SELLS Conference Call s2

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SELLS Conference Call s2

Operating Experience Committee Conference Call Minutes Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010 Call Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST Call-In Number 301-903-9195 - Confirmation # 286640 (60 lines)

AGENDA Welcome Jeannie Boyle Group Sharing of Recent Lessons Learned - Be prepared to discuss All YOUR recent LL. Sharing of Lessons Learned from OPEX assessments (i.e., HS-64, All PSO, Site Office, and internal assessments) Identification of External Events for Review All In-Depth Review of Draft Revision to DOE Order 210.2, DOE Jeannie Boyle & Corporate Operating Experience Program Writing Team Roundtable / Subjects for Next Call All


# Name Site Org. 1 Alp, Asu Argonne Site Office Argonne National Laboratory 2 Ammonet, Patti Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Battelle Memorial Institute 3 Ballard, Ed LSO Livermore Site Office 4 Barnes, Rus PPPO LATA/Parallax (LPP) 5 Barrick, William NSO Nevada Site Office 6 Blank, Betsy ORP Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) 7 Blount, Patricia Los Alamos National Laboratory Security Lessons Learned Center 8 Boyle, Eugenia DOE HQ HS-32 9 Branson, Gary INL Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC 10 Brown, Richard ORP Bechtel National Inc (BNI) 11 Brown, Sharon DOE HQ HS-32 12 Butler, Michael Pantex B&W Pantex 13 Casella, Frank Oak Ridge Isotek 14 Cheng, Sam LASO Los Alamos Site Office 15 Chimah, Paul Service Center Service Center 16 Clarke, Debbie ORP Bechtel National Inc (BNI) 17 Cole, Matt DOE HQ SC 18 Collier, Linda LANL Los Alamos National Security 19 Davis, Jim England (OELG) Sellafield Ltd 20 DeGrange, Connie LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Security 21 Doane, Bob Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator (TJNAF) Jefferson Science Associates (JSA)

1 # Name Site Org. 22 Emanuelson, Kay INL/ AMWTP BBWI/AMWTF 23 Ferguson, Scott Atomic Energy of Canada, LTD Chalk River Laboratories 24 Forshey, Cathy PPPO Wastren-EnergX Mission Support, LLC 25 Gilliam, Susan Y-12 National Security Complex Babcock & Wilcox Technical Services (B&W) 26 Greco, Jean PEC PEC (Support contractor to HS-30) 27 Hamby, Ramona ORO Navarro Research & Engineering Inc. 28 Harris, Allan EMCBC Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center 29 Haynes, Rick PSO Pantex Site Office 30 Heard, Marie Stanford Site Office (SSO) SSO 31 Hicks, Clyde Kansas City Plant (KCP) Honeywell 32 Hoertkorn, Thomas ORP Office of River Protection 33 Horning, Jeff Livermore Site Office (LSO) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) 34 Humphrey, Graham Canada Bruce Power LP 35 Hutto, Rod SR Savannah River Nuclear Solutions 36 Jeffries, Becky NV LLNL.LANL 37 Keffer, Sue PEC PEC (Support contractor to NA-1) 38 Kurkjian, Matthew ORP Bechtel National Inc (BNI) 39 LaPointe, Todd DOE HQ CNS 40 Linderman, Ann NTS NSTec 41 Lopez-Cardona, Emma DOE HQ EM 42 Lowry, William NETL Albany, Fairbanks, Morgantown, Pittsburgh, & Tulsa 43 Menas, Matt NETL Albany, Fairbanks, Morgantown, Pittsburgh, & Tulsa 44 Mullen, David Los Alamos National Laboratory Security Lessons Learned Center 45 Neil, Dave Idaho Operations Office ID 46 Neilson, Steve Thomas Jefferson Site Office TJSO 47 Nelson, Gregg SRSO Savannah River Site Office 48 Padilla-Vigil, Yolanda Sandia Site Office (SSO) Sandia National Labs. (SNL) 49 Pasko, John Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board DNFSB 50 Ramsey, Kenneth SR - NA-26 MOX Services 51 Roberson, Waynette PPPO UDS - Paducah 52 Roggenkamp, Ken Kansas City Site Office KSO 53 Schutt Bradley, Joanne Oak Ridge - ORNL Bechtel-Jacobs 54 Searfoss, Glenn DOE HQ HS-32 55 Staffo, Gary DOE HQ EE-3C 56 Stuewe, Bob LANL Los Alamos National Security 57 Tamplain, Jeffrey SPR DynMcDermott 58 Tessmar, Nancy LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory Safeguards & Security 59 Thomas, Scott DOE HQ EE-3C 60 Treichel, Lisa DOE HQ HS-23 61 Wegner, David RL CH2MHILL Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC) 62 White, Aaron Oak Ridge ORO (for EM) 63 Whitney, Gerry RL Mission Support Alliance, LLC 64 Wightman, Jeanne NTS Stoller-Navarro Joint Venture (SNJV) 65 Williams, Tom DOE HQ (at LLNL) NA-1


Lesson 1: Patricia Blount (DNS-LLC): There are some recent security issues that HQ is giving more attention. The level of rigor applied to the tracking of controlled locks and keys to vault doors, security systems, etc.; also, inadvertent discharges.

 Jeannie Boyle: Has security posted the LL on these yet?  Patricia Blount (DNS-LLC): Two are under review and will be submitted soon.

Lesson 2: Jim Davis (Sellafield): We distribute a daily message at Sellafield. This month’s message pertains to the “Commitment to Quality.” What affect it has on the work we perform, the cost of failure, hurting people, wasting time, etc. These messages are to encourage everyone to stop and think. We are also evaluating the cost of Off-Normal events. The costs range from a few hundred to billions of dollars. All of this keeps the discussion going 365 days a year. Links are established between human performance, communications and ties current events to daily activities.

 Jeannie Boyle: Has anyone contacted you concerning the request I sent out to the group to forward information associated with Plant Isolation and Configuration Control Procedures?  Jim Davis (Sellafield): I have received some responses.  Jeannie Boyle: If anyone else has any information on the subject, please forward it to Jim.

Lesson 3: Steve Neilson (TJSO): I attended an Industrial Hygiene conference in Denver. One of the general sessions was a presentation on combustible dust. Many incidents start with small explosions and propagate into bigger explosions. The first blast occurs and sets off subsequent reactions. Accumulated dust in the area contributes to the larger explosion and housekeeping should be considered in hazard elimination involving dust dispersal situations.

 Jeannie Boyle: I hadn’t considered the role of housekeeping as a contributor to this type of incident. We need to keep our sites clean.


No LLs shared from OPEX Assessments.


Frank Casella (Isotek): An article in the New York Times ( ~ Sunday, May 30 - ) said there were precursors leading up to this incident. The metal casing did not meet BP’s safety standards and the blowout preventer was not tested in the actual elements it would be used in. They have done a review on this event.

 Jeanne Wightman (NTS): There were problems identified with the blowout preventer. Moreover, disagreements between Transocean Inc and BP ensued.

 Gary Staffo (DOE HQ): The battery powering the blowout preventer did not work and the mud was removed too early during capping of the well. This situation is typical when a project is behind schedule and over budget.

3  Jeanne Wightman (NTS): Their Emergency Plan was insufficient.

 Frank Casella (Isotek): There was a command and control breakdown. This breakdown is important because of the number of contractors. Roles and responsibilities do get blurry. This is part of the Congressional investigation. An Emergency Plan has to have clear command and control responsibilities.

 Jeannie Boyle: Frank, are you willing to share your review with the group? We will need to review the findings of this incident when the final results are released.


Jeannie Boyle: The OEC report writers group has worked very hard on this order revision. We hope that we have a good start on it. Hopefully, the draft will go out for initial review next week. Is anyone on the call from the DNFSB?

 John Pasko (DNFSB): On for the Board.  Jeannie Boyle: We will want feedback on the revision from the DNFSB. I hope most of the report writers are on the call so they can help talk about the revision. We need feedback from the group on our progress so far. Let me know of any suggested changes.

Call Interrupted with Static

 Gary Staffo (DOE HQ): I didn’t see much tailoring in the area of OPEX commensurate with the level of risk associated with the work. The number of Offices excluded from this order was surprising. Some of the excluded Offices have contractors and therefore should have OPEX to contribute. Any office environment has hazards. The order should be written with a graded approach so that the entities following the Order can tailor the program to be relevant to their types of hazard exposures.  Jeannie Boyle: Could you forward the wording to me?  Gary Staffo (DOE HQ): I will.  Jeannie Boyle: We tried to include this is the draft.  Gary Staffo (DOE HQ): But not in terms of top level program requirements.  Jeannie Boyle: Please forward the wording to me with instructions on where to add it to the revision.  Emma Lopez-Cardona (DOE HQ): The CRD and first part of the order need to be aligned in terms of Field Management and Coordinators.  Jeannie Boyle: Are there a lot of changes?  Emma Lopez-Cardona (DOE HQ): Not a lot of new changes, but wording in the front and back of the order should match.  Jeannie Boyle: Would you be willing to make the changes?  Emma Lopez-Cardona (DOE HQ): I can send my changes/comments to the writing group.  Jeannie Boyle: You are willing to perform this review and forward to the writing team?  Emma Lopez-Cardona (DOE HQ): I will only address the changes in the CRD.  Jeannie Boyle: Any other comments?  Kay Emanuelson (BBWI/AMWTF): Will this order revision be issued in conjunction with the ORPS release?

4  Jeannie Boyle: Hopefully this order revision will go in before ORPS. ORPS will be a much bigger revision than this one. We will fix the disconnects between the two Orders in the revision to the ORPS Order.  Kay Emanuelson (BBWI/AMWTF): Changing standards?  Jeannie Boyle: The two ORPS manuals will be changed to two ORPS orders. HQ is steering away from the use of manuals.  Emma Lopez-Cardona (DOE HQ): Will there be an opportunity to suggest keeping the manuals?  Jeannie Boyle: No. HQ doesn’t want manuals.  Kay Emanuelson (BBWI/AMWTF): There is a reference to the acronym “SOR” but the acronym has not been spelled out.  Jeannie Boyle: I will correct it.  Matt Cole (DOE HQ): There are too many categories of documents; this issue needs to be simplified.  Jeannie Boyle: I would welcome comments on how to simplify the categories and also I would like to revive some of the categories that are currently not being used. The categories are more for HQ development than for field development.  Matt Cole (DOE HQ): I agree.  Jeannie Boyle: Do you have any suggestions on what to delete?  Matt Cole (DOE HQ): The significance between some of the categories is not the same (eg., Safety Alerts, Safety Bulletins, and Safety Advisories).  Gary Staffo (DOE HQ): I agree with Matt.  Matt Cole (DOE HQ): Maybe reduce the categories to LL and Safety Alert.  Tom Williams (DOE HQ): The types of categories stem from a concern expressed by the DNFSB. They wanted to see positive follow-up on issues. Some issues require feedback and some do not.  Matt Cole (DOE HQ): Maybe reduce to an Alert, Advisory and LL. It needs to be simplified.  Jeannie Boyle: Some are OPEX summaries, suspect/counterfeit or defective items. OPEX is much bigger than LLs.  Gary Staffo (DOE HQ): The order is too specific and has too many requirements.  Jeannie Boyle: Some are justified.  Gary Staffo (DOE HQ): The order is better than before, but has a long way to go.  Jeannie Boyle: Mark up the latest draft with your comments and forward to me. Send me the graded approach language you were talking about and if there any other areas of concern. The front and back of the document should be checked to ensure they connect.  Tom Williams (DOE HQ): A lot of the internal mechanisms have been removed which is helpful.  Asu Alp (ASO): QA should stay with the QA area and OPEX should stay with OPEX rather than overlapping. This is confusing. The area should be clarified.  Jeannie Boyle: Its split that way at HQ, so it will probably stay that way.  Jeannie Boyle: We have received a lot of good information from the call. The order will be reviewed to see if anything can be changed. I’m not sure if we will present the draft to the committee again. I really appreciate the participation. Read the draft order and forward any comments to me.

ACTION: Matt Cole, Gary Staffo and Emma Lopez-Cardona – Please forward the comments you would like addressed in the order revision to Jeannie Boyle.


No discussion.


 To the OEC Order Rewrite Team, who have been working very hard to improve the current Order.

 To the participants who shared LL and Order revision comments during this conference call.

 To the DOE telecommunications people, who continue to diligently try to resolve our telephone issues!

 To Ramona Hamby, Navarro Research and Engineering, Inc. support to the Oak Ridge Operations Office, for taking the minutes during the conference call and for the very timely and comprehensive reporting of them.

The July 2010 Conference Call is scheduled for Tuesday, July 13th Call-In #: 301-903-0746, Confirmation #: 286641 (60 lines). Note: To save time, attendees are asked to e-mail their name, company name or government organization, and phone number to Jeannie Boyle at the beginning of the conference call to make the roll call and welcome process less time consuming. Eugenia Boyle, DOE HS-32, E-Mail: [email protected]. Phone number: (301) 903-3393.


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