Unit 3: Race and Ethnicity, Video Questions Name: ______

APARTHEID 46 YEARS IN 90 SECONDS - BBC NEWS (click on titles to watch video)

1. What was apartheid? What were some of the restrictions placed on blacks in South Africa under the system of apartheid?

2. What happened to people who tried to protest apartheid in South Africa?

BBC NEWSNIGHT: Michael Buerk on life in Apartheid South Africa

3. Why was there so much violence in South Africa in the mid-1980’s?

4. Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990. How long had he been imprisoned?

5. What happened in 1994?

6. What changed after the end of apartheid? What stayed the same?

Will South Africa Ever Recover from Apartheid?

7. Who was Henrik Verwoerd? 8. How did white South Africans justify apartheid?

9. Why was Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in jail on an isolated island prison? Can you think of different perspectives on the answer to this question?

10. What is the ANC? Why was it surprising that Wilhelm joined it?

11. Did apartheid really end in 1990? What changed? What didn’t?

12. Compare and contrast apartheid in South Africa to de jure and de facto segregation in the United States. How were they similar and different? What about each country’s approach to dealing with the legacies of segretation?