This Is the Brochure Structure You Must Follow
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NAME: ______DUE DATE: ______Finding Nemo Project
Goal: to create a tri-fold brochure to educate people about a specific animal species and its relationship with the coral reefs.
Imagine you are an environmentalist who is trying to educate people about the coral reefs and the importance of this environment to many animal species. You decide to create a brochure to distribute to people in tourist sites. Your brochure needs to be informative, eye-catching, colorful, and accurate, with images that illustrate the species you are talking about. (Read the rubric before you start the research so you know what is expected from you)
This is the brochure structure you must follow:
1 NAME: ______DUE DATE: ______
Finding Nemo Project - Rubric
POSSIBLE POINTS POINTS RECEIVED VISUAL ASPECT – 40% Brochure structure follows the guidelines 5 Cover page is present along with brief overview of what the brochure is 3 going to explain Language is appropriate, with no spelling or grammar mistakes 5 Images are present AND relevant 3 Images are credited (source is displayed below the image) 3 Images have relevant captions present 3 Brochure is eye catching, colorful, interesting to read, neat 8 Sub-Total 30 /30 =
CONTENT – 60% Popular name is included (common name) 2 Scientific name is present and appropriately written 3 Physical description of the animal is well done 4 At least three good pictures are present (2 of the animal / 1 of coral) 3 The animal’s habitat is specified and the geographic location where it 3 can be found is mentioned The animal’s eating habits are included (herbivore? carnivore? 3 omnivore?) and the kinds of food eaten are listed The type of fertilization is mentioned (internal or external) 1 Reproductive process is outlined 3 Five curious facts about the species are present and relevant 5 The relationship between the species and the coral reef is explained. 2 The three reasons why coral reefs are important are present and well 3 explained Five reasons why coral reefs are endangered are present and well 5 explained At least three sources are present (wikipedia, google and yahoo are not 3 acceptable sources) The student demonstrate a clear knowledge of what is in the 5 brochure and can explain details to others (evaluation day) Sub-Total 45 /45 =
Total: [40% x (visual aspect grade = _____ ) + 60% x (content grade= _____ ) ] x 100 =
Final Score: ______(MODEL? ___ points)
Answer all the questions in this packet while watching the movie. This content will be present in the Ecology Exam. There is a section at the end for class notes. 2 NAME: ______DUE DATE: ______
Movie Overview: The world’s aquatic regions cover 75% of the earth and are home to many species of animals. There are two main categories of aquatic biomes; freshwater and ______. A coral reef is an example of a marine biome.
The reef is made up of corals that secrete a hard ______. Most corals contain algae associated with them. This is a symbiotic relationship: the coral protects the algae while the algae produces oxygen and food through ______.
The setting for the movie Finding Nemo is the Great Barrier Reef and the characters in the movie are based on the real aquatic life found there. ______and ______are clownfish which are also called anemone fish because they live among the tentacles of ______.
______are protected by the tentacles of the sea anemones and are immune to their poison. Clownfish fear the open water. This is a symbiotic relationship called ______, because both organisms benefit from it.
Other sea creatures in this drama include three sharks. ______is a Great White Shark which is also known as an Apex predator because it is at the ______of the food chain and has no natural ______. Chum is a Mako shark, the fastest moving shark. Mako sharks can reach over 70 km/h in the open water. Anchor is a ______shark. The flat head of this shark helps it to sense the electrical fields that are generated by some of its prey.
Other marine life is represented by Crush, Dory and Gill. Crush is a Green ______. These animals are famous for migrating thousands of miles to find nesting grounds. Dory, Regal Blue Tang, represents the many tropical fish found in the ______. Gill is a Moorish Idol, a fish that rarely survives in tanks.
1. Invertebrates are grouped into many Phyla. List a main characteristic of each of the following Phyla:
Porifera: ______
Cnidaria: ______
Platyhelmints: ______
Annelida: ______
Arthropods: ______
Echinoderms: ______
2. In what type of ecosystem do Marlin and Coral live? What is their habitat? ______
3. Nemo’s father says to Coral in the beginning of the movie the sentence: “a fish can breathe out here”.
How do fish breathe? What is the difference between a fish and a mammal’s respiratory system?
3 NAME: ______DUE DATE: ______
4. Coral tells Marlin “There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one of them is bound to like you”. Why do some animals (like the clownfish) produce so many eggs? What is the difference between a fish and a mammal when it comes to number of offspring? ______
5. Recall the part of the movie when Marlin and Nemo’s mother talk about their eggs. Based on this information, what kind of fertilization do they have? ______
6. What kind of symbiotic relationship is shown between the fish eggs and the barracuda? ______
7. What type of relationship is present between the clown fish and the anemone? ______
8. Nemo has a “lucky fin”. What could have caused it? Why is his dad worried about his lucky fin?
9. Marlin asks Nemo if he wants the anemone to sting him. He says no. Marlin tells Nemo then to brush against it. What is the purpose for this behavior?
Going to school...
10. Sheldon says he is “H2O intolerant”? Is this possible? Why? ______
______11. What type of animal is Nemo’s teacher? What vertebrate class does it belong to?
12. Nemo’s teacher sings a song that says “Oh, seaweed is cool. Seaweed is fun. It makes its food with the rays of the Sun”. What process is he talking about? What other living things are able to do this? How does it work? ______
13. What is the importance of this process? ______
14. Why does the octopus, Pearl, squirt out ink? What is the importance of this reaction? ______
Meeting the sharks...
15. The sharks have a meeting in which they are supposed to bring a “fish friend”. Why is it so hard for them? Are sharks and other fish “friends”? Why? ______
4 NAME: ______DUE DATE: ______
16. During this meeting, Dory said “I don't think I've ever eaten a fish”. What can you infer about her diet?
17. Why are sharks considered top-level predators? ______
In the fish tank...
18. What kind of organisms are present in the fish tank? ______
19. Jacques is a cleaner shrimp. Gurgle asks Jacques to decontaminate Nemo when he arrives in the tank.
What do you infer about Jacques’ diet from this request? ______
Deep in the ocean...
20. Why does the lantern fish have a weird appearance? What is the purpose of its “fishing rod”? ______
21. Explain why jelly fish are harmful. ______
22. The jellyfish is related to another animal in the movie. Which one? What do they have in common? ____
23. The East Australian Current (EAC) is an ocean current that moves warm water in a counter clock-wise fashion down the east coast of Australia. What is the importance of the current to some marine animals like the sea turtles? ______
24. Crush explains the sea turtle’s reproduction to Marlin. How is this process different from the clownfish’s process? ______
25. Dory says whales don’t eat clownfish, they eat krill. Is it true for all whales? What kind of adaptations a whale needs to have to eat krill? ______
26. Why doesn’t Marlin believe Nigel when he says “Hop inside my mouth if you want to live”? What can you infer about the pelican’s diet? What about the seagulls? And the crabs? ______
5 NAME: ______DUE DATE: ______
Final Evaluation...
27. Identify the following organisms from the movie:
Producer: ______
Herbivores: ______
Carnivores: ______
28. Illustrate a food chain from the movie Finding Nemo using arrows to show the direction of material and energy flow. Identify producers, primary consumer, secondary consumer, and decomposer. Example: Grass Grasshopper Bird Bobcat
Answer inside the box Bacteria
a) Identify a carnivore from the food chain: ______b) Explain where the energy that flows in this food chain comes from and how it is transferred from one animal to the next.
______c) Explain why decomposers are necessary in this food web.
29. List 5 adaptations predators must have to be successful. Use examples from the movie. 6 NAME: ______DUE DATE: ______a. ______b. ______c. ______d. ______e. ______
30. Why do you think the clownfish doesn’t like to leave its habitat? ______
31. Nemo’s stripes help him survive in the wild. Give two examples from the movie showing how an animal’s coloration helps it survive in the wild. ______
32. Abiotic factors are the physical and chemical factors in the environment on which
life depends. List five abiotic factors from the movie.
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
d. ______
e. ______
33. Name three populations on the coral reef. ______
34. How does man impact the marine environment? ______
35. How do you know Jacques is classified as an Arthropod? ______
36. Could Nemo really survive in tap water? Why? ______
37. The seagulls and pelicans have what type of egg production: internal or external? How do you know?
38. What happens when a sea star loses an appendage? ______
39. Some of the animals from the movie are endothermic, which means that they maintain their body temperature stable. Other animals cannot control their body temperature. They are called ectothermic. Give examples from the movie of both kinds of animals.
7 NAME: ______DUE DATE: ______
40. There are five classes of vertebrates: Fish, Amphibia, Reptilia, Birds, and Mammalia. Choose animals shown in the movie to include in each one of these categories.
Fish: ______
Amphibia: ______
Reptilia: ______
Birds: ______
Mammalia: ______
41. List some of the reasons why the birds can fly. ______
42. Body symmetry can be determined when you divide the body along a line or plane. If the two halves are similar, we say the animal’s body is symmetric. Animals with bilateral symmetry have one line that divides them into two mirror images. Animals with radial symmetry have body parts arranged around a central point.
Some animals do not have a line of symmetry. They are called asymmetric. Give an example of an animal from the film that display each type of body symmetry:
None: ______
Radial: ______
Bilateral: ______
______8 NAME: ______DUE DATE: ______
9 NAME: ______DUE DATE: ______