Minutes of Meeting Held on 8 June 2009

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Minutes of Meeting Held on 8 June 2009

Church of Holy Name Pastoral Committee

Minutes of Meeting held on 17 May 2011.


Fr Pat, Tony Allinson, Jane Cavadino, Maria Sinclair, Pat Cadogan, Sean Quigley, Maureen Carlton, Christine Firth, Josie Liddell, and Tom Jenkinson.


Ann Michaud, John Howley, Kim O’Rourke, Helena Bramma and Ingrid Gardner.

The meeting was opened with a short prayer.

The minutes of the last meeting on 11 January were accepted as a true record.

The minutes of the last Our Lady 0f Kirkstall meeting on 25 January were accepted as a true record.

Matters Arising

It was wished to be noted that the Our Lady 0f Kirkstall Gospel Music Evening had been a huge success and despite some adversity had been very well attended. All present had thoroughly enjoyed their selves and thanks were expressed to all concerned.

Treasures Revealed

There was a modest turnout with only 7 people coming to look round; suggesting our advertising insufficient. However the majority of attendees were non-Catholics which is encouraging. Overall it is felt that the exercise is worthwhile but the opening times are too long. It was agreed to shorter opening times for next year.

Feedback on Mgr Hypher’s days

Both days were well attended and felt to have been informative especially the fact that genuflecting is reserved for the beginning and end of Mass only!

Re-Commissioning of Eucharistic Ministers

This will take place on the feast of Corpus Christi on 26 June 2011. Fr. Pat feels it is important to appraise and show appreciation for and on behalf of the parish.

Diocesan Corpus Christi Procession

As we are part of the same deanery as the Cathedral we are being actively encouraged to attend the Diocesan Corpus Christi Procession which will be on 19 June 2011. Our First Communicants and their families will be contacted via the schools who it is hoped will be represented. It would be preferable to have an Our Lady 0f Kirkstall banner but it was felt that it was too short a period from now to the event to get one made. Pat Cadogan offered to look into this. Fr. Pat will start mentioning this event at Masses this weekend so people can plan ahead. Youth Ministry Co-ordinator

Fr. Pat has now spoken to the three constituent parts of Our Lady 0f Kirkstall parish. St. Mary’s already engage with their Youth in various ways e.g. the Junior SVP so they are interested in the proposals set out. However they feel that the Youth Co-ordinator and Workers should meet with the young people to explain their role to see if that is what they (the young people) really want. The Assumption parish agree in principle. It has to be remembered that Our Lady 0f Kirkstall as a parish does not conform to the models used by the other three Youth Workers who all have a one to one high school to parish ratio. It was agreed to involve the Diocesan representative to further discussions.

Junior SVP

St. Mary’s has a thriving junior SVP group under the tutelage of Rose McCarthy* who has invited Holy Name confirmati to attend an event on June 12 to find out more and hopefully develop a Junior SVP conference here.

Kirkstall Abbey Mass

This will take place on 10 July 2011 in the Abbey itself. This is the first time that Mass will have been said in Kirkstall Abbey since the reformation. The Bishop of Leeds would like to come if he is available, however he will be attending as a guest as the Mass is an Our Lady 0f Kirkstall parish event. We agreed that the late morning Masses should be cancelled at Holy Name and St. Mary’s. The Kirkstall Mass will take place at 12 noon. The Catenians have offered to fund the production of a Mass Leaflet/Brochure for the occasion and some of their members are willing to assist as Stewards. Parishioners will be encouraged to bring a picnic although the café and visitors centre will be have refreshments for sale. The day before will be the Kirkstall Festival and Fr. Pat is going there to represent the new parish. As a matter of courtesy the Cistercians are to be invited to take part in the Mass. It was agreed that for this year at least this event will also form the Holy Name Parish Feast as it was felt that the Summer schedule was already overfull.

New Missal – Introduction Catechesis, Manuals After Vatican II an ‘interim’ English translation was made of the Latin text of the revised Roman Missal. A final new translation has at last been completed and will come into use from Advent. Resources have now been made available alongside a comprehensive DVD so training can be given well in advance of Advent. DVD’s are available to buy or excerpts can be seen on the Diocesan website. From September in England and Wales prayer cards will be available for use. There will also be inserts for bulletins to introduce parishioners gradually to the new text. Fr. Pat will arrange 4 distinct sessions of training for parishioners to attend to learn more. These will be then repeated in Autumn.

Leeds City of Sanctuary

City of Sanctuary is a volunteer-led national movement involving clubs, charities, businesses, faith groups and individuals. It aims to make Leeds a more welcoming place for refugees and asylum seekers. To increase awareness and celebrate diversity it has been decided to hold a parish event hosted in Holy Name on October 8th 2011 (the designated Feast of Our Lady 0f Kirkstall).

Preparation of the Sacraments

Marriage – Additional catechists are needed to meet the demand from an increased number of couples. An appeal will be made in the early autumn for volunteers from the constituent churches of our Parish Confirmation – it is hoped to make this course a joint effort between the three churches of our Parish. Baptism – it will be helpful for the catechists in St Mary’s and Holy Name to compare their practice. First Communion – The New English Translation of the Missal, the new RE Curriculum in Primary Schools, and the recent Recommendations of the Diocesan Liturgy Commission (on celebrating Mass with children) provided a stimulus to compare practices in the three constituent churches of our Parish with regard to the Preparation Programme for First Communion. This will be undertaken during the next few months, beginning with inter-school meetings (Holy Name, St Mary’s and Sacred Heart) and then engaging the catechists in the three churches.

Christian Radio

Pat Cadogan attended a breakfast held by Premier Christian Radio which is a national radio channel with upwards of half a million listeners’ mid-week rising to 700,000 at the weekend. They are hoping to open a local station in Leeds but it was unlikely to be of direct interest to the Parish.

Reflections on Our Lady 0f Kirkstall developments to date

Overall members felt that steady progress was being made in a good spirit of cooperation. A number of areas were being carefully progressed including a joint Mass for the sick, interactions in preparation for the Sacraments etc. The Gospel Music Night saw the three constituent parishes entertained by the three music group and three school choirs from the parish and was a resounding success. Thanks were expressed to Fr. Pat for all his hard work in facing the challenges and extra work load these past months.

Next Our Lady 0f Kirkstall Meeting

This will take place on 24 May at Holy Name Presbytery. The representatives from Holy Name will be: Tony – Chair, Maria – note-taking, Ingrid and Sean.


1. A request was made for fresh new candles each Easter time. 2. St. Mary’s Newsletter was distributed. 3. Maureen told us of her recent visit to the Holy Land and her first-hand experiences of the dreadful plight of the Christians there. Our prayers are constantly needed. Full details will go on the parish website.

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 27 September 2011 at 7.30pm

There being no further business the meeting was closed with a prayer.

*Rose McCarthy: Tel: 0113 2390383; Mob: 07932063648; Email: [email protected]

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