Fall Semester Finals Preparation Answers
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Fall Semester Finals Preparation Answers
Review the study guides, powerpoints and test corrections The study guides and power points are found on the website; you must come to my room to review the test questions.
Units: Ch 1,2,3 Worldviews, Sustainability, Economics, Politics, Scientific Method Ch 11, 5, 6, 7 Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution Ch 14 Toxicology and Human Health Ch 15 Freshwater, Biogeochemical Cycles, System Feedback Loops Ch 18 Climate Change, Carbon Cycle, System Feedback Loops Ch 22 Waste management
Review Part 1: Big Ideas Tell me something about each of the following and relate the concept to sustainable practices: Sustainability/Footprint/Overshoot Types of experiments (Natural, Case Study, The Tragedy of the Commons/Commons Epidemiological, Controlled) Worldviews Eutrophication History of Environmental Policy Evolution Environmental Economics Wastewater Treatment Regulations (Command & Control vs. Environmental Justice Economic [Incentive, Tax, Cap&Trade, NEPA offsets]) How GHG warm the atmosphere Systems (Feedback, Plate Tectonics, Rock Six Green House Gases Cycle, Biogeochemical Cycles) Six Water Quality Tests Ecology (Ecosystems & Biomes, Community, Six Types of Toxins Populations) Ecological, Environmental, Economic, and Ecosystem Services Social costs/harms or benefits
Review Part 2: Reflective Question 1. How has your education in Environmental Science affected your views on the environment or on environmental issues? (This should be a generalized statement) 2. To support your answer to #1 above, give 5 or more specific details about an environmental issue and explain how what you have learned in this class has affected your views/understanding of the issue. I am especially interested in your descriptions of views, understandings, or ideas that show evidence you have insights, understandings or ideas you did not have before your experiences in this course. This explanation in support of your education should include relevant concepts, facts, processes, and terminology. (Be sure to underline or number each specific detail you use in your supporting explanation.)
Units Biodiversity Toxicology & Human Health Freshwater Resources Climate Change Waste Management Review Part 3: Designing Experiments Designing a controlled experiment Identify a specific and measurable (percent, concentration, length, volume, number, etc.) independent and dependent variable. Compose a hypothesis that RELATES the specific and measurable independent and dependent variables. (The more ______, the more (or less) the ______) Experiment or Test o At least two variables (Three is best) o Identify one of the variables as the control and explain why it is a control. Why it can be used as a baseline for comparison. (Usually it is a known relationship between the I.V. and the D.V.) o Explain how you ensure accuracy (or reduce sources of error) (Keep factors that influence the dependent variable the same for all variations and trials.) o Explain how you will determine precision (Three or more trials or samples/variation) Results o Describe the results you might find and what they might mean. (If the ______is ______that means ______.)
Review Part 4: Acts, Treaties and Agencies Match the Regulation/Agreement/Treaty/Agency with the unit and explain briefly what it does. Antiquities Act FIFRA RCRA TSCA CAA Fish and REACH UNEP CDC Wildlife Rio Earth UNFCCC CERCLA Service Summit UNIPCC CITES Kyoto Protocol SDWA USDA CWA Lacy Act Stockholm Wild and EPA NEPA Convention on Scenic Rivers ESA NOAA Persistent Act FD&CA OSHA Organic Wilderness Act FDA OSHA Pollutants
Toxicology & Human Freshwater Waste Biodiversity Climate Change Health Resources Management