Toby Kmet, Band Director

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Toby Kmet, Band Director


Southgate Middle School Band Handbook

Toby Kmet, Band Director Gerisch and Davidson Middle Schools Office: 246-2623 and 246-4628 e-mail: [email protected]

2 Table of Contents

Welcome to the 2011-2012 season………………………………………………3 Musician’s Creed……………………………………………………………...…4 Daily Routine……………………………………………………………….……5 Guildelines for Excellence…………………………………………....………….6 Attendance...... 6 Excused Absences…………………………………………………..…………..6 Unexcused Absences………………………………………………………..….6 Concert Etiquette for Performers and Audience Members...... 6 Required Equipment…………………………………………………...………..7 Flutes…………………………………………………………………..………..7 Oboes……………………………………………………………….……………7 Bassoons………………………………………………………………..……….7 Clarinets………………………………………………………..……………….7 Saxes……………………………………………………………….……………7 Valve Brass (Trumpets,Horns,Euphoniums,Tubas)……..………………..7 Percussion……………………………………………………..……………….7 Instrument Care and Repairs………………………………..………………….8 Facilities…………………………………………………….………………….9 Instrument Storage……………………………………..……………………..9 Use of Practice Rooms………………………….……………………………9 Band Office……………………………………………………………………9 Performance Attire…………………………………………………………….9 Grading Policies…………………………………………………..….……….10 Practice………………………………………………………….……………10 Private Lessons……………………………………………………...………..11 Special Information for Parents…………………………………..…………..11 Communication………………………………………………...………..…..11 Band Booster Organization……………………………...…………………11 School Owned Instruments…………………………………………....………12 Switching Instruments……………………………………………...…………12 Signature Page…………………………………………………...……………13

3 Southgate Middle School Bands September 2010

Welcome to the 2011-2012 season of the Southgate Middle School Bands! My goal this year is to provide each one of you with a band experience that is so positive and so rewarding that you cannot imagine not participating in the band again next year!

This handbook provides information to ensure the continuing success of the Southgate

Bands. It contains general information, guidelines for performance, and behavior. You will also be given a calendar of band activities. Attendance at all the performance dates and important rehearsals is mandatory. It is important that you share this information with your parents so that they can help you have a successful year too!

I sincerely hope that your experience in the bands here in the Southgate School District will be rewarding and exciting. Each one of you is important to the success of the entire group. Every one of us, students, directors, and parents are involved in the quest for excellence!


Toby T. Kmet

Toby Kmet Band Director

4 Musician’s Creed

I am a valued and cherished member of the ensemble because of the unique and special qualities that only I possess.

Each day I will choose to use my talents, abilities, and character qualities to enhance my own growth and to nurture the growth of my fellow classmates.

In every moment, I will choose to behave in a manner that is consistent with my character.

In every situation, I have the ability to choose my own response. My response will either conform or contradict the internal set of values, which governs my life.

I have the power to create my own environment by the choices I make in each moment. I am not a victim of anyone or anything. I do exactly what I want to do; no more, no less.

5 Daily Routine

Before School

 Enter the band room in an orderly manner.  Put your music and instrument in the assigned storage place.  Please limit your time in the band room, be careful not to disturb private lessons or classes that may be in progress.  Students who are not in band are not allowed in the band area.

After School

 Pick up your instrument and music immediately after school.  Please be careful not to disrupt a private lesson taking place at this time.  Make arrangements in advance for transportation after rehearsals, sectionals, or lessons scheduled after school.


The bulk of our performance work is conducted during regular band class. Rehearsal time is valuable and every moment must be used for instruction and performance preparation. If you delay the rehearsal by one minute, then you have wasted one minute of time of every member of the group.

 Enter quietly and in a frame of mind for a productive rehearsal.  Check the board for the day’s special instructions and rehearsal agenda  Get all necessary equipment (instrument, reeds, music, pencil, valve oil, etc.) and be seated.  Be in the band room when the class is scheduled to begin and in your seat shortly afterward  If your instrument is in the shop for repairs, bring a note from home.  If you aren’t feeling well and can’t play your instrument, you are still expected to participate by “fingering through” you music.  Every member should be quiet when the director is teaching the class. No talking is permitted during this time. Raise your hand if you have a question. Avoid any activity which distracts other students or in any way disrupts rehearsal.  Have a productive rehearsal. Always give %100.  Play your instrument only when asked to by a director.  After rehearsal, put equipment in its proper place.

6 Guidelines for Excellence

Attendance: All students are required to attend all rehearsals and all performances. One of the primary purposes of the band is to prepare for and participate in public performances. A calendar of all activites is provided early in the school year so that there is adequate time to plan schedules and resolve conflicts.

Excused Absenses: The only acceptable excuses for absences are personal illness, a death in the family, a religious holiday, and serious extenuating circumstances approved by the director. From time to time there may be conflicting school-sponsored activities. In the event of a conflict, contact the sponsors involved so that we may help you. Come by and discuss the conflict beforehand, not afterward. It is the student’s responsibility to report the conflict.

Unexcused Absenses: Non-school-sponsored activities such as community league athletic teams, trips, parties, etc. do not constitute good reasons for missing rehearsals and performances. Please pan carefully. Doctor and dentist appointments should be scheduled so that they do not conflict with band events if at all possible.

Concert Etiquette for Performers and Audience Members:  While in the audience, one should remain seated at all times. If you must leave, wait until there is a break between selections.  While a group is performing, there should be no talking, moving around, or use of any electronic deices that would distract the student musicians on stage.  At the end of each selection, it is proper to show appreciation to the performing group by applauding. Whistling, yelling, or the stomping of feet are not acceptable at band concerts.  Some selections may have more than one part (or movement). It is not proper to applaud between each movement. Watch the conductor. When he/she drops his/her hands from the conduction position and steps off the podium, it is time for applause.

7 Required Equipment

6th Grade Band: Woodwind and brass students should have the Essential Elements 2000, book 1 and a three ring band binder in addition to their instrument. It is also strongly recommender that each student own a pocket metronome, music stand, and a small mirror for home practice.

 Flutes- Cleaning rod, swab stick, clean cloth

 Oboes- A minimum of three good reeds at all times, silk cleaning swab, cork grease, cleaning cloth. A reed case is a good idea to protect your reeds

 Bassoons- A minimum of three good reeds at all times, silk cleaning swab, cork grease, cleaning cloth. A reed case is a good idea to protect your reeds

 Clarinets- A minimum of four good reeds, mouthpiece brush, swab, cork grease, cleaning cloth. A reed case is a good idea to protect your reeds.

 Saxes- A minimum of four good reeds, mouthpiece brush, swab, cork grease, cleaning cloth. A reed case is a good idea to protect your reeds.

 Valved Brasses (Trumpets, Horns, Euphoniums, Tubas)- Valve oil, tuning slide grease, mouthpiece brush, cleaning snake, cleaning cloth.

 Trombones- Spray water bottle, slide cream, tuning slide grease, mouthpiece brush, cleaning rod, clean cloth.

 Percussion- One pair of snare sticks (5A), one pair of timpani mallets, one pair of yarn mallets (rattan or plastic handled, cord or yarn wrapped), one pair of plastic bell mallets, and a stick bag. Keep all of your sticks in your stick band and label all of your equipment with a permanent marker.

7th and 8th Grade Bands:  All equipment/items listed above for your instrument.  Essential Elements 2000, Book 2 for your instrument.  A three ring band binder  At least one pencil- not a pen, marker, highlighter, etc. at all band rehearsals.  Instruments and individual copies of all music are needed for every class, section rehearsal, and performance.

8 Instrument Care and Repairs

The student is expected to keep his or her instrument clean and in good repair at all times and to follow the instrument care procedures he or she has been taught. If a student has a problem with an instrument, check it out with the director before taking it to the shop. Many times the director can make minor repairs and save the student and parent time and money. You may take your instrument to any of the local repair shops. Our middle schools deal regularly with Marshall’s Music, A and R music, and Mike Carrey Music.

Each student must have his or her name, address, and phone number labeled on his/her instrument case. Percussion students must have their name on all equipment including sticks and mallets.

Woodwinds  Keep instrument free of dust.  Check pads weekly for worn or torn skins.  Wooden instruments should be bore oiled twice a year to prevent cracking.  Mouthpieces should be cleaned once a week.  Cases should be kept clean. Students should vacuum out their cases every six weeks in order to keep free from excess dust. Do not keep music or pencils in your case unless there are specific compartments for them. Brass  Instruments should be washed, inside and out, with dish soap and luke warm water once every six weeks.  Mouthpieces should be cleaned once a week.  Tuning slides should be cleaned and greased once every six weeks.  Trombone slides should be cleaned and creamed once every two weeks.  Valves should be kept well oiled.  Cases should be kept clean. Students should vacuum out their cases every six weeks in order to keep free from excess dust. Do not keep music or pencils in your case unless there are specific compartments for them

Percussion  Please refer to required equipment.  All percussionists are responsible for keeping all equipment, including school equipment, clean and in good working order.  Cover school equipment after each rehearsal or performance.

If any repair work is needed on a school-owned instrument due to negligence or abuse, the school expects the student or parents to pay for such repair.

9 Facilities

Instrument Storage: Most students with small instruments, such as flutes and clarinets keep their instruments in their regular school locker. Students with larger instruments will be issued a storage locker in the band room and will need to provide a combination lock for that locker. Please no key locks. The combination must be given to the band director for the event that a student forget his or her combination. Only instruments may be stored in these lockers, no clothes, food, or other school supplies are to be stored here. Books and other necessary school supplies may be left in the band lockers only during the class period in which the student attends band. Special arrangements can be made for students participating in after school activities or athletics.

The band room at Gerisch will be open ten minutes before school starts for instruments to be put away, and it will be open at the end of the day for a short time for them to be picked up.

Use of Practice Rooms: Practice Rooms are available for the follwing:  For private instruction with a private teacher or director.  For individual practice. There should never be more than one person in a practice room without special permission from the director.  Gum, food, drinks, etc, are not allowed in any part of the band area.

Band Office: The band office is strictly off limits to band students without permission from a band director. Performance Attire

Unity is a musical goal for the band as an artistic ensemble, a concept that students must convey during public performances. There is respect for individuality in the Southgate bands, and it is your right to express yourself in appearance during rehearsals. However, you are a member of a team while in concert. Students are expected to be in full dress wearing all uniform parts correctly at all events. Improper attire will result in the student no being allowed to perform. The uniform must be in good order when the student arrives for a concert; shirt and pants are pressed, no excessive jewelry, or other distracting garments.

Ladies: Black dress pants (no skirts or jeans), black hose, black shoes (no athletic shoes), white Gerisch band polo shirt (tucked in). Gentlemen: Black dress pants (no jeans), black belt, black socks, black shoes (no athletic shoes), white Gerisch band polo shirt (tucked in).

Students are financially responsible for supplying all parts of the uniform. If there is difficulty in supplying all or part of the uniform, please contact Mr. Kmet.

10 Grading Policies

A student’s grade will be based on the following criteria:

1) 40% on Participation and Preparedness - This grade is an assessment of how well a band student participates in class activities. Things that can have an impact on this grade are a student’s behavior (if they are removed from class they can not participate), a student’s preparedness (they need their instruments and supplies in order to participate), and a student’s effort. No student will fail this class if they are trying everyday to improve as a musician.

2) 30% on Tests and Quizzes - We will have a few playing tests each marking period and occasionally a written quiz. The students will usually know about these a few days in advance and they should practice the appropriate material.

3) 30% on Homework - This grade is based on student compositions, in class dictation, and various other homework assignments. Students will also be asked to keep a practice record. Band students should practice regularly at home and the log allows me to give them grade credit for their efforts.


Individual practice is your homework in this class. The weekly quantity of practice time is not as important as the quality and frequency of that practice. A quality practice session includes, but is not limited to, a routine warm-up, work on specified material and assignments, “just for fun” music, and a routine warm-down.

Extra Credit: Students may receive extra credit by attending other musicals or concerts ( i.e. Detroit Symphony Concerts, ballets, Detroit Opera, Motor City Brass Band performances, community band concerts, musical theater productions, jazz band concerts, musical recitals, etc.) To receive extra credit, the student must turn in the program with their name on it and a parent’s signature. If no program is issued, please send a note indicating that your child was in attendance.

11 Private Lessons

Parents are encouraged to consider private lessons as a means of extending their child’s talent and enriching the band experience. Private lessons are not required for participation in band, but, rather, are an opportunity we make available for those who desire additional instruction on their instruments. Lessons usually take place once a week after school. The cost of private lessons varies depending on the length of the lesson and the background of the teacher. Marshall’s music and A and R music both have competent private lesson teachers. The band director can also recommend some private teachers that work in this area with exceptional qualifications.

Special Information for Band Parents

Communication: It is important to keep students and parents weel informed of events/concerts and fundraisers happening throughout the year. There are numerous ways that we communicate.

 Band Memos- memos will be sent home with students, and e-mailed prior to important events. These memos will include valuable information pertaining to important deadlines, concerts, and other activities.  Website- There is a Gerisch band website and a band website for the Southgate Band program as a whole this site can be linked to from the Southgate Schools Website www.  E-mail- We have a band e-mail list that you may get on if you would like. Reminders about information and dates are often e-mailed by the band booster organization. You may also e-mail me at anytime with questions or concerns you may have. [email protected].

Southgate Band Booster Organization

Parents of children in the band are automatically band booster parents. This organization provides support of the entire Southgate Band program.

The boosters aid the band program in many ways:  The provide financial support, which promotes the band at all levels  Encourage the growth and development of a quality band program which compliments and extends the educational options for the students  Develop and implement new, creative avenues that encourage students to excel both individually and as a group  Disseminate information concerning band programs and projects

12  Cooperate with school district administration, school officials and band directors in pursuit of these objectives.

The Southgate Music Boosters generally meet once each month on the second Wednesday from September - June. The meetings are usually at Anderson High School in the media center.

School-Owned Instruments

Certain instruments may be furnished by the school district to students. Sometimes in cases where the cost of renting or purchasing that instrument would be too great for an individual to afford, an instrument will be provided by the school.

Students using school owned instruments will be responsible for the proper care and maintenance of the instrument and accessories. All school owned instruments must be checked out through the band director.

Preventative maintenance costs due to normal wear and tear will be paid for by the school district. Any repairs needed due to negligence, carelessness, or misuse will be billed to the student. Switching Instruments

It may be determined that it is in the best interest of a students to switch to a dfferent instrument. This switch will be discussed with the student, parent, and director. To switch to a new instrument, students are highly encouraged to take private lessons to get caught up to the rest of the class. Considering proper instrumentation and the popularity of certain instruments, there may be times when students will not be permitted to switch to certain instruments.

13 Signature and Information Page (Please sign and return)

I have read and understand all of the information in the 2011-2012 middle school band handbook.

______student name (printed) student signature

______parent name (printed) parent signature

Preferred e-mail address for band correspondence:

______parent e-mail

______student e-mail

____ please put my e-mail address on the band booster e-mail list so I can recieve event and fundraiser information via e-mail.


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