Father Steve Opened the Meeting with a Prayer

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Father Steve Opened the Meeting with a Prayer

St. Mary’s Finance Council Minutes June 25, 2015 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Elementary Library

In Attendance: Edna Kappus, Ken Smith, Connie Bushman, Linda Susa, Sue Pakiz, Jenny French, and Father Steve. Also in attendance—Sharon Street (Bookkeeper). Dick Lindner was absent.

Father Steve opened the meeting with a prayer.

The agenda was approved as distributed.

The minutes of the April meeting were approved as distributed.

The first item on the agenda were the Statement of Operations and Cash & Savings Statement reports. Several items were discussed and Sharon clarified what the numbers meant. No action was taken on either report.

The 2015-2016 budget was approved a few changes.

Father Steve announced that after Monday’s interviews, Margie Ouimette had been hired as the part- time religious ed coordinator and Seth Dupree had been hired as the part-time music coordinator. The financial impact on our parish will be approximately $17,500. They will start on August 1. It was decided that if they need any office supplies, it will come out of the office budget. St. Anthony’s has two small offices available for their use. The Finance Council decided this was a good solution for them.

Next item to be discussed was the proposal to rent the rectory. Father Joe will be leaving by July 1. Therefore, an announcement will be made next Sunday (June 28) asking for volunteers to help clean the rectory on Wed., July 1, at 10 a.m. After the cleaning, painting and replacing needs will be determined. Any excess items in the house will be added to the thrift sale. New locks will be required on the doors.

Barry and Megan Melcher have expressed interest in renting the rectory. Sue moved and Linda seconded that the rent will be set at $550 a month. Motion passed. $5,000 will also be added to the proposed budget for repairs to the rectory. Edna and Sharon shared the contract that will be signed by the Melchers and a $550 security deposit will be required.

The next report was an update on the Roof Campaign project. $5,525 has been raised so far. Mike Sladich will start on the project after he finishes his current job.

Next on the agenda was a discussion of Fair Share Tuition. Sharon gave on update of what was happening and handed out a suggested proposal for discussion on redirecting SCRIP Income as part of the tuition solution. Discussion covered how scrip works for school needs currently along with the general fund, and student tuition. Some parishioners are still confused how this program works. If we recommend the proposal, quarterly statements would be sent to parents concerning their fair share and what is still due. In May of each year, a letter would be sent to any parent(s) that still had to meet their fair share. Currently, 9 out of 12 parents have turned in their tuition statement forms and only 4 parents did not turn in their Scrip Program form yet. Sharon will re-visit the Scrip option with those remaining families. The last item on the agenda was an update on the progress of Online giving. If we begin by July 31, the $200 setup fee will be waived. After looking at the handout detailing costs, Ken moved and Connie seconded the motion to go with the online giving through Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) as soon as Sharon sends in the paperwork. Motion passed.


The next scheduled meeting of the Finance Council is a joint meeting of the Finance Councils on September 24 at 7 p.m. at St. Anthony’s.

The Deanery Convocation entitled Sharing Best Practices is October 7 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Anthony’s.

St. Mary’s Finance Council and Parish Council have a joint meeting on December 17 at 7 p.m.

Father closed the meeting with a prayer.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Submitted by Connie Bushman St. Mary’s Finance Council Secretary

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