 346 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems

specifications. Compliance with site safety plan, OHS legislation/regulations/codes of practice applicable to workplace operations. Compliance with organisational policies and procedures including quality requirements. Communication and working effectively and safely with others. Completion of a minimum of three penetration and flashing tasks, including:  one for electrical services  one for communication services. Required knowledge Workplace and equipment Q(1, 2) 21, 23, 25 Task 5 SD1, 2, 10, 16, 18, 34 safety requirements Quality requirements TP16 Wall and ceiling terminology Regulations and building codes related to dry wall passive fire-

Page 345 of 346 © Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Version 1, April 2010 BCG31203 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 5 – Installing a suspended ceiling

Units of competency BCGWC3007B Install suspended ceilings BCGWC2004B Complete penetrations and flashings BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems Supplementary Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Evidence BCGWC3005B Install dry wall passive firerated systems rated systems Basic combustion theory The types and specifications for dry wall passive fire-rated systems related to steel stud and timber stud walls, shaft walls, timber joists and suspended ceilings Tools and equipment used in the installation of dry wall passive fire-rated systems Dry wall passive fire-rated T- systems installation techniques and processes A range of the materials commonly used in the installation of dry wall passive fire-rated systems Processes for the calculation of material requirements Material Safety Data Sheets Plans, drawings and specifications Materials handling, storage and environmentally friendly waste management JSA's/Safe work method statement

© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010 Page 346 of 346 Version 1, April 2010

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