SuperFlow data files for the 2005 Fusion

05fus3.sfd 05fus4.sfd 05fus5.sfd 04fus8.sfd

Test 4 is all stock, air intake as delivered, our airflow meter duct taped to the quiet box inlet.

Test 3 is with the massive air intake box removed, airflow meter duct taped to the opening in the throttle body airbox next to the tuned pipe/ y pipe. Note that airflow CFM is much higher, fuel flow lb/hr is stock but that = excessively lean mixture! We have some glitch in our dyno programming—for this test we have plumbed the fuel pump feed line through the A fuel turbine, then plumbed the bypass fuel flow through the B fuel turbine before it’s returned to tank, the dyno has a “Fuel A minus Fuel B” switch for this situation. So though our fuel flow lb/hr is correct, for some reason the BSFC and A/F ratio is still based upon Fuel A flow ( about 240 lb/hr) so it’s useless. I need to get Sean Ray or Carl McQuillen to help me with this glitch (Carl stopped by today and fixed my erroneous date/ time for storing and printing tests) So I have included a column for “air density lb/cu ft”. A/F ratio is based upon lb of fuel vs lb/air. So to illustrate, looking at the test with airbox top removed, and mentally smoothing the fuel flow numbers, we have about 102 lb/hr fuel flow at peak HP. 320 CFM x .075 lb/cu ft = 24 lb of air per minute x 60 = 1440 lb of air/hour / 102 lb of fuel/ hour = 14.11-1 A/F ratio much leaner than the 12.5-13-1 that will usually create maximum HP on our dyno!

Doing the same math with the stock air inlet fitted, we’re looking at about 11-1 bone stock—not bad compared to the early F7’s 10-1 there may be HP adding airflow left on the table! What Bill and I will try to do tomorrow is tweak that stock airbox a bit to add 10% to airflow—with fixed fuel flow that might put us close to 150 HP. As long as the deto protection is there, why not? We’ll know more tomorrow.

And now tomorrow’s (Sunday’s) important SFD files are here too.