Toki Middle School: 2006-07
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Toki Middle School: 2009-10 Teacher and Support Staff Managed Behavior
Student Behavior Staff Responsibility Administrator Responsibility
Staff will: Mediate with the student and staff Throwing items (no contact) Consistently utilize PBS strategies member at the request of either. Profanity (not directed at person) Consistently communicate with families Talking without permission Follow IEP of students w/ disabilities Taking materials w/o permission Procedure for in-class recovery “fix it” Food in class and progression to removal from class Running in halls Name calling, insults & put downs 1st Act of Disruption – Document a (events that do not rise to the level of warning (correct the behavior, explain the harassment and are fixable in class) rule and rationale, warn the student of future consequences) Headgear (hats, scarf, etc.) & dress code 2nd Act of Disruption – Document a Cheating (that is fixable in class) warning (explain that the third disruption will result in a Recovery time out) Note/notebook passing rd Avoidance behaviors 3 Act of Disruption – 10 minute Recovery in class or team member’s class *Arriving to class late *Not prepared with materials The teacher/class welcomes the student *Sleeping or putting head down back to class & offers forgiveness and a *Ignoring directions or questions fresh start. *Communicating “I don’t care, leave me alone, get out of my 1st Act of Disruption – Document a face, go away” warning (correct the behavior, explain the Intimidation behaviors rule and rationale, warn the student of future consequences) *Yelling, swearing, talking back nd *Mean mugging, sneering, 2 Act of Disruption – Document a mocking, insulting warning (explain that the third disruption will result in a referral to Reflection) *Pushing chairs, tossing materials 3rd Act of Disruption – Refer the student to the Reflection Room & write referral** Argumentative behaviors *Denying misbehavior **Follow the procedures for making a *Blaming others referral listed under the “Office Managed *Questioning fairness Behaviors” chart Possessing tobacco product or lighter Possessing cell phone, electronics, etc. Littering & graffiti that is cleanable
Leaving class w/out permission Welcome student to class Assign lunch or after school detention and follow the attendance intervention plan Skipping class Complete a referral documenting attendance concern Wandering in hallways without a pass Toki Middle School: 2009-10 Office Managed Behavior
Student Behavior Staff Responsibility Administrator Responsibility
Procedure for removal of a student Administrator/security/reflection will: Refusal to identify self from the classroom: Throwing items (with contact) 1) Process with the student and assign a 1. Separate the offender from the reflective task Profanity directed at staff/students environment to a safe supervised Repeated disruption and refusal to place 2) Follow up with staff, victims & witnesses & investigate the incident as follow rules that is documented with a 2. Attend to the immediate needs of the appropriate recovery and referral and the family victim and others has been contacted (204) 3. Call the Reflection Room 3) Call the family of the offender Hitting, slapping, pushing, tripping, *State your name and the shoving, kicking, spitting, “play 4) Assign a “fix it” or restorative project fighting” or any other inappropriate student’s name physical act of aggression (209) *Briefly explain what happened 5) Apply the Student Code of Conduct to determine an appropriate consequence Threats (intentional with or without 4. Send the student with a signed physical contact; could be verbal, non- planner or pass 6) Mediate with the student and staff verbal, written) *Ask for a security escort if member at the request of either Taunting, baiting, inciting and/or needed encouraging a fight, a disruption, or 7) Refer the student to Student Services other violation of school rules. 5. Follow up with the victim staff as appropriate 6. Gather/record basic information Harassment (directed at student or staff about the event to share with security 8) Follow the School wide System for that is written, verbal, or physical) and complete a Behavior Referral Student Success procedures for Suspected drug/alcohol use behaviors that progress to the 7. Call home to the families of all secondary and tertiary levels 200 and 300 level misconduct listed in students directly involved to explain the Student Code of Conduct what happened (by the end of the 9) Communicate with Instructional day) Sexual harassment/assault (intentional Teams when the outcome is touching, directly or through clothing, 8. Meet with the student offender before suspension by use of any body part or object of he or she returns to your class another person) 10)Process with the student and family *Review and discuss the through a readmit conference Removing or adjusting, or attempting reflection following a suspension and to remove or adjust, the clothing of *Mediate an apology with the invite/update the Instructional Team of another person (including, for example, victim/talk with the class as the outcomes pulling down another students pants) in appropriate to resolve the issue a manner that causes, or was an attempt to cause, the exposure of the other 9. Welcome the student back in to the person’s undergarments and/or intimate classroom formally or informally parts (326) 10. Offer a fresh start & restoration 11. Discuss the student and possible interventions with your team members Serious 300 and 400 level misconduct Call the office immediately Secure the situation listed in the Student Code of Conduct Follow up with an administrator Investigate the incident thoroughly Fighting (309) or Physical Attack (307) Apply the Student Code of Conduct Intentional use of force directly against Communicate with families or affecting a staff member of MMSD or any non-staff member adult who is Schedule a readmit conference legitimately exercising authority at school or during any school activity D:\Docs\2018-04-06\0f1d5df3fe2e90b2911c5a41d94e0c0b.doc