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Maybe, if you can answer “yes” to most of these questions:
Are you a good student?
Are you in good health?
Are you neat and well groomed?
Are you a good sport?
Are you even - tempered?
Can you withstand pressure?
Do you have a strong, but not overbearing personality?
Do you have good coordination and rhythm?
Are you athletic?
Do you have a good voice?
When you become involved in an activity, do you dedicate yourself to it?
Are you a “Team Player?”
Can you take direction and criticism well?
That’s what it takes to be a good cheerleader/mascot. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT
TAKES? Cheerleading is hard work, and lots of it. You become a prominent, visible representative of your school. You must be alert, poised and self-disciplined. It’s a tough, demanding and highly rewarding “job”. STOCKBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADING
Dear Parents and Students:
Cheerleading is a very important part of Stockbridge High School. Holding this job is a responsibility. Being a Cheerleader is hard work, and requires constant dedication to self, squad/team, school, and the community.
Cheerleaders should ask themselves, “Why do I want to be a cheerleader?” Individuals should remember that in being a member of the cheerleading team and a representative of SHS, it is expected that he/she display a positive leadership image at all times. The most important element of high school is a student’s academic progress. Therefore, cheer squad members/mascot are required to have a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
There is a huge time commitment involved in being a cheerleader. Some of the many commitments are: fund-raisers, camp, summer practices, and many hours during and after school. Cheer commitment comes before other activities! Candidates should understand that only illness and special family circumstances are legitimate reasons to miss a cheer activity. Because this has caused some conflict in the past, this standard is now being tightly maintained. Many times practices go longer than planned or the squad is asked to perform at an unscheduled event. This is why it is important to be able and willing to go the extra mile. Cheer Squad members are required to attend all scheduled practices, meetings and performances in their entirety.
A detailed schedule for the whole year is provided in the program guide. Make sure to check this for conflicts before you tryout.
Cheerleading can be expensive. The school doesn’t help with any cost. Again, a detailed cost sheet is in the program guide. Fundraising opportunities will also be available. Returning members must have a $0.00 balance on their cheer account to tryout.
Being a part of the cheerleading team can be some of the best memories and times of your life. Cheerleaders will get to know each other in such a way that it cannot be compared to that of any other team. We wish all of you the best at tryouts; enjoy the experience and GOOD LUCK TO YOU!
Altineka Golphin Stockbridge High School Cheerleading Program Head Varsity Football/Basketball/Competition
Gina Jones Stockbridge High School Cheerleading Program Assistant JV Football/Basketball 2014/2015 TRYOUT SCHEDULE AND DATES TO REMEMBER
-----1. Tuesday, April 14th Mandatory Parents and Student Tryout Meeting 6:00 pm SHS Commons
-----2. Friday, April 24th All forms are due to the coach by 3:35 pm Cheer box in office Stockbridge Eligibility, Code Conduct and Physical Exam Form $5 Cheer Fee Parent Permission Slip Application and Contract 2 Teacher evaluations Grade transcripts or copy of current report card Current Grade Sheet Returning Members - $0.00 Balance on Account
-----3. Monday, April 28 Cheerleading Tryout Clinic 4:00 –6:00 pm SHS Gym
-----4. Tuesday, April 29 Cheerleading Tryout Clinic 4:00 –6:00 pm SHS Gym
-----5. Wednesday, April 30 Cheerleading Tryout Clinic 4:00-6:00 pm SHS Gym
-----6. Thursday, May 1 Cheerleading Tryout Clinic 4:00-6:00 pm SHS Gym
-----7. Friday, May 2 Tryouts 4:30 pm SHS Gym
-----8. Friday, May 9th Mandatory Team Meeting 6:00 pm SHS Room 707
-----9. Friday, May 9th Mandatory Uniform Fitting 4:00 pm SHS Room 707
GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRYOUT RULES 2014 - 2015
1. Attendance a. You must be fully dressed and in the gym at 4:00 p.m. for clinics and tryout. b. If you have to be late or miss a clinic, pre-arrange it with the head coach. You will still be responsible for learning the routines on your own. c. It is extremely important to be on time. There are only four clinics so you will be learning a lot in a short amount of time. Your punctuality will reflect your desire to commit to this activity.
2. Clothes and Attitude a. Wear shorts, T-shirt and athletic shoes for clinics b. Put your hair up for practice and tryouts (GHSA rules) c. Only water will be allowed at the clinics and the tryouts. No food or gum. Snacks should be eaten before hand. d. Absolutely no jewelry (GHSA rules) e. Please be respectful to others and have a positive attitude. f. Failure to follow these rules can make you ineligible to tryout.
3. Paperwork a. All paperwork must be completed and turned in by April 24th at 4:00 pm or you will be ineligible to tryout. NO Exceptions! b. Get two teacher recommendations from current teachers. I must receive them in a sealed envelope, signed over the seal by the teacher. It is your responsibility to make sure they are in by the due date. (Completed recommendations are to be placed in the “Cheer Mail Box” in the teacher’s mailroom). c. Complete your sports eligibility packet. You must have a physical and turn in the completed form in order to participate in clinics and tryouts. This completed form should be turned in with your cheer packet. d. $5 Cheer Fee must be turned in with your packet. e. Please turn in a copy of your most current semester report card or transcript. Remember you must have a least a 2.5 cumulative GPA to try out. f. Your current grade sheet must be filled out by your teachers and turned in. g. Fill out and return the application/contract. h. Return the signed permission slip i. All paperwork due must be placed in one envelope. Include your name on the envelope. Failure to do so may result in lost or missing paperwork. It is your responsibility to ensure all paperwork is complete and submitted before the deadline. 4. Tryouts a. You may be a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior in order to tryout for the team. b. You must be in good physical health c. You must have satisfactory school attendance. d. Cheerleaders - You will tryout in fours and will wear a number e. Rally on and off! f. Perform any running tumbling if applicable g. Perform clinic cheer and dance. h. You will be judged during tryouts on the following categories: Tryout cheer, Tryout dance, Tryout chat, Jumps, Tumbling, Voice, Showmanship, your response to a question and overall impression. Some important things the judges will consider are: facial expression, confidence, enthusiasm, and technique, sharpness of moves, arm levels, voice, jumps and creativity. Additionally, males will be judged on their partner stunting abilities and not the dance aspect. i. You will tryout only in front of the judges and a tryout staff. It will not be in front of the student body. No parents or friends will be allowed to watch the tryouts. j. Each candidate’s score will be calculated and averaged. The number of students chosen for each squad will be determined by score separation and the coaching staff. k. You will find out if you made either squad on May 2nd.
Questions: Altineka Golphin SHS Cheerleading Program Head [email protected]
Gina Jones SHS Cheerleading Program Assistant [email protected]
We feel that it is important to notify you of the cost required in cheerleading. Please note that this is only an estimate and actual costs may vary slightly. These items are not required of all squads. Due to the fact that money owed will vary, each cheerleader will periodically receive an individual invoice with a detailed account of all monies paid and balances due. Required Costs: Season 3 day/Home camp $125 Camp
Camp Wear 3 Shirts/3 Shorts/1 Bow $100
Spirit Sneakers: Football/ Basketball $75 Clothes Accessory Package Including: $80
2 Bows/ 1 headband Briefs/2 pair
Socks/2 pair Duffle Bag $45 Rain Coat- Varsity Only $10 **Warm Up $175 Megaphone – Varsity Only $45 Pom-Poms $50 Uniform Rental $35 Mid -Brief- JV Only $20 Team Jersey-Varsity Only $30 Long-Sleeve Tee $25 Winter Gear-VARSITY ONLY $20 Breast Gear-TBA-VARSITY ONLY $20 New Uniform $175 **Sweatshirt $60 Athletics Fee $50 Shipping $40 Chorography Camp, Stunt Camp, and $400-Add if you plan Competition fees competing Total Varsity Football/Basketball $1160 Estimate: Cheerleading $1160+400=1560 Varsity Football or $1055 Basketball/Competition JV Football/Basketball
Required Payments: CASH or MONEY ORDER ONLY! *Returning cheerleaders are not required to purchase all these items. ***All amounts are subject to change depending on vendor IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!! In order to make the cost of cheerleading for parents manageable, will we need to do aggressive squad fundraising throughout the entire year to be able to cover the cost of, senior night, banquet, homecoming, and holiday party. Cheerleaders and parents need to be aware of the enormous commitment it will take on all of our parts to make this a successful year for each and every cheerleader. Please feel free to share your money making ideas. STOCKBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL APPLICATION FOR CHEERLEADING
Student Name______
Student Cell Phone: ______Grade Level NEXT year: ______
Email Address: ______
Parents’ Names: ______
Parents’ Cell Phone: ______
Which squads are you interested in trying out for? Please write a 1 beside your 1st choice, a 2 beside your 2nd choice or an X next to any squad that you do not wish to be a part of. You may be on Varsity Football/Competition and also choose to cheer for Varsity Basketball.
______Varsity Football/Basketball ______Varsity Football/Competition ______Varsity Basketball ______JV Football/Basketball
What is your best standing and running tumbling? ______
In what activities (i.e., athletics, church, job, and clubs) are you currently involved? ______
Why do you want to be a cheerleader? ______
What do you think are the responsibilities of a cheerleader? ______
Stockbridge High School Cheerleading TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORM
Teacher’s Name______SubjectArea______(PLEASE PRINT)
Please complete the following form for ______who is a cheerleading prospect for the 2014 – 2015 athletic seasons at Stockbridge High School.
On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), please rate the applicant in each of the areas listed below:
___Attitude/ Cooperation ___Dependability/ Responsibility ___Attendance ___Punctuality
Comments: ______
______**Circle one:
I (do / do not) recommend this student as a cheerleader/ representative of Stockbridge High School. **Circling “do not” will result in a score of 0 for this recommendation.
Please return this form in a sealed/taped envelope to the cheerleading prospect. If you would rather place it in my box, initial on their check-off sheet for clearance and do so. Please keep in mind their deadline for paperwork is April 24th, 2014, at 3:45.
The information included is strictly confidential and will be shared with neither the cheerleading prospect nor her parent. Teacher’s Signature______
This evaluation will be averaged with others to constitute a maximum of 20 of the 120 points possible for tryouts.
Stockbridge High School Cheerleading TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORM
Teacher’sName______SubjectArea______(PLEASE PRINT)
Please complete the following form for ______who is a cheerleading prospect for the 2014 – 2015 athletic seasons at Stockbridge High School.
On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), please rate the applicant in each of the areas listed below:
___Attitude/ Cooperation ___Dependability/ Responsibility ___Attendance ___Punctuality
Comments: ______
______**Circle one:
I (do / do not) recommend this student as a cheerleader/ representative of Stockbridge High School. **Circling “do not” will result in a score of 0 for this recommendation.
Please return this form in a sealed/taped envelope to the cheerleading prospect. If you would rather place it in my box, initial on their check-off sheet for clearance and do so. Please keep in mind their deadline for all paperwork is April 24th, 2014, at 3:45. The information included is strictly confidential and will be shared with neither the cheerleading prospect nor her parent.
Teacher’s Signature______
This evaluation will be averaged with others to constitute a maximum of 20 of the 120 points possible for tryouts.
Stockbridge High School Cheerleading SAMPLE Score Sheet Judge’s Initials: ______#01-
CATEGORY Max Given Comments: Pts. Needs Improvement Strong Areas PROJECTION be louder strong voice out of breath good expressions Voice, Expression 25 keep spirit entire time excellent spirit more smiles crowd appeal Showmanship, more spirit Spirit FUNDAMENTALS flying arms/bent wrists strong motions Motion Technique 25 angles off precise levels: blades, need to be stronger arms
Jumps (Toe Touch) 15 jumps need good jumps/height Other variety/height point toes 5 Tumbling tumbling not perfected good tumbling (Optional) 5 strong tumbling DANCE too fast together/precise too slow great rhythm Flow of Routine not together great timing 10 OVERALL choppy/doesn’t flow good flow Overall Execution not neat or looking very neat and uniformed 15 Appearance uniformed TOTAL SCORE 100 Additional Comments:
SHS Cheerleading Tryouts – Current Grade Information (Don’t forget to include a copy of your last semester report card too)
Name: ______Current Grade: ______Current School Attending: ______
Teachers: Please list the student’s current grade and number of absences.
Period and Teacher Absences Grade Signature/Comments Class Photo and Grade Information
Please attach a recent wallet sized photo below. Pictures will be used only to help the coaches identify students. They will not be used for scoring purposes.
Attach Photo Grade next year: ______12 ______11 ______10______9 (check one)