Supplemental Materials to Be Posted for Online Reference
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Supplemental Materials to be posted for online reference
Survey of Participation in Public Policy Advocacy
Section I: Involvement in Advocacy
1. I advocate for issues within my specific field of psychology (e.g., clinical psychology, school psychology, counseling psychology)
o Very frequently o Somewhat frequently o Rarely o Never
2. I advocate for issues outside of my specific field of psychology
o Very frequently o Somewhat frequently o Rarely o Never
Section II: Barriers to Advocacy
Please rank how relevant each of the following factors is in inhibiting you from participating in public policy advocacy activities.
1. I do not have time
o Very relevant o Somewhat relevant o Somewhat irrelevant o Very irrelevant
2. I am not aware of opportunities to become involved
o Very relevant o Somewhat relevant o Somewhat irrelevant o Very irrelevant
3. I do not have an interest in participating o Very relevant o Somewhat relevant o Somewhat irrelevant o Very irrelevant
4. I do not believe there is a need for public policy advocacy
o Very relevant o Somewhat relevant o Somewhat irrelevant o Very irrelevant
5. I do not believe my participation in advocacy will generate much of an effect
o Very relevant o Somewhat relevant o Somewhat irrelevant o Very irrelevant
6. I have had poor past experience(s) with public policy advocacy
o Very relevant o Somewhat relevant o Somewhat irrelevant o Very irrelevant
7. I do not want to give out my information and/or be put on any “lists”
o Very relevant o Somewhat relevant o Somewhat irrelevant o Very irrelevant
8. I do not believe I have enough knowledge to competently discuss public policy issues
o Very relevant o Somewhat relevant o Somewhat irrelevant o Very irrelevant 9. I do not believe I am persuasive enough
o Very relevant o Somewhat relevant o Somewhat irrelevant o Very irrelevant
10. I am not aware of the current public policy advocacy issues
o Very relevant o Somewhat relevant o Somewhat irrelevant o Very irrelevant
Section III: Demographics
1. Age
o 18-24 o 25-29 o 30-34 o 35-39 o 40-44 o 45-49 o 50-54 o 55-59 o 60-64 o 65 or older
2. Gender:
o Female o Male
3. Please describe your current connection with the university
o Faculty o Student o Staff o Alumni 4. If a student, currently seeking ______degree:
o Bachelor’s o Master’s o Specialist o Doctorate o Not applicable o Other (please specify)
5. If faculty or staff, highest degree held:
o Bachelor’s o Master’s o Specialist o Doctorate o Not applicable o Other (please specify)
6. Which of the following best describes your political orientation?
o Very liberal o Somewhat liberal o Moderate o Somewhat conservative Table 2
ANOVA for the Stepwise Regression Lack of Awareness on Advocacy Efforts
Sum of df Mean F Squares Square
Regression 8.373 1 8.373 17.270**
Residual 26.181 54 .485
Total 34.554 55
**p < .001 Table 3
Factor Loadings for Principal Components Analysis with Varimax Rotation of Barriers to Advocacy
Perceived barrier to advocacy Disinterest Uncertainty Unawareness
No time -.424
Unaware of opportunities .578 .613
Lack of interest .724
Belief that there is no need for advocacy .712
Belief that participation will be .803 ineffective
Poor past experiences .644
I do not want to give out my information .511
Lack of knowledge to discuss issues .715
Belief that person lacks persuasiveness .537 .432 -.484
Unaware of current issues .852