Resolution Calling Public Hearing Regarding
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Downtown Development Authority (the “Authority”) which exercises its powers within the Downtown the within powers its exercises which “Authority”) (the Authority Development Downtown and authority; development downtown a create to 197”), (“Act amended as 1975, Michigan, of Acts Public ______: Member Time. Eastern 7:30 dayp.m., ofJanuary, onthe2015,at prevailing 5th held Michigan, public hearing in connection with the consideration of such proposed Amended and Restated Plan as Plan Restated and Amended by Act 197. required proposed such of consideration the with connection in hearing public and Plan”); Restated and “Amended (the Plan the of restatement and to amendment an approval for Council City the to submitted Area Development and Plan; in the described the for “Plan”), (the amended as Plan, Financing Increment Tax and Development and (the Council “District”); by City designated District WHEREAS, prior to the approval of the Amended and Restated Plan, it is necessary to conduct a conduct to is necessary it Plan, Restated and Amended of the approval to the prior WHEREAS, and prepared has Authority the 197, Act of provisions the with accordance in WHEREAS, Authority’s the approving Ordinance an adopted previously has Council City the WHEREAS, Northville the established duly City the of Council City the 197, Act to pursuant WHEREAS, 197, Act of provisions the by authorized is “City”) (the Northville of City the WHEREAS, by supported and ______Member by offered were resolution and preamble following The ABSENT: ______PRESENT: Wayne, of County Northville, of City the of Council City the of meeting regular a of Minutes THE DOWNTOWN NORTHVILLE AUTHORITY DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL OFAPPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TOAND RESTATEMENT THE DEVELOPMENT AND TAX INCREMENTFINANCING ANDDEVELOPMENT TAX PLAN OF RESOLUTION HEARING PUBLIC REGARDING CALLING Members ______Members ______County Michigan ofWayne, City ofNorthvilleCity
MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.L.C. body of each taxing jurisdiction levying taxes that would be subject to capture by the Authority if the if Authority the Plan and Restated isapproved. Amended by capture to subject be would that taxes levying jurisdiction taxing each of body via mailed be to hearing also causeofthe notice shall The hearing. Clerk 20daysbefore Authority’s the not than the District less in places public The and conspicuous 20 least City. at in the notice of the property of, roll posting all the tax cause to or recent post, shall hearing most also Clerk the the by to shown prior as District days Authority’s 20 the in than record less of not taxpayers mail class first by mailed be to notice the public the for set cause shall also date Clerk The the size. in prominent before advertisement display a days as published be 20 shall and hearing than less not published be shall notice such first The City. in hearing public ordinance an of Council City the by adoption consider to Hall Plan. and Restated the Amended approving City at Time, Eastern prevailing Authority’s District. the jurisdiction governingtaxing within to body the ofeach Plan Restated and Amended the submit to Clerk City the directs and Authority the from A, Exhibit as hereto attached 4. 3. 2. 1. IT THAT: RESOLVED THEREFORE,NOW, BE The notice of the hearing shall be in substantially the following substantially the form: hearingbe in ofthe shall notice The the before twice published be to hearing public said of notice cause shall Clerk City The 2 the Monday, on hearing public a be shall There Plan, Restated and Amended the of receipt acknowledges hereby Council City The
the print edition of the the of edition print the certified mail certified , not less than 20 days before the public hearing, to the governing the to hearing, public the before days 20 than less not , Northville Record Northville - 2 - MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.L.C. ,
a newspaper of general circulation in the in circulation general of newspaper a nd of February, 2015, at 7:30, p.m., 7:30, at 2015, February, of follows: as 1975, of Michigan of Acts Public the amended. of 197 Act to pursuant Authority Development Downtown the of Northville the restatement for Plan”) and Restated and “Amended to, (the Plan amendment Financing Increment Tax an and Development approving ordinance an of of City adoption the the consider at to 48167, Time, Michigan, Northville, Eastern Street, Main prevailing West 215 p.m. Chambers, Council 7:30 City - at Building Municipal Northville 2015, 2, February Monday, on hearing public ALL PERSONSNORTHVILLE:TO INTERESTED THE CITY OF IN (3) (2) (1) (8) (8) (7) (6) (5) (4) NOTICE OFHEARING ONAMENDMENTNOTICE PUBLIC TO AND RESTATEMENT OF by Main by andStreet onwestthe by CenterStreet, being suchlots a part of assessor' lotstheAll boundedin block on northbythe Street,Dunlap onthe by Street,east Hutton onthe south onRoad, Griswold south Mainthe andby Street onwestthe by Street. Hutton thencealongwesterly southerlythe suchline toof P.O.B., the lot blockthe boundedin onthe byeast of sucheasterlyline lot; thence alongsoutherly easterlytheline of the such lot to southeast corner; feet; thence 85D north 30M 354.78 east 10S feet; thence 85Dnorth 29M east53S 62.40 the feet to 35S 05M 103.70east feet; thence 02Msouth 43S 67D east75.63 feet; thence south 29M east4D 50S six thence 718, 01D north 35M west the15S along line westerly 262.55of suchlot feet; thence south 35D partThat ofassessor's lot in 718 plat 7 described beginning at southwestthe corner of Lot Cady Streetby ontheand by west Church Street, such lots partbeing of assessor'splat no. 1. lotstheAll boundedin block on northbythe Main on the Street, byeast Road, Griswold on south the onthe Street and south Center Street onwest,the such lots abeing part of assessor's plat no. 1. Street. blockthe boundedin on northbythe Cady Street, byon eastthe CenterStreet ontheand by west Wing 211, of All lots 212, 213, 214,and 244,and 245, 246, 248, 247, 249 250,assessor'sand in all plat 3,no. by south Cady Street, onthe and byStreet, west Wing such lots being part of assessor'sa platno. 3. lotstheAll boundedin block on northbythe Main on the Street, byeast CenterStreet, onthe by south Main and Street, onwestthe by Street, Wing such lots partbeing of assessor's platno. 6. as are applies Plan Restated and Amended the which to area development the of boundaries The TAKE PLEASE All of 675, of All lots 676, 677, 679, 678, 680, 681, 683 682, 684,and and 687, 686, 688 689,and inall All the lotstheAll boundedin block Main ontheby Street Church north, Street oneast,the Cady lotstheAll boundedin block on northbythe Street,Dunlap onthe by east CenterStreet, onthe THE DEVELOPMENTANDTHE TAX FINANCING INCREMENT OF PLAN NORTHVILLE DOWNTOWNNORTHVILLE DEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY
NOTICE COUNTY OF WAYNE, MICHIGANCOUNTY OF that the City Council of the City of Northville, Michigan, will hold a hold will Michigan, Northville, of City the of Council City the that CITY OF NORTHVILLECITY OF - 3 - MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.L.C. Development Authority, 215 W. Main Street, Northville, Michigan, 48167,248-349-0345. Northville,Michigan, Main Authority, Street, 215W. Development the hearing. public at discussion for open be will Plan Restated and Amended the of aspects all and Authority Development Downtown Northville Plan Restated forthe Amended and theof in toregardapproval opportunity beto heard an at website Northville’s of Reports). local City p.m. 4:30 the to at website a.m. Authority’s on Development 8:00 Friday, or through Monday time, of hours prevailing business normal during inspection for Clerk (14) Excluding(14) propertiesall ofeastStreet. Griswold ofAll lots(13) 9, 12,11, 10, 1413inand assessor's plat1.,andno. ofAll lots(12) and738 in 739 assessor'splat8no. all lotand 8assessor'sof plat in no. 1. partThat of(11) lot in718 assessor's plat7 no. describedbeginning as north 30M10S east85D ofAll lots(10) 164, 166, 165, 167, 168, 170, 169, 171, 172, 174, 173, 175, 176, 178, 177, 179, 180, (9) (9) This notice is given by order of the City Council oftheNorthville,Michigan. ofthe Council City isgivenCity notice by order This Downtown Northville the of office the from obtained be may INFORMATION FURTHER Council be desiring afforded City interestedpersons shall all tothe address hearing, public At the City the of office the at file on are etc. plats, maps, Plan, Restated and Amended proposed the of Copies and Street oneastthe Street. Griswold by feet; 2Dthence south 55M 2S east310.10 topoint the feet of beginning, boundedonwestthe by Hutton 50.94east 14S thence feet; 76D 57Msouth east 29S feet;117.98 thence north 12S 88D 47M 161.98east thence 40Msouth east 22D feet;320.69 thence north 55M 19.97 2D 2S west thence feet; 51D 5M south feet;509.61 thence north east86D 50S 6M feet;111.20 thence south 44M 5D 20S 58.56 feet; west 10S 35M west 24.48 feet; thence 41Dnorth10S 8M 83.64 west thence feet; 44M 5D north20S east thencenorth67D43S 2M west 75.77 feet; thence 35Dnorth35S 5M 121.81 west feet; thence north1D ofpoint beginning; thence south 85D 30M west 10S feet;417.18 thence north 29M west4D 50S sixfeet; 1171.25 and feet north2D 2S west 55M 165.05 thefrom feet one-quartercenter of section corner a3 for inclusive, westerly and 75through of lots inclusive,80, being part of Assessor'sa Northville 1. Plat No. assessor's platin no.all 1; partof allof that vacated Church Street lying 177easterly of lots through 181, 8180,and the82 except parteast measuring on feet ten northlinethe 10.16and onthe feet line, south onthe 24 feet all south lots 74,line, 73, of 77,76, 75, 78,79,except east the thereof,75.89 feet ofall lots all 181, assessor's platin no. all 72except2; of lot east the part measuring19feet onnorththe and line Center by onthe Street, south Dunlap by and Street onwestWingthe by Street. 527 of All lots 546,and 547 548,assessor'sand in all theplat 6, no. bounded in block on eastthe ontheand by west CenterStreet. assessor'splat7,no. in block the boundedoneastthe Hutton by Street, onsouththe by Street Dunlap
- 4
- MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.L.C. (go to About Downtown, then Studies and Studies then Downtown, About to (go DIANNE MASSA, CITYCLERK CITY OF NORTHVILLECITY OF n h Downtown the and 2nd day of February, 2015 and that public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full in and by said Act. required as available willbeen made be orhave and to pursuant given was meeting said kept were meeting the of of minutes that and 1976, Michigan, of Acts Public 267, No notice Act with compliance public that and 2015 February, of day 2nd the on held meeting regular a at Michigan, of State Wayne, of County Northville, of City the of Council DECLAREDADOPTED.RESOLUTION rescinded. hereby are same by andresolution the I hereby certify that the attached is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City the by adopted resolution a of copy complete and true a is attached the that certify hereby I NAYS: ______AYES: 5. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions of this of provisions the with conflict they as insofar resolutions of parts and resolutions All Members ______Members ______City ClerkCity Massa Dianne ______ClerkCity Massa Dianne ______- 5 - MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.L.C. 23352103.1\065487-00049
[Attach copyofAmended[Attach Restatedhere] and Plan EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT - 6 - MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.L.C.