DIBELS-Next Product Training

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DIBELS-Next Product Training

DIBELS-Next Product Training Trainer-Led Practice Scripts Revised July 16, 2012

LNF BOY page 2 FSF BOY page 3 Progress Monitoring page 4 PSF BOY page 5 Progress Monitoring page 6 NWF BOY page 7 Progress Monitoring page 8 DORF BOY page 9 Progress Monitoring page 10

1 LNF BOY Script

KEY: A bold letter indicates a mistake. An ellipsis (...) represents a three-second hesitation. An asterisk (*) indicates an omitted letter. A comma between two bold letters indicates a self-correction.

Student Line Assessor Response 1 P, R, i, d Tap b to mark incorrect

O, m, x, … After 3 seconds of hesitation, say “P” and tap p to mark incorrect. T, k 2 Q, h, F, J

g,j Note self-correct from “g” to “j”

U, *, e Note omission of s and tap s to mark omitted

Y, g Note incorrect “q”, tap q to mark incorrect

3 skip line Tap X in front of line 3 to cross out entire row of letters

4 S, v, X,

zero Note incorrect “o”

E, L,

I, K Note use of “I” instead of “l” – not an error

W, n Note reversal of “W” and “n”, tap both n and W to mark incorrect

5 f, H, z, j Note incorrect “g”, tap g to mark incorrect

C, t, G, b Note incorrect “d”, tap d to mark incorrect

w, a 6 N, A, E

2 FSF BOY Script

KEY: … indicates a hesitation a comma between sounds indicates a self-correction

Student Item Assessor Assessor Response 1 laughed /l/ 2 pine /pie/ 3 skirt /sk/ 4 flag /fl/ 5 rang /r/ 6 crow /kr/ 7 hide lied “Remember to tell me the first sound you hear in the word.” 8 blame /bl/ 9 deck /da/ 10 crab /kr/ 11 bright /br/ 12 knock /n/, /no/ 13 trash /ch/ 14 list “L” “Remember to tell me the first sound in the word, not the letter name.” 15 spring /spr/ 16 chief /chea/ 17 grand … 18 sweat /s/ 19 shelf /shel/ 20 heard /her/

3 FSF PM Script

KEY: … indicates a hesitation a comma between sounds indicates a self-correction

Student Item Assessor Assessor Response 1 knob /no/ 2 jam /j/, /ja/ 3 throat /throa/ 4 slow /s/ 5 shelves /shelf/ “Remember to tell me the first sound you hear in the word.” 6 slice /s/ 7 time “T” “Remember to tell me the first sound in the word, not the letter name.” 8 sports /s/ 9 chance /cha/ 10 plot /pl/ 11 skate /s/ 12 sand /s/ 13 dropped /j/ 14 loud /l/ 15 storm /s/ 16 peak /b/ 17 smash /sm/ 18 tree /tree/ “Remember to tell me the first sound you hear in the word.” 19 fair /fr/ 20 dad /d/

4 PSF BOY Script

KEY: … indicates a 3-second hesitation * indicates an omitted sound , indicates a self-correction

Item Assessor Student Response Assessor 1 hall /h/ /ol/ “hall” 2 song /s/ /ong/ “song” 3 count /k/ /ownt/ 4 wave (spell) W – A – V “Say the sounds in the word.” 5 mind /mie/ /iend/ 6 mouse mouse? mouse? “Remember to say all the sounds in /m/ /ows/ the word. 7 birds /ber/ /dz/ 8 moon /m/ /oon/ 9 noise /noy/ /zea/, /noy/ /z/ Indicate self-correction on final sound within 3 seconds. 10 since /si/ /ins/ 11 give /gi/ /vvvvv/ 12 knee /n/ /ea/ 13 creak /krea/ /ea/ Prompt with next word after 3 “umm… I forget second hesitation. Make no mark how it ends.” on the final sound. 14 foot /f/ * /t/ Make no mark on vowel sound to indicate omission. 15 nice /nie/ /ies/ 16 runs /r/ /unz/

5 PSF PM Script

KEY: … indicates a 3-second hesitation * indicates an omitted sound , indicates a self-correction

Item Assessor Student Response Assessor 1 us /u/ /sssss/ 2 seen /s/ /ean/ “seen” 3 last /lllla/ /ast/ 4 bull “bull” “Remember to say all the sounds in the word.” 5 soft /s/ /o/ /ft/ 6 mice /mie/ /ice/ 7 turned /t/ /er/ hmm… Prompt with next word after 3 second hesitation on third sound /n/. Make no mark on two final sounds. 8 might /m/ /mie/ /iet/ 9 bought /b/ /ot/ 10 grain /gr/ /ai/ /n/ 11 rough /r/ /u/ /v/, I mean /f/ Indicate self-correction on final sound within 3 seconds. 12 win /w/ /n/ Make no mark on vowel sound to indicate omission. 13 bank /b/ /ang/ /k/ “bank” 14 ship /sh/ /ip/ 15 age /ai/ (letter) “G” 16 horse /h/ /or/ /s/

6 NWF BOY Script

KEY: … indicates a 3-second hesitation * indicates an omitted sound

Item Word Student Response Assessor 1 bol “bol” /b/ /o/ /l/ “Just read the word.” 2 kiv /k/ /iv/ “kiv” 3 ul ul 4 jac umm… /a/ /c/ “gac” 5 lel /l/ /ai/ /l/ “lyle” 6 fij /f/ /ig/ “fig” 7 kug /k/ /u/ /g/ “kug” 8 jat /g/ /ae/ /t/ “gate” O - G “oge” [read with long “Say the sounds, not the letter 9 oj o] names.” 10 deg “dog” 11 wav “wave” 12 pek /p/ /e/ /k/ “pek” 13 yos /yo/ /yo/ “yos” 14 mub /n/, I mean /m/ /ub/ “mub” 15 fiv /f/ /ai/ /v/ “five”

7 NWF PM Script

KEY: … indicates a 3-second hesitation * indicates an omitted sound , indicates a self-correction

Item Word Student Response Assessor 1 hif /hu/ /i/ /f/ 2 mez /m/ /ez/ 3 un “un” 4 jaf /j/ /ae/ /f/ 5 roc /r/ /r/ /oc/ 6 liv “liv” 7 rem /re/ /m/, /re/ /n/ 8 vam “vame” 9 ov o * “Go this way” and sweep 10 luf “ful” finger across the row left to right.” 11 yej ... Prompt with “ /y/ ” Student continues: /e/ /j/ 12 lig “leg,” “lig” 13 zat /z/ * /t/ 14 hof /hu/ /o/ /f/, “hoof” 15 puj “jump”

8 DORF BOY Script

KEY: A bold word indicates a mistake (mispronounced words, words in the wrong order, insertions). ... represents a three-second hesitation. * indicates an omitted word. , between two bold words indicates a self-correction.

Picture Day The teacher told the classes that they would have the pictures taken the next day. Nick did not look for, forward to picture day. He didn’t understand why all of the * kids were so exci-, exci-, excited. Why did they like picture day so much? Nick took the picture order from home and gave it to his Mom. Even she was exit, excited. She filled out the from and put it in an … [ASSESSOR: envelope] with money. Then she went into Nick’s room to find the right out-, out-, outfit. Nick wondered again why everybody got so excited about picture day. The next day, Nick went to his school in his best, new red shirt and new blue jeans. His hair was c- c- … [ASSESSOR: combed] neat. His mom had even sprays his hair with hair spray! The classroom was buzzing with excitement. The other children couldn’t wait to have their picture taken! Nick sat down at his desk and felt pu-, pu-, puzzled. Somebody sat down at the desk next to him. Nick saw that it was his best friend Cody, and he * smiled.


Nick was going to take his picture at school. He didn’t know why everyone else was excited for picture day. His mom was excited for picture day. He wore new clothes… [ASSESSOR: Can you tell me anything more about the story?] His best friend was there, too…

9 DORF PM Script

KEY: A bold word indicates a mistake (mispronounced words, words in the wrong order, insertions). ... represents a three-second hesitation. * indicates an omitted word. , between two bold words indicates a self-correction.

A Busy Saturday The morning light filed the room. Mel jumped out of bed and put on her clothes. She had a busy sat planned. She could not wait to get started. First, Mel and her mom made Mel’s * food. Her mom cut a banana in half. Then Mel spray, spread peanut butter on both sides. She brought the two sides together and ate her * sandwich outside in the sun. Soon Mel’s big brother came out with some chalk. They drew a line on the drive, driveway. After putting on helmets, they skirted along the line. Mel went very slowly. She was just learning to skate. Her brother helped her skate in a … [ASSESSOR: straight] line and not fall down. Now it was time for art. Mel went to the art box. Her mom often filled it with fun things. Mel got an idear when she saw some socks. She made a dog … [ASSESSOR: puppet] and a bird … [ASSESSOR: puppet] out of the socks.


The girl, Mel, she ate a sandwich made out of bananas. She played with her brother in her driveway. I’m not allowed to play in the driveway... [ASSESSOR: Can you tell me anything more about the story?] Then they made art.


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