PTIPS Activity Report: FY05
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PTIPS Activity Report: FY05
Region: Region 8
Insect, Pathogen, or Other: Southern pine beetle
Status of Project: _X_ Continuing (funds are being requested for next fiscal year) ____Continuing (work continues, but no PTIPS dollars are requested) ____ Completed (re-measurements will continue at a later time) ____ Completed (no re-measurements necessary)
Location: Western Gulf Coastal Plain (Louisiana and Texas)
Purpose or Objective: Our objective is to provide a better understanding of long-term impacts of the southern pine beetle (SPB) by documenting the natural changes in the composition and structure of pine forests following catastrophic overstory mortality from the SPB. We are evaluating the outcomes of two SPB treatments (cut-and-leave and no suppression) and comparing subsequent forest conditions to those in similar stands unaffected by SPB. 2005 was the second year of a three year study. Field work is complete, and we anticipate no difficulties in completing the project as scheduled.
Overview Description of Project: We are using three approaches to assess vegetative changes following catastrophic stand replacement. The first approach (completed year 1) concentrated on the plant community as a whole, whereas the other approaches focus only on woody vegetation. In the first approach, we re-censused two vegetation succession plots previously established and inventoried in areas of the Kisatchie Hills Wilderness Area impacted by SPB in 1984-5 (Kisatchie Hills Wilderness Area Ecological Study, FS-SO-4201-KNF2). This approach was completed in year 1, and we are in the process of writing up the results for submission to a scientific journal. In the second approach, we are monitoring changes in woody vegetation in stands at Kisatchie Hills, Indian Mounds, and Turkey Hills Wilderness Areas of the Western Gulf Coastal Plain that suffered SPB overstory mortality within the past 5-20 yrs. We are evaluating cut-and-leave and no SPB suppression, and comparing vegetation to similar areas unaffected by SPB. We have completed our evaluation of 70 sites (20 stands of cut-and-leave, 21 stands of SPB with no suppression, and 29 stands of no SPB) (Table 1). Our data is collected in accordance with the protocols of the Forest Service’s Natural Resource Information System (NRIS) and its Field Sampled Vegetation Module (FSVEG), utilizing the associated Common Stand Exam (CSE) procedures. Briefly, within each inventoried stand, five 1/10 ac. plots were established, within each of which contained five 1/100 ac. and five 1/1000 ac. subplots, for collecting data on all types and size classes of woody vegetation. Woody plant diversity, and average age, height, diameter, basal area, spacing and radial growth of pine and non-pine tree species will be determined. Forest characteristics prior to historical beetle activity are acquired from historical data (e.g. CISC data). In addition to characterizing current vegetation, data is being analyzed using Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) so that future stand conditions may be extrapolated from the present community. Understory plant community type and fuels were also characterized. The presence/absence and relative abundance of any non- native plants was also captured. Our third approach is to establish 20 long-term/permanent plots in front of large, advancing SPB infestations in wildernesses to capture pre-beetle forest stand conditions and subsequent vegetation changes over time (subject to availability of suitable SPB infestations). Data collection will be as described above.
Year plots were established: Approach 1:1985-6; Approach 2: 2004-5; Approach 3: 2005-6
Schedule for re-measurement: None at this time
Forest type: Loblolly pine
Age class: Kisatchie: 20 yr; Turkey Hills and Indian Mounds: 12-14 yr
Treatment: 1) SPB cut-and-leave; 2) no SPB suppression; 3) no SPB
Additions or changes: none
FHP Person(s) Leading the Project:
James R. Meeker Stephen R. Clarke R-8 FHP, Alexandria Field Office R-8 FHP, Alexandria Field Office Pineville, LA Lufkin, TX (318) 473-7284 (936) 639-8646
Cooperators (names and locations): Lynne K. Rieske-Kinney University of Kentucky (UK) Department of Entomology Lexington, KY (859) 257-1167/
First Year Funded (Enter N/A if this is a new proposal): FY 2004
Year Scheduled to End: FY 2006
Year for Completion: FY2006
Year Data will be Loaded/Entered into National Database Structure: FY2006 Brief Description of Proposed Accomplishment and Results (either tabular or narrative):
A total of 70 stands have been censused (Table 1), including 20 cut-and-leave, 21 SPB only, and 29 no SPB (control). Field work on this project is complete. All data will be delivered in spreadsheet format for FSVEG in FY 2006.
Table 1. Stands impacted by SPB and censused for vegetation succession in the Western Gulf Coastal Plain, 2004-2005.
compart treatmen censuse wilderness . stand GPS coordinates t d Kisatchie 19 13 31 31' 17.9'' N 93 01' 13.3'' W cut 2004 Kisatchie 19 13 31 31' 24.7'' N 93 01' 16.9'' W control 2004 Kisatchie 19 14 31 31' 24.9'' N 93 01' 04.5'' W cut 2004 Kisatchie 19 28 31 31' 39.6'' N 93 00' 55.4'' W cut 2004 Indian Mounds 85 11 31 21' 58.5'' N 93 47' 29.2'' W control 2004 Indian Mounds 85 11 31 21' 53.4'' N 93 47' 21.8'' W cut 2004 Indian Mounds 85 11 31 21 50.8'' N 93 47' 19.9'' W spb 2004 Indian Mounds 85 14 31 21' 50.3'' N 93 47' 15.4''W spb 2004 Indian Mounds 85 14 31 21' 54.9'' N 93 47' 19.8'' W cut 2004 Indian Mounds 85 14 31 21' 57.9'' N 93 47' 18.8'' W control 2004 Indian Mounds 85 13 31 21' 54.5'' N 93 47' 17.3'' W cut 2004 Indian Mounds 85 13 31 21' 51.0'' N 93 47' 12.7'' W spb 2004 Indian Mounds 85 13 31 21' 51.8'' N 93 47' 05.5'' W spb 2004 Indian Mounds 85 13 31 21' 55.3'' N 93 47' 05.2'' W cut 2004 Indian Mounds 85 13 31 21' 56.7'' N 93 47' 04.0'' W control 2004 Indian Mounds 85 13 31 21' 56.7'' N 93 47' 1.9'' W control 2004 Kisatchie 19 26 31 31' 04.4''W 93 00' 25.7''W spb 2004 Kisatchie 47 23 31 27' 45.3'' N 92 58' 16.1'' W control 2004 Turkey Hills 8 5 31 21' 19.6'' N 94 09' 24.9'' W control 2004 Turkey Hills 8 4 31 21' 29.3'' N 94 09' 26.2'' W spb 2004 Turkey Hills 8 19 31 21' 32.0'' N 94 09' 38.7'' W spb 2004 Turkey Hills 8 5 31 21' 19.2'' N 94 09' 32.7'' W control 2004 Turkey Hills 8 5 31 21' 18.7'' N 94 09' 39.0'' W control 2004 Turkey Hills 8 19 31 21' 28.2'' N 94 09' 33.5'' W cut 2004 Turkey Hills 8 23 31 21' 28.3'' N 94 09' 38.5'' W spb 2004 Turkey Hills 8 24 31 21' 26.3 N 94 09' 44.5'' W spb 2004 Turkey Hills 8 25 31 21' 26.3'' N 94 09' 44.8'' W control 2004 Turkey Hills 8 25 31 21' 20.8'' N 94 10' 2,2'' W control 2004 Turkey Hills 8 24 31 21' 7.5'' N 94 10' 18.4'' W spb 2004 Turkey Hills 8 24 31 21' 1.5'' N 94 10' 19.4'' W spb 2004 Turkey Hills 8 26 31 21' 22.1'' N 94 10' 8.5'' W spb 2004 Indian Mounds 82 8 31 21' 22.6'' N 94 10' 13.9'' W control 2004 Indian Mounds 82 9 31 21' 22.4'' N 94 10' 19.5'' W control 2004 Turkey Hills 8 23 31 22' 54.2'' N 93 43' 30.0'' W cut 2004 Turkey Hills 8 19 31 21' 54.2'' N 93 43' 30.0'' W cut 2004 Turkey Hills 10 15 31.36702 N 94.22569 W control 2005 Turkey Hills 9 9 31.37336 N 94.22140 W control 2005 Turkey Hills 9 8 31.37124 N 94.21808 W control 2005 Turkey Hills 8 1 31.34826 N 94.18927 W spb 2005 Turkey Hills 9 2 31.34828 N 94.19073 W spb 2005 Turkey Hills 8 25 31.35157 N 94.17342 W cut 2005 Turkey Hills 8 26 31.35476 N 94.17249 W cut 2005 Turkey Hills 9 2 31.35623 N 94.19194 W control 2005 Turkey Hills 8 11 31.35648 N 94.19120 W control 2005 Turkey Hills 10 2 31.34563 N 94.20017 W spb 2005 Indian Mounds 81 1 31.36440 N 93.78426 W cut 2005 Indian Mounds 82 24 31.35547 N 93.71903 W control 2005 Indian Mounds 82 25 31.35978 N 93.72719 W spb 2005 Indian Mounds 82 9 31.36347 N 93.72647 W spb 2005 Indian Mounds 82 10 31.3601 N 93.72996 W spb 2005 Indian Mounds 101 18 31.35501 N 93.71594 W control 2005 Indian Mounds 82 24 31.35491 N 93.72075 W spb 2005 Indian Mounds 101 21 31.32934 N 93.70827 W control 2005 Indian Mounds 100 21 31.3317 N 93.71157 W control 2005 Indian Mounds 81 1 31.36337 N 93.78453 W spb 2005 Indian Mounds 81 2 31.36341 N 93.78356 W spb 2005 Kisatchie 19 22 31.5151 N 93.01707 W cut 2005 Kisatchie 46 20 31.46156 N 92.97425 W control 2005 Kisatchie 47 20 31.46228 N 92.96443 W control 2005 Kisatchie 47 14 31.47301 N 92.96417 W control 2005 Kisatchie 47 13 31.4734 N 92.96417 W control 2005 Kisatchie 47 22 31.46467 N 92.96452 W control 2005 Kisatchie 20 19 31.51137 N 92.97289 W cut 2005 Kisatchie 20 18 31.50938 N 92.97341 W cut 2005 Kisatchie 20 19 31.50869 N 92.96822 W control 2005 Kisatchie 47 23 31.46817 N 92.97172 W cut 2005 Kisatchie 21 16 31.48539 N 92.97648 W cut 2005 Kisatchie 20 14 31.4973 N 92.97935 W cut 2005 Kisatchie 47 17 31.47679 N 92.96697 W control 2005 Kisatchie 20 28 31.50888 N 92.98861 W cut 2005
Documentation Associated with Study: USFS Agreement No. 03-PA-11083150-110. Copies of all completed data sheets stored with/at FHP-Alexandria Field Office.
Funds Obligated from Beginning to Present Time:
Obligated: PTIPS funding Other funding (UK) Total funding Year 1 (2004) $ 43,000 $ 28,796 $ 71,796 Year 2 (2005) $ 45,000 $ 30,779 $ 75,779 Pending: Year 3 (2006) $ 15,000 $ 10,326 $ 25,326 Total funding $103,000 $69,901 $172,901
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