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Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program Recruitment Guide

Dear Future Car or Van Pooler:

Thank you for your interest in forming your own Capital Metro vanpool or carpool*! This kit is designed to help you. Please find on the following pages recruitment tips and information about RideSharing. *Carpools are only offered as part of a pilot project. New carpool groups will be placed on a waiting list and issued a car when one becomes available. To qualify for a Capital Metro vanpool or carpool, the primary driver’s residence, the pick-up and drop-off locations must be within the Capital Metro service area. For information about the area served by Capital Metro, please call 512.477.RIDE.

Listed below are the basic steps in forming your own Vanpool or Carpool group:

o Post enclosed flyers At your work site & nearby businesses o Recruit members o Make sure all riders work the same schedule and have the same days off o Determine who will be a driver o Set your vanpool/carpool route & pick-up/drop-off locations o Complete the applications o Contact Capital Metro (512.477.RIDE)

Vanpool and carpool driver qualifications: 1. Have a valid Texas Driver’s license 2. Proof of insurance (if you own a vehicle) 3. Proof of a USA driver’s license preceding 5 years 4. A good 5-year driving record

For help, please contact our office (512.477.7433) or email to: [email protected]. Thank you for reducing traffic congestion by vanpooling or carpooling to work. We look forward to working with you.

Sincerely, Capital Metro RideShare Staff Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program Recruitment Guide PAGE 1 WHAT IS A VANPOOL OR CARPOOL? A vanpool is a group of 5 to 12 adults who travel to and from work in a van provided by Capital Metro. For a carpool, it is necessary to have 4 adults with a similar work schedule. To qualify for a Capital Metro vanpool or carpool, the primary driver’s residence and all pick-up and drop-off locations must be within the Capital Metro service area. For information about the area served by Capital Metro, please call 512.477.RIDE.

Members… o Live in the same general area

o Share a common work schedule

o Travel to same work area

1. Low monthly fare $60 per rider 2. Each group selects pick up & drop-off sites CapMetro Park & Ride lots, retail locations, churches, etc. 3. Members vote on their own “Rules of the Road” 4. Month-to-month membership *For vans operating entirely within service area. Additional costs for vans or cars with origins/destinations outside this area. All fares are subject to change. Volunteers drive the van/car, schedule maintenance & submit monthly reports. One person acts as the primary driver to coordinate the group. Each van/car picks up members at sites they have selected. They are dropped off at work and at the end of the shift; the driver returns them to the pick-up location.

Here are more details: WHAT DO MEMBERS HAVE TO DO? o Ride 3 days per week o Just be a good team member o Pay your fare on time, help out when needed o Share in your group’s decisions o Drive in on special days when you need your car WHAT ABOUT TRANSPORTATION DURING THE WORK SHIFT? o Drivers are allowed personal use of the van/car o Use the van/car for doctor’s appointments, lunch or errands o The cost for personal use is based on mileage HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO BECOME A VANPOOL/CARPOOL DRIVER? o Applications are approved in about 1-2 weeks o Mandatory driver orientation is offered once a month o The training class is about 2.5 hours in length

HOW TO FILL THE VAN/CAR To help in your recruitment efforts, here are some tips that have been successful for other vanpoolers/carpoolers. All it takes to organize a group is dedication and the right approach. And the Capital Metro RideShare staff is happy to provide support along the way.

Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program Recruitment Guide PAGE 2 SELL THE BENEFITS Your prospective members will be as excited as you are about vanpooling or carpooling, once you tell them about the benefits. Be sure to cover these main points: o Low monthly fare ($60 per month) o No long-term commitment, membership is month-to-month o Save $ money $ 1. Lower gas bills 2. Less wear and tear on personal car 3. Fewer car repair bills 4. Reduced maintenance costs o Auto insurance discounts possible Don’t forget these benefits! o Emergency rides with Guaranteed Ride Home (reimburses up to 4 taxi rides) o More personal time (have a second cup of coffee or snooze on the way to work) o Only ride 3 days a week (flexibility for members) o Less stress because you leave the driving to someone else o Greater personal safety (safety in numbers) o Bicycle racks (bike to your pick-up or have it available for use during your lunch break) 1. INVOLVE YOUR EMPLOYER Employers today are more supportive of workers who vanpool or carpool to work. They are mindful of the positive environmental impact and reduced traffic congestion possible when employees share the commute trip in a Vanpool or Carpool. Another benefit for businesses is more available parking due to fewer cars traveling to the worksite!

Additionally, your employer can assist the formation of vanpools/carpools by allowing recruitment posters to be placed in prominent areas. Some organizations have an intranet site to get the word out about a new van/carpool. Many employers permit lunchtime brown-bag meetings for workers to discuss RideSharing. And don’t forget, a Capital Metro representative can join you at these meetings.

Capital Metro has a Commute Solutions Program available for employers. For a presentation to your company about these services, call 512.477.RIDE. 2. PUBLICIZE YOUR VANPOOL OR CARPOOL Post recruitment flyers at your workplace, work sites along your route and retail stores in your neighborhood. Use email (if possible) to lead you to possible riders. The best way to spread the word about vanpooling or carpooling is to ‘talk it up’ at work. Word of mouth is the best recruitment tool available! Contact Capital Metro to list with the RideShare program. We maintain a regional database of commuters interested in can/carpooling. A computer report providing the names of others from your area will be yours upon request. 3. BE ENTHUSIASTIC AND RELIABLE As the driver, you take the lead in making the vanpool/carpool a success. Members will catch your excitement and you can help by reminding them of the benefits of RideSharing. As a reliable and consistent driver, everyone will be more committed to the program - knowing they will have a safe and on-time ride to work. TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE RIDESHARE WORK!

Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program Recruitment Guide PAGE 3 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHAT EVERYONE ASKS ABOUT RIDESHARING

Q. Who makes the vanpool/carpool rules? A. The group does of course. You all establish the riding rules for your group. It's a democracy on wheels. The members vote on issues that affect the group. The majority vote wins. Some of the things to talk about: o What radio station do we listen to? o How long do we wait at boarding locations? o Do we leave earlier on rainy days to allow for traffic delays? o What route do we take to work? (Capital Metro will review your route to make sure it's the best way to get from point A to point B.) As the driver, you are responsible for helping the group work out disagreements. But if there's a concern you can't resolve or you have a policy question, the RideShare staff will assist you. Q. What about emergencies? A. The Guaranteed Ride Home program is designed to handle life’s little surprises. When you need a ride home (or to your car) if you or a family member gets sick, you can call a cab. Membership is only $5 per person. This provides reimbursement for emergency rides when you ride the vanpool/carpool to work. The Guaranteed Ride Home program offers up to 4 reimbursements for emergency cab rides. Q. What happens if our Vanpool/Carpool membership drops below the minimum requirement? A. Don't panic if you drop below the minimum. Your group has a 30-day grace period to locate new members. Contact the RideShare office as soon as possible if you drop below the minimum requirement. We'll pitch in and help you recruit new members. A vanpool needs 5* full-time members and a carpool takes 4* full-time members. (To be considered full-time, members must ride in the vanpool/carpool 3 days per week each month.) Remember that your group is expected to make every effort to operate with a full van. *This number includes the primary driver. Q. What about transportation during the workday? A. The primary driver is allowed use of the van/car during the workday. At the driver's discretion, back-up drivers may also use the van/car. Naturally, the driver/alternate driver is responsible for the mileage cost for personal use of the vanpool vehicle. Q. Is the van/car hard to drive? A. The vans are larger than a most personal cars, but it is not difficult to handle. The cars in the pilot project are hybrid electric/gasoline vehicles. The driving visibility is excellent due to the higher seating level of the van. All drivers are provided with classroom training. With a little time and practice, you will become accustomed to the van or car.

Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program Recruitment Guide PAGE 4 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHAT EVERYONE ASKS ABOUT RIDESHARING CONTINUED

Q. What about van/carpool vehicle maintenance and service? A. Capital Metro has a regular maintenance program for the vans and cars. The necessary information is provided to the drivers during the Orientation program. In addition, a handy maintenance section is provided in the RideShare Program Guide.

Q. How can I qualify to become a vanpool/carpool primary driver? A. You must be 25 years of age, with a valid Texas driver’s license. Also, you must have experience behind the wheel, a good driving record, be insurable, and reliable (you will be responsible for fare collection and a gasoline fleet purchase card). All drivers must complete a 2.5 hours orientation course and annual refresher training. Eligibility to drive has been established by Capital Metro (See the Volunteer Driver Selection Criteria.) The back-up drivers must also meet the same requirements to drive the van. Capital Metro will investigate reports of unsafe driving and will counsel with you, and take appropriate action if necessary. All drivers are provided with safety training during the mandatory orientation course. You are also encouraged to take a defensive driving course before becoming a Van/Carpool driver.

Q. What are my duties as a driver? A. In a nutshell: Drive safely, be reliable and give the van some tender loving care. And don't forget that vanpooling/carpooling is a shared-ride program. All members should assist with the duties associated with the administration of the van/carpool. Full instructions about the van/car and the policies and procedures are provided. Perhaps most importantly, riders must be able to rely on the Vanpool as a dependable way to get to work on time. Q. Can I try out a vanpool? A. Sure! Capital Metro allows a FREE 5-day trial membership. Let us find a vanpool for you. Contact us (512-477-RIDE) for a computer report today. Try out any existing Vanpool for a week. You’ll find out if RideSharing’s for you.


Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program Recruitment Guide PAGE 5 Application Forms

IMPORTANT: In order for the forms to be considered COMPLETE, all sections must be filled out and signed where indicated. DRIVER APPLICATION, AGREEMENT & PROOF OF INSURANCE You must print out three (3) copies of the application. The Primary and two alternate drivers must complete an application.

The application is four (4) pages. Page 1 – Personal & Driving Questions – ALL drivers fill in information Page 2 – List details to any questions from Page 1 here Page 3 – Roster - Primary drivers must submit this page Page 4 – Agreement Signature Page must be completed & submitted by ALL drivers PROOF OF INSURANCE (insurance card) - ALL drivers Provide a copy of your insurance card with the driver application.

ROUTE DESCRIPTION FORM - Primary driver applicants The Route Description form should be as detailed as possible. List all streets traveled from the primary driver’s home to each pick-up location and to the work site(s).

MEMBER AGREEMENT FORM - ALL members Each Vanpool/Carpool member must complete the agreement, sign it where indicated. (Drivers are NOT included)

Fax forms to: Capital Metro RideShare Program 512-369-6064 Call to notify us to expect your faxed forms 512-389-7591

ALL drivers must complete Orientation – 2.5 hours at Capital Metro.

Primary driver must take delivery of the van/car at Capital Metro. There will be a 45 minute Vehicle Orientation at that time.

Recruitment flyers are included to help you find riders for your van/carpool group.

Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program Recruitment Guide PAGE 6 Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program Volunteer Driver Selection and Retention Criteria NOTICE: Incomplete applications WILL NOT be processed. Driver selection and retention is critical to the safe operation of a Capital Metro RideShare Car/Vanpool vehicle. Individuals, indicating interest in assuming driving responsibilities, will be asked to complete a Driver Application, which will serve as a preliminary screening device. From the application, consideration of selection will be based upon the following criteria. Capital Metro RideShare staff members make all driver approvals. All determinations are final. Additionally, all approved drivers must continue to meet these minimum requirements while they participate in the RideShare program. The driver’s official Texas state driving record and proof of insurance card will be reviewed every eighteen (18) months to confirm that these standards continue to be met. 1. Age – Applicant must be at least 25 years of age. 2. OUT-OF-SERVICE-AREA Car/Vanpool - Primary driver’s residence, any pick-up location or the commute destination must be within 70 miles of the Capital Metro service area. Any group that falls into this category is considered an out- of-service-area group and fees are incurred. 3. IN-SERVICE AREA Car/Vanpool - Primary driver’s residence, all pick-up locations and commute destination must be within the Capital Metro service area. 4. Employment - Applicant must have been at current employer for one year, or indicate past stable employment. 5. Driver’s License and Experience - Proof of a valid and unrestricted State of Texas Driver's License as well as a U.S. driver's license for the preceding five years is required. Applicant must have actually driven a minimum of 2,500 miles a year for the past three years. Restrictions for glasses or contact lenses are acceptable. Others must be reviewed in light of number 9 below. 6. Traffic Violations and Accidents - Eligibility will be confirmed by a review of official state driving records. Definitions: Incident - A minor moving traffic violation or a minor traffic accident. Major traffic violation (lifetime disqualification) - leaving the scene of an accident in which there is bodily injury; Major traffic violation (in the preceding five (5) years) - speeding 21+ miles over the speed limit; school bus flag violation; Alcohol related ticket (DUI, DWI); reckless driving; negligent driving. Major traffic accident - Any accident that incurs a claim of over $15,000 in cost or one, which results in disability or death. The Standard: A driver may have up to two minor incidents within the last three years and no major incidents within the last five years to qualify. Additionally, there may be no more than one incident in the last eighteen (18) months. A person who was previously a RideShare driver and who lost his/her driving privileges due to a traffic violation or accident involvement may apply to be a driver three years after his/her Texas state driving record is clear. The former driver must meet the Selection Criteria and complete driver orientation. 7. Criminal History – Applicant may not qualify if s/he has been convicted of a felony or received deferred adjudication or is currently on parole, probation, in a work release program or on conditional release as a result of a conviction or a guilty plea. A conviction may not necessarily be cause for disqualification, but a false statement will. Approval of applicants who are in this category will be made on a case-by-case basis upon review of pertinent records provided by the applicant. Capital Metro RideShare staff members make driver approvals. All determinations are final. Applicants approved under these circumstances will be placed upon immediate probation for a two-year period. During this period any criminal involvement will result in immediate termination of RideShare driving eligibility. The driver will successfully complete the probation period by presenting certified records to that effect. 8. Auto Insurance – Possession of minimum Texas Liability insurance coverage is required of all applicants for his/her own personal vehicle(s) or a personal liability policy even if s/he does not own a vehicle throughout the period s/he is a primary or an alternate RideShare driver. Notify the RideShare office (512-389-7591) of any changes. Cancellation or non-renewal within the past three years will be closely scrutinized. If the action is related to the applicant's driving behavior, applicant may not qualify. Approval of applications with the above mentioned cancellations or non-renewals will be made on a case-by-case basis upon review of pertinent records provided by the applicant. Capital Metro RideShare staff members make approvals. All determinations are final.

Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program Volunteer Driver Selection Criteria Continued

9. Medical Conditions - The highest health standards are required of Capital Metro Car/Vanpool drivers. Any condition that would impair a driver’s ability to drive the van/car may result in disqualification. Each applicant must complete and sign the Driver Application (including medical condition questions). Approval of applications with medical condition(s) resulting in physical or mental impairment or which may affect driving ability will be made on a case-by-case basis upon review of records provided by the applicant. RideShare staff may require an applicant to provide a doctor’s certification of his/her physical condition, at the applicant’s cost, to make a determination of the applicant’s driving capability. Capital Metro staff members make approvals. All determinations are final. Capital Metro reserves the right to select the physician used in these cases. All drivers 65 years of age and older may be asked to provide an annual certification of their health signed by a licensed physician that s/he is able to operate a public car/vanpool vehicle and may be required every three years to pass a nationally certified driving test (such as the National Safety Council Test). Additionally, drivers may be required to successfully complete a road test for driver’s age 65 and older. Capital Metro staff will determine the driving test. 10. Alcohol and Drugs - An applicant may be rejected who has any alcohol or drug related conviction within the last 10 years. Approval of applicants convicted of alcohol or drug related charges will be made on a case-by-case basis upon review of pertinent records provided by the applicant. Capital Metro RideShare staff members make approvals. All determinations are final. Applicants approved under these circumstances will be placed upon immediate probation for a two-year period. During this probation period any alcohol or drug related conviction would result in immediate termination of RideShare driving eligibility. The Car/Vanpool driver will successfully complete the probation period by presenting a certified report of compliance to the RideShare staff for the probation period. 11. Certificate of Financial Responsibility (known as a SR-22) - An applicant who has to file evidence of financial responsibility/SR-22 due to his/her personal driving record may be rejected. Approval of applicants who have filed a SR-22 will be made upon a case-by-case basis upon review of pertinent records provided by the applicant. Capital Metro RideShare staff members make approvals. All determinations are final. Applicants approved under these circumstances will be placed upon immediate probation for a one-year period. During this probation period any requirement to file evidence of financial responsibility/SR-22 will result in immediate termination of RideShare driving eligibility. The Car/Vanpool driver will successfully complete the probation period by presenting certified proof of compliance during the probation period to the RideShare staff. 12. Personal Use of Van/Car - Use of the Car/Vanpool vehicle to conduct business or for carrying of a group of people, other than Car/Vanpool members or household members, is not allowed (i.e., Cub Scouts, church groups, etc.). An applicant who expects to commit the car/van to such use will not be eligible. 13. Off-Street Parking - Drivers are expected to provide off-street parking at his/her residence at the end of the commute trip. The driver may park the car/vanpool vehicle in front of his/her home if parking is not available in the driveway. 14. Driver Training - All potential drivers must successfully complete the Capital Metro Car/Vanpool driver training course and orientation prior to taking possession of a van/car. Additionally, approved drivers must be willing to complete a refresher training course every two years to maintain driving eligibility. NOTICE: All information submitted to CAPITAL METRO constitutes and is presumed to be public record and as such, may be subject to disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act, unless an exception under such Act is applicable. EFFECTIVE DATE 12/05/2008 Date Received Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program VOLUNTEER DRIVER APPLICATION & AGREEMENT Incomplete applilcations WILL NOT be processed. Please circle one: Primary Driver Alternate Driver If you will replace a current RideShare driver, please list his/her name: ______Alternate drivers list the primary driver's name: ______

NOTICE: A l l i n f o r m a t i o n s u b m i t t e d t o C A P I T A L M E T R O c o n s t i t u t e s a n d i s p r e s u m e d t o b e p u b l i c r e c o r d a n d a s s u c h , m a y b e s u b j e c t t o d i s c l o s u r e u n d e r t h e T e x a s P u b l i c I n f o r m a t i o n A c t , u n l e s s a n e x c e p t i o n u n d e r s u c h A c t i s a p p l i c a b l e .

F i r s t N a m e M i d d l e N a m e L a s t N a m e O

F M a j o r s t r e e t / r o a d i n t e r s e c t i o n w i t h i n 1- m i l e o f y o u r h o m e ( t w o s t r e e t s , r o a d s , h i g h w a y s , e t c . m u s t b e p r o v i d e d ) Y e a r s a t y o u r h o m e N I

E C i t y S t a t e Z i p C o d e H o m e T e l e p h o n e N u m b e r M O H I f y o u h a v e b e e n i n y o u r c u r r e n t h o m e f o r l e s s t h a n H o m e E - m a i l A d d r e s s f i v e y e a r s , y o u m a y b e a s k e d f o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n . E m p l o y e r N a m e W o r k P h o n e N u m b e r & E x t . O F

N W o r k - S t r e e t A d d r e s s S u p e r v i s o r ' s N a m e & N u m b e r I

K R C i t y S t a t e Z i p C o d e N u m b e r y r s . a t p r e s e n t e m p l o y e r _ _ _ _ y r s . O

W I f 1 y e a r o r l e s s , l i s t p r e v i o u s e m p l o y e r d e t a i l s o n P a g e 2 .

Work E-mail Address B i r t h D a t e ( M u s t b e 2 5 y r s o r o l d e r ) T e x a s D r i v e r L i c e n s e N u m b e r E x p i r a t i o n R e s t r i c t i o n s

I certify that my home address is current and correct on my Texas Driver License. Initials: If not, please call the RideShare office: 512-389-7591. T o t a l M i l e s D r i v e n P a s t 3 Y r s T o t a l Y e a r s L i c e n s e d t o D r i v e i n U S A : ______y r s . P r e v i o u s S t a t e & L i c e n s e N u m b e r Y r 1 ______( i f l e s s t h a n 5 Y r 2 ______Y r 3 ______T o t a l Y e a r s L i c e n s e d t o D r i v e i n T X : _ _ _ _ _ y r s . y e a r s i n T X )

D o y o u o w n a v e h i c l e ( c a r , t r u c k , S U V , e t c . ) ? _ _ _ _ Y E S _ _ _ _ N O ( C H E C K O N E ) A u t o m o b i l e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y P o l i c y N o . N a m e o f Y o u r A u t o m o b i l e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y

RideShare STAFF SECTION ONLY - A p p l i c a n t ' s I n s u r a n c e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n f i r m e d : _ _ _ _ Y E S _ _ _ _ N O ( C H E C K O N E ) N O I

T RideShare Staff Member Signature: Date:

A H a s a n i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y e v e r r e f u s e d , c a n c e l l e d , r e f u s e d t o r e n e w , o r g i v e n n o t i c e o f i n t e n t i o n t o c a n c e l a n y a u t o i n s u r a n c e f o r y o u ? M

R YES _____ NO _____ If YES, please explain on Page 2. O

F H a v e y o u b e e n r e q u i r e d b y a n y s t a t e t o f i l e e v i d e n c e o f F i n a n c i a l R e s p o n s i b i l i t y ( S R - 2 2 ) ? If YES, explain on Page 2. N I N u m b e r o f M o v i n g V i o l a t i o n s i n l a s t 5 Y r s ? ______N u m b e r o f T r a f f i c A c c i d e n t s i n t h e l a s t 5 Y r s ? ______List details on Pg 2 D

N List date, ticket type & details on Page 2 List dollar amount of claims & if any disability or death occurred U H a s y o u r l i c e n s e b e e n s u s p e n d e d / r e v o k e d f o r r e c k l e s s d r i v i n g , h i t & r u n , l e a v i n g t h e s c e n e o f a n a c c i d e n t , d r i v i n g u n d e r t h e i n f l u e n c e o f O

R a l c o h o l o r c o n t r o l l e d s u b s t a n c e s , d r i v i n g w h i l e o t h e r w i s e i m p a i r e d , o r c o n c u r r e n t v i o l a t i o n s o f i l l e g a l l a n e c h a n g e i n t h e p a s t 5 y r s ? G

K YES _____ NO _____ If YES, please explain on Page 2. C

A H a v e y o u e v e r b e e n c o n v i c t e d o f a f e l o n y o r r e c e i v e d d e f e r r e d a d j u d i c a t i o n o r a r e y o u c u r r e n t l y o n p a r o l e , p r o b a t i o n , i n a w o r k r e l e a s e B p r o g r a m o r o n c o n d i t i o n a l r e l e a s e a s a r e s u l t o f a c o n v i c t i o n o r a g u i l t y p l e a ? If YES, please explain on Page 2.

H a v e y o u b e e n c o n v i c t e d o f a n y a l c o h o l o r d r u g r e l a t e d c h a r g e s i n t h e l a s t 10 y r s ? If YES, explain on Page 2.

H a v e y o u b e e n c o n v i c t e d o f d r i v i n g w h i l e i n t o x i c a t e d o r u n d e r t h e i n f l u e n c e o f d r u g s ? If YES, explain on Page 2. D o y o u h a v e a c o n d i t i o n w h i c h m a y o r d o e s r e s u l t i n p h y s i c a l o r m e n t a l i m p a i r m e n t o r w h i c h m a y a f f e c t y o u r a b i l i t y t o d r i v e ?

( F o r e x a m p l e , b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o , s i g h t i n o n l y o n e e y e , m i s s i n g l i m b s , d e a f n e s s , p a r a l y s i s , c o n v u l s i v e o r s e i z u r e d i s o r d e r ,

e p i l e p s y , b l a c k o u t s , d i a b e t e s , h e a r t d i s e a s e , e t c . ) If YES, please note the information on Page 2.

E v e r y t h i n g s t a t e d i n t h i s a p p l i c a t i o n i s t r u e a n d c o r r e c t a n d I u n d e r s t a n d t h a t C a p i t a l M e t r o r e l i e s o n t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n t o d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r o r

E n o t m y a p p l i c a t i o n i s a p p r o v e d . C a p i t a l M e t r o i s a u t h o r i z e d t o c h e c k m y d r i v i n g r e c o r d , i n s u r a n c e s c o r e a n d e m p l o y m e n t h i s t o r y . I a l s o r e a l i z e

R t h a t C a p i t a l M e t r o w i l l r e t a i n t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n w h e t h e r o r n o t m y a p p l i c a t i o n i s a p p r o v e d . I u n d e r s t a n d t h a t t h e D r i v e r A g r e e m e n t a n d t h e U

T p o l i c i e s i n t h e R i d e S h a r e P r o g r a m G u d e a r e b i n d i n g i f I a m a p p r o v e d a s a v o l u n t e e r d r i v e r f o r C a p i t a l M e t r o . F u r t h e r , i f I b e c o m e a p r i m a r y

A d r i v e r I a c c e p t t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s o f t h a t p o s i t i o n . N G I A p p l i c a n t S i g n a t u r e : D a t e : S T h i s s i g n e d f o r m s u p e r s e d e s a n y p r e v i o u s D r i v e r A p p l i c a t i o n Application & Agreement Page 1 of 5 Effective Date 12-05-08 (Recycle all previous forms) Captial Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program VOLUNTEER DRIVER APPLICATION & AGREEMENT Incomplete applications WILL NOT be processed ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Explain answers from Pg 1. Provide dates, locations and details for Traffic Citations or Accidents

Primary Driver Completes This Section CAR/VANPOOL MEMBER ROSTER *Pleas e note: New Prim ary Driver applicants MUST have riders sign below to join the vanpool/carpool.

RideShare Staff Section - Member/Driver PRINT NAME AND INITIAL NEXT TO IT Agreement Received Check One P R IM E

D R V R 1 YES NO A L T .

D R V R 2 YES NO A L T .










12 YES NO Application & Agreement Page 2 of 5 Effective Date 12-05-08 (Recycle all previous forms) Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program VOLUNTEER DRIVER AGREEMENT This Agreement establishes the rights and responsibilities of parties as participants in the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Metro) RideShare program. The RideShare Program, as referred to below, means the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare program. Driver, as referred to below, means the person, approved by Capital Metro, who operates the Car/Vanpool vehicle as a volunteer driver, (including approved Alternate Drivers) when s/he is functioning as the Driver. Neither the Driver, nor any Alternate Driver, is an AGENT, servant or employee of Capital Metro; the drivers are independent/volunteer parties participating with others in a ridesharing arrangement (Car/Vanpool). Any vehicle assigned by the RideShare program under this agreement is the property of Capital Metro and this Agreement is a contract to permit use of the vehicle or vehicle(s) in a ridesharing arrangement as provided herein. As the Primary Driver, I agree during the term of this Agreement to: 1. Maintain a valid driver license as required by the State of Texas and comply with any restrictions to such license throughout the period I am a Car/Vanpool driver. Notify the RideShare office immediately when I am no longer in accordance with the established Driver Selection Criteria. Discontinue driving the Capital Metro car/van if I am not eligible to do so. Maintain liability insurance on my personal vehicle(s) and if I do not own a vehicle maintain a personal liability policy form myself. In addition, I will drive at least 2,500 miles annually to keep my driving skills sharp. 2. Operate the vehicle safely and in accordance with all-applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations at all times. Be solely responsible for any citations, and any resulting fees or expenses, I incur through the use or operation of the RideShare vehicle. Further, I will notify the RideShare Office within twenty-four hours if I receive a traffic citation or I am involved in an accident whether in my personal vehicle or a Capital Metro vehicle. I will send proof of the resolution of the citation within thirty days of such resolution, if requested. 3. Drive a car/van daily as a volunteer driver and will use the car/van to pick up, transport, and deliver RideShare members to and from the approved pick-up locations to their drop-off locations, ensuring that the riders arrive at the work location on time and depart at the agreed upon time daily. Further, I agree that use of the car/van for the purposes permitted under this agreement will not be construed as "being engaged in transportation as a business." 4. Abide by all conditions/terms listed in the RideShare Program Guide, in addition to those stated in this agreement and any policy/procedure established by Capital Metro throughout the time I am a Car/Vanpool driver. 5. Collect the monthly fares from all members no later than the first of each month; will not allow any member to ride without collecting the monthly fare and Member Agreement as required; coordinate with the riders to maintain the Car/Vanpool at its maximum membership; be financially responsible for all RideShare fares once received. 6. Not smoke, drink or carry alcohol (even in closed containers), carry or use illegal drugs or carry a weapon while on board the RideShare vehicle. 7. Coordinate all cleaning, maintenance, repair, and required inspection of the van as prescribed in the RideShare Program Guide or by the RideShare staff. 8. Obtain advance authorization from the Vanpool Representative for any out of pocket maintenance expenditure over $30. Inform the Vanpool Representative within 24 hours of any expenditure less than $30. 9. Only allow approved RideShare Alternate Driver(s) to drive and only carry approved riders in the Capital Metro vehicle. 10. Promptly pay for the Non-Commute use of the RideShare vehicle on a monthly basis. Also pay of any miscellaneous operating expenses of the car/van as detailed in the RideShare Program Guide, requesting reimbursement from the RideShare office. Capital Metro will not be responsible to collect the cost of gasoline owed to a primary driver by any alternate driver. 11. Report all RideShare accidents/incidents as defined in the RideShare Program Guide to the Vanpool Representative within twenty- four hours. Report any injury to any party immediately. Cooperate fully with Capital Metro staff, its insurer, or other agents or representatives of Capital Metro, in all accident investigations and/or settlements. 12. Keep daily and monthly records as required by the RideShare staff, submitting them to the RideShare office as scheduled in the Program Guide. 13. Recruit sufficient Alternate Drivers to ensure continued operation of the Car/Vanpool in my absence or all members agree vehicle will not operate at these times. 14. Coordinate the provision of a loaner van for qualifying maintenance services as stipulated in the Program Guide. I understand that all loaners are vans. 15. Coordinate the development of rules for the day-to-day operation of the Car/Vanpool (e.g., wait times, radio use, etc.). 16. Coordinate (at my discretion) Non-Commute use of the car/van by the Alternate Driver(s), in exchange for help in driving the van/car when needed (as allowed elsewhere in this agreement). 17. Successfully complete the Capital Metro RideShare Car/Vanpool Driver orientation/training prior to taking possession of or operating a Capital Metro RideShare vehicle. I will also complete refresher driving training as required in the future. Application Page 3 of 5 Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program VOLUNTEER DRIVER AGREEMENT 18. Return the car/van and other items issued (spare keys, bike racks, etc.) in the same condition as when received, ordinary wear and tear and damage which is the subject of a pending collision or comprehensive insurance claim accepted, and will allow the RideShare staff to inspect the car/van and provide a jointly-signed report on its condition. Driver further agrees that damage to the vehicle, which is not attributable to a reported accident, or collision/comprehensive claim, supported by appropriate written reports, will be the sole responsibility of the driver. 19. Ensure that the commute trip pick-up and drop-off locations are entirely within the Capital Metro service area for In-Service area groups or ensure that the car/van will only travel in the approved areas for Out-of-Service area car/vanpool groups. 20. Indemnify and hold harmless Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, its authorized agents, employees and approved drivers from all claims, actions, costs, damages or expenses of any nature whatsoever arising out of or resulting from any delays, tardiness, failure to make an appropriate or scheduled pick up, absence of the van or termination of the program. The driver also agrees to release Capital Metro from liability claims and demands for personal injury; for loss, theft, or damage to personal property; loss of income; consequential damages resulting from delays, tardiness or absence of the RideShare vehicle on particular days; and, for termination of or change to the RideShare program. As the Alternate/Backup Driver, I agree during the term of this Agreement to: 1. Maintain a valid driver license as required by the State of Texas and comply with any restrictions to such license throughout the period I am a Car/Vanpool driver. Notify the RideShare office immediately when I am no longer in accordance with the established Driver Selection Criteria. Discontinue driving the Capital Metro car/van if I am not eligible to do so. Maintain liability insurance on my personal vehicle(s) and if I do not own a vehicle maintain a personal liability policy form myself. In addition, I will drive at least 2,500 miles annually to keep my driving skills sharp. 2. Operate the vehicle safely and in accordance with all-applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations at all times. Be solely responsible for any citations, and any resulting fees or expenses, I incur through the use or operation of the RideShare vehicle. Further, I will notify the RideShare Office within twenty-four hours if I receive a traffic citation or I am involved in an accident whether in my personal vehicle or a Capital Metro vehicle. I will send proof of the resolution of the citation within thirty days of such resolution, if requested. 3. Be available to drive the RideShare vehicle when the Driver is unable to do so. For this assistance, the Alternate Driver may be allowed to use the van/car for personal use at the discretion of the Primary Driver. Mutual terms of such use shall be agreed upon, in advance, by both parties and be at the discretion of the volunteer primary driver. Failure to meet these terms may affect the Alternate's driving privileges. 4. Assume all responsibilities of the Driver when driving the RideShare vehicle or acting in that capacity. 5. Abide by all conditions listed in the RideShare Program Guide, in addition to those stated in this agreement. 6. Not smoke, drink or carry alcohol (even in closed containers), carry or use illegal drugs or carry a weapon while on board the RideShare vehicle. 7. Indemnify and hold harmless Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, approved drivers, its authorized agents and employees from all claims, actions, costs, damages or expenses of any nature whatsoever arising out of or resulting from any delays, tardiness, failure to make an appropriate or scheduled pick up, absence of the van or termination of the program. The alternate driver also agrees to release Capital Metro from liability claims and demands for personal injury; for loss, theft, or damage to personal property; loss of income; consequential damages resulting from delays, tardiness, or absence of the RideShare vehicle on particular days; and, for termination of or change to the RideShare program. Capital Metro/RideShare Program administrators agree during the term of this Agreement to: 1. Provide a passenger vehicle for use by the Car/Vanpool group and will provide pertinent licensing, vehicle registration and a vehicle maintenance program. Other reasonable assistance as may be required for its functioning will also be rendered. 2. Provide liability coverage at statutory limits for all authorized users of the RideShare vehicle; for and including bodily injury, property damage, comprehensive, collision, and uninsured motorist protection. 3. Execute Agreements with all members in which they agree to release approved Drivers and Capital Metro from liability claims and demands for personal injury; from negligent conduct, loss, theft, or damage to personal property; loss of income; consequential damages resulting from delays, tardiness, absence of the van on particular days; and, for termination of or change to the RideShare program. 4. Assist the Driver in maintaining the Car/Vanpool’s ridership at its maximum level. 5. Provide the Driver with a Program Guide outlining all policy and operational aspects of the RideShare Program. 6. Provide the Driver with all necessary report forms, including instructions for their completion and a submission schedule. 7. Establish the fare for participation in the Car/Vanpool. 8. Establish a schedule for routine servicing and maintenance of the van/car. 9. Provide a loaner vehicle for qualifying maintenance services as stipulated in the Program Guide on a first come, first served basis. All loaners are vans. Application Page 4 of 5 Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority RideShare Program VOLUNTEER DRIVER AGREEMENT 10. Provide sample rules and regulations for the daily operation of the Car/Vanpool. 11. Allow the Driver, and Alternate Driver (at the primary driver’s discretion), if individually approved in accordance with the standard Driver Selection criteria, to use the van/car for personal transportation during non-working hours. Capital Metro reserves the sole right to decide if the personal use is proper and not excessive as to mileage. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of the RideShare Manager’s signature. It shall continue in force until the driver gives Capital Metro written notice 30 days prior to the planned date of termination (best efforts to give 30 days notice is acceptable). A Driver or Alternate Driver may terminate the agreement for any reason. Capital Metro may terminate this agreement if, membership falls below the minimum required, operation of the Car/Vanpool becomes inconsistent with the evaluation criteria established by Capital Metro, and/or the program is changed or terminated. Capital Metro may terminate an individual Driver or Backup Driver for involvement in an accident, failure to abide by any of the program's operational policies, unauthorized personal use of the van, failure to abide by any of the terms of agreement, or for other good cause. Termination notification shall be confirmed by telephone, email or mail to the last provided address. The Driver shall cooperate fully in return of all RideShare records, materials, the vehicle and all keys thereto. This agreement may be modified only by a subsequent written agreement signed by each of the parties. The parties shall cooperate to ensure that no person shall be denied the opportunity to participate in nor be subjected to discrimination in the conduct of the Car/Vanpool because of race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, nor the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, nor in any way contrary to applicable local ordinances, state and federal laws and regulations.

NOTICE: All information submitted to CAPITAL METRO constitutes and is presumed to be public record and as such, may be subject to disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act, unless an exception under such Act is applicable. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the information below, sign where indicated, detach and return with the Driver Application. PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW Incomplete applications WILL NOT be processed.

EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Next of Kin Relationship Home Phone Work Phone

Driver’s Full Name (As it appears on the Texas Driver License

Driver’s Signature Date

This signed form supersedes any previous Volunteer Driver Agreement.


Carpool/Vanpool Driver applicant is approved to operate the Capital Metro RideShare vehicle. The Car/Vanpool group is approved to operate. Administrative Assistant’s Signature Print Name Date

Account Specialist’s Signature Print Name Date

RideShare Manager’s Signature Print Name Date Application Page 5 of 5 RideShare Program VANPOOL/CARPOOL ROUTE DESCRIPTIONAPPROVAL 1 ALL CHANGES TO THE ROUTE MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE______

Driver Name & Vehicle Number: Date Submitted APPROVAL 2 Total Daily Vehicle Commute Mileage Approval & Date Circle Days Worked: (Workbound & Homebound Combined): Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun ______Miles . Driver Begins Route Driver Ends Route ______AM PM Group’s Work Schedule: ______AM PM ______AM TO ______AM PM PM Please include street names and left or right turn directions. L = Left L = Left L = Left L = Left R=Righ R=Righ R=Righ R=Righ Street/Road/Hwy t Street/Road/Hwy t Street/Road/Hwy t Street/Road/Hwy t __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  List each pick-up and drop off location and time. Physical Address PICK-UP Locations: Time Physical Address PICK-UP Locations: Time 1. 2. 3. 4.

Physical Address DROP-OFF Locations Time Physical Address DROP-OFF Locations Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please describe the location at which the RideShare Vehicle will usually be parked during work hours. Provide any information that will help us locate the van/car (parking garage number, etc.). Physical Parking Address: Nearest street intersection: Other helpful information: NOTICE: All information submitted to CAPITAL METRO constitutes and is presumed to be public record and as such, may be subject to disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act, unless an exception under such Act is applicable. The information provided here will help determine the amount of commute mileage approved for my RideShare group.  Each group gets 75-admin miles/month for minor changes (different drivers, detours, different homebound routes, traffic accidents, etc.) and administration (fueling the vehicle, maintenance trips, etc.).  Charges for any non-commute mileage (above 75-admin miles) are invoiced to the primary driver.  Non-commute charges will stand when a driver has not received advance approval for a route change.  Determinations of the RideShare office staff are final. I understand that I must submit a route change to the RideShare office and it must be approved by the staff before I drive a different route on a regular basis.

Primary Driver’s Signature RideShare Program Member Agreement INSTRUCTIONS

Van/Carpooling is a shared-ride program. All members share a responsibility in the successful operation of the Vanpool/Carpool. Each member also plays an important role and should participate actively in all Van/Carpool group discussions and decisions.

New members must complete the requested information below. The Member Agreement should then be signed and submitted to the primary driver. The driver must sign the form. The new member may ride in the Van/Carpool vehicle as soon as the driver has signed the form.

1. The primary driver faxes or sends an electronic copy of the Member Agreement to the RideShare office. 2. The driver must notify the RideShare office that the fax or email was sent (call 512-389-7591) – leaving a telephone message is adequate. 3. The driver keeps a copy of the fax confirmation form and the original agreement for two weeks.


This Agreement establishes the rights and responsibilities of parties as participants in the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Metro) RideShare program.

The RideShare Program, as referred to below, means the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The RideShare program Member, as referred to below, means the person, approved by Capital Metro, who may participate in the RideShare program.

The Member is not an AGENT, servant or employee of Capital Metro; they are independent/volunteer parties participating with others in a ridesharing arrangement (Vanpool/Carpool). Any vehicle assigned by the RideShare Program under this agreement is the property of Capital Metro and this Agreement is an agreement to permit use of the vehicle or vehicles as provided herein.

The Member agrees during the term of this Agreement to:

1. Pay the required vanpool fare on or before the first of each month to the Van/Carpool driver. Members may not ride in the Van/Carpool vehicle until the fare has been paid each month. 2. Abide by the Policies and Procedures in the RideShare Program Guide and/or as established by the Capital Metro RideShare program. 3. Report any personal injury accident/incident occurring in or getting into or out of the Van/Carpool vehicle to the Vanpool Representative (512-369-6005) as soon as possible or within 24 hours. A written report (see the Accident Claim kit in the vehicle) must also be submitted. 4. Commute to work three (3) days per week each month in the Van/Carpool. Exceptions are allowed for members who are not working due to illness, vacation or work-related travel. 5. Notify the Capital Metro RideShare office (512-389-7591) of any suspected misuse of the van/carpool vehicle or any breech of Van/Carpool policies. 6. Participate in all Van/Carpool group discussions and decisions. Van/Carpooling is a shared-ride program. All Vanpool/Carpool members should assist with minor administrative duties: recruiting new members, distribution of RideShare Program information and completing required reports. 7. Be on time at the specified pick-up point. Do not keep the group waiting. 8. Give advance notice to the Van/Carpool driver when not riding. 9. Notify the driver as soon as possible, before permanently vacating the Van/Carpool. 10. Wear a seat belt while riding in the Van/Carpool vehicle. 11. Refrain from smoking, drinking or carrying alcohol, carrying or using illegal drugs or carrying a weapon while on the Vanpool/Carpool vehicle. 12. Help to maintain the cleanliness of the van/car interior at all times. 13. Comply with reasonable requests of the driver, Van/Carpool group, and Capital Metro. 14. Indemnify and hold harmless Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, its authorized agents, employees and approved Drivers from all claims, actions, costs, damages or expenses of any nature whatsoever arising out of or resulting from any delays, tardiness, failure to make an appropriate or scheduled pick up, absence of the van/car or termination of the program. The rider also agrees to release Capital Metro and drivers from liability claims and demands for personal injury; for loss, theft, or damage to personal property; loss of income; consequential damages resulting from delays, tardiness, absence of the van/car on particular days; and, for termination of the program.

RideShare Program Member Agreement Signature Page

I understand that my signature on this Agreement is binding and a condition of my membership in the Van/Carpool group. Failure to abide by this Agreement or the RideShare Program policies and procedures will result in my suspension or removal from the Van/Carpool group. This Agreement will commence when signed and can be terminated 30 days after notice is given from the member. The Capital Metro RideShare manager may terminate the agreement immediately based upon the Program policies.

NOTICE: All information submitted to CAPITAL METRO constitutes and is presumed to be public record and as such, may be subject to disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act, unless an exception under such Act is applicable.

Print Name

Print Major street intersection nearest your home (Please list two streets)

St., Ave., Hwy., & St., Ave., Hwy. City Zip Code

Print Employer/Company Name Work Phone

Print Work Address, City, Zip Code Work E-Mail Address

Member’s Signature Today’s Date

This signed form supersedes any previous Member Agreement.


Driver, you must submit this form within one business-day of the member’s join date. List the date this new member joins your group: JOIN DATE: Print Primary Driver’s Name Van/Carpool Vehicle Unit Number Primary Driver’s Signature Date

Effective Date: 11/12/2008 Recycle all previous forms 512-389-7591

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