Central African Preaching Academy

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Central African Preaching Academy

Pastoral Ministry 3 Central African Preaching Academy Course Requirements

I. Course Description

This course provides a biblical study in issues related to leadership, specifically headship in the church and marriage, as well as the practice of leading a church with a plurality of elders (1 credit).

II. Course Objectives

A. To understand and appreciate the equality of men and women and their different roles as designed by God.

B. To embrace the biblical precedent and practical priorities of operating as a plurality of elders.

C. To be aware of and anticipate the dangers of pastoring in isolation.

III. Required Textbooks

A. The MacArthur Study Bible.

B. Alexander Strauch. Equal Yet Different.

C. John Piper and Wayne Grudem. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.

D. Alexander Strauch. Biblical Eldership.

IV. Assignments (due the last day of class, unless otherwise noted)

A. Book Review: Strauch, Equal Yet Different (due: last class of mod 2).

A.1) Read Strauch in its entirety.

A.2) Write a book review for each book that includes the following:

A.2.i. A heading, including your name and a full bibliographic entry for the book. There should be no other headings in the review.

A.2.ii. A statement of the purpose for which the book was written and a summary of the book’s content (about 1 page).

A.2.iii. A critical evaluation of the book’s contents. What are its strengths and weaknesses (about 1 page)?

A.2.iv. A response to the reading. What ideas challenged your thinking? Why did they challenge your thinking? How will what you learned change your ministry philosophy and practice of ministry (about 1 page)?

A.3) The book review should be 3 pages, double spaced.

A.4) The book review should have at least 3 references. References should only be from the book being reviewed. They should be parenthetical and only include the page number. Examples follow:

1 Pastoral Ministry 3 Central African Preaching Academy With a courtroom-like approach, Peterson sets out “to hear the case for eternal punishment and to cross-examine its main adversaries” with the goal of “defend[ing] the orthodox doctrine of hell” (17).

Peterson’s response to the biblical passages used by universalists is somewhat weak (152-55).

A.5) Follow Turabian format.

B. Extra Credit Reading

Read Piper and Grudem, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, chapters 1, 3, 7-13. This is an optional assignment.

C. Ministry Assessment

Serve in the local church throughout the semester. Have a church leader fill out the Ministry Assessment Form and give you feedback.

D. Sermon Evaluation

Preach twice during the semester. Complete and submit the Sermon Feedback Form for each message.

E. Strauch Biblical Eldership, chapters 2, 4, 6, 9, & 14 (no book review, just mark what percentage completed).

F. Leadership Training Plan; this will entail two parts, instructions will be given later.

V. Grade Distribution

A. Book Reviews 20%

B. Ministry Assessment 15%

C. Sermon Evaluations 30% (15% each)

D. Strauch Biblical Eldership chapters 2, 4, 6, 9, & 14 10%

E. Leadership Training Plan part 1 10%

F. Leadership Training Plan part 2 15%

100% + 5% for Extra Credit Reading

VI. Course Schedule

Modules 1 & 2: headship in the church and marriage

Modules 3 & 4: leading a church with a plurality of elders


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