Curriculum Vitae s63

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Curriculum Vitae s63


1. Personal details

Name: Arthur McNeill 麥禮義 Position: Director, Center for Language Education Associate Dean, School of Humanities & Social Science Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

2. Areas of specialisation

Second language vocabulary; language teacher education; language awareness; curriculum development; English for academic studies

3. Academic and professional qualifications

1999 University of Wales Swansea Ph.D. (Applied Linguistics)

1987 University of London M.A. (Second Language Learning Birkbeck College and Teaching)

1977 University of London PGCE (Teaching English as a Institute of Education Foreign Language)

19721 University of Glasgow M.A. (Joint Honours in French and German)

(Title of PhD thesis: “Teachers' awareness of lexical difficulty in ESL reading texts” Supervisor: Professor Paul Meara; External Examiner: Professor Ronald Carter, Nottingham University)

4. Academic and Professional Experience

Since 2009 Director Center for Language Education /Associate DeanSchool of Humanities and Social Science Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2008-09 Head Education Department, Liberal Arts Faculty, Asian University of Science and Technology, Thailand 2007-08 Associate Professor Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University 2003-07 Director English Language Teaching Unit, The Chinese University of Kong 2002-03 Head of TESOL School of Education, University of Edinburgh, UK (Senior Lecturer)

1999-02 Director Centre for Applied Language Studies (Senior Lecturer) University of Dundee, UK 1998-99 Director Sussex Language Institute, University of Sussex, UK 1992-98 Assistant Professor Department of Curriculum Studies Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong

1This five-year Scottish first degree included three months' French language study at the University of Grenoble and nine months' German study at the Freie Universität, Berlin (FUB)

1 1988-92 Senior Lecturer English Department, City University of Hong Kong 1985-88 Director (Lecturer) English Language Institute, University of Surrey, UK 1981-85 Deputy DirectorThe British Council, Doha, Qatar (English Language Officer) 1978-81 Lecturer (Lektor) Institut für England- und Amerikastudien, J.W. Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 1977-78 Lecturer (English) State Foreign Languages Institute, Moscow, Russia 1974-76 Editor (ELT) Cornelsen- Oxford University Press, Berlin, Germany 1972-74 Assistant Master Latymer School, London, UK

5. Work Experience

A: Honorary Appointment

Adjunct professor, Foreign Studies College, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China (Appointment No. 2013013, 16.7.2013)

B: Current Management/Administration

Director, Center for Language Education Associate Dean, School of Humanities and Social Science Program Director, MA in International Language Education

HKUST committee membership: Senate (observer); Committee for Undergraduate Studies; Teaching Development Grants Committee School of Humanities and Social Sciences Executive Committee

Chair: Center for Language Education Board; Postgraduate Committee; Third Languages Committee; ELPA Management Committee Member: UG Curriculum Committee; IT Committee; Extracurricular Committee

C: Current/recent teaching at HKUST

MALE 5001: Second language acquisition MALE 5207: Teaching English for specific purposes LANG5010: Postgraduate English for Science Studies PhD: Thesis-Writing Workshops (Reporting Experiments) PhD: Preparing and Giving Effective Research Poster Presentations PhD: Classroom communication for teaching associates LANG 1001: English for University Studies I CENG 2970: Chemical Engineering Laboratory I

D: PhD Supervision

Ted San: “Morphological Knowledge and Vocabulary Learning” (HKU 2002) Ursula Wingate: “Effectiveness of Monolingual Learner Dictionaries in German as a Foreign Language” (HKU 2001) Monica Hill: “Phonological Processing and L2 Vocabulary Learning” (HKU 1998)

MPhil Supervision

James Y.T. Fung “The Hegemonic Ideologies of the Post-War Language Policy of Hong Kong and Singapore” (HK Baptist University 2008)

2 Recent PhD/EdD External Examiner:

Sally Xie: “A Textual Analysis of Thesis Literature Reviews” (Chinese University of Hong Kong 2014) Yin Zhaochun: “The Lexical Inferencing of Chinese Learners of English as a Foreign Language” (HKU 2011) Niu Riuying: “Effects of Collaborative Output on Chinese EFL Learners’ Lexical Learning” (HKU 2008) Leung Lai Mei: “Improving Migrant Children’s Self-Esteem through a Language Enhancement Programme” (HK Polytechnic University 2008) Francis Lee: “A Case Study of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in a Hong Kong Secondary School” (University of Technology Sydney 2008)

MA/MEd Dissertations supervised: 30+

6. Service

Current: 1. Member, Appeals Board on Exemption from the English Language Proficiency Requirement (English), Education Bureau, Hong Kong (since 2004) 2. Member, Expert Review Panel for the Refined English Enhancement Scheme, Education Bureau, Hong Kong (since 2011) 3. Member, Scholarships for Prospective English Teachers Review Committee, Education Department (since 2012) 4. Member, Focus Group on Web-based Learning and Teaching Support for BCA-Primary English, Hong Kong Education Bureau (since 2010) 5. Member, Panel of Judges, National English Speaking Contest, 21st Century English/China Daily (since 2011) 6. Counsellor, English Speaking Union, Hong Kong (since 2004) 7. Honorary advisor, Chartered Institute of Linguists (HK) (since 2009) 8. Member, Board of Academic Advisors, TEFL International (since 2008) 9. Independent Reviewer, Hong Kong Research Grant Council research proposals 10. Reviewer: PASAA, Language Learning; System; Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics; Asian Journal of English Language Teaching; Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning; Springer education and applied linguistics lists 11. Member of the Scientific Committee, 7th ICTATLL International Conference 2011 (Corpora and Language Technologies in Teaching, Learning and Research) 12. Asia Correspondent, Scottish Country Dancer, the magazine of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, UK (since 2007)

Selected Recent: 1. Member, Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council Committee on English Language Education (2010-2013) 2. President, Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics (HAAL) (2007-08) 3. Member, Revalidation Panel for Associate of Arts in English for Professional Communication. Community College of City University (2013) 4. Chairman, Mock validation panel, B.A. English, Communication and Culture, Community College of City University (2010) 5. Member of Assessment Panel, Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (English Language Education), Hong Kong Education Bureau 2009/10 6. Member, Internal Review Panel, BA (Hons) in English for Professional and Intercultural Communication, Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education, 2014

3 7. Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation: External Validation Panel Member for B.Ed. (languages) degrees, HKIED, 2001 and 2002 8. Chairman, Advisory Board, Department of English, Lingnan University, Hong Kong (2007-09) 9. External Examiner, BA ELT and BA EFL, Stirling University, UK (2002-06) 10. External Examiner, PGDE (Secondary), Hong Kong Institute of Education (2004-06) 11. Chairman, Advisory Board, English Language Centre, Lingnan University, Hong Kong (2003- 07) 12. Member, Expert Review Panel for the English Enhancement Scheme, Education Bureau (2006- 08) 13. Member of the British Council’s Accreditation Scheme Advisory Committee (2001-03) 14. UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Language Benchmarking Review Group (2001-03) 15. The University of Hong Kong: External Member of the review of Bachelor of Education programmes (2003) 16. Member, Re-validation panel for MA (English Language Studies), Lingnan University, Hong Kong (2006) 17. External Reviewer for franchised BA English for International Business. City University Community College, University of Central Lancashire (UK) and Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade. Shanghai, (2006) 18. External Reviewer of English Language Centre, Shantou University (2004 and 2006)

7. Scholarly/Creative/Professional Work

7.1 Scholarly books, monographs and chapters

Chapters 1. The political and economic challenges of English language education in Hong Kong. In Wong, L.T and Dubey-Jhaveri, A. (eds.) English Language Education in a Global World: Practices, Issues and Challenges. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Forthcoming 2014. 2. Introduction. Working Memory in Second Language Acquisition and Processing: Theory, Research and Commentary, Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2014: 2-8 (with Wen, Z. and Mota, M.B.) 3. Theoretical underpinnings of vocabulary learning and teaching. In Curriculum Development Institute Enhancing English Vocabulary Learning and Teaching at Secondary Level. Hong Kong: Education Bureau, 2012: 3-7 4. Theoretical underpinnings of vocabulary learning and teaching. In Curriculum Development Institute Enhancing English Vocabulary Learning and Teaching at Primary Level. Hong Kong: Education Bureau, 2009: 1-5 5. Knowledge about language and the ‘good language teacher’. In Bartels, N. (ed.) Applied Linguistics in Language Teacher Education. Boston, MA: Springer, 2005: 159-178 (with S. Andrews) 6. Non-native speaker teachers and awareness of difficulty in pedagogical texts. In Lurda, E. (ed.) Non-Native Language Teachers: Perceptions, Challenges, and Contributions to the Profession. Boston, MA: Springer, 2005: 107-128 7. Which words are difficult to teach? In Leung, C.S.S. and Wong, S.C. (eds.) Current Studies on Reading Research and the Teaching of Reading. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Reading Association, 2004: 1-14 8. Language improvement measures in search of a policy. In Berry, V. and McNeill, A. (eds.) Policy and Practice in Language Education. Hong Kong: Department of Curriculum Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1998 9. Finding the most effective language combinations (L2/L1) for presentation in L2 classes. In Dimmitt, N. (ed.) Maximising Learning Potentials. Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology, 1998 10. Some formal obstacles to grasping meaning in spoken English. In Zaher, C. (ed.) New Directions in Listening. Cairo: American University, 1997

4 11. Chinese learners and English words: the formal-semantic gap. In Nunan, D., Berry, V. and Berry R. (eds.) Language Awareness in Language Education. Hong Kong: Department of Curriculum Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1995 12. Communicating in English classrooms: all form and no content? In Expanding Horizons in Language Teaching, Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Language Institute, 1995 13. Vocabulary testing: defining word knowledge. In Falvey, P. and Boyle, J. (eds.) Language Testing in Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1994 14. A corpus of learner errors: making the most of a database. In Flowerdew, L. and Tong K.K. (eds.) Corpus Linguistics and Lexis, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 1994 15. Some characteristics of native and non-native speaker teachers of English. In Bird, N., Falvey, P., Tsui, A.B.M., Allison, D. and McNeill, A.(eds.) Language and Learning, Institute of Language in Education, Hong Kong, 1994 16. What makes authentic materials different? The case of ETV English programmes. In Bird, N., Falvey, P, Tsui, A.B.M., Allison, D. and McNeill, A. (eds.) Language and Learning, Institute of Language in Education, Hong Kong, 1994

Edited Books 1. Working Memory in Second Language Acquisition and Processing: Theory, Research and Commentary, Bristol: Multilingual Matters (with Wen, Z. and Mota, M.B.) (in press 2014) 2. Working Memory and Second Language Acquisition: Innovation in Theory and Research. Special edition of Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol. 23, 2013 (with Wen, Z. and Mota, M.B.) 3. Crosslinks in English Language Teaching, Vol.2. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005 (with Lai, J.) 4. Policy and Practice in Language Education, Hong Kong: Department of Curriculum Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1998 (with Berry, V.) 5. Language and Learning, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Education Department, 1994 (with Bird, N., Falvey, P. Tsui, A.B.M. and Allison, D.)

7.2 Journal articles

1. Research in progress: Language Learning Roundtable on Memory and Second Language Acquisition, Language Teaching, Vol. 47, 2, 262-265, 2014 (with Wen, Z. and Mota, M.B.) 2. Using vocabulary profiling assessment software to promote independent process writing. Assessment & Learning. Issue 2, 2013: 138-146 3. The Use and abuse of vocabulary tests. Assessment & Learning. Issue 1, 2012: 110-117 4. Focus groups in language research. PASAA Journal, Vol. 43, 2009/2010: 1-11 5. Raising English language standards in Hong Kong. Language Policy, 2005, 4: 371-394 (with V. Berry) 6. Native English Teachers in Asia: a quick fix or sustainable educational solution?” Crosslinks in English Language Teaching, Vol.2, 2005 (with Berry, V.) 7. Benchmarking modern languages in UK higher education: insights from the language teaching community. Language Learning, Winter 2004, 30: 47-51 (first author with Spöring, M. and Hartley, L.) 8. Vocabulary knowledge profiles: evidence from Chinese-speaking ESL learners. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1/1, 1996: 39-63

7.3 Conference papers

Invited conference papers

5 1. English language education in Hong Kong; a critical review. Invited plenary paper at Northeastern University/Higher Education Press National ELT Conference, August 2013: Foreign Language Education from a Multi-disciplinary Perspective 2. Why do students and teachers like vocabulary tests? Is the popularity justified? Assessment Conference 2013 Hong Kong Education Bureau/HKIED, 2013 3. What can universities do to improve students’ English? Invited plenary paper at Chulalongkorn University Language Institute’s 7th International Conference, 2010 4. Native and non-native speaker teachers: language awareness same same?” Invited plenary paper at Chulalongkorn University Language Institute National Seminar, 2009 5. Creating a vocabulary curriculum: Balancing frequency data and teacher intuitions. Invited plenary paper, Proceedings of Chulalongkorn University Language Institute National Seminar. Innovations and Implementations in English Language Teaching, 2008: 39-45 6. Developing an English vocabulary curriculum for schools based on corpus and teacher input. Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on English Learning and Teaching: Linking Theory with Practice. Taipei: Chinese Culture University, 2007: 93-103 7. What levels of English lexical richness can ESL learners reasonably attain? TESOL Arabia Master Teacher Program, Dubai, 2007: 20-21.

Refereed conference papers

1. Customizing lexical frequency profile (LFP) software to promote academic writing. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, (Spain) 2013, ISBN 978-84-616-3847-5: 4599-4606 2. Assessment and learning: What can students learn from taking vocabulary tests? Proceedings of 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia (Spain) 2013, ISBN 978-84-616-2661-8: 2365-2369 3. English as a medium of instruction: Optimizing learners’ exposure to English through non- language subjects. Proceedings of the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid (Spain) 2012, ISBN 978-84-616-0763-1: 5700-5703 4. Language teacher profiles: How does language awareness relate to teaching philosophy? Proceedings of the 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia (Spain) 2012, ISBN 978-84-615-5563-6: 5473-5479 5. Teacher language awareness: insights from vocabulary knowledge profiles and individual teaching philosophies. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 2011 6. From corpus to language curriculum: a data-based or data-driven exercise? Proceedings of EDULEARN11, International Association for Technology, Education and Development, 2011. ISBN: 978-84-615-0441-1: 519-525 7. From corpus to L2 vocabulary curriculum: some limitations of a data-driven approach. Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Pan- Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 2007: 88-91 8. Using big words: meaningful and meaningless production in the language classroom. Pan-Asian Conference Selected Proceedings, Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University, 1997

Other conference papers(selected)

1. “How useful are L1 corpora in L2 curriculum development?” 4th Language in the Realm of Social Dynamics Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2012 2. “Reconciling teacher preferences and frequency data about words in language curriculum design”. 10th International Conference of the Association of Language Awareness, Kassel, Germany, July 2010

6 3. “Selecting vocabulary for an L2 curriculum: does the figurative use of words need to be anticipated?” Centre for Research on the Applications of Language (CRAL09), University of La Rioja, Spain, October 2009 4. 9th Association of Language Awareness Conference, Hong Kong, June 2008. Chair of colloquium “What do language teachers need to know about language?” 5. Pre-School English Language Pedagogies – Comparative Perspectives, University of Shenzhen, China, June 2008. Invited plenary speaker. Title of paper: “How much English can a young second language learner expect to acquire?” 6. Higher Education Press National Conference for Teachers of College English, Chengdu, China, 4/5 August 2007. Invited plenary speaker. Title of paper: “What can teachers do to help their students learn vocabulary more effectively?” 7. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Santa Mesa, April 2007. Member of Invited Colloquium on Second Language Vocabulary 8. Invitational Symposium on Language Issues in English-medium Universities across Asia. The University of Hong Kong, June 2006. Panel member of open forum. 9. Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, August 2005. Title of paper: “Word recognition and listening to authentic spoken English: evidence from Chinese undergraduates” 10. Thailand TESOL International Conference, January 2005. Title of paper: “What do trainee English teachers really find difficult when listening to authentic English?” 11. Chulalongkorn University Language Institute National Seminar, November 2004. Title of paper: “Using Drafts of Official Documents to Teach ESL Writing Skills 12. Association of Language Awareness Conference, July 2004, University of Llieda, Spain. Title of paper: “Teacher language awareness: insights from vocabulary knowledge profiles and individual teaching philosophies” 13. Hong Kong Reading Association Annual Conference 2004. Invited plenary speaker. Title of paper: “Building vocabulary through reading: some L1/L2 differences” 14. Chulalongkorn University Language Institute, 5th International Conference 2003. Title of paper: “On-line texts: adding substance to advanced oral classes”. 15. Hong Kong Reading Association Annual Conference 2003. Invited plenary speaker. Title of paper: “Which texts are difficult to teach?” 16. Scottish CILT Conference: New Perspectives in Language Research, Stirling University, June 2002. Title of paper: “Teachers as informants: the use of focus groups in language research” 17. Conference on Non-Native Speaker Teachers in Foreign Language Teaching, University of Llieda, Spain, 2001. Title of paper: “Non-native speaker teachers and awareness of lexical difficulty in pedagogical texts” 18. European Language Council Conference, Berlin, 2001. Title of paper: “Partnership in a new foreign language degree: a Sino-British experience” (Invited speaker) 19. Association of Language Awareness Conference, University of Leicester, 2000. Title of paper: “Language awareness and L2 teachers: what exactly should teachers be aware of?”

7.4 Textbooks and on-line courses

1. English for Academic Studies (on-line), with de Chazel, E., Aish, F., Tomlinson, J., Watkins, S., Balawanilotu-Roach, G and Kirk, S. (Imperial College London spin-out company), forthcoming 2015 2. Lighthouse for Hong Kong (six-level primary English coursebook). Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House, 2014 (Principal Consultant) 3. English to Enjoy (six-level primary English coursebook). Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House, 2010 (Principal Consultant) 4. Step Ahead, New Senior Secondary English coursebook (three levels). Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House, 2009 (with three co-authors) 5. Step Up (six-level primary English coursebook). Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House, 2005 (Co-Consultant with Yu, V.)

7.5 Creative and literary works, consulting reports and case studies

7 1. Project Report. The Magic of Words: Enhancing the effectiveness of English vocabulary learning at primary level. Commissioned by the Education Bureau, Hong Kong, 2008 2. Project Report. Developing Four English Wordlists for the twelve years of free education in Hong Kong. Commissioned by the Education Bureau, Hong Kong 2006 3. Research Report:Modern Language Benchmarking in the Post-Compulsory Sector. Stirling: Scottish Centre for Information on Language Teaching (SCILT) and University of Dundee. (with Spöring, M. and Hartley, L.), 2003

Selected Informal/Special Seminars (by invitation) 1. “Setting exit targets in a university English curriculum”, Foreign Studies College, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, August 2012 2. “Monitoring and assessing vocabulary growth”, Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand, July 2012 3. “Language matters: Issues in teaching TNE courses in English”, Invited speaker, British Council Transnational Education Forum, Hong Kong, October 2011 4. “Focus groups in language research” and “Recent trends in L2 vocabulary research”. Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand, April 2011 5. “Will a vocabulary curriculum improve English standards in Hong Kong?” Keynote speech delivered at Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Chartered Institute of Linguistics, Hong Kong, November 2009 6. “How useful are wordlists in language learning?” English Speaking Union, Hong Kong, October 2009 7. “Using focus groups in language research”, Chulalongkorn University Language Institute International Research Seminar, November 2008 8. “Wot is good English?” Chairman and convenor of joint British Council/Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Forum, Hong Kong, June 2008. Panellists: Prof. B. Seidlhofer (Vienna), Prof. J. Jenkins (Southampton), Prof A.B.M Tsui (HKU) 9. “Some issues in applying the British National Corpus in Hong Kong”, Staff Seminar, English Language Centre, City University of Hong Kong, 11.10.2007 10. “Developing an English vocabulary curriculum for Hong Kong schools”, Education Studies Department Seminar, Hong Kong Baptist University, March 2007 11. “Teacher input into a school vocabulary curriculum”, English Language Teaching Unit Public Seminar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 2006 12. “What levels of lexical richness can Hong Kong pupils attain?” South China Morning Post Teachers Forum, July 2006 13. “Writing in a second language: word choice and register”, Stanford University Seminar, Hong Kong Central Library, May 2006 14. “Bilingual education: some limitations of international comparisons”, The Charisma of Language – Pre-School English Learning Seminar, Shenzhen Education Department, China, December 2005 15. “Teacher language awareness and teaching styles”, Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics seminar, October 2005 16. “English vocabulary growth of Hong Kong learners”, South China Morning Post Teachers Forum, July 2005 17. “An essential vocabulary base for young learners”, Step-Up Seminar hosted by Educational Publishing House Ltd., Hong Kong, March 2005 18. “Reading and Vocabulary Growth”, Hong Kong School Net teachers’ seminar, March 2004 19. “Lexical richness in student writing”, Stanford University Seminar, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, March 2004 20. “Teacher language awareness: Hong Kong and PRC comparisons”, Staff seminar at Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, China, November 2002

8 21. “Language awareness of native and non-native speaker teachers”, Powdrill Professorship Lecture Series, University of Bedfordshire, March 2002 22. “Are hard texts really harder?” Cercles Language Research Seminar, University of Abertay, April 2000

8. Scholarly/Creative/Professional Activities

Funded Projects

1. Magic of words: enhancing the effectiveness of English vocabulary learning at primary level. Seed Project funded by the Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau, Government of Hong Kong SAR. HK$368,500. Principal Investigator. 2007-2008. 2. Developing an English vocabulary curriculum for the twelve years of compulsory education in Hong Kong. Collaborative project with the Curriculum Development Institute, Education and Manpower Bureau, Government of the Hong Kong SAR. HK$234,800. Principal Investigator. 2006-2007 (CUHK TE063057) 3. English lexical and syntactic development of Hong Kong students at key stages of their education. CUHK Direct Grant (HK$80,000), with Dr. Beatrice Ma. 2005-6 4. Modern language benchmarking in the post-compulsory sector. Grant £25,000. SCOTLANG (Scottish Higher Education Funding Council). Co-Investigator. 2000-2002 5. Children's television: maximising the effectiveness of presentation language in instructional materials. Grant: HK$599,663. Hong Kong Government Language Fund (G/E/005/97) Principal Investigator, 1997 6. Learning through two languages: how learners process the language of sub-titled films Grant: HK$317,100. Hong Kong University Research Council. Principal Investigator. 1996 (HKU 400/96H).


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